Rev 5453: Start defining fixtures but we still have an unexpected sucessful test. in file:///home/vila/src/bzr/experimental/config/

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Oct 4 09:06:27 BST 2010

At file:///home/vila/src/bzr/experimental/config/

revno: 5453
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: config-modify
timestamp: Mon 2010-10-04 10:06:27 +0200
  Start defining fixtures but we still have an unexpected sucessful test.
  * bzrlib/tests/
  (create_configs, create_configs_with_file_option): Start defining
  fixtures to avoid inheritance hell in test classes.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2010-10-03 17:01:18 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2010-10-04 08:06:27 +0000
@@ -1741,8 +1741,7 @@
                 self._set_config_option(matching[:pos], matching[pos+1:],
                                         directory, force)
-    def _show_config(self, matching, directory, force):
-        # FIXME: force must be None
+    def _show_config(self, matching, directory, force_meaningless):
             (_, br, _) = bzrdir.BzrDir.open_containing_tree_or_branch(

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2010-10-03 17:01:18 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2010-10-04 08:06:27 +0000
@@ -26,12 +26,10 @@
 from bzrlib.tests import (
-    # FIXME: Importing the 'other' test_config to use TestWithConfigs hints
-    # that we really need a fixture here -- vila 20101002
     test_config as _t_config,
-class TestEmptyConfig(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+class TestWithoutConfig(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
     def test_no_config(self):
         out, err = self.run_bzr(['config'])
@@ -44,10 +42,14 @@
         self.assertEquals('', err)
-class TestConfigDisplay(_t_config.TestWithConfigs):
-    def test_global_config(self):
-        self.global_config.set_user_option('hello', 'world')
+class TestConfigDisplay(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestConfigDisplay, self).setUp()
+        _t_config.create_configs(self)
+    def test_bazaar_config(self):
+        self.bazaar_config.set_user_option('hello', 'world')
         script.run_script(self, '''
 $ bzr config -d tree
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@
     def test_locations_config_outside_branch(self):
-        self.global_config.set_user_option('hello', 'world')
+        self.bazaar_config.set_user_option('hello', 'world')
         self.locations_config.set_user_option('hello', 'world')
         script.run_script(self, '''
 $ bzr config
@@ -75,12 +77,16 @@
-class TestConfigSet(_t_config.TestWithConfigs):
+class TestConfigSet(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestConfigSet, self).setUp()
+        _t_config.create_configs(self)
     def test_unknown_config(self):
         self.run_bzr(['config', '--force', 'moon', 'hello=world'], retcode=3)
-    def test_global_config_outside_branch(self):
+    def test_bazaar_config_outside_branch(self):
         script.run_script(self, '''
 $ bzr config --force bazaar hello=world
 $ bzr config -d tree hello
@@ -88,7 +94,7 @@
   hello = world
-    def test_global_config_inside_branch(self):
+    def test_bazaar_config_inside_branch(self):
         script.run_script(self, '''
 $ bzr config -d tree --force bazaar hello=world
 $ bzr config -d tree hello
@@ -119,3 +125,13 @@
   hello = world
+class TestConfigRemove(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestConfigRemove, self).setUp()
+        _t_config.create_configs_with_file_option(self)
+    def test_unknown_option(self):
+        self.run_bzr(['config', '--remove', 'file'], retcode=3)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2010-10-03 17:01:18 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2010-10-04 08:06:27 +0000
@@ -1471,17 +1471,45 @@
         self.assertIs(None, bzrdir_config.get_default_stack_on())
-class TestWithConfigs(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+def create_configs(test):
+    """Create configuration files for a given test.
+    This requires creating a tree (and populate the ``test.tree`` attribute and
+    its associated branch and will populate the following attributes:
+    - branch_config: A BranchConfig for the associated branch.
+    - locations_config : A LocationConfig for the associated branch
+    - bazaar_config: A GlobalConfig.
+    The tree and branch are created in a 'tree' subdirectory so the tests can
+    still use the test directory to stay outside of the branch.
+    """
+    tree = test.make_branch_and_tree('tree')
+    test.tree = tree
+    test.branch_config = config.BranchConfig(tree.branch)
+    test.locations_config = config.LocationConfig(tree.basedir)
+    test.bazaar_config = config.GlobalConfig()
+def create_configs_with_file_option(test):
+    """Create configuration files with a ``file`` option set in each.
+    This builds on ``create_configs`` and add one ``file`` option in each
+    configuration with a value which allows identifying the configuration file.
+    """
+    create_configs(test)
+    test.bazaar_config.set_user_option('file', 'bazaar')
+    test.locations_config.set_user_option('file', 'locations')
+    test.branch_config.set_user_option('file', 'branch')
+class TestConfigGetOptions(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
     def setUp(self):
-        super(TestWithConfigs, self).setUp()
-        self.tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('tree')
-        self.locations_config = config.LocationConfig(self.tree.basedir)
-        self.branch_config = config.BranchConfig(self.tree.branch)
-        self.global_config = config.GlobalConfig()
-class TestConfigGetOptions(TestWithConfigs):
+        super(TestConfigGetOptions, self).setUp()
+        create_configs(self)
     def assertOptions(self, expected, conf):
         actual = list(conf.get_options())
@@ -1493,9 +1521,9 @@
         self.assertOptions([], self.branch_config)
     def test_option_in_bazaar(self):
-        self.global_config.set_user_option('file', 'bazaar')
+        self.bazaar_config.set_user_option('file', 'bazaar')
         self.assertOptions([('file', 'bazaar', 'DEFAULT', 'bazaar')],
-                           self.global_config)
+                           self.bazaar_config)
     def test_option_in_locations(self):
         self.locations_config.set_user_option('file', 'locations')
@@ -1509,7 +1537,7 @@
     def test_option_in_bazaar_and_branch(self):
-        self.global_config.set_user_option('file', 'bazaar')
+        self.bazaar_config.set_user_option('file', 'bazaar')
         self.branch_config.set_user_option('file', 'branch')
         self.assertOptions([('file', 'branch', 'DEFAULT', 'branch'),
                             ('file', 'bazaar', 'DEFAULT', 'bazaar'),],
@@ -1525,7 +1553,7 @@
     def test_option_in_bazaar_locations_and_branch(self):
-        self.global_config.set_user_option('file', 'bazaar')
+        self.bazaar_config.set_user_option('file', 'bazaar')
         self.locations_config.set_user_option('file', 'locations')
         self.branch_config.set_user_option('file', 'branch')
@@ -1535,7 +1563,17 @@
-class TestConfigGetSections(TestWithConfigs):
+class TestConfigRemoveOption(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestConfigRemoveOption, self).setUp()
+        create_configs_with_file_option(self)
+class TestConfigGetSections(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestConfigGetSections, self).setUp()
+        create_configs(self)
     def assertSectionNames(self, expected, conf, name=None):
         """Check which sections are returned for a given config.
@@ -1553,8 +1591,8 @@
         self.assertLength(len(expected), sections)
         self.assertEqual(expected, [name for name, section in sections])
-    def test_global_default_section(self):
-        self.assertSectionNames(['DEFAULT'], self.global_config)
+    def test_bazaar_default_section(self):
+        self.assertSectionNames(['DEFAULT'], self.bazaar_config)
     def test_locations_default_section(self):
         # No sections are defined in an empty file
@@ -1594,11 +1632,11 @@
         self.assertSectionNames([self.tree.basedir, None, 'DEFAULT'],
-    def test_global_named_section(self):
+    def test_bazaar_named_section(self):
         # We need to cheat as the API doesn't give direct access to sections
         # other than DEFAULT.
-        self.global_config.set_alias('bazaar', 'bzr')
-        self.assertSectionNames(['ALIASES'], self.global_config, 'ALIASES')
+        self.bazaar_config.set_alias('bazaar', 'bzr')
+        self.assertSectionNames(['ALIASES'], self.bazaar_config, 'ALIASES')
 class TestAuthenticationConfigFile(tests.TestCase):

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