Rev 453: Refactoring - cleanup. in

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue May 4 03:58:55 BST 2010


revno: 453
revision-id: robertc at
parent: robertc at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2010-05-04 14:58:53 +1200
  Refactoring - cleanup.
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2010-05-04 02:45:38 +0000
+++ b/	2010-05-04 02:58:53 +0000
@@ -760,6 +760,11 @@
     If you want to manually merge with the imported upstream, you can do::
         $ bzr merge . -r upstream-1.2.3
+    Imported revisions have file ids taken from any of: your branch, the
+    upstream branch, previous tarball imports. They are given as parents the
+    closest lower version number tarball import, as identified by tags in your
+    branch, and the tip of the upstream branch if you suplpy one.
     takes_args = ['version', 'location', 'upstream_branch?']
@@ -771,6 +776,7 @@
         # differences are:
         # - this uses an upstream branch and a packaging branch
         # - this can import when there is a previous upstream tag present
+        # TODO: support -r, search for similarity etc.
         version = version.encode('utf8')
         branch, _ = Branch.open_containing('.')
         if upstream_branch is None:
@@ -785,13 +791,6 @@
         db = DistributionBranch(branch, upstream_branch=upstream)
         if db.has_upstream_version_in_packaging_branch(version):
             raise BzrCommandError("Version %s is already present." % version)
-        # TODO: support -r, search for similarity etc.
-        if upstream is not None:
-            parents = [upstream.last_revision()]
-        else:
-            parents = []
-        if parents == [mod_revision.NULL_REVISION]:
-            parents = []
         tagged_versions = {}
         for tag_name, tag_revid in branch.tags.get_tag_dict().iteritems():
             if not is_upstream_tag(tag_name):
@@ -800,7 +799,9 @@
             tagged_versions[tag_version] = tag_revid
         tag_order = sorted(tagged_versions.keys())
         if tag_order:
-            parents.insert(0, tagged_versions[tag_order[-1]])
+            parents = [tagged_versions[tag_order[-1]]]
+        else:
+            parents = []
         if parents:
             # See bug lp:309682
             db.upstream_branch.repository.fetch(branch.repository, parents[0])
@@ -811,7 +812,8 @@
         dbs = DistributionBranchSet()
-        db.import_upstream_tarball(location, version, parents)
+        db.import_upstream_tarball(location, version, parents,
+            upstream_branch=upstream)
 class cmd_bd_do(Command):

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