Rev 4636: Moved Outline.txt into BRANCH.TODO. in file:///home/vila/src/bzr/experimental/conflict-manager/

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Tue Oct 27 16:18:30 GMT 2009

At file:///home/vila/src/bzr/experimental/conflict-manager/

revno: 4636
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: description
timestamp: Tue 2009-10-27 17:18:30 +0100
  Moved Outline.txt into BRANCH.TODO.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'BRANCH.TODO'
--- a/BRANCH.TODO	2009-05-06 05:36:28 +0000
+++ b/BRANCH.TODO	2009-10-27 16:18:30 +0000
@@ -3,3 +3,233 @@
+Related Bugs:
+- add more info to Conflict objects:
+  - base revid for text conflict
+  - this requires a format bump ?
+- tests with '.diverted' files ?
+- doc/es/user-guide/resolving_conflicts.txt is really
+  user-reference/resolving_conflicts.txt
+Overall presentation:
+When conflicts are present in a working tree (as shown by ``bzr
+conflicts``), the user should resolve them and then inform bzr
+that the conflicts has been resolved.
+Resolving conflicts is sometimes not obvious. Either because the
+user that should resolve them is not the one responsible for
+their occurrence, as is the case when merging other people work
+or because some conflicts are presented in a way that is not easy
+to understand.
+``bzr`` try to avoid conflicts, its aim is to ask the user to
+resolve the conflict if and only if there's an actual conceptual
+conflict in the source tree.  Because bzr doesn't understand the
+real meaning of the files being versioned it can fall short in
+either direction trying to resolve the conflict itself when faced
+with ambiguities.
+When it can't resolve, bzr add information into the working tree
+to present the conflicting versions and leave the resolution to
+the user.
+Whatever the conflict is, resolving it is roughly done in two steps:
+- modify the working tree content so that the conflicted item is
+  now in the desired state, there are,
+- inform bzr that the conflict is now solved and ask to cleanup
+  any remaining generated information (``bzr resolve <item>``).
+For most conflict types, there are some obvious ways to modify
+the working tree and put it into the desired state. For some type
+of conflicts, bzr itself already made a choice when possible.
+Yet, whether bzr made a choice or not, there are some other ways
+simple but alternative ways to resolve the conflict.
+Providing the ``--interactive`` option to ``bzr resolve`` will
+display a short explanation of the conflict and propose some
+actions before marking the file as resolved.
+The Conflict classes will receive additional methods to resolve
+the conflict in alternative ways.
+Resolve will receive a ``--interactive`` option and present a
+list of possible actions (including do nothing) to the user
+before marking the file as resolved.
+The --all and file* parameters will still be honored so that the
+user solve conflicts at his own pace.
+It should be possible for a GUI to query the conflict objects for
+possible actions (in textual form) and trigger them.
+Proposed actions by conflict type:
+The following paragraphs list all the existing conflict types and summarize:
+- the actions that can be proposed to the user,
+- the cleanups that could remain to be done once the conflict is solved,
+In practice, the actions will always contain:
+- leave the user solve the conflict by its own means,
+- mark the conflict as solved without any additional action.
+Text conflicts:
+5 ways:
+- force THIS (for all conflicted regions)
+- force OTHER (for all conflicted regions)
+- manually solve each conflicted region
+- force THIS (overriding all cleanly merged modifications)
+- force OTHER (overriding all cleanly merged modifications)
+- delete .THIS, .OTHER, .BASE  if present
+Content conflicts:
+3 ways:
+- bzr mv .THIS <item>,
+- bzr mv .OTHER <item>,
+- manually combine .THIS and .OTHER
+- delete .THIS, .OTHER, .BASE if present
+Duplicate paths
+bzr made a choice
+3 ways:
+- bzr mv .moved <item> (refuse bzr choice)
+- bzr rm .moved (accept bzr choice)
+- manually combine <item> and .moved
+- nothing to do ? If the '.moved' file still exists emit a
+  warning ? Delete it ? Put it to the trash ?
+Unversioned parent
+bzr made a choice: version the parent
+3 ways:
+- bzr rm <children>
+- bzr rm <parent>
+- manually rename <children>
+- nothing to do nothing more than the conflicted objects have been created
+Missing parent
+bzr made a choice: create the missing parent and version it.
+3 ways:
+- bzr rm <children>
+- bzr rm <parent>
+- manually rename <children>
+- nothing to do, nothing more than the conflicted objects have been created
+Deleting parent
+bzr made a choice: not delete the parent
+3 ways:
+- bzr rm <children>
+- bzr rm <parent>
+- manually solve the issue (may be more than a single children)
+- nothing to do
+Path conflict
+bzr made a choice: use the source's name
+3 ways:
+- do nothing (accept bzr choice)
+- bzr mv <item> other-name (refuse bzr choice)
+- manually rename to a different name
+- nothing to do 
+Parent loop
+bzr made a choice: keep the existing renaming
+3 ways:
+- do nothing (accept bzr choice)
+- bzr mv this_parent/this_children other_parent/other_children
+- manually rename the items
+- nothing to do
+Non-directory parent
+bzr made a choice: create a <parent>.new directory
+There is no obvious single action that can solve the conflict
+here, but let's try anyway.
+3 ways:
+- bzr rm <parent>.new
+- bzr rm <parent> + bzr mv <parent>.new <parent>
+- manually rename the items
+- nothing to do

=== removed file 'Outline.txt'
--- a/Outline.txt	2009-10-16 12:54:42 +0000
+++ b/Outline.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-Related Bugs:
-- add more info to Conflict objects:
-  - 
-  - base revid for text conflict
-- tests with '.diverted' files ?
-- doc/es/user-guide/resolving_conflicts.txt is really
-  use-reference/resolving_conflicts.txt
-Overall presentation:
-When conflicts are present in a working tree (as shown by ``bzr
-conflicts``), the user should resolve them and then inform bzr
-that the conflicts has been resolved.
-Resolving conflicts is sometimes not obvious. Either because the
-user that should resolve them is not the one responsible for
-their occurrence, as is the case when merging other people work
-or because some conflicts are presented in a way that is not easy
-to understand.
-``bzr`` try to avoid conflicts, its aim is to ask the user to
-resolve the conflict if and only if there's an actual conceptual
-conflict in the source tree.  Because bzr doesn't understand the
-real meaning of the files being versioned it can fall short in
-either direction trying to resolve the conflict itself when faced
-with ambiguities.
-When it can't resolve, bzr add information into the working tree
-to present the conflicting versions and leave the resolution to
-the user.
-Whatever the conflict is, resolving it is roughly done in two steps:
-- modify the working tree content so that the conflicted item is
-  now in the desired state, there are,
-- inform bzr that the conflict is now solved and ask to cleanup
-  any remaining generated information (``bzr resolve <item>``).
-For most conflict types, there are some obvious ways to modify
-the working tree and put it into the desired state. For some type
-of conflicts, bzr itself already made a choice when possible.
-Yet, whether bzr made a choice or not, there are some other ways
-simple but alternative ways to resolve the conflict.
-Providing the ``--interactive`` option to ``bzr resolve`` will
-display a short explanation of the conflict and propose some
-actions before marking the file as resolved.
-The Conflict classes will receive additional methods to resolve
-the conflict in alternative ways.
-Resolve will receive a ``--interactive`` option and present a
-list of possible actions (including do nothing) to the user
-before marking the file as resolved.
-The --all and file* parameters will still be honored so that the
-user solve conflicts at his own pace.
-It should be possible for a GUI to query the conflict objects for
-possible actions (in textual form) and trigger them.
-Proposed actions by conflict type:
-The following paragraphs list all the existing conflict types and summarize:
-- the actions that can be proposed to the user,
-- the cleanups that could remain to be done once the conflict is solved,
-In practice, the actions will always contain:
-- leave the user solve the conflict by its own means,
-- mark the conflict as solved without any additional action.
-Text conflicts:
-5 ways:
-- force THIS (for all conflicted regions)
-- force OTHER (for all conflicted regions)
-- manually solve each conflicted region
-- force THIS (overriding all cleanly merged modifications)
-- force OTHER (overriding all cleanly merged modifications)
-- delete .THIS, .OTHER, .BASE  if present
-Content conflicts:
-3 ways:
-- bzr mv .THIS <item>,
-- bzr mv .OTHER <item>,
-- manually combine .THIS and .OTHER
-- delete .THIS, .OTHER, .BASE if present
-Duplicate paths
-bzr made a choice
-3 ways:
-- bzr mv .moved <item> (refuse bzr choice)
-- bzr rm .moved (accept bzr choice)
-- manually combine <item> and .moved
-- nothing to do ? If the '.moved' file still exists emit a
-  warning ? Delete it ? Put it to the trash ?
-Unversioned parent
-bzr made a choice: version the parent
-3 ways:
-- bzr rm <children>
-- bzr rm <parent>
-- manually rename <children>
-- nothing to do nothing more than the conflicted objects have been created
-Missing parent
-bzr made a choice: create the missing parent and version it.
-3 ways:
-- bzr rm <children>
-- bzr rm <parent>
-- manually rename <children>
-- nothing to do, nothing more than the conflicted objects have been created
-Deleting parent
-bzr made a choice: not delete the parent
-3 ways:
-- bzr rm <children>
-- bzr rm <parent>
-- manually solve the issue (may be more than a single children)
-- nothing to do
-Path conflict
-bzr made a choice: use the source's name
-3 ways:
-- do nothing (accept bzr choice)
-- bzr mv <item> other-name (refuse bzr choice)
-- manually rename to a different name
-- nothing to do 
-Parent loop
-bzr made a choice: keep the existing renaming
-3 ways:
-- do nothing (accept bzr choice)
-- bzr mv this_parent/this_children other_parent/other_children
-- manually rename the items
-- nothing to do
-Non-directory parent
-bzr made a choice: create a <parent>.new directory
-There is no obvious single action that can solve the conflict
-here, but let's try anyway.
-3 ways:
-- bzr rm <parent>.new
-- bzr rm <parent> + bzr mv <parent>.new <parent>
-- manually rename the items
-- nothing to do

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-10-20 14:47:12 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-10-27 16:18:30 +0000
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@
 def _resolve_interactive(tree, path):
-    import sys # TEMPORARY
         tree_conflicts = tree.conflicts()
@@ -171,6 +170,7 @@
         # FIXME: we should really do a loop below as some paths may be involved
         # in several conflicts but it's not yet clear how we will handle that.
         c = selected[0]
+        import sys # TEMPORARY
         action_name = sys.stdin.readline()
         action_name = action_name.rstrip('\n')
         # Crude exit

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