Rev 5684: (vila) Add the opt-in ability to expand options in config files (Vincent in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Thu Feb 24 13:55:37 UTC 2011

At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

revno: 5684 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Thu 2011-02-24 13:55:32 +0000
  (vila) Add the opt-in ability to expand options in config files (Vincent
  bzrlib/help_topics/en/configuration.txt configuration.txt-20060314161707-868350809502af01
  doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt bzr2.4.txt-20110114053217-k7ym9jfz243fddjm-1
  doc/en/whats-new/whats-new-in-2.4.txt whatsnewin2.4.txt-20110114044330-nipk1og7j729fy89-1
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2010-09-25 00:42:22 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-02-18 11:24:21 +0000
@@ -231,7 +231,8 @@
-    UniqueIntegerBugTracker('gnome', ''))
+    UniqueIntegerBugTracker('gnome',
+                            ''))
 class URLParametrizedBugTracker(BugTracker):
@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@
     def get(self, abbreviation, branch):
         config = branch.get_config()
         url = config.get_user_option(
-            "%s_%s_url" % (self.type_name, abbreviation))
+            "%s_%s_url" % (self.type_name, abbreviation), expand=False)
         if url is None:
             return None
         self._base_url = url
@@ -261,9 +262,12 @@
         return urlutils.join(self._base_url, self._bug_area) + str(bug_id)
-class URLParametrizedIntegerBugTracker(IntegerBugTracker, URLParametrizedBugTracker):
-    """A type of bug tracker that can be found on a variety of different sites,
-    and thus needs to have the base URL configured, but only allows integer bug IDs.
+class URLParametrizedIntegerBugTracker(IntegerBugTracker,
+                                       URLParametrizedBugTracker):
+    """A type of bug tracker that  only allows integer bug IDs.
+    This can be found on a variety of different sites, and thus needs to have
+    the base URL configured.
     Looks for a config setting in the form '<type_name>_<abbreviation>_url'.
     `type_name` is the name of the type of tracker (e.g. 'bugzilla' or 'trac')

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2011-01-20 04:44:14 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-02-20 11:07:56 +0000
@@ -129,25 +129,50 @@
-_ConfigObj = None
-def ConfigObj(*args, **kwargs):
-    global _ConfigObj
-    if _ConfigObj is None:
-        class ConfigObj(configobj.ConfigObj):
-            def get_bool(self, section, key):
-                return self[section].as_bool(key)
-            def get_value(self, section, name):
-                # Try [] for the old DEFAULT section.
-                if section == "DEFAULT":
-                    try:
-                        return self[name]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                return self[section][name]
-        _ConfigObj = ConfigObj
-    return _ConfigObj(*args, **kwargs)
+class ConfigObj(configobj.ConfigObj):
+    def __init__(self, infile=None, **kwargs):
+        # We define our own interpolation mechanism calling it option expansion
+        super(ConfigObj, self).__init__(infile=infile,
+                                        interpolation=False,
+                                        **kwargs)
+    def get_bool(self, section, key):
+        return self[section].as_bool(key)
+    def get_value(self, section, name):
+        # Try [] for the old DEFAULT section.
+        if section == "DEFAULT":
+            try:
+                return self[name]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        return self[section][name]
+# FIXME: Until we can guarantee that each config file is loaded once and and
+# only once for a given bzrlib session, we don't want to re-read the file every
+# time we query for an option so we cache the value (bad ! watch out for tests
+# needing to restore the proper value).This shouldn't be part of 2.4.0 final,
+# yell at mgz^W vila and the RM if this is still present at that time
+# -- vila 20110219
+_expand_default_value = None
+def _get_expand_default_value():
+    global _expand_default_value
+    if _expand_default_value is not None:
+        return _expand_default_value
+    conf = GlobalConfig()
+    # Note that we must not use None for the expand value below or we'll run
+    # into infinite recursion. Using False really would be quite silly ;)
+    expand = conf.get_user_option_as_bool('bzr.config.expand', expand=True)
+    if expand is None:
+        # This is an opt-in feature, you *really* need to clearly say you want
+        # to activate it !
+        expand = False
+    _expand_default_value = expand
+    return expand
 class Config(object):
@@ -189,21 +214,167 @@
     def _get_signing_policy(self):
         """Template method to override signature creation policy."""
+    option_ref_re = None
+    def expand_options(self, string, env=None):
+        """Expand option references in the string in the configuration context.
+        :param string: The string containing option to expand.
+        :param env: An option dict defining additional configuration options or
+            overriding existing ones.
+        :returns: The expanded string.
+        """
+        return self._expand_options_in_string(string, env)
+    def _expand_options_in_list(self, slist, env=None, _ref_stack=None):
+        """Expand options in  a list of strings in the configuration context.
+        :param slist: A list of strings.
+        :param env: An option dict defining additional configuration options or
+            overriding existing ones.
+        :param _ref_stack: Private list containing the options being
+            expanded to detect loops.
+        :returns: The flatten list of expanded strings.
+        """
+        # expand options in each value separately flattening lists
+        result = []
+        for s in slist:
+            value = self._expand_options_in_string(s, env, _ref_stack)
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                result.extend(value)
+            else:
+                result.append(value)
+        return result
+    def _expand_options_in_string(self, string, env=None, _ref_stack=None):
+        """Expand options in the string in the configuration context.
+        :param string: The string to be expanded.
+        :param env: An option dict defining additional configuration options or
+            overriding existing ones.
+        :param _ref_stack: Private list containing the options being
+            expanded to detect loops.
+        :returns: The expanded string.
+        """
+        if string is None:
+            # Not much to expand there
+            return None
+        if _ref_stack is None:
+            # What references are currently resolved (to detect loops)
+            _ref_stack = []
+        if self.option_ref_re is None:
+            # We want to match the most embedded reference first (i.e. for
+            # '{{foo}}' we will get '{foo}',
+            # for '{bar{baz}}' we will get '{baz}'
+            self.option_ref_re = re.compile('({[^{}]+})')
+        result = string
+        # We need to iterate until no more refs appear ({{foo}} will need two
+        # iterations for example).
+        while True:
+            try:
+                raw_chunks = self.option_ref_re.split(result)
+            except TypeError:
+                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+            if len(raw_chunks) == 1:
+                # Shorcut the trivial case: no refs
+                return result
+            chunks = []
+            list_value = False
+            # Split will isolate refs so that every other chunk is a ref
+            chunk_is_ref = False
+            for chunk in raw_chunks:
+                if not chunk_is_ref:
+                    if chunk:
+                        # Keep only non-empty strings (or we get bogus empty
+                        # slots when a list value is involved).
+                        chunks.append(chunk)
+                    chunk_is_ref = True
+                else:
+                    name = chunk[1:-1]
+                    if name in _ref_stack:
+                        raise errors.OptionExpansionLoop(string, _ref_stack)
+                    _ref_stack.append(name)
+                    value = self._expand_option(name, env, _ref_stack)
+                    if value is None:
+                        raise errors.ExpandingUnknownOption(name, string)
+                    if isinstance(value, list):
+                        list_value = True
+                        chunks.extend(value)
+                    else:
+                        chunks.append(value)
+                    _ref_stack.pop()
+                    chunk_is_ref = False
+            if list_value:
+                # Once a list appears as the result of an expansion, all
+                # callers will get a list result. This allows a consistent
+                # behavior even when some options in the expansion chain
+                # defined as strings (no comma in their value) but their
+                # expanded value is a list.
+                return self._expand_options_in_list(chunks, env, _ref_stack)
+            else:
+                result = ''.join(chunks)
+        return result
+    def _expand_option(self, name, env, _ref_stack):
+        if env is not None and name in env:
+            # Special case, values provided in env takes precedence over
+            # anything else
+            value = env[name]
+        else:
+            # FIXME: This is a limited implementation, what we really need is a
+            # way to query the bzr config for the value of an option,
+            # respecting the scope rules (That is, once we implement fallback
+            # configs, getting the option value should restart from the top
+            # config, not the current one) -- vila 20101222
+            value = self.get_user_option(name, expand=False)
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                value = self._expand_options_in_list(value, env, _ref_stack)
+            else:
+                value = self._expand_options_in_string(value, env, _ref_stack)
+        return value
     def _get_user_option(self, option_name):
         """Template method to provide a user option."""
         return None
-    def get_user_option(self, option_name):
-        """Get a generic option - no special process, no default."""
-        return self._get_user_option(option_name)
-    def get_user_option_as_bool(self, option_name):
+    def get_user_option(self, option_name, expand=None):
+        """Get a generic option - no special process, no default.
+        :param option_name: The queried option.
+        :param expand: Whether options references should be expanded.
+        :returns: The value of the option.
+        """
+        if expand is None:
+            expand = _get_expand_default_value()
+        value = self._get_user_option(option_name)
+        if expand:
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                value = self._expand_options_in_list(value)
+            elif isinstance(value, dict):
+                trace.warning('Cannot expand "%s":'
+                              ' Dicts do not support option expansion'
+                              % (option_name,))
+            else:
+                value = self._expand_options_in_string(value)
+        return value
+    def get_user_option_as_bool(self, option_name, expand=None):
         """Get a generic option as a boolean - no special process, no default.
         :return None if the option doesn't exist or its value can't be
             interpreted as a boolean. Returns True or False otherwise.
-        s = self._get_user_option(option_name)
+        s = self.get_user_option(option_name, expand=expand)
         if s is None:
             # The option doesn't exist
             return None
@@ -214,15 +385,16 @@
                           s, option_name)
         return val
-    def get_user_option_as_list(self, option_name):
+    def get_user_option_as_list(self, option_name, expand=None):
         """Get a generic option as a list - no special process, no default.
         :return None if the option doesn't exist. Returns the value as a list
-        l = self._get_user_option(option_name)
+        l = self.get_user_option(option_name, expand=expand)
         if isinstance(l, (str, unicode)):
-            # A single value, most probably the user forgot the final ','
+            # A single value, most probably the user forgot (or didn't care to
+            # add) the final ','
             l = [l]
         return l
@@ -372,8 +544,9 @@
         # be found in the known_merge_tools if it's not found in the config.
         # This should be done through the proposed config defaults mechanism
         # when it becomes available in the future.
-        command_line = (self.get_user_option('bzr.mergetool.%s' % name) or
-                        mergetools.known_merge_tools.get(name, None))
+        command_line = (self.get_user_option('bzr.mergetool.%s' % name,
+                                             expand=False)
+                        or mergetools.known_merge_tools.get(name, None))
         return command_line
@@ -672,6 +845,11 @@
     def __init__(self, file_name):
         super(LockableConfig, self).__init__(file_name=file_name)
         self.dir = osutils.dirname(osutils.safe_unicode(self.file_name))
+        # FIXME: It doesn't matter that we don't provide possible_transports
+        # below since this is currently used only for local config files ;
+        # local transports are not shared. But if/when we start using
+        # LockableConfig for other kind of transports, we will need to reuse
+        # whatever connection is already established -- vila 20100929
         self.transport = transport.get_transport(self.dir)
         self._lock = lockdir.LockDir(self.transport, 'lock')

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2011-01-26 20:02:52 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-02-18 11:24:21 +0000
@@ -3221,3 +3221,22 @@
     def __init__(self, branch_url):
         self.branch_url = branch_url
+# FIXME: I would prefer to define the config related exception classes in
+# but the lazy import mechanism proscribes this -- vila 20101222
+class OptionExpansionLoop(BzrError):
+    _fmt = 'Loop involving %(refs)r while expanding "%(string)s".'
+    def __init__(self, string, refs):
+        self.string = string
+        self.refs = '->'.join(refs)
+class ExpandingUnknownOption(BzrError):
+    _fmt = 'Option %(name)s is not defined while expanding "%(string)s".'
+    def __init__(self, name, string):
+ = name
+        self.string = string

=== modified file 'bzrlib/help_topics/en/configuration.txt'
--- a/bzrlib/help_topics/en/configuration.txt	2011-01-16 01:12:01 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/help_topics/en/configuration.txt	2011-02-18 10:29:04 +0000
@@ -258,6 +258,13 @@
     email            = John Doe <jdoe at>
     check_signatures = require
+A variable can reference other variables **in the same configuration file** by
+enclosing them in curly brackets::
+    my_branch_name = feature_x
+    my_server      = bzr+ssh://
+    push_location   = {my_server}/project/{my_branch_name}
 Variable policies

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2011-02-11 17:12:35 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2011-02-20 11:07:56 +0000
@@ -954,6 +954,10 @@
         # between tests.  We should get rid of this altogether: bug 656694. --
         # mbp 20101008
         self.overrideAttr(bzrlib.trace, '_verbosity_level', 0)
+        # Isolate config option expansion until its default value for bzrlib is
+        # settled on or a the FIXME associated with _get_expand_default_value
+        # is addressed -- vila 20110219
+        self.overrideAttr(config, '_expand_default_value', None)
     def debug(self):
         # debug a frame up.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2011-02-22 13:51:26 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2011-02-24 13:55:32 +0000
@@ -540,6 +540,7 @@
             ' Use IniBasedConfig(_content=xxx) instead.'],
             conf._get_parser, file=config_file)
 class TestIniConfigSaving(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
     def test_cant_save_without_a_file_name(self):
@@ -553,6 +554,198 @@
         self.assertFileEqual(content, 'test.conf')
+class TestIniConfigOptionExpansionDefaultValue(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+    """What is the default value of expand for config options.
+    This is an opt-in beta feature used to evaluate whether or not option
+    references can appear in dangerous place raising exceptions, disapearing
+    (and as such corrupting data) or if it's safe to activate the option by
+    default.
+    Note that these tests relies on config._expand_default_value being already
+    overwritten in the parent class setUp.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestIniConfigOptionExpansionDefaultValue, self).setUp()
+        self.config = None
+        self.warnings = []
+        def warning(*args):
+            self.warnings.append(args[0] % args[1:])
+        self.overrideAttr(trace, 'warning', warning)
+    def get_config(self, expand):
+        c = config.GlobalConfig.from_string('bzr.config.expand=%s' % (expand,),
+                                            save=True)
+        return c
+    def assertExpandIs(self, expected):
+        actual = config._get_expand_default_value()
+        #self.config.get_user_option_as_bool('bzr.config.expand')
+        self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
+    def test_default_is_None(self):
+        self.assertEquals(None, config._expand_default_value)
+    def test_default_is_False_even_if_None(self):
+        self.config = self.get_config(None)
+        self.assertExpandIs(False)
+    def test_default_is_False_even_if_invalid(self):
+        self.config = self.get_config('<your choice>')
+        self.assertExpandIs(False)
+        # ...
+        # Huh ? My choice is False ? Thanks, always happy to hear that :D
+        # Wait, you've been warned !
+        self.assertLength(1, self.warnings)
+        self.assertEquals(
+            'Value "<your choice>" is not a boolean for "bzr.config.expand"',
+            self.warnings[0])
+    def test_default_is_True(self):
+        self.config = self.get_config(True)
+        self.assertExpandIs(True)
+    def test_default_is_False(self):
+        self.config = self.get_config(False)
+        self.assertExpandIs(False)
+class TestIniConfigOptionExpansion(tests.TestCase):
+    """Test option expansion from the IniConfig level.
+    What we really want here is to test the Config level, but the class being
+    abstract as far as storing values is concerned, this can't be done
+    properly (yet).
+    """
+    # FIXME: This should be rewritten when all configs share a storage
+    # implementation -- vila 2011-02-18
+    def get_config(self, string=None):
+        if string is None:
+            string = ''
+        c = config.IniBasedConfig.from_string(string)
+        return c
+    def assertExpansion(self, expected, conf, string, env=None):
+        self.assertEquals(expected, conf.expand_options(string, env))
+    def test_no_expansion(self):
+        c = self.get_config('')
+        self.assertExpansion('foo', c, 'foo')
+    def test_env_adding_options(self):
+        c = self.get_config('')
+        self.assertExpansion('bar', c, '{foo}', {'foo': 'bar'})
+    def test_env_overriding_options(self):
+        c = self.get_config('foo=baz')
+        self.assertExpansion('bar', c, '{foo}', {'foo': 'bar'})
+    def test_simple_ref(self):
+        c = self.get_config('foo=xxx')
+        self.assertExpansion('xxx', c, '{foo}')
+    def test_unknown_ref(self):
+        c = self.get_config('')
+        self.assertRaises(errors.ExpandingUnknownOption,
+                          c.expand_options, '{foo}')
+    def test_indirect_ref(self):
+        c = self.get_config('''
+        self.assertExpansion('xxx', c, '{bar}')
+    def test_embedded_ref(self):
+        c = self.get_config('''
+        self.assertExpansion('xxx', c, '{{bar}}')
+    def test_simple_loop(self):
+        c = self.get_config('foo={foo}')
+        self.assertRaises(errors.OptionExpansionLoop, c.expand_options, '{foo}')
+    def test_indirect_loop(self):
+        c = self.get_config('''
+        e = self.assertRaises(errors.OptionExpansionLoop,
+                              c.expand_options, '{foo}')
+        self.assertEquals('foo->bar->baz', e.refs)
+        self.assertEquals('{foo}', e.string)
+    def test_list(self):
+        conf = self.get_config('''
+        self.assertEquals(['start', 'middle', 'end'],
+                           conf.get_user_option('list', expand=True))
+    def test_cascading_list(self):
+        conf = self.get_config('''
+        self.assertEquals(['start', 'middle', 'end'],
+                           conf.get_user_option('list', expand=True))
+    def test_pathological_hidden_list(self):
+        conf = self.get_config('''
+        # Nope, it's either a string or a list, and the list wins as soon as a
+        # ',' appears, so the string concatenation never occur.
+        self.assertEquals(['{foo', '}', '{', 'bar}'],
+                          conf.get_user_option('hidden', expand=True))
+class TestLocationConfigOptionExpansion(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+    def get_config(self, location, string=None):
+        if string is None:
+            string = ''
+        # Since we don't save the config we won't strictly require to inherit
+        # from TestCaseInTempDir, but an error occurs so quickly...
+        c = config.LocationConfig.from_string(string, location)
+        return c
+    def test_dont_cross_unrelated_section(self):
+        c = self.get_config('/another/branch/path','''
+foo = hello
+bar = {foo}/2
+bar = {foo}/2
+        self.assertRaises(errors.ExpandingUnknownOption,
+                          c.get_user_option, 'bar', expand=True)
+    def test_cross_related_sections(self):
+        c = self.get_config('/project/branch/path','''
+foo = qu
+bar = {foo}ux
+        self.assertEquals('quux', c.get_user_option('bar', expand=True))
 class TestIniBaseConfigOnDisk(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
     def test_cannot_reload_without_name(self):
@@ -1011,7 +1204,7 @@
         conf = self._get_empty_config()
         cmdline = conf.find_merge_tool('kdiff3')
         self.assertEquals('kdiff3 {base} {this} {other} -o {result}', cmdline)
     def test_find_merge_tool_override_known(self):
         conf = self._get_empty_config()
         conf.set_user_option('bzr.mergetool.kdiff3', 'kdiff3 blah')

=== modified file 'doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt'
--- a/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt	2011-02-23 17:41:27 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt	2011-02-24 13:55:32 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,14 @@
 * External merge tools can now be configured in bazaar.conf. See
   ``bzr help configuration`` for more information.  (Gordon Tyler, #489915)
+* Configuration options can now use references to other options in the same
+  file by enclosing them with curly brackets (``{other_opt}``). This makes it
+  possible to use, for example,
+  ``push_location=lp:~vila/bzr/config-{nickname}`` in ``branch.conf`` when
+  using a loom. During the beta period, the default behaviour is to disable
+  this feature. It can be activated by declaring ``bzr.config.expand = True``
+  in ``bazaar.conf``. (Vincent Ladeuil)

=== modified file 'doc/en/whats-new/whats-new-in-2.4.txt'
--- a/doc/en/whats-new/whats-new-in-2.4.txt	2011-02-07 04:29:44 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/whats-new/whats-new-in-2.4.txt	2011-02-20 11:10:12 +0000
@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@
 revisions from tags will always be present, so that operations like ``bzr
 log -r tag:foo`` will always work.
+Configuration files
+Option values can now refer to other options in the same configuration file by
+enclosing them in curly brackets (``{option}``). This is an opt-in feature
+during the beta period controlled by the ``bzr.config.expand`` option that
+should be declared in ``bazaar.conf`` and no other file.
 Further information

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