Rev 4348: (mbp) move HACKING and recommend Launchpad reviews in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Mon May 11 03:38:25 BST 2009

At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

revno: 4348
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: mbp at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Mon 2009-05-11 03:38:21 +0100
  (mbp) move HACKING and recommend Launchpad reviews
  doc/developers/HACKING.txt => doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt HACKING-20050805200004-2a5dc975d870f78c
  Makefile                       Makefile-20050805140406-d96e3498bb61c5bb
  doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt HACKING-20050805200004-2a5dc975d870f78c
    revno: 4325.5.4
    revision-id: mbp at
    parent: mbp at
    committer: Martin Pool <mbp at>
    branch nick: doc
    timestamp: Tue 2009-05-05 17:17:43 +1000
      Update developer guide to use Launchpad reviews
      doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt HACKING-20050805200004-2a5dc975d870f78c
    revno: 4325.5.3
    revision-id: mbp at
    parent: mbp at
    committer: Martin Pool <mbp at>
    branch nick: doc
    timestamp: Tue 2009-05-05 17:17:32 +1000
      Fix makefile to rebuild HACKING.html
      Makefile                       Makefile-20050805140406-d96e3498bb61c5bb
    revno: 4325.5.2
    revision-id: mbp at
    parent: mbp at
    committer: Martin Pool <mbp at>
    branch nick: doc
    timestamp: Tue 2009-05-05 16:33:59 +1000
      Update link within HACKING to its own location
      doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt HACKING-20050805200004-2a5dc975d870f78c
    revno: 4325.5.1
    revision-id: mbp at
    parent: pqm at
    committer: Martin Pool <mbp at>
    branch nick: doc
    timestamp: Tue 2009-05-05 16:32:05 +1000
      Don't copy HACKING.txt during build process.
      Just put it in the directory corresponding to the output.
      doc/developers/HACKING.txt => doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt HACKING-20050805200004-2a5dc975d870f78c
      Makefile                       Makefile-20050805140406-d96e3498bb61c5bb
=== modified file 'Makefile'
--- a/Makefile	2009-03-25 18:48:15 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	2009-05-05 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@
 # translate txt docs to html
 derived_txt_files := \
 	doc/en/user-reference/bzr_man.txt \
-	doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt \
 txt_files := $(wildcard doc/en/tutorials/*.txt) \
 	$(derived_txt_files) \
 	doc/en/user-guide/index.txt \
 	doc/en/mini-tutorial/index.txt \
+	doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt \
 	$(wildcard doc/es/guia-usario/*.txt) \
 	doc/es/mini-tutorial/index.txt \
 	doc/index.txt \
@@ -181,9 +181,6 @@
 doc/en/user-reference/bzr_man.txt: $(MAN_DEPENDENCIES)
 	$(PYTHON) -o $@ rstx
-doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt: doc/developers/HACKING.txt
-	$(PYTHON) tools/win32/ copytodir doc/developers/HACKING.txt doc/en/developer-guide
 doc/en/release-notes/NEWS.txt: NEWS
 	$(PYTHON) -c "import shutil; shutil.copyfile('$<', '$@')"

=== renamed file 'doc/developers/HACKING.txt' => 'doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt'
--- a/doc/developers/HACKING.txt	2009-03-28 10:10:14 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt	2009-05-05 07:17:43 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 document, send a merge request or new text to the mailing list.
 The current version of this document is available in the file 
-``doc/developers/HACKING.txt`` in the source tree, or at
+``doc/en/developer-guide/HACKING.txt`` in the source tree, or at
 See also:
@@ -209,35 +209,6 @@
-Sending patches for review
-If you'd like to propose a change, please post to the
-bazaar at list with a bundle, patch, or link to a
-branch. Put ``[PATCH]`` or ``[MERGE]`` in the subject so Bundle Buggy
-can pick it out, and explain the change in the email message text.
-Remember to update the NEWS file as part of your change if it makes any
-changes visible to users or plugin developers. Please include a diff
-against mainline if you're giving a link to a branch.
-You can generate a merge request like this::
-  bzr send -o bug-1234.patch
-A ``.patch`` extension is recommended instead of .bundle as many mail clients
-will send the latter as a binary file.
-``bzr send`` can also send mail directly if you prefer; see the help.
-Please do **NOT** put [PATCH] or [MERGE] in the subject line if you don't
-want it to be merged. If you want comments from developers rather than
-to be merged, you can put ``[RFC]`` in the subject line.
-If this change addresses a bug, please put the bug number in the subject
-line too, in the form ``[#1]`` so that Bundle Buggy can recognize it.
-If the change is intended for a particular release mark that in the
-subject too, e.g. ``[1.6]``.
 Review cover letters
@@ -332,9 +303,102 @@
 * (your ideas here...)
-Bundle Buggy and review outcomes
+Reviews on Launchpad
+From May 2009 on, we prefer people to propose code reviews through
+ * <>
+ * <>
+Anyone can propose or comment on a merge propsal just by creating a
+Launchpad account.
+There are two ways to create a new merge proposal: through the web
+interface or by email.
+Proposing a merge through the web
+To create the propsal through the web: push your branch to Launchpad, eg::
+  bzr push lp:~mbp/bzr/doc
+then go to the branch's web page, which in this case would be
+<>.  You can automate that by just
+running ::
+  bzr lp-open
+You can then click "Propose for merging into another branch", and enter a
+cover letter into the web form.  Typically you'll want to merge into
+``~bzr/bzr/trunk`` which will be the default; you might also want to
+nominate merging into a release branch for a bug fix.  There is the option
+to specify a specific reviewer or type of review, and you shouldn't
+normally change those.
+Submitting the form takes you to the new page about the merge proposal
+containing the diff of the changes, comments by interested people, and
+controls to comment or vote on the change.
+Proposing a merge by mail
+To propose a merge by mail, send a bundle to ``merge at``.
+You can generate a merge request like this::
+  bzr send -o bug-1234.diff
+``bzr send`` can also send mail directly if you prefer; see the help.
+Reviewing changes
+From <> you can see all
+currently active reviews, and choose one to comment on.  This page also
+shows proposals that are now approved and should be merged by someone with
+PQM access.
+Reviews through Bundle Buggy
+The Bundle Buggy tool used up to May 2009 is still available as a review
+Sending patches for review
+If you'd like to propose a change, please post to the
+bazaar at list with a bundle, patch, or link to a
+branch. Put ``[PATCH]`` or ``[MERGE]`` in the subject so Bundle Buggy
+can pick it out, and explain the change in the email message text.
+Remember to update the NEWS file as part of your change if it makes any
+changes visible to users or plugin developers. Please include a diff
+against mainline if you're giving a link to a branch.
+You can generate a merge request like this::
+  bzr send -o bug-1234.patch
+A ``.patch`` extension is recommended instead of .bundle as many mail clients
+will send the latter as a binary file.
+``bzr send`` can also send mail directly if you prefer; see the help.
+Please do **NOT** put [PATCH] or [MERGE] in the subject line if you don't
+want it to be merged. If you want comments from developers rather than
+to be merged, you can put ``[RFC]`` in the subject line.
+If this change addresses a bug, please put the bug number in the subject
+line too, in the form ``[#1]`` so that Bundle Buggy can recognize it.
+If the change is intended for a particular release mark that in the
+subject too, e.g. ``[1.6]``.
 Anyone can "vote" on the mailing list by expressing an opinion. Core
 developers can also vote using Bundle Buggy. Here are the voting codes and
 their explanations.

More information about the bazaar-commits mailing list