Rev 5495: (mbp) document standards for updating news, whatsnew, etc (Martin Pool) in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Thu Oct 14 23:53:44 BST 2010

At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

revno: 5495 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: mbp at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Thu 2010-10-14 23:53:43 +0100
  (mbp) document standards for updating news, whatsnew, etc (Martin Pool)
  doc/developers/documenting-changes.txt documentingchanges.t-20101013040916-yk0dmle751kjoprm-1
  doc/developers/HACKING.txt     HACKING-20050805200004-2a5dc975d870f78c
  doc/developers/index-plain.txt indexplain.txt-20090909123806-96yfsgrqwra8cwq7-1
  doc/developers/index.txt       index.txt-20070508041241-qznziunkg0nffhiw-1
=== modified file 'doc/developers/HACKING.txt'
--- a/doc/developers/HACKING.txt	2010-09-03 09:14:12 +0000
+++ b/doc/developers/HACKING.txt	2010-10-13 04:13:48 +0000
@@ -359,70 +359,6 @@
 can't fix.
-Documenting Changes
-When you change bzrlib, please update the relevant documentation for the
-change you made: Changes to commands should update their help, and
-possibly end user tutorials; changes to the core library should be
-reflected in API documentation.
-NEWS File
-If you make a user-visible change, please add a note to the NEWS file.
-The description should be written to make sense to someone who's just
-a user of bzr, not a developer: new functions or classes shouldn't be
-mentioned, but new commands, changes in behaviour or fixed nontrivial
-bugs should be listed.  See the existing entries for an idea of what
-should be done.
-Within each release, entries in the news file should have the most
-user-visible changes first.  So the order should be approximately:
- * changes to existing behaviour - the highest priority because the
-   user's existing knowledge is incorrect
- * new features - should be brought to their attention
- * bug fixes - may be of interest if the bug was affecting them, and
-   should include the bug number if any
- * major documentation changes, including fixed documentation bugs
- * changes to internal interfaces
-People who made significant contributions to each change are listed in
-parenthesis.  This can include reporting bugs (particularly with good
-details or reproduction recipes), submitting patches, etc.
-To help with merging, NEWS entries should be sorted lexicographically
-within each section.
-The docstring of a command is used by ``bzr help`` to generate help output
-for the command. The list 'takes_options' attribute on a command is used by
-``bzr help`` to document the options for the command - the command
-docstring does not need to document them. Finally, the '_see_also'
-attribute on a command can be used to reference other related help topics.
-API Documentation
-Functions, methods, classes and modules should have docstrings
-describing how they are used.
-The first line of the docstring should be a self-contained sentence.
-For the special case of Command classes, this acts as the user-visible
-documentation shown by the help command.
-The docstrings should be formatted as reStructuredText_ (like this
-document), suitable for processing using the epydoc_ tool into HTML
-.. _reStructuredText:
-.. _epydoc:
 General Guidelines

=== added file 'doc/developers/documenting-changes.txt'
--- a/doc/developers/documenting-changes.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/doc/developers/documenting-changes.txt	2010-10-14 21:23:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Documenting Changes
+When you change bzr, please update the relevant documentation for the
+change you made:
+Changing existing behavior
+  If the change will break existing command lines, or break
+  interoperability with other versions of Bazaar, mention this in 
+  "External Compatibility Breaks" in NEWS, and also in "What's New".
+Adding a new feature, function or option
+  Describe this in NEWS, in the user guide, and in the "What's New"
+  document.  Consider whether you should also update command help
+  or any help topics.
+A new hook or extension point
+  These are also described in NEWS, in the hook documentation, and in
+  "What's New."  Even though they might be API-only changes, the fact that 
+  they exist may interest users enough to write a new plugin that uses
+  them.
+Fixing a bug
+  If the bug has any user-visible impact, describe it in the NEWS file
+  in such a way that users can tell whether the problem they're
+  experiencing is the one that was fixed.
+Improving performance
+  Mention this under "improvements" in NEWS, and if it's a notable
+  improvement mention it in "What's New".
+Deprecating an API, or adding a new recommended API
+  Mention this in the "API Changes" of NEWS, if it's likely to affect
+  plugin authors.  Consider whether you should also update the developer
+  documentation.
+Changing the way the test suite works or adding more tests
+  Mention this under "Testing" in NEWS, and update the developer guide
+  to testing.
+Purely internal changes
+  If the change has no user-visible impact and is not interesting to 
+  plugin developers, it doesn't need to be mentioned in NEWS.  If you're 
+  setting a new pattern or adding a new abstraction, update the developer
+  docs.
+NEWS File
+If you make a user-visible change, please add a note to the NEWS file.
+The description should be written to make sense to someone who's just
+a user of bzr, not a developer: new functions or classes shouldn't be
+mentioned, but new commands, changes in behaviour or fixed nontrivial
+bugs should be listed.  See the existing entries for an idea of what
+should be done.
+Within each release, entries in the news file should have the most
+user-visible changes first.  So the order should be approximately:
+* changes to existing behaviour - the highest priority because the
+  user's existing knowledge is incorrect
+* new features - should be brought to their attention
+* bug fixes - may be of interest if the bug was affecting them, and
+  should include the bug number if any
+* major documentation changes, including fixed documentation bugs
+People who made significant contributions to each change are listed in
+parenthesis.  This can include reporting bugs (particularly with good
+details or reproduction recipes), submitting patches, etc.
+To help with merging, NEWS entries should be sorted lexicographically
+within each section.
+The docstring of a command is used by ``bzr help`` to generate help output
+for the command. The list 'takes_options' attribute on a command is used by
+``bzr help`` to document the options for the command - the command
+docstring does not need to document them. Finally, the '_see_also'
+attribute on a command can be used to reference other related help topics.
+API Documentation
+Functions, methods, classes and modules should have docstrings
+describing how they are used.
+The first line of the docstring should be a self-contained sentence.
+For the special case of Command classes, this acts as the user-visible
+documentation shown by the help command.
+The docstrings should be formatted as reStructuredText_ (like this
+document), suitable for processing using the epydoc_ tool into HTML
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _epydoc:

=== modified file 'doc/developers/index-plain.txt'
--- a/doc/developers/index-plain.txt	2010-08-17 06:45:33 +0000
+++ b/doc/developers/index-plain.txt	2010-10-13 04:13:48 +0000
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 * `Writing plugins <>`_
   |--| specific advice on writing Bazaar plugins. (web link)
+* `Documenting changes <documenting-changes.html>`_.

=== modified file 'doc/developers/index.txt'
--- a/doc/developers/index.txt	2010-09-03 09:14:12 +0000
+++ b/doc/developers/index.txt	2010-10-13 04:13:48 +0000
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+   documenting-changes
 * `Contributing to Bazaar Documentation <>`_ (wiki)

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