Rev 5617: Release 2.3.0 in

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Feb 3 16:29:18 UTC 2011


revno: 5617
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: pqm at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: 2.3.0-dev
timestamp: Thu 2011-02-03 17:29:18 +0100
  Release 2.3.0
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2011-02-02 14:33:27 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-02-03 16:29:18 +0000
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 # Python version 2.0 is (2, 0, 0, 'final', 0)."  Additionally we use a
 # releaselevel of 'dev' for unreleased under-development code.
-version_info = (2, 3, 0, 'dev', 6)
+version_info = (2, 3, 0, 'final', 0)
 # API compatibility version
 api_minimum_version = (2, 3, 0)

=== modified file 'doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.3.txt'
--- a/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.3.txt	2011-02-02 14:33:27 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.3.txt	2011-02-03 16:29:18 +0000
@@ -8,54 +8,24 @@
 bzr 2.3.0
-External Compatibility Breaks
-.. These may require users to change the way they use Bazaar.
-New Features
-.. New commands, options, etc that users may wish to try out.
-.. Improvements to existing commands, especially improved performance 
-   or memory usage, or better results.
-Bug Fixes
-.. Fixes for situations where bzr would previously crash or give incorrect
-   or undesirable results.
-.. Improved or updated documentation.
-API Changes
-.. Changes that may require updates in plugins or other code that uses
-   bzrlib.
-.. Major internal changes, unlikely to be visible to users or plugin 
-   developers, but interesting for bzr developers.
-.. Fixes and changes that are only relevant to bzr's test framework and 
-   suite.  This can include new facilities for writing tests, fixes to 
-   spurious test failures and changes to the way things should be tested.
+:2.3.0: 2011-02-03
+This release marks the start of another long-term-stable series. From here, we
+will only make bugfix releases on the 2.3 series (2.3.1, etc, and support it
+until August 2012), while 2.4 will become our new development series. The 2.1
+and 2.2 series will also continue to get bugfixes. (Currently 2.0 is planned
+to be EOLed circa September 2011 and will receive only critical bugfixes.)
+This is a bugfix and polish release over the 2.2 series, with a large number
+of bugs fixed (>130), and some performance improvements. Some features have
+been enhanced including commits on stacked branches, upgrades of related
+branches, shortcut URL schemes for ubuntu and debian on launchpad and better
+conflict resolution.
+Only bugfixes from other stables series have been included since 2.3b5 so all
+known fixed bugs are included here.
+Users are encouraged to upgrade from the other stable series.
 bzr 2.3b5

=== modified file 'doc/en/whats-new/whats-new-in-2.3.txt'
--- a/doc/en/whats-new/whats-new-in-2.3.txt	2011-01-12 16:45:49 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/whats-new/whats-new-in-2.3.txt	2011-02-03 16:29:18 +0000
@@ -2,20 +2,24 @@
 What's New in Bazaar 2.3?
-Bazaar 2.3 is still under development, and will be released in February
-2011.  This document accumulates a high level summary of what's changed.
+Bazaar 2.3 has been released on the 3rd of February 2011 and marks the start
+of another long-term-stable series. From here, we will only make bugfix
+releases on the 2.3 series (2.3.1, etc), while 2.4 will become our new
+development series. The 2.1 and 2.2 series will also continue to get
+bugfixes. (Currently 2.0 is planned to be EOLed circa September 2011.)
+This document accumulates a high level summary of what's changed.
 See the
 :doc:`../release-notes/index` for a full list.
-Users are encouraged to upgrade from the other stable series.  This
-document outlines the improvements in Bazaar 2.3 vs Bazaar 2.2. As well as
-summarizing improvements made to the core product, it highlights
-enhancements within the broader Bazaar world of potential interest to
-those upgrading.
+Users are encouraged to upgrade from the other stable series.  This document
+outlines the improvements in Bazaar 2.3 vs Bazaar 2.2. As well as summarizing
+improvements made to the core product, it highlights enhancements within the
+broader Bazaar world of potential interest to those upgrading.
-Bazaar 2.3.0 is fully compatible both locally and on the network with 2.0
-2.1, and 2.2, and can read and write repositories generated by all
-previous versions.
+Bazaar 2.3.0 is fully compatible both locally and on the network with 2.0 2.1,
+and 2.2, and can read and write repositories generated by all previous
 Changed Behaviour
@@ -171,17 +175,6 @@
 working tree or branch as well as the ability to set or remove an
 option. Scripts can also use it to get only the value for a given option.
-Expected releases for the 2.3 series
-The 2.3 series has entered the beta phase and 2.3.0 should be released soon
-enough to be included into Natty Narwhal. 
-As a rough estimate, consider that 2.3.0 will be released in February
-2011 and be supported until August 2012. Additional releases will be
-made if critical bugs are encountered
 Further information

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