Rev 4482: Continue breaking things to build it up cleanly. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sat Jun 20 06:12:28 BST 2009


revno: 4482
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 1.17-rework-annotate
timestamp: Sat 2009-06-20 00:11:51 -0500
  Continue breaking things to build it up cleanly.
  At this point we have an _expand_record which is used to turn record streams
  into text lines.
  Eventually it will do things like track 'num_compression_children' so that
  it can re-use content objects, etc.
  The code already handles removing 'text' entries as part of Annotator.
  At the moment, nodes get queued up, but we haven't worked out when/how to pull
  them back out of the queue.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-06-19 21:33:30 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-06-20 05:11:51 +0000
@@ -664,8 +664,6 @@
         see parse_fulltext which this inverts.
-        # TODO: jam 20070209 We only do the caching thing to make sure that
-        #       the origin is a valid utf-8 line, eventually we could remove it
         return ['%s %s' % (o, t) for o, t in content._lines]
     def lower_line_delta(self, delta):
@@ -3321,6 +3319,9 @@
         self._content_objects = {}
         # The number of children that depend on this fulltext content object
         self._num_compression_children = {}
+        # Delta records that need their compression parent before they can be
+        # expanded
+        self._pending_deltas = {}
         self._all_build_details = {}
@@ -3363,6 +3364,11 @@
                             self._num_needed_children[parent_key] += 1
                             self._num_needed_children[parent_key] = 1
+                if compression_parent:
+                    if compression_parent in self._num_compression_children:
+                        self._num_compression_children[compression_parent] += 1
+                    else:
+                        self._num_compression_children[compression_parent] = 1
             missing_versions = this_iteration.difference(build_details.keys())
             if missing_versions:
@@ -3382,7 +3388,6 @@
                 records = self._get_build_graph(key)
                 for key, text, num_lines in self._extract_texts(records):
-                    self._text_cache[key] = text
                     yield key, text, num_lines
             except errors.RetryWithNewPacks, e:
@@ -3390,6 +3395,43 @@
                 # The cached build_details are no longer valid
+    def _expand_record(self, key, parent_keys, compression_parent, record,
+                       record_details):
+        if compression_parent:
+            if compression_parent not in self._content_objects:
+                # Waiting for the parent
+                self._pending_deltas.setdefault(compression_parent, []).append(
+                    (key, parent_keys, record, record_details))
+                return None
+            # We have the basis parent, so expand the delta
+            base_content = self._content_objects[compression_parent]
+            content, _ = self._vf._factory.parse_record(
+                key, record, record_details, None, copy_base_content=True)
+        else:
+            # Fulltext record
+            content, _ = self._vf._factory.parse_record(
+                key, record, record_details, None)
+        self._content_objects[key] = content
+        lines = content.text()
+        self._text_cache[key] = lines
+        return lines
+        # if key in pending_deltas:
+        #     children = pending_deltas.pop(key)
+        #     for key, parent_keys, record, record_details in children:
+        #         to_process.extend(self._expand_record(
+        #     sub_to_proc = self._expand_record(key
+        #     # Check for compression children that we can expand
+        #     if key in pending_deltas:
+        #         children = pending_deltas.pop(key)
+        #         for child_key, child_parent_keys, child_record, child_details in children:
+        #             child_content, child_delta = self._vf._factory.parse_record(
+        #                 child_key, child_record, child_details,
+        #                 content,
+        #                 # TODO: track when we can copy the base
+        #                 copy_base_content=True)
+        #             self._content_objects[child_key] = child_content
+        #             to_process.append((child_key, child_parent_keys, child_content))
     def _extract_texts(self, records):
         """Extract the various texts needed based on records"""
         # We iterate in the order read, rather than a strict order requested
@@ -3401,64 +3443,27 @@
         pending_annotation = {}
         # Children that are missing their compression parent
         pending_deltas = {}
-        for (key, record,
-             digest) in self._vf._read_records_iter(records):
-            # parent_ids = [p for p in parent_ids if p not in self._ghosts]
+        for (key, record, digest) in self._vf._read_records_iter(records):
+            # ghosts?
             details = self._all_build_details[key]
-            (index_memo, compression_parent, parent_keys,
-             record_details) = details
+            (_, compression_parent, parent_keys, record_details) = details
             assert parent_keys == self._parent_map[key]
-            # TODO: Remove the punning between compression parents, and
-            #       parent_ids, we should be able to do this without assuming
-            #       the build order
-            if compression_parent:
-                # This is a delta, do we have the parent fulltext?
-                if compression_parent not in self._content_objects:
-                    # Waiting for the parent
-                    pending_deltas.setdefault(compression_parent, []).append(
-                        (key, parent_keys, record, record_details))
-                    continue
-                # We can build this as a fulltext
-                parent_content = self._content_objects[compression_parent]
-                content, delta = self._vf._factory.parse_record(
-                    key, record, record_details,
-                    parent_content,
-                    # TODO: track when we can copy the base
-                    copy_base_content=True)
+            lines = self._expand_record(key, parent_keys, compression_parent,
+                                        record, record_details)
+            if lines is None:
+                # Pending delta should be queued up
+                continue
+            # At this point, we may be able to yield this content, if all
+            # parents are also finished
+            for parent_key in parent_keys:
+                if parent_key not in self._annotations_cache:
+                    # still waiting on a parent text
+                    pending_annotation.setdefault(parent_key,
+                        []).append((key, parent_keys, content))
+                    break
-                # No compression parent means we have a fulltext
-                content, delta = self._vf._factory.parse_record(
-                    key, record, record_details, None)
-            self._content_objects[key] = content
-            to_process = [(key, parent_keys, content)]
-            # Check for compression children that we can expand
-            if key in pending_deltas:
-                children = pending_deltas.pop(key)
-                for child_key, child_parent_keys, child_record, child_details in children:
-                    child_content, child_delta = self._vf._factory.parse_record(
-                        child_key, child_record, child_details,
-                        content,
-                        # TODO: track when we can copy the base
-                        copy_base_content=True)
-                    self._content_objects[child_key] = child_content
-                    to_process.append((child_key, child_parent_keys, child_content))
-            while to_process:
-                cur = to_process
-                to_process = []
-                for key, parent_keys, content in cur:
-                    # Check if all parents are present
-                    for parent_key in parent_keys:
-                        if parent_key not in self._annotations_cache:
-                            # still waiting on a parent text
-                            pending_annotation.setdefault(parent_key,
-                                []).append((key, parent_keys, content))
-                            break
-                    else:
-                        # All parents present
-                        lines = content.text()
-                        yield key, lines, len(lines)
-                        if key in pending_annotation:
-                            to_process.extend(pending_annotation.pop(key))
+                # All parents present
+                yield key, lines, len(lines)
     from bzrlib._knit_load_data_c import _load_data_c as _load_data

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2009-06-16 13:57:14 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2009-06-20 05:11:51 +0000
@@ -1313,6 +1313,48 @@
         return _KndxIndex(transport, mapper, lambda:None, allow_writes, lambda:True)
+class Test_KnitAnnotator(TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):
+    def make_annotator(self):
+        factory = knit.make_pack_factory(True, True, 1)
+        vf = factory(self.get_transport())
+        return knit._KnitAnnotator(vf)
+    def test__expand_fulltext(self):
+        ann = self.make_annotator()
+        rev_key = ('rev-id',)
+        res = ann._expand_record(rev_key, (('parent-id',),), None,
+                           ['line1\n', 'line2\n'], ('fulltext', True))
+        # The content object and text lines should be cached appropriately
+        self.assertEqual(['line1\n', 'line2'], res)
+        content_obj = ann._content_objects[rev_key]
+        self.assertEqual(['line1\n', 'line2\n'], content_obj._lines)
+        self.assertEqual(res, content_obj.text())
+        self.assertEqual(res, ann._text_cache[rev_key])
+    def test__expand_delta_no_parent(self):
+        # Parent isn't available yet, so we return nothing, but queue up this
+        # node for later processing
+        ann = self.make_annotator()
+        rev_key = ('rev-id',)
+        parent_key = ('parent-id',)
+        record = ['0,1,1\n', 'new-line\n']
+        details = ('line-delta', False)
+        res = ann._expand_record(rev_key, (parent_key,), parent_key,
+                                 record, details)
+        self.assertEqual(None, res)
+        self.assertTrue(parent_key in ann._pending_deltas)
+        pending = ann._pending_deltas[parent_key]
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(pending))
+        self.assertEqual((rev_key, (parent_key,), record, details), pending[0])
+    def test_record_delta_removes_basis(self):
+        ann = self.make_annotator()
+        ann._expand_record(('parent-id',), (), None,
+                           ['line1\n', 'line2\n'], ('fulltext', False))
+        ann._num_compression_children['parent-id'] = 2
 class KnitTests(TestCaseWithTransport):
     """Class containing knit test helper routines."""

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