Rev 6031: Add code to determine the moste recent tag. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Jul 18 16:52:56 UTC 2011


revno: 6031
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 2.5-up-to-date-609187
timestamp: Mon 2011-07-18 18:51:56 +0200
  Add code to determine the moste recent tag.
  This way, we can tell the user where the branch *is* at, so they can work out
  how out-of-date we are, etc.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/'
--- a/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/	2011-07-18 16:36:49 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/	2011-07-18 16:51:56 +0000
@@ -526,10 +526,15 @@
         place = archive.title()
         if series is not None:
             place = '%s/%s' % (place, series.title())
+        best_tag = lp_api_lite.get_most_recent_tag(tags, the_branch)
+        if best_tag is None:
+            best_message = ''
+        else:
+            best_message = '\nThe most recent tag found is %s' % (best_tag,)
             'Packaging branch is not up-to-date. The most recent published\n'
-            'version in %s is %s, but it is not in the branch tags for:\n  %s'
-            % (place, latest_ver, the_branch.base))
+            'version in %s is %s, but it is not in the branch tags for:\n  %s%s'
+            % (place, latest_ver, the_branch.base, best_message))
 def _register_hooks():

=== modified file 'bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/'
--- a/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/	2011-07-18 16:22:48 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/	2011-07-18 16:51:56 +0000
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 import urllib2
 from bzrlib import (
+    revision,
@@ -170,3 +171,19 @@
     return lp.get_latest_version()
+def get_most_recent_tag(tag_dict, the_branch):
+    """Get the most recent revision that has been tagged."""
+    # Note: this assumes that a given rev won't get tagged multiple times. But
+    #       it should be valid for the package importer branches that we care
+    #       about
+    reverse_dict = dict((rev, tag) for tag, rev in tag_dict.iteritems())
+    the_branch.lock_read()
+    try:
+        last_rev = the_branch.last_revision()
+        graph = the_branch.repository.get_graph()
+        stop_revisions = (None, revision.NULL_REVISION)
+        for rev_id in graph.iter_lefthand_ancestry(last_rev, stop_revisions):
+            if rev_id in reverse_dict:
+                return reverse_dict[rev_id]
+    finally:
+        the_branch.unlock()

=== modified file 'bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/'
--- a/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/	2011-07-18 16:22:48 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/	2011-07-18 16:51:56 +0000
@@ -325,3 +325,26 @@
             'debian', 'sid', 'foo')
+class TestGetMostRecentTag(tests.TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):
+    def make_simple_builder(self):
+        builder = self.make_branch_builder('tip')
+        builder.build_snapshot('A', [], [
+            ('add', ('', 'root-id', 'directory', None))])
+        b = builder.get_branch()
+        b.tags.set_tag('tip-1.0', 'A')
+        return builder, b, b.tags.get_tag_dict()
+    def test_get_most_recent_tag_tip(self):
+        builder, b, tag_dict = self.make_simple_builder()
+        self.assertEqual('tip-1.0',
+                         lp_api_lite.get_most_recent_tag(tag_dict, b))
+    def test_get_most_recent_tag_older(self):
+        builder, b, tag_dict = self.make_simple_builder()
+        builder.build_snapshot('B', ['A'], [])
+        self.assertEqual('B', b.last_revision())
+        self.assertEqual('tip-1.0',
+                         lp_api_lite.get_most_recent_tag(tag_dict, b))

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