Rev 4071: Add a BzrDirFormat.network_name. in

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue Mar 3 01:06:32 GMT 2009


revno: 4071
revision-id: robertc at
parent: pqm at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: bzrdir.network_name
timestamp: Tue 2009-03-03 12:06:25 +1100
  Add a BzrDirFormat.network_name.
=== modified file 'NEWS'
--- a/NEWS	2009-03-02 15:54:09 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	2009-03-03 01:06:25 +0000
@@ -170,8 +170,9 @@
       ``resume_write_group`` methods.  These are currently only useful
       with pack repositories. (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)
-    * ``RepositoryFormat`` objects now have a ``network_name`` for passing
-      the format across RPC calls. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)
+    * ``BzrDirFormat``, ``BranchFormat`` and ``RepositoryFormat`` objects
+      now have a ``network_name`` for passing the format across RPC calls.
+      (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)
     * ``RepositoryFormat`` objects now all have a new attribute
       ``_serializer`` used by fetch when reserialising is required.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-03-02 04:45:02 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-03-03 01:06:25 +0000
@@ -1709,7 +1709,7 @@
 network_format_registry = registry.FormatRegistry()
 """Registry of formats indexed by their network name.
-The network name for a repository format is an identifier that can be used when
+The network name for a branch format is an identifier that can be used when
 referring to formats with smart server operations. See
 BranchFormat.network_name() for more detail.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-02-26 06:01:51 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-03-03 01:06:25 +0000
@@ -1779,6 +1779,16 @@
         return True
+    def network_name(self):
+        """A simple byte string uniquely identifying this format for RPC calls.
+        Bzr control formats use thir disk format string to identify the format
+        over the wire. Its possible that other control formats have more
+        complex detection requirements, so we permit them to use any unique and
+        immutable string they desire.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(self.network_name)
     def same_model(self, target_format):
         return (self.repository_format.rich_root_data ==
@@ -1829,6 +1839,8 @@
     def register_format(klass, format):
         klass._formats[format.get_format_string()] = format
+        # bzr native formats have a network name of their format string.
+        network_format_registry.register(format.get_format_string(), format)
     def register_control_format(klass, format):
@@ -1923,6 +1935,9 @@
         return False
+    def network_name(self):
+        return self.get_format_string()
     def _open(self, transport):
         """See BzrDirFormat._open."""
         return BzrDir4(transport, self)
@@ -1981,6 +1996,9 @@
         return result
+    def network_name(self):
+        return self.get_format_string()
     def _open(self, transport):
         """See BzrDirFormat._open."""
         return BzrDir5(transport, self)
@@ -2038,6 +2056,9 @@
         return result
+    def network_name(self):
+        return self.get_format_string()
     def _open(self, transport):
         """See BzrDirFormat._open."""
         return BzrDir6(transport, self)
@@ -2125,6 +2146,9 @@
         """See BzrDirFormat.get_format_description()."""
         return "Meta directory format 1"
+    def network_name(self):
+        return self.get_format_string()
     def _open(self, transport):
         """See BzrDirFormat._open."""
         return BzrDirMeta1(transport, self)
@@ -2174,6 +2198,15 @@
+network_format_registry = registry.FormatRegistry()
+"""Registry of formats indexed by their network name.
+The network name for a BzrDirFormat is an identifier that can be used when
+referring to formats with smart server operations. See
+BzrDirFormat.network_name() for more detail.
 # Register bzr control format
@@ -2706,12 +2739,22 @@
 class RemoteBzrDirFormat(BzrDirMetaFormat1):
     """Format representing bzrdirs accessed via a smart server"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        BzrDirMetaFormat1.__init__(self)
+        self._network_name = None
     def get_format_description(self):
         return 'bzr remote bzrdir'
     def get_format_string(self):
         raise NotImplementedError(self.get_format_string)
+    def network_name(self):
+        if self._network_name:
+            return self._network_name
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("No network name set.")
     def probe_transport(klass, transport):
         """Return a RemoteBzrDirFormat object if it looks possible."""
@@ -2830,7 +2873,7 @@
         """Register a metadir subformat.
         These all use a BzrDirMetaFormat1 bzrdir, but can be parameterized
-        by the Repository format.
+        by the Repository/Branch/WorkingTreeformats.
         :param repository_format: The fully-qualified repository format class
             name as a string.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-03-02 07:13:41 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-03-03 01:06:25 +0000
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
             raise errors.UnexpectedSmartServerResponse(response)
         if response == ('no',):
             raise errors.NotBranchError(path=transport.base)
+        self._ensure_real()
     def _ensure_real(self):
         """Ensure that there is a _real_bzrdir set.
@@ -121,6 +122,8 @@
         if not self._real_bzrdir:
             self._real_bzrdir = BzrDir.open_from_transport(
                 self.root_transport, _server_formats=False)
+            self._format._network_name = \
+                self._real_bzrdir._format.network_name()
     def _translate_error(self, err, **context):
         _translate_error(err, bzrdir=self, **context)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/	2009-03-02 03:38:07 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/	2009-03-03 01:06:25 +0000
@@ -1165,6 +1165,26 @@
         self.failUnless(isinstance(opened_dir, bzrdir.BzrDir))
+    def test_format_network_name(self):
+        # All control formats must have a network name.
+        dir = self.make_bzrdir('.')
+        format = dir._format
+        network_name = format.network_name()
+        self.assertIsInstance(network_name, str)
+        # We want to test that the network_name matches the actual format on
+        # disk. For local control dirsthat means that using network_name as a
+        # key in the registry gives back the same format. For remote obects
+        # we check that the network_name of the RemoteBzrDirFormat we have
+        # locally matches the actual format present on disk.
+        if isinstance(format, bzrdir.RemoteBzrDirFormat):
+            dir._ensure_real()
+            real_dir = dir._real_bzrdir
+            self.assertEqual(real_dir._format.network_name(), network_name)
+        else:
+            registry = bzrdir.network_format_registry
+            looked_up_format = registry.get(network_name)
+            self.assertEqual(format.__class__, looked_up_format.__class__)
     def test_open_not_bzrdir(self):
         # test the formats specific behaviour for no-content or similar dirs.

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