Rev 412: Only load enough history to show what we need. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Apr 26 20:03:15 BST 2010


revno: 412
revision-id: john at
parent: mnordhoff at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: page_loading
timestamp: Mon 2010-04-26 14:02:37 -0500
  Only load enough history to show what we need.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'loggerhead/controllers/'
--- a/loggerhead/controllers/	2010-04-22 08:52:59 +0000
+++ b/loggerhead/controllers/	2010-04-26 19:02:37 +0000
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
             revid, start_revid, revid_list = history.get_view(
-                revid, start_revid, filter_file_id, query)
+                revid, start_revid, filter_file_id, query,
+                extra_rev_count=pagesize+1)
             if (query is not None) and (len(revid_list) == 0):

=== modified file 'loggerhead/'
--- a/loggerhead/	2010-04-14 17:54:32 +0000
+++ b/loggerhead/	2010-04-26 19:02:37 +0000
@@ -452,15 +452,40 @@
         if revid is None:
             revid = self.last_revid
         if file_id is not None:
-            # since revid is 'start_revid', possibly should start the path
-            # tracing from revid... FIXME
-            revlist = list(self.get_short_revision_history_by_fileid(file_id))
-            revlist = list(self.get_revids_from(revlist, revid))
+            revlist = list(
+                self.get_short_revision_history_by_fileid(file_id, revid))
+            revlist = self.get_revids_from(revlist, revid)
-            revlist = list(self.get_revids_from(None, revid))
+            revlist = self.get_revids_from(None, revid)
         return revlist
-    def get_view(self, revid, start_revid, file_id, query=None):
+    def _iterate_sufficiently(self, iterable, stop_at, extra_rev_count):
+        """Return a list of iterable.
+        If extra_rev_count is None, fully consume iterable.
+        Otherwise, stop at 'stop_at' + extra_rev_count.
+        Example:
+          iterate until you find stop_at, then iterate 10 more times.
+        """
+        if extra_rev_count is None:
+            return list(iterable)
+        result = []
+        found = False
+        for n in iterable:
+            result.append(n)
+            if n == stop_at:
+                found = True
+                break
+        if found:
+            for count, n in enumerate(iterable):
+                result.append(n)
+                if count >= extra_rev_count:
+                    break
+        return result
+    def get_view(self, revid, start_revid, file_id, query=None,
+                 extra_rev_count=None):
         use the URL parameters (revid, start_revid, file_id, and query) to
         determine the revision list we're viewing (start_revid, file_id, query)
@@ -471,6 +496,10 @@
             - if a start_revid is given, we're viewing the branch from a
               specific revision up the tree.
+            - if extra_rev_count is given, find the view from start_revid =>
+              revid, and continue an additional 'extra_rev_count'. If not
+              given, then revid_list will contain the full history of
+              start_revid
         these may be combined to view revisions for a specific file, from
         a specific revision, with a specific search query.
@@ -489,12 +518,16 @@
         if query is None:
             revid_list = self.get_file_view(start_revid, file_id)
+            revid_list = self._iterate_sufficiently(revid_list, revid,
+                                                    extra_rev_count)
             if revid is None:
                 revid = start_revid
             if revid not in revid_list:
                 # if the given revid is not in the revlist, use a revlist that
                 # starts at the given revid.
                 revid_list = self.get_file_view(revid, file_id)
+                revid_list = self._iterate_sufficiently(revid_list, revid,
+                                                        extra_rev_count)
                 start_revid = revid
             return revid, start_revid, revid_list

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