Rev 4341: Less lock thrashing in in

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon May 11 02:59:09 BST 2009


revno: 4341
revision-id: robertc at
parent: robertc at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: check
timestamp: Mon 2009-05-11 11:59:06 +1000
  Less lock thrashing in
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-05-11 01:47:06 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-05-11 01:59:06 +0000
@@ -332,12 +332,14 @@
     except errors.NotBranchError:
         tree = branch = repo = None
-    if do_tree:
-        if tree is not None:
-            note("Checking working tree at '%s'."
-                 % (tree.bzrdir.root_transport.base,))
-            tree.lock_read()
-            try:
+    to_unlock = []
+    try:
+        if do_tree:
+            if tree is not None:
+                note("Checking working tree at '%s'."
+                     % (tree.bzrdir.root_transport.base,))
+                tree.lock_read()
+                to_unlock.append(tree)
                 needed_refs = tree._get_check_refs()
                 refs = {}
                 for ref in needed_refs:
@@ -348,23 +350,19 @@
                         raise AssertionError(
                             'unknown ref kind for ref %s' % ref)
-            finally:
-                tree.unlock()
-        else:
-            log_error("No working tree found at specified location.")
-    if branch is not None:
-        # We have a branch
-        if repo is None:
-            # The branch is in a shared repository
-            repo = branch.repository
-        branches = [branch]
-    elif repo is not None:
-        branches = repo.find_branches(using=True)
-    if repo is not None:
-        repo.lock_read()
-        try:
+            else:
+                log_error("No working tree found at specified location.")
+        if branch is not None:
+            # We have a branch
+            if repo is None:
+                # The branch is in a shared repository
+                repo = branch.repository
+        if repo is not None:
+            repo.lock_read()
+            to_unlock.append(repo)
+            branches = repo.find_branches(using=True)
             if do_repo:
                 note("Checking repository at '%s'."
                      % (repo.bzrdir.root_transport.base,))
@@ -378,10 +376,11 @@
                         note("Checking branch at '%s'."
                              % (branch.bzrdir.root_transport.base,))
                         check_branch(branch, verbose)
-        finally:
-            repo.unlock()
-    else:
-        if do_branch:
-            log_error("No branch found at specified location.")
-        if do_repo:
-            log_error("No repository found at specified location.")
+        else:
+            if do_branch:
+                log_error("No branch found at specified location.")
+            if do_repo:
+                log_error("No repository found at specified location.")
+    finally:
+        for thing in to_unlock:
+            thing.unlock()

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