Rev 13: commit the current status in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Jan 26 11:11:03 GMT 2010


revno: 13
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: hottest100
timestamp: Tue 2010-01-26 05:10:40 -0600
  commit the current status
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'status'
--- a/status	2010-01-26 10:43:59 +0000
+++ b/status	2010-01-26 11:10:40 +0000
@@ -1,314 +1,303 @@
-  lp:ubuntu/acpi                            235  days old
-  lp:acpi                                   235  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/acpi-support                    21   days old
-  lp:acpi-support                           21   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/alsa-driver                     18   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:alsa-driver": ALSA driver has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/amarok                          22   days old
-  lp:amarok                                 281  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/apt                             34   days old
-  lp:apt                                    35   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/aptitude                        33   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:aptitude": aptitude has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/audacious has no default branch
-  lp:audacious                              957  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/banshee                         103  days old
-  lp:banshee                                285  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/bluez                           123  days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:bluez": BlueZ is a project, and a project cannot have a default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/brasero                         20   days old
-  lp:brasero                                286  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/compiz has no default branch
-  lp:compiz                                 18   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/cups                            36   days old
-  lp:cups                                   7    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/cupsys has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:cupsys": CUPS has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/debian-installer has no default branch
-  lp:debian-installer                       352  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/dpkg                            75   days old
-  lp:dpkg                                   49   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/ekiga                           187  days old
-  lp:ekiga                                  285  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/empathy                         22   days old
-  lp:empathy                                284  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/epiphany-browser                12   days old
-  lp:epiphany-browser                       0    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/evince                          14   days old
-  lp:evince                                 285  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/evolution has no default branch
-  lp:evolution                              285  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/evolution-exchange              40   days old
-  lp:evolution-exchange                     0    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/f-spot                          16   days old
-  Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://".
-  lp:ubuntu/fglrx-installer                 105  days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:fglrx-installer": No such project: fglrx-installer
-  lp:ubuntu/file-roller                     0    days old
-  lp:file-roller                            287  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/firefox                         2    days old
-  lp:firefox                                3    days old
- tagged old-version
- tagged old-version
-  lp:ubuntu/gdm has no default branch
-  lp:gdm                                    839  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gedit                           0    days old
-  lp:gedit                                  287  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/glibc has no default branch
-  lp:glibc                                  0    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-applets                   11   days old
-  lp:gnome-applets                          288  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-control-center has no default branch
-  lp:gnome-control-center                   285  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-games has no default branch
-  lp:gnome-games                            285  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-media                     40   days old
-  lp:gnome-media                            292  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-panel has no default branch
-  lp:gnome-panel                            286  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-power-manager has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:gnome-power-manager": No such project: gnome-power-manager
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-screensaver               6    days old
-  lp:gnome-screensaver                      287  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-settings-daemon           4    days old
-  lp:gnome-settings-daemon                  0    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-system-monitor            6    days old
-  lp:gnome-system-monitor                   287  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-system-tools              22   days old
-  lp:gnome-system-tools                     289  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-terminal                  0    days old
-  lp:gnome-terminal                         284  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gnome-utils                     11   days old
-  lp:gnome-utils                            288  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gparted                         60   days old
-  lp:gparted                                0    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/grub                            97   days old
-  lp:grub                                   615  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/grub2                           10   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:grub2": No such project: grub2
-  lp:ubuntu/gst0.10-python                  112  days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:gst0.10-python": No such project: gst0.10-python
-  lp:ubuntu/gstreamer0.10                   50   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:gstreamer0.10": No such project: gstreamer0.10
-  lp:ubuntu/gtk+2.0 has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:gtk+2.0": No such project: gtk+2.0
-  lp:ubuntu/gvfs                            47   days old
-  lp:gvfs                                   461  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/gwibber                         92   days old
-  lp:gwibber                                23   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/hal has no default branch
-  lp:hal                                    1279 days old
-  lp:ubuntu/hplip                           21   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:hplip": HPLIP has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/imagemagick                     60   days old
-  lp:imagemagick                            8    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/initramfs-tools                 34   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:initramfs-tools": initramfs-tools has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/jockey                          17   days old
-  lp:jockey                                 12   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/k3b                             22   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:k3b": k3b has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/kdebase has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:kdebase": KDE Base has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/kdebase-workspace has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:kdebase-workspace": KDE Base Workspace has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/kdepim                          62   days old
-  lp:kdepim                                 279  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/linux has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:linux": Linux has no default branch.
- tagged special
- tagged special
-  lp:ubuntu/metacity                        0    days old
-  lp:metacity                               291  days old
- tagged old-version
-  lp:ubuntu/mplayer                         63   days old
-  lp:mplayer                                0    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/nautilus has no default branch
-  lp:nautilus                               284  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/netbook-launcher                42   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:netbook-launcher": No such project: netbook-launcher
-  lp:ubuntu/network-manager                 6    days old
-  lp:network-manager                        461  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/network-manager-applet          103  days old
-  lp:network-manager-applet                 461  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/nspluginwrapper                 169  days old
-  lp:nspluginwrapper                        224  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180     93   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:nvidia-graphics-drivers-180": No such project: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180
-  lp:ubuntu/openjdk-6 has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:openjdk-6": No such project: openjdk-6
-  lp:ubuntu/ has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "": No such project:
-  lp:ubuntu/pidgin                          217  days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:pidgin": Pidgin has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/pm-utils                        50   days old
-  lp:pm-utils                               43   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/poppler                         39   days old
-  lp:poppler                                1    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/pulseaudio                      8    days old
-  lp:pulseaudio                             56   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox                       12   days old
-  lp:rhythmbox                              286  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/samba has no default branch
-  lp:samba                                  53   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/screenlets                      78   days old
-  lp:screenlets                             200  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/software-center                 5    days old
-  lp:software-center                        0    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/system-config-printer           27   days old
-  lp:system-config-printer                  291  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/sysvinit                        214  days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:sysvinit": sysvinit has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/thunderbird                     161  days old
-  lp:thunderbird                            45   days old
-  lp:ubuntu/totem has no default branch
-  lp:totem                                  285  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/tracker                         91   days old
-  lp:tracker                                293  days old
-  lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-docs                     17   days old
-  lp:ubuntu-docs                            1    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/ubuntuone-client                49   days old
-  lp:ubuntuone-client                       0    days old
-  lp:ubuntu/util-linux                      34   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:util-linux": No such project: util-linux
-  lp:ubuntu/vim                             6    days old
-  lp:vim                                    1407 days old
-  lp:ubuntu/virt-manager                    220  days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:virt-manager": virt-manager has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/virtualbox-ose                  38   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:virtualbox-ose": No such project: virtualbox-ose
-  lp:ubuntu/vlc                             6    days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:vlc": VLC media player has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/wine                            92   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:wine": Wine has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/xorg-server has no default branch
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:xorg-server": X.Org X server has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/xserver-xorg-input-evdev        14   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:xserver-xorg-input-evdev": No such project: xserver-xorg-input-evdev
-  lp:ubuntu/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics    40   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:xserver-xorg-input-synaptics": No such project: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
-  lp:ubuntu/xserver-xorg-video-ati          16   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:xserver-xorg-video-ati": No such project: xserver-xorg-video-ati
-  lp:ubuntu/xserver-xorg-video-intel        14   days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:xserver-xorg-video-intel": xf86-video-intel has no default branch.
-  lp:ubuntu/xulrunner-1.9                   145  days old
-  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:xulrunner-1.9": No such project: xulrunner-1.9
-   18 ok
-   55 stale
-   22 unregistered
-    0 otherwise broken
-   14 ok upstream branches
-   47 stale upstream branches
-    2 upstream branches broken
-   16 packages without an upstream project
-   16 upstream projects without a default branch
-    3 old
-    0 metapackages
-    0 special cased packages
-    0 no dev focus packages
+  package branch url                        age  soyuz        status
+                                            (days)              
+  lp:ubuntu/acpi                            235  1.4-2        up-to-date
+  lp:acpi                                   235               
+  lp:ubuntu/acpi-support                    21   0.132        up-to-date
+  lp:acpi-support                           21                
+  lp:ubuntu/alsa-driver                     18 up-to-date
+  lp:alsa-driver has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/amarok                          22   2:2.2.2-0ubuntu1 missing
+  lp:amarok                                 281               
+  lp:ubuntu/apt                             34   1.0-4-3      missing
+  lp:apt                                    35                
+ tagged hg-import
+  lp:ubuntu/audacious has no default branch
+  Tags not supported by RemoteBranch(bzr+ssh://; you may be able to use bzr upgrade.
+  lp:ubuntu/banshee                         103  1.5.1-1      up-to-date
+  lp:banshee                                285               
+  lp:ubuntu/bluez                           123  4.51-0ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:bluez": BlueZ is a project, and a project cannot have a default branch.
+  lp:ubuntu/brasero                         20   2.29.4-0ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:brasero                                286               
+  lp:ubuntu/compiz has no default branch
+  lp:compiz                                 18                
+  lp:ubuntu/cups                            36   3.14.6-3     missing
+  lp:cups                                   7                 
+  lp:ubuntu/cupsys has no default branch
+  lp:cupsys has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/debian-installer has no default branch
+  lp:debian-installer                       352               
+  lp:ubuntu/dpkg                            75   5.3+nmu1     missing
+  lp:dpkg                                   49                
+  lp:ubuntu/ekiga                           187  3.2.5-1ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:ekiga                                  285               
+  lp:ubuntu/empathy                         22   2.29.6-0ubuntu1 missing
+  lp:empathy                                284               
+  lp:ubuntu/epiphany-browser                12   2.29.5-2     up-to-date
+  lp:epiphany-browser                       0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/evince                          14   2.29.5-0ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:evince                                 285               
+  lp:ubuntu/evolution has no default branch
+  lp:evolution                              285               
+  lp:ubuntu/evolution-exchange              40   2.28.1-1ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:evolution-exchange                     0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/f-spot                          16    up-to-date
+  Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://".
+ tagged special
+  lp:ubuntu/file-roller                     0    2.29.5-0ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:file-roller                            0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/firefox                         2    3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:firefox                                3                 
+ tagged old-version
+ tagged old-version
+  lp:ubuntu/gdm has no default branch
+  Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://".
+  lp:ubuntu/gedit                           0    2.29.5-0ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://".
+  lp:ubuntu/glibc has no default branch
+  lp:glibc                                  0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-applets                   11   2.29.5-0ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:gnome-applets                          288               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-control-center has no default branch
+  lp:gnome-control-center                   285               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-games has no default branch
+  lp:gnome-games                            285               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-media                     40   2.28.1-1ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:gnome-media                            292               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-panel has no default branch
+  lp:gnome-panel                            286               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-power-manager has no default branch
+  lp:gnome-power-manager has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-screensaver               6    2.28.0-1ubuntu5 up-to-date
+  lp:gnome-screensaver                      287               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-settings-daemon           4    2.29.5-0ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:gnome-settings-daemon                  0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-system-monitor            6    2.28.0-1ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:gnome-system-monitor                   287               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-system-tools              22   2.29.1-0ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:gnome-system-tools                     289               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-terminal                  0    2.29.1-0ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:gnome-terminal                         284               
+  lp:ubuntu/gnome-utils                     11   2.29.5-0ubuntu2 missing
+  lp:gnome-utils                            288               
+  lp:ubuntu/gparted                         60   0.5.0-1      missing
+  lp:gparted                                0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/grub                            97 missing
+  lp:grub                                   615               
+  lp:ubuntu/grub2                           10   1.98~20100101-1ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:grub2 has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/gst0.10-python                  112  0.10.17-1    up-to-date
+  lp:gst0.10-python has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/gstreamer0.10                   50   0.10.25-4    up-to-date
+  lp:gstreamer0.10 has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/gtk+2.0 has no default branch
+  lp:gtk+2.0 has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/gvfs                            47   1.5.1-0ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:gvfs                                   461               
+  lp:ubuntu/gwibber                         92   2.0.0~bzr476-0ubuntu3 up-to-date
+  lp:gwibber                                23                
+  lp:ubuntu/hal has no default branch
+  lp:hal                                    1279              
+ tagged special
+  lp:ubuntu/imagemagick                     60   7: up-to-date
+  lp:imagemagick                            8                 
+ tagged special
+  lp:ubuntu/jockey                          17   0.5.5-0ubuntu6 up-to-date
+  lp:jockey                                 12                
+  lp:ubuntu/k3b                             22   1.69.0~alpha4-1ubuntu4 missing
+  lp:k3b has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/kdebase has no default branch
+  lp:kdebase has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/kdebase-workspace has no default branch
+  lp:kdebase-workspace has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/kdepim                          62   4:4.3.95-0ubuntu1 missing
+  lp:kdepim                                 279               
+  lp:ubuntu/linux has no default branch
+  lp:linux has no default branch
+ tagged special
+ tagged special
+  lp:ubuntu/metacity                        0    1:2.28.0-2ubuntu4 up-to-date
+  lp:metacity                               291               
+ tagged old-version
+  lp:ubuntu/mplayer                         63   0.9.8-1ubuntu2 missing
+  lp:mplayer                                0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/nautilus has no default branch
+  lp:nautilus                               284               
+  lp:ubuntu/netbook-launcher                42   2.1.12-0ubuntu4 up-to-date
+  lp:netbook-launcher has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/network-manager                 6    0.8~rc2-0ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:network-manager                        461               
+  lp:ubuntu/network-manager-applet          103  0.8~rc2-0ubuntu1 missing
+  lp:network-manager-applet                 461               
+  lp:ubuntu/nspluginwrapper                 169  1.2.2-0ubuntu6 up-to-date
+  lp:nspluginwrapper                        225               
+ tagged special
+ tagged hg-import
+ tagged hg-import
+ tagged special
+  lp:ubuntu/pm-utils                        50   1.3.0~rc1-0ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:pm-utils                               43                
+  lp:ubuntu/poppler                         39   0.12.2-2.1ubuntu3 up-to-date
+  lp:poppler                                1                 
+  lp:ubuntu/pulseaudio                      8    0.1.1-1      missing
+  lp:pulseaudio                             56                
+  lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox                       12   0.12.6-1ubuntu6 up-to-date
+  lp:rhythmbox                              286               
+  lp:ubuntu/samba has no default branch
+  lp:samba                                  53                
+  lp:ubuntu/screenlets                      78   0.1.2-7ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  Tags not supported by RemoteBranch(bzr+ssh://; you may be able to use bzr upgrade.
+  lp:ubuntu/software-center                 5    1.1.9        up-to-date
+  lp:software-center                        0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/system-config-printer           27   1.1.12+git20090826-0ubuntu9 up-to-date
+  lp:system-config-printer                  291               
+  lp:ubuntu/sysvinit                        214  2.87dsf-4ubuntu14 missing
+  lp:sysvinit has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/thunderbird                     161 missing
+  lp:thunderbird                            45                
+  lp:ubuntu/totem has no default branch
+  lp:totem                                  285               
+  lp:ubuntu/tracker                         91 missing
+  lp:tracker                                293               
+  lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-docs                     17   9.10.1       up-to-date
+  lp:ubuntu-docs                            1                 
+  lp:ubuntu/ubuntuone-client                49   1.1.0-0ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:ubuntuone-client                       0                 
+  lp:ubuntu/util-linux                      34   2.16-1ubuntu6 up-to-date
+  lp:util-linux has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/vim                             6    3.0-2.1b-3   missing
+  lp:vim                                    1407              
+ tagged hg-import
+  lp:ubuntu/virtualbox-ose                  38   3.1.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 up-to-date
+  lp:virtualbox-ose has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/vlc                             6    1.0.4-2ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:vlc has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/wine                            92   1.0.1-0ubuntu10 missing
+  lp:wine has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/xorg-server has no default branch
+  lp:xorg-server has no default branch
+  lp:ubuntu/xserver-xorg-input-evdev        14   1:2.3.2-3    up-to-date
+  lp:xserver-xorg-input-evdev has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics    40   1.2.0-3ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:xserver-xorg-input-synaptics has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/xserver-xorg-video-ati          16   1:6.12.99+git20091125.0061c4db-0ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:xserver-xorg-video-ati has no project
+  lp:ubuntu/xserver-xorg-video-intel        14   2:2.9.1-1ubuntu2 up-to-date
+  lp:xserver-xorg-video-intel has no default branch
+ tagged hg-import
+   18 ok
+   47 stale
+   20 unregistered
+    5 hg-import packages
+    0 otherwise broken
+   15 ok upstream branches
+   42 stale upstream branches
+    6 upstream branches broken
+   11 packages without an upstream project
+   11 upstream projects without a default branch
+    3 old
+    0 metapackages
+    0 special cased packages
+    0 no dev focus packages
+   18 packages missing soyuz version

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