Rev 4755: Rename StaticTupleInterner => SimpleSet. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Oct 7 16:48:47 BST 2009


revno: 4755
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 2.1-static-tuple
timestamp: Wed 2009-10-07 10:48:32 -0500
  Rename StaticTupleInterner => SimpleSet.
  This is a bit more appropriate, because the internal data type is not
  specialized into StaticTuple objects only. Partially because I didn't
  see a specific memory/speed tradeoff to caching the hash, and
  that accessing said hash was siginficantly faster than just
  calling PyObject_Hash().
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file '.bzrignore'
--- a/.bzrignore	2009-10-07 15:27:24 +0000
+++ b/.bzrignore	2009-10-07 15:48:32 +0000
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
 # built extension modules

=== renamed file 'bzrlib/_static_tuple_interned_pyx.pxd' => 'bzrlib/_simple_set_pyx.pxd'
--- a/bzrlib/_static_tuple_interned_pyx.pxd	2009-10-07 15:27:24 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_simple_set_pyx.pxd	2009-10-07 15:48:32 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,14 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-"""Interface definition of a class to intern StaticTuple objects."""
+"""Interface definition of a class like PySet but without caching the hash.
+This is generally useful when you want to 'intern' objects, etc. Note that this
+differs from Set in that we:
+  1) Don't have all of the .intersection, .difference, etc functions
+  2) Do return the object from the set via queries
+     eg. SimpleSet.add(key) => saved_key and SimpleSet[key] => saved_key
 cdef extern from "python-compat.h":
     ctypedef long Py_ssize_t
@@ -23,8 +30,18 @@
     ctypedef struct PyObject:
-cdef public api class StaticTupleInterner [object StaticTupleInternerObject,
-                                           type StaticTupleInterner_type]:
+cdef public api class SimpleSet [object SimpleSetObject, type SimpleSet_Type]:
+    """A class similar to PySet, but with simpler implementation.
+    The main advantage is that this class uses only 2N memory to store N
+    objects rather than 4N memory. The main trade-off is that we do not cache
+    the hash value of saved objects. As such, it is assumed that computing the
+    hash will be cheap (such as strings or tuples of strings, etc.)
+    This also differs in that you can get back the objects that are stored
+    (like a dict), but we also don't implement the complete list of 'set'
+    operations (difference, intersection, etc).
+    """
     cdef readonly Py_ssize_t used    # active
     cdef readonly Py_ssize_t fill    # active + dummy
@@ -41,4 +58,4 @@
 # TODO: might want to export the C api here, though it is all available from
 #       the class object...
-cdef api object StaticTupleInterner_Add(object self, object key)
+cdef api object SimpleSet_Add(object self, object key)

=== renamed file 'bzrlib/_static_tuple_interned_pyx.pyx' => 'bzrlib/_simple_set_pyx.pyx'
--- a/bzrlib/_static_tuple_interned_pyx.pyx	2009-10-07 15:27:24 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_simple_set_pyx.pyx	2009-10-07 15:48:32 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-"""Definition of a class that is used to intern StaticTuple objects."""
+"""Definition of a class that is similar to Set with some small changes."""
 cdef extern from "Python.h":
     ctypedef unsigned long size_t
@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@
     if res == Py_True:
         return 1
-    # Only handled for now because we are testing with stuff like tuples versus
-    # StaticTuple objects. If we decide to limit StaticTupleInterner to
-    # strictly only allowing StaticTuple objects, then this is no longer
-    # required, and Py_NotImplemented => not equal
     if res == Py_NotImplemented:
         res = Py_TYPE(other).tp_richcompare(other, this, Py_EQ)
@@ -68,9 +64,8 @@
     return 0
-cdef public api class StaticTupleInterner [object StaticTupleInternerObject,
-                                           type StaticTupleInterner_type]:
-    """This class tracks the canonical forms for StaticTuples.
+cdef public api class SimpleSet [object SimpleSetObject, type SimpleSet_Type]:
+    """This class can be used to track canonical forms for objects.
     It is similar in function to the interned dictionary that is used by
     strings. However:
@@ -87,10 +82,6 @@
-    # Note that most of the members on this class are just thunks over to the C
-    # api. However, this provides a nice Python/Pyrex api, as well as making it
-    # easy to test the C api from pure python.
     def __init__(self):
         cdef Py_ssize_t size, n_bytes
@@ -125,7 +116,7 @@
         return <int>(slot - self.table), res
     def __contains__(self, key):
-        """Is key present in this StaticTupleInterner."""
+        """Is key present in this SimpleSet."""
         cdef PyObject **slot
         slot = _lookup(self, key)
@@ -152,10 +143,6 @@
         val = <object>(py_val)
         return val
-    # def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-    #     assert key == value
-    #     self._add(key)
     cdef int _insert_clean(self, PyObject *key) except -1:
         """Insert a key into self.table.
@@ -208,7 +195,7 @@
         # removed
         # TODO: Test this
         # if new_size < self.used:
-        #     raise RuntimeError('cannot shrink StaticTupleInterner to something'
+        #     raise RuntimeError('cannot shrink SimpleSet to something'
         #                        ' smaller than the number of used slots.')
         n_bytes = sizeof(PyObject*) * new_size;
         new_table = <PyObject **>PyMem_Malloc(n_bytes)
@@ -313,22 +300,22 @@
             raise KeyError('Key %s not present' % (key,))
     def __iter__(self):
-        return _StaticTupleInterner_iterator(self)
-cdef class _StaticTupleInterner_iterator:
-    """Iterator over the StaticTupleInterner structure."""
+        return _SimpleSet_iterator(self)
+cdef class _SimpleSet_iterator:
+    """Iterator over the SimpleSet structure."""
     cdef Py_ssize_t pos
-    cdef StaticTupleInterner table
+    cdef SimpleSet set
     cdef Py_ssize_t used # track if things have been mutated while iterating
     cdef Py_ssize_t len # number of entries left
     def __init__(self, obj):
-        self.table = obj
+        self.set = obj
         self.pos = 0
-        self.used = self.table.used
-        self.len = self.table.used
+        self.used = self.set.used
+        self.len = self.set.used
     def __iter__(self):
         return self
@@ -337,22 +324,22 @@
         cdef Py_ssize_t mask, i
         cdef PyObject **table
-        if self.table is None:
+        if self.set is None:
             raise StopIteration
-        if self.table.used != self.used:
+        if self.set.used != self.used:
             # Force this exception to continue to be raised
             self.used = -1
             raise RuntimeError("Set size changed during iteration")
         i = self.pos
-        mask = self.table.mask
-        table = self.table.table
+        mask = self.set.mask
+        table = self.set.table
         assert i >= 0
         while i <= mask and (table[i] == NULL or table[i] == _dummy):
             i += 1
         self.pos = i + 1
         if i > mask:
             # we walked to the end
-            self.table = None
+            self.set = None
             raise StopIteration
         # We must have found one
         key = <object>(table[i])
@@ -360,15 +347,15 @@
         return key
     def __length_hint__(self):
-        if self.table is not None and self.used == self.table.used:
+        if self.set is not None and self.used == self.set.used:
             return self.len
         return 0
-cdef api StaticTupleInterner StaticTupleInterner_New():
-    """Create a new StaticTupleInterner object."""
-    return StaticTupleInterner()
+cdef api SimpleSet SimpleSet_New():
+    """Create a new SimpleSet object."""
+    return SimpleSet()
 cdef inline int _check_self_not_none(object self) except -1:
@@ -383,7 +370,7 @@
         raise TypeError('self must not be None')
-cdef inline PyObject **_lookup(StaticTupleInterner self,
+cdef inline PyObject **_lookup(SimpleSet self,
                                object key) except NULL:
     """Find the slot where 'key' would fit.
@@ -439,7 +426,7 @@
     raise AssertionError('should never get here')
-cdef api PyObject **_StaticTupleInterner_Lookup(object self,
+cdef api PyObject **_SimpleSet_Lookup(object self,
                                                 object key) except NULL:
     """Find the slot where 'key' would fit.
@@ -456,45 +443,45 @@
     return _lookup(self, key)
-cdef api object StaticTupleInterner_Add(object self, object key):
-    """Add a key to the StaticTupleInterner (set).
+cdef api object SimpleSet_Add(object self, object key):
+    """Add a key to the SimpleSet (set).
-    :param self: The StaticTupleInterner to add the key to.
+    :param self: The SimpleSet to add the key to.
     :param key: The key to be added. If the key is already present,
         self will not be modified
     :return: The current key stored at the location defined by 'key'.
         This may be the same object, or it may be an equivalent object.
         (consider dict.setdefault(key, key))
-    cdef StaticTupleInterner true_self
+    cdef SimpleSet true_self
     true_self = self
     return true_self.add(key)
-cdef api bint StaticTupleInterner_Contains(object self, object key) except -1:
+cdef api bint SimpleSet_Contains(object self, object key) except -1:
     """Is key present in self?"""
-    cdef StaticTupleInterner true_self
+    cdef SimpleSet true_self
     true_self = self
     return key in true_self
-cdef api int StaticTupleInterner_Discard(object self, object key) except -1:
+cdef api int SimpleSet_Discard(object self, object key) except -1:
     """Remove the object referenced at location 'key'.
-    :param self: The StaticTupleInterner being modified
+    :param self: The SimpleSet being modified
     :param key: The key we are checking on
     :return: 1 if there was an object present, 0 if there was not, and -1 on
-    cdef StaticTupleInterner true_self
+    cdef SimpleSet true_self
     true_self = self
     return true_self.discard(key)
-cdef api PyObject *StaticTupleInterner_Get(StaticTupleInterner self,
+cdef api PyObject *SimpleSet_Get(SimpleSet self,
                                            object key) except? NULL:
     """Get a pointer to the object present at location 'key'.
@@ -505,23 +492,23 @@
     :param key: The value we are looking for
     :return: The object present at that location
-    cdef StaticTupleInterner true_self
+    cdef SimpleSet true_self
     true_self = self
     return true_self._get(key)
-cdef api Py_ssize_t StaticTupleInterner_Size(object self) except -1:
+cdef api Py_ssize_t SimpleSet_Size(object self) except -1:
     """Get the number of active entries in 'self'"""
-    cdef StaticTupleInterner true_self = self
+    cdef SimpleSet true_self = self
     return true_self.used
 # TODO: this should probably have direct tests, since it isn't used by __iter__
-cdef api int StaticTupleInterner_Next(object self, Py_ssize_t *pos,
+cdef api int SimpleSet_Next(object self, Py_ssize_t *pos,
                                       PyObject **key):
-    """Walk over items in a StaticTupleInterner.
+    """Walk over items in a SimpleSet.
     :param pos: should be initialized to 0 by the caller, and will be updated
         by this function
@@ -529,7 +516,7 @@
     :return: 0 if nothing left, 1 if we are returning a new value
     cdef Py_ssize_t i, mask
-    cdef StaticTupleInterner true_self = self
+    cdef SimpleSet true_self = self
     cdef PyObject **table
     i = pos[0]

=== modified file 'bzrlib/_static_tuple_c.c'
--- a/bzrlib/_static_tuple_c.c	2009-10-07 15:27:24 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_static_tuple_c.c	2009-10-07 15:48:32 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "_static_tuple_c.h"
 #include "_export_c_api.h"
-#include "_static_tuple_interned_pyx_api.h"
+#include "_simple_set_pyx_api.h"
 #include "python-compat.h"
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
         return self;
-    /* StaticTupleInterner_Add returns whatever object is present at self
+    /* SimpleSet_Add returns whatever object is present at self
      * or the new object if it needs to add it.
-    unique_key = StaticTupleInterner_Add(_interned_tuples, (PyObject *)self);
+    unique_key = SimpleSet_Add(_interned_tuples, (PyObject *)self);
     if (!unique_key) {
         // Suppress any error and just return the object
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
     if (_StaticTuple_is_interned(self)) {
         /* revive dead object temporarily for DelItem */
         // Py_REFCNT(self) = 2;
-        if (StaticTupleInterner_Discard(_interned_tuples, (PyObject*)self) != 1)
+        if (SimpleSet_Discard(_interned_tuples, (PyObject*)self) != 1)
             Py_FatalError("deletion of interned StaticTuple failed");
     len = self->size;
@@ -591,11 +591,11 @@
     (traverseproc)StaticTuple_traverse,          /* tp_traverse */
     0,                                           /* tp_clear */
-    // TODO: implement richcompare, we should probably be able to compare vs an
-    //       tuple, as well as versus another StaticTuples object.
     StaticTuple_richcompare,                     /* tp_richcompare */
     0,                                           /* tp_weaklistoffset */
-    // We could implement this as returning tuples of keys...
+    // without implementing tp_iter, Python will fall back to PySequence*
+    // which seems to work ok, we may need something faster/lighter in the
+    // future.
     0,                                           /* tp_iter */
     0,                                           /* tp_iternext */
     StaticTuple_methods,                         /* tp_methods */
@@ -612,75 +612,7 @@
-static char KeyIntern_doc[] = "";
-static PyMethodDef KeyIntern_methods[] = {
-    // {"as_tuple", (PyCFunction)Keys_as_tuple, METH_NOARGS, Keys_as_tuple_doc},
-    {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
-// static PySequenceMethods KeyIntern_as_sequence = {
-//     0, //(lenfunc)Keys_length,           /* sq_length */
-//     0,                              /* sq_concat */
-//     0,                              /* sq_repeat */
-//     0, //(ssizeargfunc)Keys_item,        /* sq_item */
-//     0,                              /* sq_slice */
-//     0,                              /* sq_ass_item */
-//     0,                              /* sq_ass_slice */
-//     0,                              /* sq_contains */
-// };
-// static PyTypeObject KeyIntern_Type = {
-//     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
-//     0,                                           /* ob_size */
-//     "KeyIntern",                                 /* tp_name */
-//     sizeof(KeyIntern) - sizeof(Key *),           /* tp_basicsize */
-//     sizeof(Key *),                               /* tp_itemsize */
-//     0, //(destructor)Keys_dealloc,               /* tp_dealloc */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_print */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_getattr */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_setattr */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_compare */
-//     // TODO: implement repr() and possibly str()
-//     0, //(reprfunc)Keys_repr,                         /* tp_repr */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_as_number */
-//     &KeyIntern_as_sequence,                      /* tp_as_sequence */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_as_mapping */
-//     0, //(hashfunc)Keys_hash,                         /* tp_hash */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_call */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_str */
-//     PyObject_GenericGetAttr,                     /* tp_getattro */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_setattro */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_as_buffer */
-//     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,                          /* tp_flags*/
-//     0, // Keys_doc,                                    /* tp_doc */
-//     /* See Key_traverse for why we have this, even though we aren't GC */
-//     0, //(traverseproc)Keys_traverse,                 /* tp_traverse */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_clear */
-//     // TODO: implement richcompare, we should probably be able to compare vs an
-//     //       tuple, as well as versus another Keys object.
-//     0, //Keys_richcompare,                            /* tp_richcompare */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_weaklistoffset */
-//     // We could implement this as returning tuples of keys...
-//     0,                                           /* tp_iter */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_iternext */
-//     KeyIntern_methods,                           /* tp_methods */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_members */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_getset */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_base */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_dict */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_descr_get */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_descr_set */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_dictoffset */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_init */
-//     0,                                           /* tp_alloc */
-//     0, //Keys_new,                                    /* tp_new */
-// };
 static PyMethodDef static_tuple_c_methods[] = {
-//    {"unique_lcs_c", py_unique_lcs, METH_VARARGS},
-//    {"recurse_matches_c", py_recurse_matches, METH_VARARGS},
     {NULL, NULL}
@@ -688,7 +620,7 @@
 static void
 setup_interned_tuples(PyObject *m)
-    _interned_tuples = (PyObject *)StaticTupleInterner_New();
+    _interned_tuples = (PyObject *)SimpleSet_New();
     if (_interned_tuples != NULL) {
         PyModule_AddObject(m, "_interned_tuples", _interned_tuples);
@@ -748,7 +680,7 @@
     PyModule_AddObject(m, "StaticTuple", (PyObject *)&StaticTuple_Type);
-    import_bzrlib___static_tuple_interned_pyx();
+    import_bzrlib___simple_set_pyx();

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2009-10-06 18:14:06 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2009-10-07 15:48:32 +0000
@@ -3669,8 +3669,8 @@
+        'bzrlib.tests.test__simple_set',
-        'bzrlib.tests.test__static_tuple_interned',

=== renamed file 'bzrlib/tests/' => 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2009-10-07 15:29:51 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2009-10-07 15:48:32 +0000
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 import sys
 from bzrlib import (
-    # _static_tuple_py,
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@
-    from bzrlib import _static_tuple_interned_pyx as _module
+    from bzrlib import _simple_set_pyx as _module
 except ImportError:
     _module = None
@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@
 # Even though this is an extension, we don't permute the tests for a python
-# version. As the plain python version is just a dict.
+# version. As the plain python version is just a dict or set
 class _CompiledStaticTupleInterned(tests.Feature):
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@
         return True
     def feature_name(self):
-        return 'bzrlib._static_tuple_interned_pyx'
+        return 'bzrlib._simple_set_pyx'
 CompiledStaticTupleInterned = _CompiledStaticTupleInterned()
@@ -85,7 +84,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(count+3, sys.getrefcount(obj))
     def test_initial(self):
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         self.assertEqual(0, len(obj))
         st = StaticTuple('foo', 'bar')
         self.assertFillState(0, 0, 0x3ff, obj)
@@ -99,7 +98,7 @@
         #  ('a', 'a'), ('f', '4'), ('p', 'r'), ('q', '1'), ('F', 'T'),
         #  ('Q', 'Q'), ('V', 'd'), ('7', 'C')
         # all collide @ 643
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         offset, val = obj._test_lookup(StaticTuple('a', 'a'))
         self.assertEqual(643, offset)
         self.assertEqual('<null>', val)
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@
         self.assertEqual('<null>', val)
     def test_get_set_del_with_collisions(self):
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         k1 = StaticTuple('a', 'a')
         k2 = StaticTuple('f', '4') # collides
         k3 = StaticTuple('p', 'r')
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@
         self.assertNotIn(k4, obj)
     def test_add(self):
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         self.assertFillState(0, 0, 0x3ff, obj)
         k1 = StaticTuple('foo')
         self.assertRefcount(1, k1)
@@ -201,7 +200,7 @@
         self.assertRefcount(2, k3)
     def test_discard(self):
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         k1 = StaticTuple('foo')
         k2 = StaticTuple('foo')
         k3 = StaticTuple('bar')
@@ -218,7 +217,7 @@
         self.assertRefcount(1, k3)
     def test__delitem__(self):
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         k1 = StaticTuple('foo')
         k2 = StaticTuple('foo')
         k3 = StaticTuple('bar')
@@ -235,7 +234,7 @@
         self.assertRefcount(1, k3)
     def test__resize(self):
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         k1 = StaticTuple('foo')
         k2 = StaticTuple('bar')
         k3 = StaticTuple('baz')
@@ -265,7 +264,7 @@
         self.assertEqual((591, '<null>'), obj._test_lookup(k2))
     def test_add_and_remove_lots_of_items(self):
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890'
         for i in chars:
             for j in chars:
@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@
         self.assertTrue(obj.fill < 1024 / 5)
     def test__iter__(self):
-        obj = _module.StaticTupleInterner()
+        obj = _module.SimpleSet()
         k1 = StaticTuple('1')
         k2 = StaticTuple('1', '2')
         k3 = StaticTuple('3', '4')

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2009-10-07 15:27:24 +0000
+++ b/	2009-10-07 15:48:32 +0000
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
 add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._chk_map_pyx', libraries=[z_lib])

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