Rev 4881: Cherrypick the launchpad plugin changes for bug #609187. in
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Mon Aug 15 10:43:36 UTC 2011
revno: 4881
revision-id: john at
parent: pqm at
fixes bug(s):
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 2.1-launchpad-package-freshness-609187
timestamp: Mon 2011-08-15 12:42:59 +0200
Cherrypick the launchpad plugin changes for bug #609187.
When branching from lp:ubuntu/* or lp:debian/* report if the packaging branch has the
latest version of the appropriate package series.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'NEWS'
--- a/NEWS 2011-05-17 08:19:08 +0000
+++ b/NEWS 2011-08-15 10:42:59 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,31 @@
Bug Fixes
+* Accessing a packaging branch on Launchpad (eg, ``lp:ubuntu/bzr``) now
+ checks to see if the most recent published source package version for
+ that project is present in the branch tags. This should help developers
+ trust whether the packaging branch is up-to-date and can be used for new
+ changes. The level of verbosity is controlled by the config item
+ ``launchpad.packaging_verbosity``. It can be set to one of
+ off
+ disable all checks
+ minimal
+ only display if the branch is out-of-date
+ short
+ also display single-line up-to-date and missing,
+ all
+ (default) display multi-line content for all states
+ (John Arbash Meinel, #609187, #812928)
=== modified file 'bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/'
--- a/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/ 2010-11-30 20:42:42 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/ 2011-08-15 10:42:59 +0000
@@ -21,18 +21,20 @@
# see
-# Since we are a built-in plugin we share the bzrlib version
-from bzrlib import version_info
from bzrlib.lazy_import import lazy_import
lazy_import(globals(), """
from bzrlib import (
- branch as _mod_branch,
from bzrlib.commands import Command, Option, register_command
+from bzrlib import (
+ branch as _mod_branch,
+ lazy_regex,
+ # Since we are a built-in plugin we share the bzrlib version
+ version_info,
+ )
from bzrlib.directory_service import directories
from bzrlib.errors import (
@@ -283,12 +285,70 @@
'Launchpad-based directory service',)
+# This is kept in __init__ so that we don't load lp_api_lite unless the branch
+# actually matches. That way we can avoid importing extra dependencies like
+# json.
+_package_branch = lazy_regex.lazy_compile(
+ r'*?/'
+ r'(?P<user>~[^/]+/)?(?P<archive>ubuntu|debian)/(?P<series>[^/]+/)?'
+ r'(?P<project>[^/]+)(?P<branch>/[^/]+)?'
+ )
+def _get_package_branch_info(url):
+ """Determine the packaging information for this URL.
+ :return: If this isn't a packaging branch, return None. If it is, return
+ (archive, series, project)
+ """
+ if url is None:
+ return None
+ m =
+ if m is None:
+ return None
+ archive, series, project, user ='archive', 'series',
+ 'project', 'user')
+ if series is not None:
+ # series is optional, so the regex includes the extra '/', we don't
+ # want to send that on (it causes Internal Server Errors.)
+ series = series.strip('/')
+ if user is not None:
+ user = user.strip('~/')
+ if user != 'ubuntu-branches':
+ return None
+ return archive, series, project
+def _check_is_up_to_date(the_branch):
+ info = _get_package_branch_info(the_branch.base)
+ if info is None:
+ return
+ c = the_branch.get_config()
+ verbosity = c.get_user_option('launchpad.packaging_verbosity')
+ if verbosity is not None:
+ verbosity = verbosity.lower()
+ if verbosity == 'off':
+ trace.mutter('not checking %s because verbosity is turned off'
+ % (the_branch.base,))
+ return
+ archive, series, project = info
+ from bzrlib.plugins.launchpad import lp_api_lite
+ latest_pub = lp_api_lite.LatestPublication(archive, series, project)
+ lp_api_lite.report_freshness(the_branch, verbosity, latest_pub)
+def _register_hooks():
+ _mod_branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('open',
+ _check_is_up_to_date, 'package-branch-up-to-date')
def load_tests(basic_tests, module, loader):
testmod_names = [
+ 'test_lp_api_lite',
=== added file 'bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/'
--- a/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/ 2011-08-15 10:42:59 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+"""Tools for dealing with the Launchpad API without using launchpadlib.
+The api itself is a RESTful interface, so we can make HTTP queries directly.
+loading launchpadlib itself has a fairly high overhead (just calling
+Launchpad.login_anonymously() takes a 500ms once the WADL is cached, and 5+s to
+get the WADL.
+ # Use simplejson if available, much faster, and can be easily installed in
+ # older versions of python
+ import simplejson as json
+except ImportError:
+ # Is present since python 2.6
+ try:
+ import json
+ except ImportError:
+ json = None
+import time
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+from bzrlib import (
+ revision,
+ trace,
+ )
+class LatestPublication(object):
+ """Encapsulate how to find the latest publication for a given project."""
+ LP_API_ROOT = ''
+ def __init__(self, archive, series, project):
+ self._archive = archive
+ self._project = project
+ self._setup_series_and_pocket(series)
+ def _setup_series_and_pocket(self, series):
+ """Parse the 'series' info into a series and a pocket.
+ eg::
+ _setup_series_and_pocket('natty-proposed')
+ => _series == 'natty'
+ _pocket == 'Proposed'
+ """
+ self._series = series
+ self._pocket = None
+ if self._series is not None and '-' in self._series:
+ self._series, self._pocket = self._series.split('-', 1)
+ self._pocket = self._pocket.title()
+ else:
+ self._pocket = 'Release'
+ def _archive_URL(self):
+ """Return the Launchpad 'Archive' URL that we will query.
+ This is everything in the URL except the query parameters.
+ """
+ return '%s/%s/+archive/primary' % (self.LP_API_ROOT, self._archive)
+ def _publication_status(self):
+ """Handle the 'status' field.
+ It seems that Launchpad tracks all 'debian' packages as 'Pending', while
+ for 'ubuntu' we care about the 'Published' packages.
+ """
+ if self._archive == 'debian':
+ # Launchpad only tracks debian packages as "Pending", it doesn't mark
+ # them Published
+ return 'Pending'
+ return 'Published'
+ def _query_params(self):
+ """Get the parameters defining our query.
+ This defines the actions we are making against the archive.
+ :return: A dict of query parameters.
+ """
+ params = {'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources',
+ 'exact_match': 'true',
+ # If we need to use "" shouldn't we quote the project somehow?
+ 'source_name': '"%s"' % (self._project,),
+ 'status': self._publication_status(),
+ # We only need the latest one, the results seem to be properly
+ # most-recent-debian-version sorted
+ 'ws.size': '1',
+ }
+ if self._series is not None:
+ params['distro_series'] = '/%s/%s' % (self._archive, self._series)
+ if self._pocket is not None:
+ params['pocket'] = self._pocket
+ return params
+ def _query_URL(self):
+ """Create the full URL that we need to query, including parameters."""
+ params = self._query_params()
+ # We sort to give deterministic results for testing
+ encoded = urllib.urlencode(sorted(params.items()))
+ return '%s?%s' % (self._archive_URL(), encoded)
+ def _get_lp_info(self):
+ """Place an actual HTTP query against the Launchpad service."""
+ if json is None:
+ return None
+ query_URL = self._query_URL()
+ try:
+ req = urllib2.Request(query_URL)
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+ json_info =
+ # TODO: We haven't tested the HTTPError
+ except (urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError), e:
+ trace.mutter('failed to place query to %r' % (query_URL,))
+ trace.log_exception_quietly()
+ return None
+ return json_info
+ def _parse_json_info(self, json_info):
+ """Parse the json response from Launchpad into objects."""
+ if json is None:
+ return None
+ try:
+ return json.loads(json_info)
+ except Exception:
+ trace.mutter('Failed to parse json info: %r' % (json_info,))
+ trace.log_exception_quietly()
+ return None
+ def get_latest_version(self):
+ """Get the latest published version for the given package."""
+ json_info = self._get_lp_info()
+ if json_info is None:
+ return None
+ info = self._parse_json_info(json_info)
+ if info is None:
+ return None
+ try:
+ entries = info['entries']
+ if len(entries) == 0:
+ return None
+ return entries[0]['source_package_version']
+ except KeyError:
+ trace.log_exception_quietly()
+ return None
+ def place(self):
+ """Text-form for what location this represents.
+ Example::
+ ubuntu, natty => Ubuntu Natty
+ ubuntu, natty-proposed => Ubuntu Natty Proposed
+ :return: A string representing the location we are checking.
+ """
+ place = self._archive
+ if self._series is not None:
+ place = '%s %s' % (place, self._series)
+ if self._pocket is not None and self._pocket != 'Release':
+ place = '%s %s' % (place, self._pocket)
+ return place.title()
+def get_latest_publication(archive, series, project):
+ """Get the most recent publication for a given project.
+ :param archive: Either 'ubuntu' or 'debian'
+ :param series: Something like 'natty', 'sid', etc. Can be set as None. Can
+ also include a pocket such as 'natty-proposed'.
+ :param project: Something like 'bzr'
+ :return: A version string indicating the most-recent version published in
+ Launchpad. Might return None if there is an error.
+ """
+ lp = LatestPublication(archive, series, project)
+ return lp.get_latest_version()
+def get_most_recent_tag(tag_dict, the_branch):
+ """Get the most recent revision that has been tagged."""
+ # Note: this assumes that a given rev won't get tagged multiple times. But
+ # it should be valid for the package importer branches that we care
+ # about
+ reverse_dict = dict((rev, tag) for tag, rev in tag_dict.iteritems())
+ the_branch.lock_read()
+ try:
+ history = the_branch.repository.iter_reverse_revision_history(
+ the_branch.last_revision())
+ for rev_id in history:
+ if rev_id in reverse_dict:
+ return reverse_dict[rev_id]
+ finally:
+ the_branch.unlock()
+def _get_newest_versions(the_branch, latest_pub):
+ """Get information about how 'fresh' this packaging branch is.
+ :param the_branch: The Branch to check
+ :param latest_pub: The LatestPublication used to check most recent
+ published version.
+ :return: (latest_ver, branch_latest_ver)
+ """
+ t = time.time()
+ latest_ver = latest_pub.get_latest_version()
+ t_latest_ver = time.time() - t
+ trace.mutter('LatestPublication.get_latest_version took: %.3fs'
+ % (t_latest_ver,))
+ if latest_ver is None:
+ return None, None
+ t = time.time()
+ tags = the_branch.tags.get_tag_dict()
+ t_tag_dict = time.time() - t
+ trace.mutter('LatestPublication.get_tag_dict took: %.3fs' % (t_tag_dict,))
+ if latest_ver in tags:
+ # branch might have a newer tag, but we don't really care
+ return latest_ver, latest_ver
+ else:
+ best_tag = get_most_recent_tag(tags, the_branch)
+ return latest_ver, best_tag
+def _report_freshness(latest_ver, branch_latest_ver, place, verbosity,
+ report_func):
+ """Report if the branch is up-to-date."""
+ if latest_ver is None:
+ if verbosity == 'all':
+ report_func('Most recent %s version: MISSING' % (place,))
+ elif verbosity == 'short':
+ report_func('%s is MISSING a version' % (place,))
+ return
+ elif latest_ver == branch_latest_ver:
+ if verbosity == 'minimal':
+ return
+ elif verbosity == 'short':
+ report_func('%s is CURRENT in %s' % (latest_ver, place))
+ else:
+ report_func('Most recent %s version: %s\n'
+ 'Packaging branch status: CURRENT'
+ % (place, latest_ver))
+ else:
+ if verbosity in ('minimal', 'short'):
+ if branch_latest_ver is None:
+ branch_latest_ver = 'Branch'
+ report_func('%s is OUT-OF-DATE, %s has %s'
+ % (branch_latest_ver, place, latest_ver))
+ else:
+ report_func('Most recent %s version: %s\n'
+ 'Packaging branch version: %s\n'
+ 'Packaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE'
+ % (place, latest_ver, branch_latest_ver))
+def report_freshness(the_branch, verbosity, latest_pub):
+ """Report to the user how up-to-date the packaging branch is.
+ :param the_branch: A Branch object
+ :param verbosity: Can be one of:
+ off: Do not print anything, and skip all checks.
+ all: Print all information that we have in a verbose manner, this
+ includes misses, etc.
+ short: Print information, but only one-line summaries
+ minimal: Only print a one-line summary when the package branch is
+ out-of-date
+ :param latest_pub: A LatestPublication instance
+ """
+ if verbosity == 'off':
+ return
+ if verbosity is None:
+ verbosity = 'all'
+ latest_ver, branch_ver = _get_newest_versions(the_branch, latest_pub)
+ place =
+ _report_freshness(latest_ver, branch_ver, place, verbosity,
+ trace.note)
=== added file 'bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/'
--- a/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/ 2011-08-15 10:42:59 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+"""Tools for dealing with the Launchpad API without using launchpadlib.
+import doctest
+import socket
+from bzrlib import tests
+from bzrlib.plugins import launchpad
+from bzrlib.plugins.launchpad import lp_api_lite
+from testtools.matchers import DocTestMatches
+class _JSONParserFeature(tests.Feature):
+ def _probe(self):
+ return lp_api_lite.json is not None
+ def feature_name(self):
+ return 'simplejson or json'
+JSONParserFeature = _JSONParserFeature()
+_example_response = r"""
+ "total_size": 2,
+ "start": 0,
+ "next_collection_link": "",
+ "entries": [
+ {
+ "package_creator_link": "",
+ "package_signer_link": "",
+ "source_package_name": "bzr",
+ "removal_comment": null,
+ "display_name": "bzr 2.1.4-0ubuntu1 in lucid",
+ "date_made_pending": null,
+ "source_package_version": "2.1.4-0ubuntu1",
+ "date_superseded": null,
+ "http_etag": "\"9ba966152dec474dc0fe1629d0bbce2452efaf3b-5f4c3fbb3eaf26d502db4089777a9b6a0537ffab\"",
+ "self_link": "",
+ "distro_series_link": "",
+ "component_name": "main",
+ "status": "Published",
+ "date_removed": null,
+ "pocket": "Updates",
+ "date_published": "2011-05-30T06:09:58.653984+00:00",
+ "removed_by_link": null,
+ "section_name": "devel",
+ "resource_type_link": "",
+ "archive_link": "",
+ "package_maintainer_link": "",
+ "date_created": "2011-05-30T05:19:12.233621+00:00",
+ "scheduled_deletion_date": null
+ }
+ ]
+_no_versions_response = '{"total_size": 0, "start": 0, "entries": []}'
+class TestLatestPublication(tests.TestCase):
+ def make_latest_publication(self, archive='ubuntu', series='natty',
+ project='bzr'):
+ return lp_api_lite.LatestPublication(archive, series, project)
+ def assertPlace(self, place, archive, series, project):
+ lp = lp_api_lite.LatestPublication(archive, series, project)
+ self.assertEqual(place,
+ def test_init(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertEqual('ubuntu', latest_pub._archive)
+ self.assertEqual('natty', latest_pub._series)
+ self.assertEqual('bzr', latest_pub._project)
+ self.assertEqual('Release', latest_pub._pocket)
+ def test__archive_URL(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '',
+ latest_pub._archive_URL())
+ def test__publication_status_for_ubuntu(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertEqual('Published', latest_pub._publication_status())
+ def test__publication_status_for_debian(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication(archive='debian')
+ self.assertEqual('Pending', latest_pub._publication_status())
+ def test_pocket(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication(series='natty-proposed')
+ self.assertEqual('natty', latest_pub._series)
+ self.assertEqual('Proposed', latest_pub._pocket)
+ def test_series_None(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication(series=None)
+ self.assertEqual('ubuntu', latest_pub._archive)
+ self.assertEqual(None, latest_pub._series)
+ self.assertEqual('bzr', latest_pub._project)
+ self.assertEqual('Release', latest_pub._pocket)
+ def test__query_params(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertEqual({'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources',
+ 'exact_match': 'true',
+ 'source_name': '"bzr"',
+ 'status': 'Published',
+ 'ws.size': '1',
+ 'distro_series': '/ubuntu/natty',
+ 'pocket': 'Release',
+ }, latest_pub._query_params())
+ def test__query_params_no_series(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication(series=None)
+ self.assertEqual({'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources',
+ 'exact_match': 'true',
+ 'source_name': '"bzr"',
+ 'status': 'Published',
+ 'ws.size': '1',
+ 'pocket': 'Release',
+ }, latest_pub._query_params())
+ def test__query_params_pocket(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication(series='natty-proposed')
+ self.assertEqual({'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources',
+ 'exact_match': 'true',
+ 'source_name': '"bzr"',
+ 'status': 'Published',
+ 'ws.size': '1',
+ 'distro_series': '/ubuntu/natty',
+ 'pocket': 'Proposed',
+ }, latest_pub._query_params())
+ def test__query_URL(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ # we explicitly sort params, so we can be sure this URL matches exactly
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ''
+ '?distro_series=%2Fubuntu%2Fnatty&exact_match=true'
+ '&pocket=Release&source_name=%22bzr%22&status=Published'
+ '&ws.op=getPublishedSources&ws.size=1',
+ latest_pub._query_URL())
+ def DONT_test__gracefully_handle_failed_rpc_connection(self):
+ # TODO: This test kind of sucks. We intentionally create an arbitrary
+ # port and don't listen to it, because we want the request to fail.
+ # However, it seems to take 1s for it to timeout. Is there a way
+ # to make it fail faster?
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ s = socket.socket()
+ s.bind(('', 0))
+ addr, port = s.getsockname()
+ latest_pub.LP_API_ROOT = 'http://%s:%s/' % (addr, port)
+ s.close()
+ self.assertIs(None, latest_pub._get_lp_info())
+ def DONT_test__query_launchpad(self):
+ # TODO: This is a test that we are making a valid request against
+ # launchpad. This seems important, but it is slow, requires net
+ # access, and requires launchpad to be up and running. So for
+ # now, it is commented out for production tests.
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ json_txt = latest_pub._get_lp_info()
+ self.assertIsNot(None, json_txt)
+ if lp_api_lite.json is None:
+ # We don't have a way to parse the text
+ return
+ # The content should be a valid json result
+ content = lp_api_lite.json.loads(json_txt)
+ entries = content['entries'] # It should have an 'entries' field.
+ # ws.size should mean we get 0 or 1, and there should be something
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
+ entry = entries[0]
+ self.assertEqual('bzr', entry['source_package_name'])
+ version = entry['source_package_version']
+ self.assertIsNot(None, version)
+ def disableJSON(self):
+ orig = lp_api_lite.json
+ def cleanup():
+ lp_api_lite.json = orig
+ self.addCleanup(cleanup)
+ lp_api_lite.json = None
+ def test__get_lp_info_no_json(self):
+ # If we can't parse the json, we don't make the query.
+ self.disableJSON()
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertIs(None, latest_pub._get_lp_info())
+ def test__parse_json_info_no_module(self):
+ # If a json parsing module isn't available, we just return None here.
+ self.disableJSON()
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertIs(None, latest_pub._parse_json_info(_example_response))
+ def test__parse_json_example_response(self):
+ self.requireFeature(JSONParserFeature)
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ content = latest_pub._parse_json_info(_example_response)
+ self.assertIsNot(None, content)
+ self.assertEqual(2, content['total_size'])
+ entries = content['entries']
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
+ entry = entries[0]
+ self.assertEqual('bzr', entry['source_package_name'])
+ self.assertEqual("2.1.4-0ubuntu1", entry["source_package_version"])
+ def test__parse_json_not_json(self):
+ self.requireFeature(JSONParserFeature)
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertIs(None, latest_pub._parse_json_info('Not_valid_json'))
+ def test_get_latest_version_no_response(self):
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ latest_pub._get_lp_info = lambda: None
+ self.assertEqual(None, latest_pub.get_latest_version())
+ def test_get_latest_version_no_json(self):
+ self.disableJSON()
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertEqual(None, latest_pub.get_latest_version())
+ def test_get_latest_version_invalid_json(self):
+ self.requireFeature(JSONParserFeature)
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ latest_pub._get_lp_info = lambda: "not json"
+ self.assertEqual(None, latest_pub.get_latest_version())
+ def test_get_latest_version_no_versions(self):
+ self.requireFeature(JSONParserFeature)
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ latest_pub._get_lp_info = lambda: _no_versions_response
+ self.assertEqual(None, latest_pub.get_latest_version())
+ def test_get_latest_version_missing_entries(self):
+ # Launchpad's no-entries response does have an empty entries value.
+ # However, lets test that we handle other failures without tracebacks
+ self.requireFeature(JSONParserFeature)
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ latest_pub._get_lp_info = lambda: '{}'
+ self.assertEqual(None, latest_pub.get_latest_version())
+ def test_get_latest_version_invalid_entries(self):
+ # Make sure we sanely handle a json response we don't understand
+ self.requireFeature(JSONParserFeature)
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ latest_pub._get_lp_info = lambda: '{"entries": {"a": 1}}'
+ self.assertEqual(None, latest_pub.get_latest_version())
+ def test_get_latest_version_example(self):
+ self.requireFeature(JSONParserFeature)
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ latest_pub._get_lp_info = lambda: _example_response
+ self.assertEqual("2.1.4-0ubuntu1", latest_pub.get_latest_version())
+ def DONT_test_get_latest_version_from_launchpad(self):
+ self.requireFeature(JSONParserFeature)
+ latest_pub = self.make_latest_publication()
+ self.assertIsNot(None, latest_pub.get_latest_version())
+ def test_place(self):
+ self.assertPlace('Ubuntu', 'ubuntu', None, 'bzr')
+ self.assertPlace('Ubuntu Natty', 'ubuntu', 'natty', 'bzr')
+ self.assertPlace('Ubuntu Natty Proposed', 'ubuntu', 'natty-proposed',
+ 'bzr')
+ self.assertPlace('Debian', 'debian', None, 'bzr')
+ self.assertPlace('Debian Sid', 'debian', 'sid', 'bzr')
+class TestIsUpToDate(tests.TestCase):
+ def assertPackageBranchRe(self, url, user, archive, series, project):
+ m =
+ if m is None:
+'package_branch regex did not match url: %s' % (url,))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ (user, archive, series, project),
+'user', 'archive', 'series', 'project'))
+ def assertNotPackageBranch(self, url):
+ self.assertIs(None, launchpad._get_package_branch_info(url))
+ def assertBranchInfo(self, url, archive, series, project):
+ self.assertEqual((archive, series, project),
+ launchpad._get_package_branch_info(url))
+ def test_package_branch_regex(self):
+ self.assertPackageBranchRe(
+ '',
+ None, 'ubuntu', None, 'foo')
+ self.assertPackageBranchRe(
+ 'bzr+ssh://',
+ None, 'ubuntu', 'natty/', 'foo')
+ self.assertPackageBranchRe(
+ 's',
+ None, 'debian', None, 'foo')
+ self.assertPackageBranchRe(
+ '',
+ None, 'debian', 'sid/', 'foo')
+ self.assertPackageBranchRe(
+ ''
+ '/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/foo/natty',
+ '~ubuntu-branches/', 'ubuntu', 'natty/', 'foo')
+ self.assertPackageBranchRe(
+ ''
+ '/~user/ubuntu/natty/foo/test',
+ '~user/', 'ubuntu', 'natty/', 'foo')
+ def test_package_branch_doesnt_match(self):
+ self.assertNotPackageBranch('')
+ self.assertNotPackageBranch(
+ '')
+ self.assertNotPackageBranch(
+ '')
+ # Not a packaging branch because ~user isn't ~ubuntu-branches
+ self.assertNotPackageBranch(
+ ''
+ '/~user/ubuntu/natty/foo/natty')
+ # Older versions of bzr-svn/hg/git did not set Branch.base until after
+ # they called Branch.__init__().
+ self.assertNotPackageBranch(None)
+ def test__get_package_branch_info(self):
+ self.assertBranchInfo(
+ 'bzr+ssh://',
+ 'ubuntu', 'natty', 'foo')
+ self.assertBranchInfo(
+ 'bzr+ssh://'
+ '/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/foo/natty',
+ 'ubuntu', 'natty', 'foo')
+ self.assertBranchInfo(
+ ''
+ '/~ubuntu-branches/debian/sid/foo/sid',
+ 'debian', 'sid', 'foo')
+class TestGetMostRecentTag(tests.TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):
+ def make_simple_builder(self):
+ builder = self.make_branch_builder('tip')
+ builder.build_snapshot('A', None, [
+ ('add', ('', 'root-id', 'directory', None))])
+ b = builder.get_branch()
+ b.tags.set_tag('tip-1.0', 'A')
+ return builder, b, b.tags.get_tag_dict()
+ def test_get_most_recent_tag_tip(self):
+ builder, b, tag_dict = self.make_simple_builder()
+ self.assertEqual('tip-1.0',
+ lp_api_lite.get_most_recent_tag(tag_dict, b))
+ def test_get_most_recent_tag_older(self):
+ builder, b, tag_dict = self.make_simple_builder()
+ builder.build_snapshot('B', ['A'], [])
+ self.assertEqual('B', b.last_revision())
+ self.assertEqual('tip-1.0',
+ lp_api_lite.get_most_recent_tag(tag_dict, b))
+class StubLatestPublication(object):
+ def __init__(self, latest):
+ self.called = False
+ self.latest = latest
+ def get_latest_version(self):
+ self.called = True
+ return self.latest
+ def place(self):
+ return 'Ubuntu Natty'
+class TestReportFreshness(tests.TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestReportFreshness, self).setUp()
+ builder = self.make_branch_builder('tip')
+ builder.build_snapshot('A', None, [
+ ('add', ('', 'root-id', 'directory', None))])
+ self.branch = builder.get_branch()
+ def assertFreshnessReports(self, verbosity, latest_version, content):
+ """Assert that lp_api_lite.report_freshness reports the given content.
+ :param verbosity: The reporting level
+ :param latest_version: The version reported by StubLatestPublication
+ :param content: The expected content. This should be in DocTest form.
+ """
+ orig_log_len = len(self.get_log())
+ lp_api_lite.report_freshness(self.branch, verbosity,
+ StubLatestPublication(latest_version))
+ new_content = self.get_log()[orig_log_len:]
+ # Strip out lines that have LatestPublication.get_* because those are
+ # timing related lines. While interesting to log for now, they aren't
+ # something we want to be testing
+ new_content = new_content.split('\n')
+ for i in range(2):
+ if (len(new_content) > 0
+ and 'LatestPublication.get_' in new_content[0]):
+ new_content = new_content[1:]
+ new_content = '\n'.join(new_content)
+ self.assertThat(new_content,
+ DocTestMatches(content,
+ doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.REPORT_UDIFF))
+ def test_verbosity_off_skips_check(self):
+ # We force _get_package_branch_info so that we know it would otherwise
+ # try to connect to launcphad
+ orig_gpbi = launchpad._get_package_branch_info
+ orig_lp = lp_api_lite.LatestPublication
+ def cleanup():
+ launchpad._get_package_branch_info = orig_gpbi
+ lp_api_lite.LatestPublication = orig_lp
+ self.addCleanup(cleanup)
+ launchpad._get_package_branch_info = lambda x: ('ubuntu', 'natty', 'bzr')
+ lp_api_lite.LatestPublication = lambda *args:'Tried to query launchpad')
+ c = self.branch.get_config()
+ c.set_user_option('launchpad.packaging_verbosity', 'off')
+ orig_log_len = len(self.get_log())
+ launchpad._check_is_up_to_date(self.branch)
+ new_content = self.get_log()[orig_log_len:]
+ self.assertContainsRe(new_content,
+ 'not checking memory.*/tip/ because verbosity is turned off')
+ def test_verbosity_off(self):
+ latest_pub = StubLatestPublication('1.0-1ubuntu2')
+ lp_api_lite.report_freshness(self.branch, 'off', latest_pub)
+ self.assertFalse(latest_pub.called)
+ def test_verbosity_all_out_of_date_smoke(self):
+ self.branch.tags.set_tag('1.0-1ubuntu1', 'A')
+ self.assertFreshnessReports('all', '1.0-1ubuntu2',
+ ' INFO Most recent Ubuntu Natty version: 1.0-1ubuntu2\n'
+ 'Packaging branch version: 1.0-1ubuntu1\n'
+ 'Packaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE\n')
+class Test_GetNewestVersions(tests.TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(Test_GetNewestVersions, self).setUp()
+ builder = self.make_branch_builder('tip')
+ builder.build_snapshot('A', None, [
+ ('add', ('', 'root-id', 'directory', None))])
+ self.branch = builder.get_branch()
+ def assertLatestVersions(self, latest_branch_version, pub_version):
+ if latest_branch_version is not None:
+ self.branch.tags.set_tag(latest_branch_version, 'A')
+ latest_pub = StubLatestPublication(pub_version)
+ self.assertEqual((pub_version, latest_branch_version),
+ lp_api_lite._get_newest_versions(self.branch, latest_pub))
+ def test_no_tags(self):
+ self.assertLatestVersions(None, '1.0-1ubuntu2')
+ def test_out_of_date(self):
+ self.assertLatestVersions('1.0-1ubuntu1', '1.0-1ubuntu2')
+ def test_up_to_date(self):
+ self.assertLatestVersions('1.0-1ubuntu2', '1.0-1ubuntu2')
+ def test_missing(self):
+ self.assertLatestVersions(None, None)
+class Test_ReportFreshness(tests.TestCase):
+ def assertReportedFreshness(self, verbosity, latest_ver, branch_latest_ver,
+ content, place='Ubuntu Natty'):
+ """Assert that lp_api_lite.report_freshness reports the given content.
+ """
+ reported = []
+ def report_func(value):
+ reported.append(value)
+ lp_api_lite._report_freshness(latest_ver, branch_latest_ver, place,
+ verbosity, report_func)
+ new_content = '\n'.join(reported)
+ self.assertThat(new_content,
+ DocTestMatches(content,
+ doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.REPORT_UDIFF))
+ def test_verbosity_minimal_no_tags(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('minimal', '1.0-1ubuntu2', None,
+ 'Branch is OUT-OF-DATE, Ubuntu Natty has 1.0-1ubuntu2\n')
+ def test_verbosity_minimal_out_of_date(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('minimal', '1.0-1ubuntu2', '1.0-1ubuntu1',
+ '1.0-1ubuntu1 is OUT-OF-DATE,'
+ ' Ubuntu Natty has 1.0-1ubuntu2\n')
+ def test_verbosity_minimal_up_to_date(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('minimal', '1.0-1ubuntu2', '1.0-1ubuntu2',
+ '')
+ def test_verbosity_minimal_missing(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('minimal', None, None,
+ '')
+ def test_verbosity_short_out_of_date(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('short', '1.0-1ubuntu2', '1.0-1ubuntu1',
+ '1.0-1ubuntu1 is OUT-OF-DATE,'
+ ' Ubuntu Natty has 1.0-1ubuntu2\n')
+ def test_verbosity_short_up_to_date(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('short', '1.0-1ubuntu2', '1.0-1ubuntu2',
+ '1.0-1ubuntu2 is CURRENT in Ubuntu Natty')
+ def test_verbosity_short_missing(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('short', None, None,
+ 'Ubuntu Natty is MISSING a version')
+ def test_verbosity_all_no_tags(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('all', '1.0-1ubuntu2', None,
+ 'Most recent Ubuntu Natty version: 1.0-1ubuntu2\n'
+ 'Packaging branch version: None\n'
+ 'Packaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE\n')
+ def test_verbosity_all_out_of_date(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('all', '1.0-1ubuntu2', '1.0-1ubuntu1',
+ 'Most recent Ubuntu Natty version: 1.0-1ubuntu2\n'
+ 'Packaging branch version: 1.0-1ubuntu1\n'
+ 'Packaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE\n')
+ def test_verbosity_all_up_to_date(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('all', '1.0-1ubuntu2', '1.0-1ubuntu2',
+ 'Most recent Ubuntu Natty version: 1.0-1ubuntu2\n'
+ 'Packaging branch status: CURRENT\n')
+ def test_verbosity_all_missing(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness('all', None, None,
+ 'Most recent Ubuntu Natty version: MISSING\n')
+ def test_verbosity_None_is_all(self):
+ self.assertReportedFreshness(None, '1.0-1ubuntu2', '1.0-1ubuntu2',
+ 'Most recent Ubuntu Natty version: 1.0-1ubuntu2\n'
+ 'Packaging branch status: CURRENT\n')
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