Rev 69: quite a bit better. Now only 11min (up from 3.5min) to expand all of in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Apr 8 22:29:42 BST 2010


revno: 69
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: history_db
timestamp: Thu 2010-04-08 16:29:31 -0500
  quite a bit better. Now only 11min (up from 3.5min) to expand all of
  This is down from 20-30min before the recent tweaks.
  One is to cache the db_to_rev mapping while we are building the rev<=>db mapping.
  Rebuilding that dict on each tip import was too expensive.
  Lots of statistics added, to try to help understand what is going on.
  Current results for importing
  {'_insert_node_calls': 30531,
   'nodes_expanded': 4713,
   'num_search_tips': 803215,
   'pushed': 791477,
   'pushed uninteresting': 27,
   'ranges_inserted': 52,
   'revs_in_ranges': 5137,
   'split already imported': 30358,
   'split child imported': 9349,
   'split children interesting': 35720,
   'split gdfo': 730354,
   'split parent imported': 6783,
   'step mainline': 3891475,
   'step mainline ensure LH': 32509,
   'step mainline initial': 4713,
   'step mainline null-branch': 2573,
   'step mainline sub-branch': 3202496,
   'step mainline unknown': 649184,
   'step search tips': 82196,
   'total_nodes_inserted': 821981}
  lsprof shows that _split_gdfo does a pretty good job and catches quite a few
  cases. For bzrtools 'split using children' did a fair share. But for bzr itself
  'split using gdfo' seems to do the most of it.
  Though also, for bzrtools 'step mainline unknown' was the primary cause of stepping,
  but for bzr, 'step mainline sub-branch' takes the cake. Specifically, out of
  3.9M mainline steps, 3.2M of them were because we wanted to be able to number
  a sub-branch. Good news is that we may be able to improve that by searching
  for the 'newest' sub-branch, rather than the 'current' sub-branch.
  We also may want to just make step_mainline cheaper by having it step
  more than one revision at a time. Possibly using gdfo as a hint for how far to go...
  Note that walk_ancestry --db-db-id was 300+ms, but --db-dotted was only 87ms.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2010-04-08 20:00:49 +0000
+++ b/	2010-04-08 21:29:31 +0000
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
         self._graph = None
         self._rev_id_to_db_id = {}
+        self._db_id_to_rev_id = {}
         self._stats = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
     def _ensure_schema(self):
@@ -103,7 +104,8 @@
     def _ensure_revisions(self, revision_ids):
         schema.ensure_revisions(self._cursor, revision_ids,
-                                self._rev_id_to_db_id, self._graph)
+                                self._rev_id_to_db_id,
+                                self._db_id_to_rev_id, self._graph)
     def _ensure_graph(self):
         if self._graph is not None:
@@ -145,10 +147,6 @@
     def _update_parents(self, nodes):
         """Update parent information for all these nodes."""
         # Get the keys and their parents
-        # TODO: handle ghosts somehow, the current table structure won't
-        #       distinguish between valid roots and roots that are ghosts.
-        #       Note, though, that merge_sort also prunes ghosts, so you have
-        #       to find them some other way.
         parent_map = dict(
             (n.key[0], [p[0] for p in self._graph.get_parent_keys(n.key)])
             for n in nodes)
@@ -205,26 +203,25 @@
             inc_merger = _IncrementalMergeSort(self, tip_db_id)
             merge_sorted = inc_merger.topo_order()
             # Map db_ids back to the keys that self._graph would generate
-            db_id_to_rev_id = dict((d, r)
-                               for r, d in self._rev_id_to_db_id.iteritems())
             # Assert that the result is valid
-            actual_ms = self._graph.merge_sort((tip_revision_id,))
-            actual_ms_iter = iter(actual_ms)
+            # actual_ms = self._graph.merge_sort((tip_revision_id,))
+            # actual_ms_iter = iter(actual_ms)
             def assert_is_equal(x, y):
                 if x != y:
                     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
             for node in merge_sorted:
-                    node.key = (db_id_to_rev_id[node.key],)
+                    node.key = (self._db_id_to_rev_id[node.key],)
                 except KeyError: # Look this one up in the db
                     rev_res = self._cursor.execute(
                         "SELECT revision_id FROM revision WHERE db_id = ?",
                     rev_id = rev_res[0]
-                    db_id_to_rev_id[node.key] = rev_id
+                    self._db_id_to_rev_id[node.key] = rev_id
                     self._rev_id_to_db_id[rev_id] = node.key
                     node.key = (rev_id,)
+                continue
                 actual_node =
                 assert_is_equal(node.key, actual_node.key)
                 assert_is_equal(node.revno, actual_node.revno)
@@ -259,7 +256,11 @@
                     # data is imported. However, if we import in 'reverse'
                     # order, it is obvious when we can stop...
-                    self._update_parents(new_nodes)
+                    if not self._incremental:
+                        # Fairly small perf improvement. But if we are doing
+                        # _incremental, we've already called _update_ancestry,
+                        # so we know the parents are already updated.
+                        self._update_parents(new_nodes)
                     if not self._insert_nodes(last_mainline_rev_id, new_nodes):
                         # This data has already been imported.
                         new_nodes = []
@@ -290,7 +291,10 @@
          children) = self._find_known_ancestors(new_tip_rev_id)
         self._compute_gdfo_and_insert(known, children, parent_map)
-        self._db_conn.commit()
+        # This seems to slow things down a fair amount. On bzrtools, we end up
+        # calling it 75 times, and it ends up taking 800ms. vs a total rutime
+        # of 1200ms otherwise.
+        # self._db_conn.commit()
     def _find_known_ancestors(self, new_tip_rev_id):
         """Starting at tip, find ancestors we already have"""
@@ -512,6 +516,7 @@
         self._mainline_db_ids = None
         self._imported_mainline_id = None
         self._cursor = importer._cursor
+        self._stats = importer._stats
         # db_id => gdfo
         self._known_gdfo = {}
@@ -577,10 +582,12 @@
             "   AND child IN (%s)",
         self._search_tips = set([r[0] for r in res])
+        self._stats['num_search_tips'] += len(self._search_tips)
         # We know that we will eventually need at least 1 step of the mainline
         # (it gives us the basis for numbering everything). We do it now,
         # because it increases the 'cheap' filtering we can do right away.
+        self._stats['step mainline initial'] += 1
         ghost_res = self._cursor.execute("SELECT db_id FROM ghost").fetchall()
         self._ghosts = set([g[0] for g in ghost_res])
@@ -617,10 +624,12 @@
                 or db_id == self._imported_mainline_id):
                 # This should be removed as a search tip, we know it isn't
                 # interesting, it is an ancestor of an imported revision
+                self._stats['split already imported'] += 1
             gdfo = self._known_gdfo[db_id]
             if gdfo >= self._imported_gdfo:
+                self._stats['split gdfo'] += 1
@@ -658,6 +667,7 @@
                 or child == self._imported_mainline_id):
                 # This child is already imported, so obviously the parent is,
                 # too.
+                self._stats['split child imported'] += 1
             parent_to_children.setdefault(parent, []).append(child)
@@ -685,23 +695,27 @@
         still_unknown = []
         for parent in unknown_search_tips:
             if parent in already_imported:
+                self._stats['split parent imported'] += 1
             for c in parent_to_children[parent]:
                 if c in possibly_merged_children:
             else: # All children could not be possibly merged
+                self._stats['split children interesting'] += 1
         return still_unknown
     def _step_mainline(self):
         """Move the mainline pointer by one, updating the data."""
+        self._stats['step mainline'] += 1
         res = self._cursor.execute(
             "SELECT merged_revision, revno, end_of_merge, merge_depth"
             "  FROM dotted_revno WHERE tip_revision = ?",
         dotted_info = [(r[0], (tuple(map(int, r[1].split('.'))), r[2], r[3]))
                        for r in res]
+        self._stats['step mainline added'] += len(dotted_info)
         # TODO: We could remove search tips that show up as newly merged
         #       though that can wait until the next
@@ -724,6 +738,7 @@
     def _step_search_tips(self):
         """Move the search tips to their parents."""
+        self._stats['step search tips'] += 1
         res = _get_result_for_many(self._cursor,
             "SELECT parent, gdfo FROM parent, revision"
             " WHERE parent=db_id AND child IN (%s)",
@@ -745,6 +760,7 @@
         #       against revision since we should already have them. There may
         #       be other ways that we already know gdfo. It may be cheaper to
         #       check first.
+        self._stats['num_search_tips'] += len(self._search_tips)
     def _ensure_lh_parent_info(self):
@@ -767,6 +783,7 @@
         while missing_parent_ids:
+            self._stats['step mainline ensure LH'] += 1
             missing_parent_ids = missing_parent_ids.difference(
@@ -795,6 +812,7 @@
                 # because you may have a rev with 10 children before it lands
                 # in mainline, but all 11 revs will be in the dotted_revno
                 # cache for that mainline.
+                self._stats['step mainline unknown'] += 1
             # All search_tips are known to either be interesting or
             # uninteresting. Walk any search tips that remain.
@@ -867,8 +885,10 @@
     def _push_node(self, db_id, merge_depth):
         # TODO: Check if db_id is a ghost (not allowed on the stack)
+        self._stats['pushed'] += 1
         if db_id not in self._interesting_ancestor_ids:
             # This is a parent that we really don't need to number
+            self._stats['pushed uninteresting'] += 1
         parent_ids = self._get_parents(db_id)
         if len(parent_ids) <= 0:
@@ -915,9 +935,13 @@
                 # we need a new branch number. To get this correct, we have to
                 # make sure that the beginning of this branch has been loaded
                 if len(parent_revno) > 1:
+                    # TODO: We don't actually need parent_revno, we need
+                    #       (rev, self._revno_to_branch_count[rev], 1), which
+                    #       may be closer.
                     branch_root = parent_revno[:2] + (1,)
                     while (self._imported_mainline_id is not None
                            and branch_root not in self._dotted_to_db_id):
+                        self._stats['step mainline sub-branch'] += 1
                 base_revno = parent_revno[0]
                 branch_count = (
@@ -953,6 +977,7 @@
                 first_rev_revno = (0, last_new_root, 1)
                 if first_rev_revno in self._dotted_to_db_id:
+                self._stats['step mainline null-branch'] += 1
             branch_count = self._revno_to_branch_count.get(0, -1) + 1
             self._revno_to_branch_count[0] = branch_count

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2010-04-07 20:06:20 +0000
+++ b/	2010-04-08 21:29:31 +0000
@@ -163,7 +163,8 @@
 _BATCH_SIZE = 100
-def ensure_revisions(cursor, revision_ids, rev_id_to_db_id, graph):
+def ensure_revisions(cursor, revision_ids, rev_id_to_db_id, db_id_to_rev_id,
+                     graph):
     """Do a bulk check to make sure we have db ids for all revisions.
     Update the revision_id => db_id mapping
@@ -194,6 +195,7 @@
         local_missing = set(next)
         for rev_id, db_id in res.fetchall():
             rev_id_to_db_id[rev_id] = db_id
+            db_id_to_rev_id[db_id] = rev_id
     if missing:
@@ -208,7 +210,8 @@
         cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO revision (revision_id, gdfo)'
                            ' VALUES (?, ?)',
                            [(m, get_gdfo(m)) for m in missing])
-        ensure_revisions(cursor, missing, rev_id_to_db_id, graph=graph)
+        ensure_revisions(cursor, missing, rev_id_to_db_id,
+                         db_id_to_rev_id, graph=graph)
         if ghosts:
             # TODO: We could turn this into a "revision_id IN ()", instead...
             cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO ghost (db_id)"

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