Rev 4497: Initial implementation of a Pyrex annotator. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Jun 23 21:20:16 BST 2009


revno: 4497
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 1.17-rework-annotate
timestamp: Tue 2009-06-23 15:20:11 -0500
  Initial implementation of a Pyrex annotator.
  Drops the time down to 8.6s down from 9.7s.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file '.bzrignore'
--- a/.bzrignore	2009-06-22 12:52:39 +0000
+++ b/.bzrignore	2009-06-23 20:20:11 +0000
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@

=== added file 'bzrlib/_annotator_pyx.pyx'
--- a/bzrlib/_annotator_pyx.pyx	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_annotator_pyx.pyx	2009-06-23 20:20:11 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+"""Functionality for doing annotations in the 'optimal' way"""
+from bzrlib import errors, graph as _mod_graph, osutils, patiencediff, ui
+cdef class _NeededTextIterator:
+    cdef object counter
+    cdef object text_cache
+    cdef object stream
+    cdef object stream_len
+    cdef object pb
+    def __init__(self, stream, text_cache, stream_len, pb=None):
+        self.counter = 0
+ = stream
+        self.stream_len = stream_len
+        self.text_cache = text_cache
+        self.stream_len = stream_len
+        self.pb = pb
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __next__(self):
+        record =
+        if self.pb is not None:
+            self.pb.update('extracting', self.counter, self.stream_len)
+        self.counter = self.counter + 1
+        lines = osutils.chunks_to_lines(record.get_bytes_as('chunked'))
+        num_lines = len(lines)
+        self.text_cache[record.key] = lines
+        return record.key, lines, num_lines
+class Annotator:
+    """Class that drives performing annotations."""
+    def __init__(self, vf):
+        """Create a new Annotator from a VersionedFile."""
+        self._vf = vf
+        self._parent_map = {}
+        self._text_cache = {}
+        # Map from key => number of nexts that will be built from this key
+        self._num_needed_children = {}
+        self._annotations_cache = {}
+        self._heads_provider = None
+    def _get_needed_keys(self, key):
+        graph = _mod_graph.Graph(self._vf)
+        parent_map = {}
+        # We need 1 extra copy of the node we will be looking at when we are
+        # done
+        self._num_needed_children[key] = 1
+        for key, parent_keys in graph.iter_ancestry([key]):
+            if parent_keys is None:
+                continue
+            parent_map[key] = parent_keys
+            for parent_key in parent_keys:
+                if parent_key in self._num_needed_children:
+                    self._num_needed_children[parent_key] += 1
+                else:
+                    self._num_needed_children[parent_key] = 1
+        self._parent_map.update(parent_map)
+        # _heads_provider does some graph caching, so it is only valid while
+        # self._parent_map hasn't changed
+        self._heads_provider = None
+        keys = parent_map.keys()
+        return keys
+    def _get_needed_texts(self, key, pb=None):
+        """Get the texts we need to properly annotate key.
+        :param key: A Key that is present in self._vf
+        :return: Yield (this_key, text, num_lines)
+            'text' is an opaque object that just has to work with whatever
+            matcher object we are using. Currently it is always 'lines' but
+            future improvements may change this to a simple text string.
+        """
+        keys = self._get_needed_keys(key)
+        if pb is not None:
+            pb.update('getting stream', 0, len(keys))
+        stream  = self._vf.get_record_stream(keys, 'topological', True)
+        iterator = _NeededTextIterator(stream, self._text_cache, len(keys), pb)
+        return iterator
+    def _get_parent_annotations_and_matches(self, key, text, parent_key):
+        """Get the list of annotations for the parent, and the matching lines.
+        :param text: The opaque value given by _get_needed_texts
+        :param parent_key: The key for the parent text
+        :return: (parent_annotations, matching_blocks)
+            parent_annotations is a list as long as the number of lines in
+                parent
+            matching_blocks is a list of (parent_idx, text_idx, len) tuples
+                indicating which lines match between the two texts
+        """
+        parent_lines = self._text_cache[parent_key]
+        parent_annotations = self._annotations_cache[parent_key]
+        # PatienceSequenceMatcher should probably be part of Policy
+        matcher = patiencediff.PatienceSequenceMatcher(None,
+            parent_lines, text)
+        matching_blocks = matcher.get_matching_blocks()
+        return parent_annotations, matching_blocks
+    def _update_from_one_parent(self, key, annotations, lines, parent_key):
+        """Reannotate this text relative to its first parent."""
+        parent_annotations, matching_blocks = self._get_parent_annotations_and_matches(
+            key, lines, parent_key)
+        for parent_idx, lines_idx, match_len in matching_blocks:
+            # For all matching regions we copy across the parent annotations
+            annotations[lines_idx:lines_idx + match_len] = \
+                parent_annotations[parent_idx:parent_idx + match_len]
+    def _update_from_other_parents(self, key, annotations, lines,
+                                   this_annotation, parent_key):
+        """Reannotate this text relative to a second (or more) parent."""
+        parent_annotations, matching_blocks = self._get_parent_annotations_and_matches(
+            key, lines, parent_key)
+        last_ann = None
+        last_parent = None
+        last_res = None
+        # TODO: consider making all annotations unique and then using 'is'
+        #       everywhere. Current results claim that isn't any faster,
+        #       because of the time spent deduping
+        #       deduping also saves a bit of memory. For NEWS it saves ~1MB,
+        #       but that is out of 200-300MB for extracting everything, so a
+        #       fairly trivial amount
+        for parent_idx, lines_idx, match_len in matching_blocks:
+            # For lines which match this parent, we will now resolve whether
+            # this parent wins over the current annotation
+            ann_sub = annotations[lines_idx:lines_idx + match_len]
+            par_sub = parent_annotations[parent_idx:parent_idx + match_len]
+            if ann_sub == par_sub:
+                continue
+            for idx in xrange(match_len):
+                ann = ann_sub[idx]
+                par_ann = par_sub[idx]
+                ann_idx = lines_idx + idx
+                if ann == par_ann:
+                    # Nothing to change
+                    continue
+                if ann == this_annotation:
+                    # Originally claimed 'this', but it was really in this
+                    # parent
+                    annotations[ann_idx] = par_ann
+                    continue
+                # Resolve the fact that both sides have a different value for
+                # last modified
+                if ann == last_ann and par_ann == last_parent:
+                    annotations[ann_idx] = last_res
+                else:
+                    new_ann = set(ann)
+                    new_ann.update(par_ann)
+                    new_ann = tuple(sorted(new_ann))
+                    annotations[ann_idx] = new_ann
+                    last_ann = ann
+                    last_parent = par_ann
+                    last_res = new_ann
+    def _record_annotation(self, key, parent_keys, annotations):
+        self._annotations_cache[key] = annotations
+        for parent_key in parent_keys:
+            num = self._num_needed_children[parent_key]
+            num -= 1
+            if num == 0:
+                del self._text_cache[parent_key]
+                del self._annotations_cache[parent_key]
+                # Do we want to clean up _num_needed_children at this point as
+                # well?
+            self._num_needed_children[parent_key] = num
+    def _annotate_one(self, key, text, num_lines):
+        this_annotation = (key,)
+        # Note: annotations will be mutated by calls to _update_from*
+        annotations = [this_annotation] * num_lines
+        parent_keys = self._parent_map[key]
+        if parent_keys:
+            self._update_from_one_parent(key, annotations, text, parent_keys[0])
+            for parent in parent_keys[1:]:
+                self._update_from_other_parents(key, annotations, text,
+                                                this_annotation, parent)
+        self._record_annotation(key, parent_keys, annotations)
+    def annotate(self, key):
+        """Return annotated fulltext for the given key."""
+        keys = self._get_needed_texts(key)
+        pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+        try:
+            for text_key, text, num_lines in self._get_needed_texts(key, pb=pb):
+                self._annotate_one(text_key, text, num_lines)
+        finally:
+            pb.finished()
+        try:
+            annotations = self._annotations_cache[key]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise errors.RevisionNotPresent(key, self._vf)
+        return annotations, self._text_cache[key]
+    def _get_heads_provider(self):
+        if self._heads_provider is None:
+            self._heads_provider = _mod_graph.KnownGraph(self._parent_map)
+        return self._heads_provider
+    def annotate_flat(self, key):
+        """Determine the single-best-revision to source for each line.
+        This is meant as a compatibility thunk to how annotate() used to work.
+        """
+        annotations, lines = self.annotate(key)
+        assert len(annotations) == len(lines)
+        out = []
+        heads = self._get_heads_provider().heads
+        append = out.append
+        for annotation, line in zip(annotations, lines):
+            if len(annotation) == 1:
+                append((annotation[0], line))
+            else:
+                the_heads = heads(annotation)
+                if len(the_heads) == 1:
+                    for head in the_heads:
+                        break
+                else:
+                    # We need to resolve the ambiguity, for now just pick the
+                    # sorted smallest
+                    head = sorted(the_heads)[0]
+                append((head, line))
+        return out

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-06-18 22:07:42 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-06-23 20:20:11 +0000
@@ -446,4 +446,7 @@
     return lines
-from bzrlib._annotator_py import Annotator
+    from bzrlib._annotator_pyx import Annotator
+except ImportError:
+    from bzrlib._annotator_py import Annotator

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-06-23 20:10:53 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-06-23 20:20:11 +0000
@@ -3420,7 +3420,7 @@
         # if True or len(self._vf._fallback_vfs) > 0:
         if len(self._vf._fallback_vfs) > 0:
             # If we have fallbacks, go to the generic path
-            for v in super(_KnitAnnotator, self)._get_needed_texts(key, pb=pb):
+            for v in annotate.Annotator._get_needed_texts(self, key, pb=pb):
                 yield v
         while True:
@@ -3497,7 +3497,7 @@
             blocks = self._matching_blocks.pop(block_key)
             parent_annotations = self._annotations_cache[parent_key]
             return parent_annotations, blocks
-        return super(_KnitAnnotator, self)._get_parent_annotations_and_matches(
+        return annotate.Annotator._get_parent_annotations_and_matches(self,
             key, text, parent_key)
     def _process_pending(self, key):

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2009-06-23 07:10:03 +0000
+++ b/	2009-06-23 20:20:11 +0000
@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@
         define_macros=define_macros, libraries=libraries))

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