Rev 5388: A __sizeof__ check that ensure we are getting what we are looking for. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Aug 6 16:38:42 BST 2010


revno: 5388
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 2.3-btree-chk-leaf
timestamp: Fri 2010-08-06 10:38:24 -0500
  A __sizeof__ check that ensure we are getting what we are looking for.
  It also checks that it grows appropriately for how many new entries are added.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2010-08-04 16:33:26 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2010-08-06 15:38:24 +0000
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
 class _LeafNode(dict):
     """A leaf node for a serialised B+Tree index."""
-    __slots__ = ('min_key', 'max_key')
+    __slots__ = ('min_key', 'max_key', '_keys')
     def __init__(self, bytes, key_length, ref_list_length):
         """Parse bytes to create a leaf node object."""
@@ -618,6 +618,7 @@
             self.min_key = self.max_key = None
         super(_LeafNode, self).__init__(key_list)
+        self._keys = dict(self)
     def all_items(self):
         """Return a sorted list of (key, (value, refs)) items"""

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2010-08-04 16:08:12 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2010-08-06 15:38:24 +0000
@@ -291,3 +291,15 @@
             self.assertEqual(lst.index(val), offsets[val])
         for idx, key in enumerate(leaf.all_keys()):
             self.assertEqual(str(idx), leaf[key][0].split()[0])
+    def test__sizeof__(self):
+        # We can't use the exact numbers because of platform variations, etc.
+        # But what we really care about is that it does get bigger with more
+        # content.
+        leaf0 = self.module._parse_into_chk('type=leaf\n', 1, 0)
+        leaf1 = self.module._parse_into_chk(_one_key_content, 1, 0)
+        leafN = self.module._parse_into_chk(_multi_key_content, 1, 0)
+        sizeof_1 = leaf1.__sizeof__() - leaf0.__sizeof__()
+        self.assertTrue(sizeof_1 > 0)
+        sizeof_N = leafN.__sizeof__() - leaf0.__sizeof__()
+        self.assertEqual(sizeof_1 * len(leafN), sizeof_N)

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