Rev 4841: (bialix) Change the commandline parser to be even closer to the plain in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/2.1/ Patch Queue Manager
pqm at
Tue May 18 22:18:20 BST 2010
At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/2.1/
revno: 4841 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: bialix at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: 2.1
timestamp: Tue 2010-05-18 22:18:15 +0100
(bialix) Change the commandline parser to be even closer to the plain
win32 one.
=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/ 2010-02-17 17:11:16 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/ 2010-05-12 16:19:42 +0000
@@ -345,9 +345,29 @@
self.assertAsTokens([(True, u'foo"bar')], u'"foo\\"bar"')
def test_double_escape(self):
- self.assertAsTokens([(True, u'foo\\bar')], u'"foo\\\\bar"')
+ self.assertAsTokens([(True, u'foo\\\\bar')], u'"foo\\\\bar"')
self.assertAsTokens([(False, u'foo\\\\bar')], u"foo\\\\bar")
+ def test_n_backslashes_handling(self):
+ #
+ # actually we care about the doubled backslashes when they're
+ # represents UNC paths.
+ # But in fact there is too much weird corner cases
+ # (see
+ # so to reproduce every bit of windows command-line handling
+ # could be not worth of efforts?
+ self.requireFeature(BackslashDirSeparatorFeature)
+ self.assertAsTokens([(True, r'\\host\path')], r'"\\host\path"')
+ self.assertAsTokens([(False, r'\\host\path')], r'\\host\path')
+ # handling of " after the 2n and 2n+1 backslashes
+ # inside and outside the quoted string
+ self.assertAsTokens([(True, r'\\'), (False, r'*.py')], r'"\\\\" *.py')
+ self.assertAsTokens([(True, r'\\" *.py')], r'"\\\\\" *.py"')
+ self.assertAsTokens([(True, r'\\ *.py')], r'\\\\" *.py"')
+ self.assertAsTokens([(False, r'\\"'), (False, r'*.py')],
+ r'\\\\\" *.py')
+ self.assertAsTokens([(True, u'\\\\')], u'"\\\\')
class Test_CommandLineToArgv(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/ 2010-02-17 17:11:16 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/ 2010-05-12 16:19:42 +0000
@@ -536,70 +536,49 @@
# self._quote_match = re.compile(u'[\'"]').match
self._escape_match = lambda x: None # Never matches
self._escape = '\\'
- # State can be
- # ' ' - after whitespace, starting a new token
- # 'a' - after text, currently working on a token
- # '"' - after ", currently in a "-delimited quoted section
- # "\" - after '\', checking the next char
- self._state = ' '
self._token = [] # Current token being parsed
def _get_token(self):
# Were there quote chars as part of this token?
- quoted = False
- quoted_state = None
+ quoted = None # state:
+ # None - the string is not quoted
+ # empty string ('') - there was quoted substring
+ # double quote (") - we're inside quoted chunk
+ number_of_backslashes = 0
for nextchar in self._input_iter:
- if self._state == ' ':
- if self._whitespace_match(nextchar):
- # if self._token: return token
- continue
- elif nextchar in self._quote_chars:
- self._state = nextchar # quoted state
- elif self._word_match(nextchar):
- self._token.append(nextchar)
- self._state = 'a'
- else:
- raise AssertionError('wtttf?')
- elif self._state in self._quote_chars:
- quoted = True
- if nextchar == self._state: # End of quote
- self._state = 'a' # posix allows 'foo'bar to translate to
- # foobar
- elif self._state == '"' and nextchar == self._escape:
- quoted_state = self._state
- self._state = nextchar
- else:
- self._token.append(nextchar)
- elif self._state == self._escape:
- if nextchar == '\\':
- self._token.append('\\')
- elif nextchar == '"':
- self._token.append(nextchar)
- else:
- self._token.append('\\' + nextchar)
- self._state = quoted_state
- elif self._state == 'a':
- if self._whitespace_match(nextchar):
- if self._token:
- break # emit this token
+ if self._whitespace_match(nextchar):
+ if quoted:
+ self._token.append(nextchar)
+ elif self._token:
+ break
+ elif nextchar == '\\':
+ number_of_backslashes += 1
+ elif nextchar in self._quote_chars:
+ if number_of_backslashes:
+ self._token.append('\\'*(number_of_backslashes/2))
+ if number_of_backslashes % 2:
+ self._token.append('"')
- continue # no token to emit
- elif nextchar in self._quote_chars:
- # Start a new quoted section
- self._state = nextchar
- # escape?
- elif (self._word_match(nextchar)
- or nextchar in self._quote_chars
- # or whitespace_split?
- ):
- self._token.append(nextchar)
+ if quoted:
+ quoted = ''
+ else:
+ quoted = nextchar
+ number_of_backslashes = 0
+ elif nextchar == quoted:
+ # end of quoted string
+ quoted = ''
- raise AssertionError('state == "a", char: %r'
- % (nextchar,))
+ quoted = nextchar
- raise AssertionError('unknown state: %r' % (self._state,))
+ if number_of_backslashes:
+ self._token.append('\\'*number_of_backslashes)
+ number_of_backslashes = 0
+ self._token.append(nextchar)
+ if number_of_backslashes > 0:
+ self._token.append('\\'*number_of_backslashes)
result = ''.join(self._token)
self._token = []
+ quoted = quoted is not None
if not quoted and result == '':
result = None
return quoted, result
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