Rev 3918: Another disk format change. in
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Fri Mar 27 16:57:00 GMT 2009
revno: 3918
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: disk_format
timestamp: Fri 2009-03-27 11:56:44 -0500
Another disk format change.
We have pretty much settled on no-labels, at least until we implement
a gc+chk index (and then we can decide whether we want a fatter index
or to have more content in the group).
As such, we don't need to track the size of the header in the disk
bytestream anymore.
I decided to stick with ascii lengths in the outer wrapper.
Even large repositories have a small number of groups, so there isn't
many bytes that are actually wasted at that level. And it means
if you 'vim foo.pack' there are bits that can actually be interpreted.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/ 2009-03-27 16:07:44 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/ 2009-03-27 16:56:44 +0000
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
_USE_LZMA = False and (pylzma is not None)
-_NO_LABELS = True
_FAST = False
# osutils.sha_string('')
@@ -160,9 +159,6 @@
# map by key? or just order in file?
self._entries = {}
self._compressor_name = None
- self._z_header_length = None
- self._header_length = None
- self._z_header = None
self._z_content = None
self._z_content_decompressor = None
self._z_content_length = None
@@ -170,39 +166,10 @@
self._content = None
def __len__(self):
- return self._content_length + self._header_length
- def _parse_header(self):
- """Parse the header part of the block."""
- assert self._z_header is not None
- if self._z_header == '':
- # Nothing to process
- self._z_header = None
- return
- if self._compressor_name == 'lzma':
- header = pylzma.decompress(self._z_header)
- else:
- assert self._compressor_name == 'zlib'
- header = zlib.decompress(self._z_header)
- self._z_header = None # We have consumed the header
- lines = header.split('\n')
- del header
- info_dict = {}
- for line in lines:
- if not line: #End of record
- if not info_dict:
- break
- self.add_entry(**info_dict)
- info_dict = {}
- continue
- key, value = line.split(':', 1)
- if key == 'key':
- value = tuple(map(intern, value.split('\x00')))
- elif key in ('start', 'length'):
- value = int(value)
- elif key == 'type':
- value = intern(value)
- info_dict[key] = value
+ # This is the maximum number of bytes this object will reference if
+ # everything is decompressed. However, if we decompress less than
+ # everything... (this would cause some problems for LRUSizeCache)
+ return self._content_length + self._z_content_length
def _ensure_content(self, num_bytes=None):
"""Make sure that content has been expanded enough.
@@ -277,48 +244,25 @@
# The stream is finished
self._z_content_decompressor = None
- def _parse_bytes(self, bytes):
+ def _parse_bytes(self, bytes, pos):
"""Read the various lengths from the header.
This also populates the various 'compressed' buffers.
:return: The position in bytes just after the last newline
- # At present, there are 4 lengths to be read, we have 2 integers for
- # the length of the compressed and uncompressed header, and 2 integers
- # for the compressed and uncompressed content
- # 14 bytes can represent > 1TB, so to avoid checking too far, cap the
- # search to 14 bytes.
- pos = bytes.index('\n', 6, 20)
- self._z_header_length = int(bytes[6:pos])
- pos += 1
- pos2 = bytes.index('\n', pos, pos + 14)
- self._header_length = int(bytes[pos:pos2])
- end_of_z_lengths = pos2
- pos2 += 1
- # Older versions don't have the content lengths, if we want to preserve
- # backwards compatibility, we could try/except over these, and allow
- # them to be skipped
- try:
- pos = bytes.index('\n', pos2, pos2 + 14)
- self._z_content_length = int(bytes[pos2:pos])
- pos += 1
- pos2 = bytes.index('\n', pos, pos + 14)
- self._content_length = int(bytes[pos:pos2])
- pos = pos2 + 1
- assert len(bytes) == (pos + self._z_header_length +
- self._z_content_length)
- pos2 = pos + self._z_header_length
- self._z_header = bytes[pos:pos2]
- self._z_content = bytes[pos2:]
- assert len(self._z_content) == self._z_content_length
- except ValueError:
- # This is the older form, which did not encode its content length
- pos = end_of_z_lengths + 1
- pos2 = pos + self._z_header_length
- self._z_header = bytes[pos:pos2]
- self._z_content = bytes[pos2:]
- self._z_content_length = len(self._z_content)
+ # At present, we have 2 integers for the compressed and uncompressed
+ # content. In base10 (ascii) 14 bytes can represent > 1TB, so to avoid
+ # checking too far, cap the search to 14 bytes.
+ pos2 = bytes.index('\n', pos, pos + 14)
+ self._z_content_length = int(bytes[pos:pos2])
+ pos = pos2 + 1
+ pos2 = bytes.index('\n', pos, pos + 14)
+ self._content_length = int(bytes[pos:pos2])
+ pos = pos2 + 1
+ assert len(bytes) == (pos + self._z_content_length)
+ self._z_content = bytes[pos:]
+ assert len(self._z_content) == self._z_content_length
def from_bytes(cls, bytes):
@@ -331,9 +275,7 @@
out._compressor_name = 'lzma'
raise ValueError('unknown compressor: %r' % (bytes,))
- out._parse_bytes(bytes)
- if not _NO_LABELS:
- out._parse_header()
+ out._parse_bytes(bytes, 6)
return out
def extract(self, key, start, end, sha1=None):
@@ -392,66 +334,24 @@
self._content_length = len(content)
self._content = content
self._z_content = None
- self._z_header_length = None
def to_bytes(self):
"""Encode the information into a byte stream."""
compress = zlib.compress
compress = pylzma.compress
- chunks = []
- for key in sorted(self._entries):
- entry = self._entries[key]
- chunk = ('key:%s\n'
- 'sha1:%s\n'
- 'type:%s\n'
- 'start:%s\n'
- 'length:%s\n'
- '\n'
- ) % ('\x00'.join(entry.key),
- entry.sha1,
- entry.type,
- entry.start,
- entry.length,
- )
- chunks.append(chunk)
- bytes = ''.join(chunks)
- info_len = len(bytes)
- z_header_bytes = compress(bytes)
- del bytes, chunks
- z_header_len = len(z_header_bytes)
- # TODO: we may want to have the header compressed in the same chain
- # as the data, or we may not, evaulate it
- # having them compressed together is probably a win for
- # revisions and the 'inv' portion of chk inventories. As the
- # label in the header is duplicated in the text.
- # For chk pages and real bytes, I would guess this is not
- # true.
- if _NO_LABELS:
- z_header_bytes = ''
- z_header_len = 0
- info_len = 0
- if self._z_content is not None:
- content_len = self._content_length
- z_content_len = self._z_content_length
- z_content_bytes = self._z_content
- else:
+ if self._z_content is None:
assert self._content is not None
- content_len = self._content_length
- z_content_bytes = compress(self._content)
- self._z_content = z_content_bytes
- z_content_len = len(z_content_bytes)
- self._z_content_length = z_content_len
+ self._z_content = compress(self._content)
+ self._z_content_length = len(self._z_content)
header = self.GCB_LZ_HEADER
header = self.GCB_HEADER
chunks = [header,
- '%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n' % (z_header_len, info_len,
- z_content_len, content_len)
+ '%d\n%d\n' % (self._z_content_length, self._content_length),
+ self._z_content,
- chunks.append(z_header_bytes)
- chunks.append(z_content_bytes)
return ''.join(chunks)
=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/ 2009-03-27 16:10:03 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/ 2009-03-27 16:56:44 +0000
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
def test_from_minimal_bytes(self):
block = groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock.from_bytes(
- 'gcb1z\n0\n0\n0\n0\n')
+ 'gcb1z\n0\n0\n')
self.assertIsInstance(block, groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock)
self.assertEqual({}, block._entries)
self.assertIs(None, block._content)
@@ -239,70 +239,21 @@
self.assertEqual('', block._z_content)
block._ensure_content() # Ensure content is safe to call 2x
- def test_from_bytes_with_labels(self):
- header = ('key:bing\n'
- 'sha1:abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd\n'
- 'type:fulltext\n'
- 'start:100\n'
- 'length:100\n'
- '\n'
- 'key:foo\x00bar\n'
- 'sha1:abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd\n'
- 'type:fulltext\n'
- 'start:0\n'
- 'length:100\n'
- '\n')
- z_header = zlib.compress(header)
+ def test_from_bytes(self):
content = ('a tiny bit of content\n')
z_content = zlib.compress(content)
z_bytes = (
'gcb1z\n' # group compress block v1 plain
- '%d\n' # Length of zlib bytes
- '%d\n' # Length of all meta-info
'%d\n' # Length of compressed content
'%d\n' # Length of uncompressed content
- '%s' # Compressed header
'%s' # Compressed content
- ) % (len(z_header), len(header),
- len(z_content), len(content),
- z_header, z_content)
+ ) % (len(z_content), len(content), z_content)
block = groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock.from_bytes(
- block._parse_header()
- self.assertIsInstance(block, groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock)
- self.assertEqual([('bing',), ('foo', 'bar')], sorted(block._entries))
- bing = block._entries[('bing',)]
- self.assertEqual(('bing',), bing.key)
- self.assertEqual('fulltext', bing.type)
- self.assertEqual('abcd'*10, bing.sha1)
- self.assertEqual(100, bing.start)
- self.assertEqual(100, bing.length)
- foobar = block._entries[('foo', 'bar')]
- self.assertEqual(('foo', 'bar'), foobar.key)
- self.assertEqual('fulltext', foobar.type)
- self.assertEqual('abcd'*10, foobar.sha1)
- self.assertEqual(0, foobar.start)
- self.assertEqual(100, foobar.length)
self.assertEqual(z_content, block._z_content)
self.assertIs(None, block._content)
- block._ensure_content()
- self.assertEqual(z_content, block._z_content)
- self.assertEqual(content, block._content)
- def test_from_old_bytes(self):
- # Backwards compatibility, with groups that didn't define content length
- content = ('a tiny bit of content\n')
- z_content = zlib.compress(content)
- z_bytes = (
- 'gcb1z\n' # group compress block v1 plain
- '0\n' # Length of zlib bytes
- '0\n' # Length of all meta-info
- '' # Compressed header
- '%s' # Compressed content
- ) % (z_content)
- block = groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock.from_bytes(
- z_bytes)
- self.assertIsInstance(block, groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock)
+ self.assertEqual(len(z_content), block._z_content_length)
+ self.assertEqual(len(content), block._content_length)
self.assertEqual(z_content, block._z_content)
self.assertEqual(content, block._content)
@@ -318,38 +269,23 @@
self.assertEqual(100, e.length)
def test_to_bytes(self):
- no_labels = groupcompress._NO_LABELS
- def reset():
- groupcompress._NO_LABELS = no_labels
- self.addCleanup(reset)
- groupcompress._NO_LABELS = False
+ content = ('this is some content\n'
+ 'this content will be compressed\n')
gcb = groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock()
gcb.add_entry(('foo', 'bar'), 'fulltext', 'abcd'*10, 0, 100)
gcb.add_entry(('bing',), 'fulltext', 'abcd'*10, 100, 100)
- gcb.set_content('this is some content\n'
- 'this content will be compressed\n')
+ gcb.set_content(content)
bytes = gcb.to_bytes()
+ self.assertEqual(gcb._z_content_length, len(gcb._z_content))
+ self.assertEqual(gcb._content_length, len(content))
expected_header =('gcb1z\n' # group compress block v1 zlib
- '76\n' # Length of compressed bytes
- '183\n' # Length of uncompressed meta-info
- '50\n' # Length of compressed content
- '53\n' # Length of uncompressed content
- )
+ '%d\n' # Length of compressed content
+ '%d\n' # Length of uncompressed content
+ ) % (gcb._z_content_length, gcb._content_length)
self.assertStartsWith(bytes, expected_header)
remaining_bytes = bytes[len(expected_header):]
raw_bytes = zlib.decompress(remaining_bytes)
- self.assertEqualDiff('key:bing\n'
- 'sha1:abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd\n'
- 'type:fulltext\n'
- 'start:100\n'
- 'length:100\n'
- '\n'
- 'key:foo\x00bar\n'
- 'sha1:abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd\n'
- 'type:fulltext\n'
- 'start:0\n'
- 'length:100\n'
- '\n', raw_bytes)
+ self.assertEqual(content, raw_bytes)
def test_partial_decomp(self):
content_chunks = []
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