Rev 5546: (spiv) Tags.merge_to now updates the master branch as well, in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Mon Nov 22 01:39:15 GMT 2010

At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

revno: 5546 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: andrew.bennetts at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Mon 2010-11-22 01:39:13 +0000
  (spiv) Tags.merge_to now updates the master branch as well,
   if any. (#603395) (Andrew Bennetts)
  doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.3.txt NEWS-20050323055033-4e00b5db738777ff
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2010-11-11 03:53:12 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2010-11-18 00:22:24 +0000
@@ -3355,7 +3355,7 @@
         if isinstance(format, remote.RemoteBranchFormat):
             return format._custom_format
-        return format                                                                                                  
+        return format
     def copy_content_into(self, revision_id=None):

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2010-11-04 17:48:47 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2010-11-18 00:22:24 +0000
@@ -4028,7 +4028,9 @@
         if ((remember or tree.branch.get_submit_branch() is None) and
              user_location is not None):
-        _merge_tags_if_possible(other_branch, tree.branch)
+        # Merge tags (but don't set them in the master branch yet, the user
+        # might revert this merge).  Commit will propagate them.
+        _merge_tags_if_possible(other_branch, tree.branch, ignore_master=True)
         merger = _mod_merge.Merger.from_revision_ids(pb, tree,
             other_revision_id, base_revision_id, other_branch, base_branch)
         if other_path != '':

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2010-03-25 09:39:03 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2010-11-18 00:30:51 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
 from bzrlib import (
+    cleanup,
+    symbol_versioning,
@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@
     lookup_tag = _not_supported
     delete_tag = _not_supported
-    def merge_to(self, to_tags, overwrite=False):
+    def merge_to(self, to_tags, overwrite=False, ignore_master=False):
         # we never have anything to copy
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@
             raise ValueError("failed to deserialize tag dictionary %r: %s"
                 % (tag_content, e))
-    def merge_to(self, to_tags, overwrite=False):
+    def merge_to(self, to_tags, overwrite=False, ignore_master=False):
         """Copy tags between repositories if necessary and possible.
         This method has common command-line behaviour about handling
@@ -188,11 +190,19 @@
         :param to_tags: Branch to receive these tags
         :param overwrite: Overwrite conflicting tags in the target branch
+        :param ignore_master: Do not modify the tags in the target's master
+            branch (if any).  Default is false (so the master will be updated).
+            New in bzr 2.3.
-        :returns: A list of tags that conflicted, each of which is
+        :returns: A set of tags that conflicted, each of which is
             (tagname, source_target, dest_target), or None if no copying was
+        operation = cleanup.OperationWithCleanups(self._merge_to_operation)
+        return, overwrite, ignore_master)
+    def _merge_to_operation(self, operation, to_tags, overwrite, ignore_master):
+        add_cleanup = operation.add_cleanup
         if self.branch == to_tags.branch:
         if not self.branch.supports_tags():
@@ -203,15 +213,39 @@
             # no tags in the source, and we don't want to clobber anything
             # that's in the destination
-        to_tags.branch.lock_write()
-        try:
-            dest_dict = to_tags.get_tag_dict()
-            result, conflicts = self._reconcile_tags(source_dict, dest_dict,
-                                                     overwrite)
-            if result != dest_dict:
-                to_tags._set_tag_dict(result)
-        finally:
-            to_tags.branch.unlock()
+        # We merge_to both master and child individually.
+        #
+        # It's possible for master and child to have differing sets of
+        # tags, in which case it's possible to have different sets of
+        # conflicts.  We report the union of both conflict sets.  In
+        # that case it's likely the child and master have accepted
+        # different tags from the source, which may be a surprising result, but
+        # the best we can do in the circumstances.
+        #
+        # Ideally we'd improve this API to report the different conflicts
+        # more clearly to the caller, but we don't want to break plugins
+        # such as bzr-builddeb that use this API.
+        add_cleanup(to_tags.branch.lock_write().unlock)
+        if ignore_master:
+            master = None
+        else:
+            master = to_tags.branch.get_master_branch()
+        if master is not None:
+            add_cleanup(master.lock_write().unlock)
+        conflicts = self._merge_to(to_tags, source_dict, overwrite)
+        if master is not None:
+            conflicts += self._merge_to(master.tags, source_dict,
+                overwrite)
+        # We use set() to remove any duplicate conflicts from the master
+        # branch.
+        return set(conflicts)
+    def _merge_to(self, to_tags, source_dict, overwrite):
+        dest_dict = to_tags.get_tag_dict()
+        result, conflicts = self._reconcile_tags(source_dict, dest_dict,
+                                                 overwrite)
+        if result != dest_dict:
+            to_tags._set_tag_dict(result)
         return conflicts
     def rename_revisions(self, rename_map):
@@ -249,6 +283,27 @@
         return result, conflicts
-def _merge_tags_if_possible(from_branch, to_branch):
-    from_branch.tags.merge_to(to_branch.tags)
+def _merge_tags_if_possible(from_branch, to_branch, ignore_master=False):
+    # Try hard to support merge_to implementations that don't expect
+    # 'ignore_master' (new in bzr 2.3).  First, if the flag isn't set then we
+    # can safely avoid passing ignore_master at all.
+    if not ignore_master:
+        from_branch.tags.merge_to(to_branch.tags)
+        return
+    # If the flag is set, try to pass it, but be ready to catch TypeError.
+    try:
+        from_branch.tags.merge_to(to_branch.tags, ignore_master=ignore_master)
+    except TypeError:
+        # Probably this implementation of 'merge_to' is from a plugin that
+        # doesn't expect the 'ignore_master' keyword argument (e.g. bzr-svn
+        # 1.0.4).  There's a small risk that the TypeError is actually caused
+        # by a completely different problem (which is why we don't catch it for
+        # the ignore_master=False case), but even then there's probably no harm
+        # in calling a second time.
+        symbol_versioning.warn(
+            symbol_versioning.deprecated_in((2,3)) % (
+                "Tags.merge_to (of %r) that doesn't accept ignore_master kwarg"
+                % (from_branch.tags,),),
+            DeprecationWarning)
+        from_branch.tags.merge_to(to_branch.tags)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2010-05-20 18:23:17 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2010-11-09 04:32:56 +0000
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 from bzrlib import (
+    branchbuilder,
-    errors,

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2010-11-10 02:01:33 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2010-11-18 00:22:24 +0000
@@ -132,6 +132,18 @@
         builder.build_commit(message='Commit in fork.', rev_id='fork-1')
         return fork
+    def test_merge_without_commit_does_not_propagate_tags_to_master(self):
+        """'bzr merge' alone does not propagate tags to a master branch.
+        (If the user runs 'bzr commit', then that is when the tags from the
+        merge are propagated.)
+        """
+        master, child = self.make_master_and_checkout()
+        fork = self.make_fork(master)
+        fork.tags.set_tag('new-tag', fork.last_revision())
+        self.run_bzr(['merge', '../fork'], working_dir='child')
+        self.assertEqual({}, master.tags.get_tag_dict())
     def test_commit_in_heavyweight_checkout_copies_tags_to_master(self):
         master, child = self.make_master_and_checkout()
         fork = self.make_fork(master)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_branch/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_branch/	2010-11-11 03:53:12 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_branch/	2010-11-18 00:43:57 +0000
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@
         # removed when we merge them
         b2.tags.set_tag('in-destination', 'revid')
         result = b1.tags.merge_to(b2.tags)
-        self.assertEquals(result, [])
+        self.assertEquals(list(result), [])
         self.assertEquals(b2.tags.lookup_tag('in-destination'), 'revid')
         # if there's a conflicting tag, it's reported -- the command line
         # interface will say "these tags couldn't be copied"
         b1.tags.set_tag('conflicts', 'revid-1')
         b2.tags.set_tag('conflicts', 'revid-2')
         result = b1.tags.merge_to(b2.tags)
-        self.assertEquals(result,
+        self.assertEquals(list(result),
             [('conflicts', 'revid-1', 'revid-2')])
         # and it keeps the same value
         self.assertEquals(b2.tags.lookup_tag('conflicts'), 'revid-2')
@@ -227,6 +227,176 @@
         self.assertEqual({'one': 'rev-1-changed'}, b.tags.get_tag_dict())
+class TestTagsMergeToInCheckouts(per_branch.TestCaseWithBranch):
+    """Tests for checkout.branch.tags.merge_to.
+    In particular this exercises variations in tag conflicts in the master
+    branch and/or the checkout (child).  It may seem strange to have different
+    tags in the child and master, but 'bzr merge' intentionally updates the
+    child and not the master (instead the next 'bzr commit', if the user
+    decides to commit, will update the master).  Also, merge_to in bzr < 2.3
+    didn't propagate changes to the master, and current bzr versions may find
+    themselves operating on checkouts touched by older bzrs
+    So we need to make sure bzr copes gracefully with differing tags in the
+    master versus the child.
+    See also <>.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestTagsMergeToInCheckouts, self).setUp()
+        branch1 = self.make_branch('tags-probe')
+        if not branch1._format.supports_tags():
+            raise tests.TestSkipped(
+                "format %s doesn't support tags" % branch1._format)
+        branch2 = self.make_branch('bind-probe')
+        try:
+            branch2.bind(branch1)
+        except errors.UpgradeRequired:
+            raise tests.TestNotApplicable(
+                "format %s doesn't support bound branches" % branch2._format)
+    def test_merge_to_propagates_tags(self):
+        """merge_to(child) also merges tags to the master."""
+        master = self.make_branch('master')
+        other = self.make_branch('other')
+        other.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-1')
+        child = self.make_branch('child')
+        child.bind(master)
+        child.update()
+        other.tags.merge_to(child.tags)
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', child.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', master.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+    def test_ignore_master_disables_tag_propagation(self):
+        """merge_to(child, ignore_master=True) does not merge tags to the
+        master.
+        """
+        master = self.make_branch('master')
+        other = self.make_branch('other')
+        other.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-1')
+        child = self.make_branch('child')
+        child.bind(master)
+        child.update()
+        other.tags.merge_to(child.tags, ignore_master=True)
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', child.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        self.assertRaises(errors.NoSuchTag, master.tags.lookup_tag, 'foo')
+    def test_merge_to_overwrite_conflict_in_master(self):
+        """merge_to(child, overwrite=True) overwrites any conflicting tags in
+        the master.
+        """
+        master = self.make_branch('master')
+        other = self.make_branch('other')
+        other.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-1')
+        child = self.make_branch('child')
+        child.bind(master)
+        child.update()
+        master.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-2')
+        tag_conflicts = other.tags.merge_to(child.tags, overwrite=True)
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', child.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', master.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        self.assertLength(0, tag_conflicts)
+    def test_merge_to_overwrite_conflict_in_child_and_master(self):
+        """merge_to(child, overwrite=True) overwrites any conflicting tags in
+        both the child and the master.
+        """
+        master = self.make_branch('master')
+        master.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-2')
+        other = self.make_branch('other')
+        other.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-1')
+        child = self.make_branch('child')
+        child.bind(master)
+        child.update()
+        tag_conflicts = other.tags.merge_to(child.tags, overwrite=True)
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', child.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', master.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        self.assertLength(0, tag_conflicts)
+    def test_merge_to_conflict_in_child_only(self):
+        """When new_tags.merge_to(child.tags) conflicts with the child but not
+        the master, a conflict is reported and the child receives the new tag.
+        """
+        master = self.make_branch('master')
+        master.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-2')
+        other = self.make_branch('other')
+        other.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-1')
+        child = self.make_branch('child')
+        child.bind(master)
+        child.update()
+        master.tags.delete_tag('foo')
+        tag_conflicts = other.tags.merge_to(child.tags)
+        # Conflict in child, so it is unchanged.
+        self.assertEquals('rev-2', child.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        # No conflict in the master, so the 'foo' tag equals other's value here.
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', master.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        # The conflict is reported.
+        self.assertEquals([(u'foo', 'rev-1', 'rev-2')], list(tag_conflicts))
+    def test_merge_to_conflict_in_master_only(self):
+        """When new_tags.merge_to(child.tags) conflicts with the master but not
+        the child, a conflict is reported and the child receives the new tag.
+        """
+        master = self.make_branch('master')
+        other = self.make_branch('other')
+        other.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-1')
+        child = self.make_branch('child')
+        child.bind(master)
+        child.update()
+        master.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-2')
+        tag_conflicts = other.tags.merge_to(child.tags)
+        # No conflict in the child, so the 'foo' tag equals other's value here.
+        self.assertEquals('rev-1', child.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        # Conflict in master, so it is unchanged.
+        self.assertEquals('rev-2', master.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        # The conflict is reported.
+        self.assertEquals([(u'foo', 'rev-1', 'rev-2')], list(tag_conflicts))
+    def test_merge_to_same_conflict_in_master_and_child(self):
+        """When new_tags.merge_to(child.tags) conflicts the same way with the
+        master and the child a single conflict is reported.
+        """
+        master = self.make_branch('master')
+        master.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-2')
+        other = self.make_branch('other')
+        other.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-1')
+        child = self.make_branch('child')
+        child.bind(master)
+        child.update()
+        tag_conflicts = other.tags.merge_to(child.tags)
+        # Both master and child conflict, so both stay as rev-2
+        self.assertEquals('rev-2', child.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        self.assertEquals('rev-2', master.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        # The conflict is reported exactly once, even though it occurs in both
+        # master and child.
+        self.assertEquals([(u'foo', 'rev-1', 'rev-2')], list(tag_conflicts))
+    def test_merge_to_different_conflict_in_master_and_child(self):
+        """When new_tags.merge_to(child.tags) conflicts differently in the
+        master and the child both conflicts are reported.
+        """
+        master = self.make_branch('master')
+        master.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-2')
+        other = self.make_branch('other')
+        other.tags.set_tag('foo', 'rev-1')
+        child = self.make_branch('child')
+        child.bind(master)
+        child.update()
+        # We use the private method _set_tag_dict because normally bzr tries to
+        # avoid this scenario.
+        child.tags._set_tag_dict({'foo': 'rev-3'})
+        tag_conflicts = other.tags.merge_to(child.tags)
+        # Both master and child conflict, so both stay as they were.
+        self.assertEquals('rev-3', child.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        self.assertEquals('rev-2', master.tags.lookup_tag('foo'))
+        # Both conflicts are reported.
+        self.assertEquals(
+            [(u'foo', 'rev-1', 'rev-2'), (u'foo', 'rev-1', 'rev-3')],
+            sorted(tag_conflicts))
 class TestUnsupportedTags(per_branch.TestCaseWithBranch):
     """Formats that don't support tags should give reasonable errors."""

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2010-03-25 09:39:03 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2010-11-18 00:43:57 +0000
@@ -111,15 +111,18 @@
         # conflicting merge
         a.tags.set_tag('tag-2', 'z')
         conflicts = a.tags.merge_to(b.tags)
-        self.assertEqual(conflicts, [('tag-2', 'z', 'y')])
+        self.assertEqual(list(conflicts), [('tag-2', 'z', 'y')])
         self.assertEqual('y', b.tags.lookup_tag('tag-2'))
         # overwrite conflicts
         conflicts = a.tags.merge_to(b.tags, overwrite=True)
-        self.assertEqual(conflicts, [])
+        self.assertEqual(list(conflicts), [])
         self.assertEqual('z', b.tags.lookup_tag('tag-2'))
 class TestTagsInCheckouts(TestCaseWithTransport):
+    """Tests for how tags are synchronised between the master and child branch
+    of a checkout.
+    """
     def test_update_tag_into_checkout(self):
         # checkouts are directly connected to the tags of their master branch:

=== modified file 'bzrlib/transport/'
--- a/bzrlib/transport/	2010-10-07 12:45:51 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/transport/	2010-11-18 00:22:24 +0000
@@ -363,13 +363,14 @@
             # This platform doesn't support socketpair(), so just use ordinary
             # pipes instead.
             stdin = stdout = subprocess.PIPE
-            sock = None
+            my_sock, subproc_sock = None, None
             stdin = stdout = subproc_sock
-            sock = my_sock
         proc = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout,
-        return SSHSubprocessConnection(proc, sock=sock)
+        if subproc_sock is not None:
+            subproc_sock.close()
+        return SSHSubprocessConnection(proc, sock=my_sock)
     def connect_sftp(self, username, password, host, port):
@@ -653,25 +654,24 @@
 import weakref
 _subproc_weakrefs = set()
-def _close_ssh_proc(proc):
+def _close_ssh_proc(proc, sock):
     """Carefully close stdin/stdout and reap the SSH process.
     If the pipes are already closed and/or the process has already been
     wait()ed on, that's ok, and no error is raised.  The goal is to do our best
     to clean up (whether or not a clean up was already tried).
-    dotted_names = ['stdin.close', 'stdout.close', 'wait']
-    for dotted_name in dotted_names:
-        attrs = dotted_name.split('.')
-        try:
-            obj = proc
-            for attr in attrs:
-                obj = getattr(obj, attr)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # It's ok for proc.stdin or proc.stdout to be None.
-            continue
-        try:
-            obj()
+    funcs = []
+    for closeable in (proc.stdin, proc.stdout, sock):
+        # We expect that either proc (a subprocess.Popen) will have stdin and
+        # stdout streams to close, or that we will have been passed a socket to
+        # close, with the option not in use being None.
+        if closeable is not None:
+            funcs.append(closeable.close)
+    funcs.append(proc.wait)
+    for func in funcs:
+        try:
+            func()
         except OSError:
             # It's ok for the pipe to already be closed, or the process to
             # already be finished.
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
         # to avoid leaving processes lingering indefinitely.
         def terminate(ref):
-            _close_ssh_proc(proc)
+            _close_ssh_proc(proc, sock)
         _subproc_weakrefs.add(weakref.ref(self, terminate))
     def send(self, data):
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
             return, count)
     def close(self):
-        _close_ssh_proc(self.proc)
+        _close_ssh_proc(self.proc, self._sock)
     def get_sock_or_pipes(self):
         if self._sock is not None:

=== modified file 'doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.3.txt'
--- a/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.3.txt	2010-11-18 19:38:28 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.3.txt	2010-11-22 01:39:13 +0000
@@ -173,6 +173,11 @@
   ``bzrdir.open_repository()`` to propagate.  This is unhelpful at best,
   and at worst can trigger infinite loops in callers.  (Andrew Bennetts)
+* The ``branch.tags.merge_to(target_branch)`` API used by plugins such as
+  ``bzr-builddeb`` now propagates changes to the master branch of the
+  target branch (if there is one).  This makes it consistent with the
+  other tag APIs.  (Andrew Bennetts, #603395)
 * Windows installers no longer requires the Microsoft vcredist to be
   installed. (Martin [gz], Gary van der Merwe, #632465)

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