Rev 5320: Refresh the parser before setting a new value. in file:///home/vila/src/bzr/bugs/525571-lock-bazaar-conf-files/

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Jun 28 09:51:22 BST 2010

At file:///home/vila/src/bzr/bugs/525571-lock-bazaar-conf-files/

revno: 5320
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: 525571-lock-bazaar-conf-files
timestamp: Mon 2010-06-28 10:51:22 +0200
  Refresh the parser before setting a new value.
  * bzrlib/tests/
  (InstrumentedConfigObj): Add reload.
  (TestLockableConfig): Start adding tests for concurrent accesses.
  (TestLocationConfig.test_branch_calls_read_filenames): Cleanup to
  avoid file leaks.
  (TestLocationConfig.get_branch_config): Make sure config.reload()
  can be called safely.
  Simplify, the config dir has already been created. Add 'reload' to
  the calls list.
  (TestBranchConfigItems.get_branch_config): Make sure the location
  config can be reloaded.
  * bzrlib/
  (_write_config_file): Always check for the containing config dir.
  (GlobalConfig._set_option): Refresh the parser if needed.
  (LocationConfig.set_user_option): Refresh the parser if needed,
  rely on _write_config_file to create the config dir.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2010-06-25 13:23:34 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2010-06-28 08:51:22 +0000
@@ -478,9 +478,12 @@
         return self.get_user_option('nickname')
     def _write_config_file(self):
-        f = file(self._get_filename(), "wb")
+        fname = self._get_filename()
+        conf_dir = os.path.dirname(fname)
+        ensure_config_dir_exists(conf_dir)
+        f = file(fname, "wb")
-            osutils.copy_ownership_from_path(
+            osutils.copy_ownership_from_path(fname)
@@ -523,6 +526,8 @@
         # file lock on bazaar.conf.
         conf_dir = os.path.dirname(self._get_filename())
+        if self._parser is not None:
+            self._parser.reload()
         self._get_parser().setdefault(section, {})[option] = value
@@ -650,10 +655,10 @@
             raise ValueError('bad storage policy %r for %r' %
                 (store, option))
+        if self._parser is not None:
+            self._parser.reload()
         # FIXME: RBC 20051029 This should refresh the parser and also take a
         # file lock on locations.conf.
-        conf_dir = os.path.dirname(self._get_filename())
-        ensure_config_dir_exists(conf_dir)
         location = self.location
         if location.endswith('/'):
             location = location[:-1]

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2010-06-25 13:23:34 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2010-06-28 08:51:22 +0000
@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@
         return []
+    def reload(self):
+        self._calls.append(('reload',))
     def write(self, arg):
@@ -394,6 +397,40 @@
         self.failUnless(my_config._get_parser() is parser)
+class TestLockableConfig(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+    config_class = config.GlobalConfig
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestLockableConfig, self).setUp()
+        config.ensure_config_dir_exists()
+        c = self.config_class()
+        fname = c._get_filename()
+        self.build_tree_contents([(fname, '''[DEFAULT]\none=1\ntwo=2''')])
+        self.config = self.create_config()
+    def create_config(self):
+        c = self.config_class()
+        return c
+    def test_simple_read_access(self):
+        self.assertEquals('1', self.config._get_user_option('one'))
+    def test_simple_write_access(self):
+        self.config.set_user_option('one', 'one')
+        self.assertEquals('one', self.config._get_user_option('one'))
+    def test_listen_to_the_last_speaker(self):
+        c1 = self.config
+        c2 = self.create_config()
+        c1.set_user_option('one', 'ONE')
+        c2.set_user_option('two', 'TWO')
+        self.assertEquals('ONE', c1._get_user_option('one'))
+        self.assertEquals('TWO', c2._get_user_option('two'))
+        # The second update respect the first one
+        self.assertEquals('ONE', c2._get_user_option('one'))
 class TestGetUserOptionAs(TestIniConfig):
     def test_get_user_option_as_bool(self):
@@ -745,10 +782,11 @@
                          [('__init__', config.locations_config_filename(),
-        #os.mkdir(config.config_dir())
         f = file(config.branches_config_filename(), 'wb')
-        f.write('')
-        f.close()
+        try:
+            f.write('')
+        finally:
+            f.close()
         oldparserclass = config.ConfigObj
         config.ConfigObj = InstrumentedConfigObj
@@ -995,10 +1033,15 @@
             global_file = StringIO(global_config.encode('utf-8'))
         branches_file = StringIO(sample_branches_text.encode('utf-8'))
+        # Make sure the locations config can be reloaded
+        config.ensure_config_dir_exists()
+        f = file(config.locations_config_filename(), 'wb')
+        try:
+            f.write(branches_file.getvalue())
+        finally:
+            f.close
         self.my_config = config.BranchConfig(FakeBranch(location))
-        # Force location config to use specified file
         self.my_location_config = self.my_config._get_location_config()
-        self.my_location_config._get_parser(branches_file)
         # Force global config to use specified file
@@ -1007,25 +1050,14 @@
         record = InstrumentedConfigObj("foo")
         self.my_location_config._parser = record
-        real_mkdir = os.mkdir
-        self.created = False
-        def checked_mkdir(path, mode=0777):
-            self.log('making directory: %s', path)
-            real_mkdir(path, mode)
-            self.created = True
-        os.mkdir = checked_mkdir
-        try:
-            self.callDeprecated(['The recurse option is deprecated as of '
-                                 '0.14.  The section "/a/c" has been '
-                                 'converted to use policies.'],
-                                self.my_config.set_user_option,
-                                'foo', 'bar', store=config.STORE_LOCATION)
-        finally:
-            os.mkdir = real_mkdir
-        self.failUnless(self.created, 'Failed to create ~/.bazaar')
-        self.assertEqual([('__contains__', '/a/c'),
+        self.callDeprecated(['The recurse option is deprecated as of '
+                             '0.14.  The section "/a/c" has been '
+                             'converted to use policies.'],
+                            self.my_config.set_user_option,
+                            'foo', 'bar', store=config.STORE_LOCATION)
+        self.assertEqual([('reload',),
+                          ('__contains__', '/a/c'),
                           ('__contains__', '/a/c/'),
                           ('__setitem__', '/a/c', {}),
                           ('__getitem__', '/a/c'),
@@ -1083,10 +1115,13 @@
         if global_config is not None:
             global_file = StringIO(global_config.encode('utf-8'))
-        self.my_location_config = my_config._get_location_config()
+        lconf = my_config._get_location_config()
         if location_config is not None:
             location_file = StringIO(location_config.encode('utf-8'))
-            self.my_location_config._get_parser(location_file)
+            lconf._get_parser(location_file)
+            # Make sure the config can be reloaded
+            lconf._parser.filename = config.locations_config_filename()
+        self.my_location_config = lconf
         if branch_data_config is not None:
             my_config.branch.control_files.files['branch.conf'] = \

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