Rev 115: Register commands lazily, use bzrlib, api to check bzr versions. in file:///home/jelmer/bzr/bzr-rebase/trunk/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Fri Jan 30 15:28:24 GMT 2009

At file:///home/jelmer/bzr/bzr-rebase/trunk/

revno: 115
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2009-01-30 16:28:24 +0100
  Register commands lazily, use bzrlib,api to check bzr versions.
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-11-18 00:23:44 +0000
+++ b/	2009-01-30 15:28:24 +0000
@@ -21,12 +21,9 @@
 'rebase-continue' command or abort using the 'rebase-abort' command.
-from bzrlib.commands import Command, display_command, register_command
-from bzrlib.errors import (BzrCommandError, ConflictsInTree, NoSuchFile, 
-                           UnrelatedBranches, NoSuchRevision, 
-                           UncommittedChanges)
-from bzrlib.option import Option
-from bzrlib.trace import info, warning
+import bzrlib
+import bzrlib,api
+from bzrlib.commands import plugin_cmds
 version_info = (0, 4, 3, 'dev', 0)
 if version_info[3] == 'final':
@@ -36,341 +33,15 @@
 __version__ = version_string
 __author__ = 'Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>'
-min_compatible_bzr_version = (1, 6)
-def check_bzrlib_version(desired):
-    """Check that bzrlib is compatible.
-    :param desired: Desired version.
-    If version is < all compatible version, assume incompatible.
-    """
-    import bzrlib
-    bzrlib_version = bzrlib.version_info[:2]
-    if bzrlib.version_info[3] == 'dev':
-        return
-    if bzrlib_version < desired:
-        warning('Installed bzr version %s is too old to be used with bzr-rebase'
-                ' %s.' % (bzrlib.__version__, __version__))
-        # Not using BzrNewError, because it may not exist.
-        raise Exception, ('Version mismatch', desired)
-class cmd_rebase(Command):
-    """Re-base a branch.
-    Rebasing is the process of taking a branch and modifying the history so
-    that it appears to start from a different point. This can be useful
-    to clean up the history before submitting your changes. The tree at the
-    end of the process will be the same as if you had merged the other branch,
-    but the history will be different.
-    The command takes the location of another branch on to which the branch in
-    the current working directory will be rebased. If a branch is not specified
-    then the parent branch is used, and this is usually the desired result.
-    The first step identifies the revisions that are in the current branch that
-    are not in the parent branch. The current branch is then set to be at the
-    same revision as the target branch, and each revision is replayed on top
-    of the branch. At the end of the process it will appear as though your
-    current branch was branched off the current last revision of the target.
-    Each revision that is replayed may cause conflicts in the tree. If this
-    happens the command will stop and allow you to fix them up. Resolve the
-    commits as you would for a merge, and then run 'bzr resolve' to marked
-    them as resolved. Once you have resolved all the conflicts you should
-    run 'bzr rebase-continue' to continue the rebase operation.
-    If conflicts are encountered and you decide that you do not wish to continue
-    you can run 'bzr rebase-abort'.
-    The '--onto' option allows you to specify a different revision in the
-    target branch to start at when replaying the revisions. This means that
-    you can change the point at which the current branch will appear to be
-    branched from when the operation completes.
-    """
-    takes_args = ['upstream_location?']
-    takes_options = ['revision', 'merge-type', 'verbose',
-        Option('dry-run',
-            help="Show what would be done, but don't actually do anything."),
-        Option('always-rebase-merges',
-            help="Don't skip revisions that merge already present revisions."),
-        Option('pending-merges',
-            help="Rebase pending merges onto local branch."),
-        Option('onto', help='Different revision to replay onto.',
-            type=str)]
-    @display_command
-    def run(self, upstream_location=None, onto=None, revision=None,
-            merge_type=None, verbose=False, dry_run=False,
-            always_rebase_merges=False, pending_merges=False):
-        from bzrlib.branch import Branch
-        from bzrlib.revisionspec import RevisionSpec
-        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
-        from rebase import (generate_simple_plan, rebase, rebase_plan_exists,
-                            read_rebase_plan, remove_rebase_plan,
-                            workingtree_replay, write_rebase_plan,
-                            regenerate_default_revid,
-                            rebase_todo)
-        if revision is not None and pending_merges:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "--revision and --pending-merges are mutually exclusive")
-        wt = WorkingTree.open_containing(".")[0]
-        wt.lock_write()
-        if upstream_location is None:
-            if pending_merges:
-                upstream_location = "."
-            else:
-                upstream_location = wt.branch.get_parent()
-                info("Rebasing on %s" % upstream_location)
-        upstream = Branch.open_containing(upstream_location)[0]
-        upstream_repository = upstream.repository
-        upstream_revision = upstream.last_revision()
-        try:
-            # Abort if there already is a plan file
-            if rebase_plan_exists(wt):
-                raise BzrCommandError("A rebase operation was interrupted. "
-                    "Continue using 'bzr rebase-continue' or abort using 'bzr "
-                    "rebase-abort'")
-            start_revid = None
-            stop_revid = None
-            if revision is not None:
-                if len(revision) == 1:
-                    if revision[0] is not None:
-                        stop_revid = revision[0].as_revision_id(wt.branch)
-                elif len(revision) == 2:
-                    if revision[0] is not None:
-                        start_revid = revision[0].as_revision_id(wt.branch)
-                    if revision[1] is not None:
-                        stop_revid = revision[1].as_revision_id(wt.branch)
-                else:
-                    raise BzrCommandError(
-                        "--revision takes only one or two arguments")
-            if pending_merges:
-                wt_parents = wt.get_parent_ids()
-                if len(wt_parents) in (0, 1):
-                    raise BzrCommandError("No pending merges present.")
-                elif len(wt_parents) > 2:
-                    raise BzrCommandError(
-                        "Rebasing more than one pending merge not supported")
-                stop_revid = wt_parents[1]
-                assert stop_revid is not None, "stop revid invalid"
-            # Pull required revisions
-            wt.branch.repository.fetch(upstream_repository, upstream_revision)
-            if onto is None:
-                onto = upstream.last_revision()
-            else:
-                rev_spec = RevisionSpec.from_string(onto)
-                onto = rev_spec.as_revision_id(upstream)
-            wt.branch.repository.fetch(upstream_repository, onto)
-            if stop_revid is None:
-                stop_revid = wt.branch.last_revision()
-            elif not pending_merges:
-                stop_revid = wt.branch.repository.get_parent_map(
-                    [stop_revid])[stop_revid][0]
-            repo_graph = wt.branch.repository.get_graph()
-            our_new, onto_unique = repo_graph.find_difference(stop_revid, onto)
-            if start_revid is None:
-                if not onto_unique:
-                    self.outf.write("No revisions to rebase.\n")
-                    return
-                if not our_new:
-                    self.outf.write("Base branch is descendant of current "
-                        "branch. Pulling instead.\n")
-                    wt.pull(upstream, onto)
-                    return
-            # else: include extra revisions needed to make start_revid mean
-            # something.
-            # Create plan
-            replace_map = generate_simple_plan(
-                our_new, start_revid, stop_revid,
-                    onto, repo_graph,
-                    lambda revid: regenerate_default_revid(
-                        wt.branch.repository, revid),
-                    not always_rebase_merges
-                    )
-            if verbose:
-                todo = list(rebase_todo(wt.branch.repository, replace_map))
-                info('%d revisions will be rebased:' % len(todo))
-                for revid in todo:
-                    info("%s" % revid)
-            # Check for changes in the working tree.
-            if (not pending_merges and 
-                wt.basis_tree().changes_from(wt).has_changed()):
-                raise UncommittedChanges(wt)
-            if not dry_run:
-                # Write plan file
-                write_rebase_plan(wt, replace_map)
-                # Start executing plan
-                try:
-                    rebase(wt.branch.repository, replace_map,
-                           workingtree_replay(wt, merge_type=merge_type))
-                except ConflictsInTree:
-                    raise BzrCommandError("A conflict occurred replaying a "
-                        "commit. Resolve the conflict and run "
-                        "'bzr rebase-continue' or run 'bzr rebase-abort'.")
-                # Remove plan file
-                remove_rebase_plan(wt)
-        finally:
-            wt.unlock()
-class cmd_rebase_abort(Command):
-    """Abort an interrupted rebase."""
-    @display_command
-    def run(self):
-        from rebase import read_rebase_plan, remove_rebase_plan, complete_revert
-        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
-        wt = WorkingTree.open_containing('.')[0]
-        wt.lock_write()
-        try:
-            # Read plan file and set last revision
-            try:
-                last_rev_info = read_rebase_plan(wt)[0]
-            except NoSuchFile:
-                raise BzrCommandError("No rebase to abort")
-            complete_revert(wt, [last_rev_info[1]])
-            remove_rebase_plan(wt)
-        finally:
-            wt.unlock()
-class cmd_rebase_continue(Command):
-    """Continue an interrupted rebase after resolving conflicts."""
-    takes_options = ['merge-type']
-    @display_command
-    def run(self, merge_type=None):
-        from rebase import (commit_rebase, rebase, rebase_plan_exists,
-                            read_rebase_plan, read_active_rebase_revid,
-                            remove_rebase_plan, workingtree_replay)
-        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
-        wt = WorkingTree.open_containing('.')[0]
-        wt.lock_write()
-        try:
-            # Abort if there are any conflicts
-            if len(wt.conflicts()) != 0:
-                raise BzrCommandError("There are still conflicts present. "
-                                      "Resolve the conflicts and then run "
-                                      "'bzr resolve' and try again.")
-            # Read plan file
-            try:
-                replace_map = read_rebase_plan(wt)[1]
-            except NoSuchFile:
-                raise BzrCommandError("No rebase to continue")
-            oldrevid = read_active_rebase_revid(wt)
-            if oldrevid is not None:
-                oldrev = wt.branch.repository.get_revision(oldrevid)
-                commit_rebase(wt, oldrev, replace_map[oldrevid][0])
-            try:
-                # Start executing plan from current Branch.last_revision()
-                rebase(wt.branch.repository, replace_map,
-                        workingtree_replay(wt, merge_type=merge_type))
-            except ConflictsInTree:
-                raise BzrCommandError("A conflict occurred replaying a commit."
-                    " Resolve the conflict and run 'bzr rebase-continue' or "
-                    "run 'bzr rebase-abort'.")
-            # Remove plan file  
-            remove_rebase_plan(wt)
-        finally:
-            wt.unlock()
-class cmd_rebase_todo(Command):
-    """Print list of revisions that still need to be replayed as part of the 
-    current rebase operation.
-    """
-    def run(self):
-        from rebase import (rebase_todo, read_rebase_plan,
-                            read_active_rebase_revid)
-        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
-        wt = WorkingTree.open_containing('.')[0]
-        wt.lock_read()
-        try:
-            try:
-                replace_map = read_rebase_plan(wt)[1]
-            except NoSuchFile:
-                raise BzrCommandError("No rebase in progress")
-            currentrevid = read_active_rebase_revid(wt)
-            if currentrevid is not None:
-                info("Currently replaying: %s" % currentrevid)
-            for revid in rebase_todo(wt.branch.repository, replace_map):
-                info("%s -> %s" % (revid, replace_map[revid][0]))
-        finally:
-            wt.unlock()
-class cmd_replay(Command):
-    """Replay commits from another branch on top of this one.
-    """
-    takes_options = ['revision', 'merge-type']
-    takes_args = ['location']
-    hidden = True
-    def run(self, location, revision=None, merge_type=None):
-        from bzrlib.branch import Branch
-        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
-        from bzrlib import ui
-        from rebase import regenerate_default_revid, replay_delta_workingtree
-        from_branch = Branch.open_containing(location)[0]
-        if revision is not None:
-            if len(revision) == 1:
-                if revision[0] is not None:
-                    todo = [revision[0].as_revision_id(from_branch)]
-            elif len(revision) == 2:
-                from_revno, from_revid = revision[0].in_history(from_branch)
-                to_revno, to_revid = revision[1].in_history(from_branch)
-                if to_revid is None:
-                    to_revno = from_branch.revno()
-                todo = []
-                for revno in range(from_revno, to_revno + 1):
-                    todo.append(from_branch.get_rev_id(revno))
-            else:
-                raise BzrCommandError(
-                    "--revision takes only one or two arguments")
-        else:
-            raise BzrCommandError("--revision is mandatory")
-        wt =".")
-        wt.lock_write()
-        pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
-        try:
-            for revid in todo:
-                pb.update("replaying commits", todo.index(revid), len(todo))
-                wt.branch.repository.fetch(from_branch.repository, revid)
-                newrevid = regenerate_default_revid(wt.branch.repository, revid)
-                replay_delta_workingtree(wt, revid, newrevid,
-                                         [wt.last_revision()],
-                                         merge_type=merge_type)
-        finally:
-            pb.finished()
-            wt.unlock()
-for cmd in [cmd_replay, cmd_rebase, cmd_rebase_abort, cmd_rebase_continue,
-            cmd_rebase_todo]:
-    register_command(cmd)
+COMPATIBLE_BZR_VERSIONS = [(1, 6, 0), (1, 7, 0), (1, 8, 0), (1, 9, 0),
+                           (1, 10, 0), (1, 11, 0), (1, 12, 0)]
+bzrlib.api.require_any_api(bzrlib, COMPATIBLE_BZR_VERSIONS)
+for cmd in ["replay", "rebase", "rebase_abort", "rebase_continue",
+            "rebase_todo"]:
+    plugin_cmds.register_lazy("cmd_%s" % cmd, [], 
+        "bzrlib.plugins.rebase.commands")
 def test_suite():
@@ -385,4 +56,3 @@
                               ["%s.%s" % (__name__, i) for i in testmod_names]))
     return suite

=== added file ''
--- a/	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/	2009-01-30 15:28:24 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 by Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+"""Bazaar command-line subcommands."""
+from bzrlib.commands import Command, display_command
+from bzrlib.errors import (BzrCommandError, ConflictsInTree, NoSuchFile, 
+                           UnrelatedBranches, NoSuchRevision, 
+                           UncommittedChanges)
+from bzrlib.trace import info, warning
+from bzrlib.option import Option
+class cmd_rebase(Command):
+    """Re-base a branch.
+    Rebasing is the process of taking a branch and modifying the history so
+    that it appears to start from a different point. This can be useful
+    to clean up the history before submitting your changes. The tree at the
+    end of the process will be the same as if you had merged the other branch,
+    but the history will be different.
+    The command takes the location of another branch on to which the branch in
+    the current working directory will be rebased. If a branch is not specified
+    then the parent branch is used, and this is usually the desired result.
+    The first step identifies the revisions that are in the current branch that
+    are not in the parent branch. The current branch is then set to be at the
+    same revision as the target branch, and each revision is replayed on top
+    of the branch. At the end of the process it will appear as though your
+    current branch was branched off the current last revision of the target.
+    Each revision that is replayed may cause conflicts in the tree. If this
+    happens the command will stop and allow you to fix them up. Resolve the
+    commits as you would for a merge, and then run 'bzr resolve' to marked
+    them as resolved. Once you have resolved all the conflicts you should
+    run 'bzr rebase-continue' to continue the rebase operation.
+    If conflicts are encountered and you decide that you do not wish to continue
+    you can run 'bzr rebase-abort'.
+    The '--onto' option allows you to specify a different revision in the
+    target branch to start at when replaying the revisions. This means that
+    you can change the point at which the current branch will appear to be
+    branched from when the operation completes.
+    """
+    takes_args = ['upstream_location?']
+    takes_options = ['revision', 'merge-type', 'verbose',
+        Option('dry-run',
+            help="Show what would be done, but don't actually do anything."),
+        Option('always-rebase-merges',
+            help="Don't skip revisions that merge already present revisions."),
+        Option('pending-merges',
+            help="Rebase pending merges onto local branch."),
+        Option('onto', help='Different revision to replay onto.',
+            type=str)]
+    @display_command
+    def run(self, upstream_location=None, onto=None, revision=None,
+            merge_type=None, verbose=False, dry_run=False,
+            always_rebase_merges=False, pending_merges=False):
+        from bzrlib.branch import Branch
+        from bzrlib.revisionspec import RevisionSpec
+        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
+        from rebase import (generate_simple_plan, rebase, rebase_plan_exists,
+                            read_rebase_plan, remove_rebase_plan,
+                            workingtree_replay, write_rebase_plan,
+                            regenerate_default_revid,
+                            rebase_todo)
+        if revision is not None and pending_merges:
+            raise BzrCommandError(
+                "--revision and --pending-merges are mutually exclusive")
+        wt = WorkingTree.open_containing(".")[0]
+        wt.lock_write()
+        if upstream_location is None:
+            if pending_merges:
+                upstream_location = "."
+            else:
+                upstream_location = wt.branch.get_parent()
+                info("Rebasing on %s" % upstream_location)
+        upstream = Branch.open_containing(upstream_location)[0]
+        upstream_repository = upstream.repository
+        upstream_revision = upstream.last_revision()
+        try:
+            # Abort if there already is a plan file
+            if rebase_plan_exists(wt):
+                raise BzrCommandError("A rebase operation was interrupted. "
+                    "Continue using 'bzr rebase-continue' or abort using 'bzr "
+                    "rebase-abort'")
+            start_revid = None
+            stop_revid = None
+            if revision is not None:
+                if len(revision) == 1:
+                    if revision[0] is not None:
+                        stop_revid = revision[0].as_revision_id(wt.branch)
+                elif len(revision) == 2:
+                    if revision[0] is not None:
+                        start_revid = revision[0].as_revision_id(wt.branch)
+                    if revision[1] is not None:
+                        stop_revid = revision[1].as_revision_id(wt.branch)
+                else:
+                    raise BzrCommandError(
+                        "--revision takes only one or two arguments")
+            if pending_merges:
+                wt_parents = wt.get_parent_ids()
+                if len(wt_parents) in (0, 1):
+                    raise BzrCommandError("No pending merges present.")
+                elif len(wt_parents) > 2:
+                    raise BzrCommandError(
+                        "Rebasing more than one pending merge not supported")
+                stop_revid = wt_parents[1]
+                assert stop_revid is not None, "stop revid invalid"
+            # Pull required revisions
+            wt.branch.repository.fetch(upstream_repository, upstream_revision)
+            if onto is None:
+                onto = upstream.last_revision()
+            else:
+                rev_spec = RevisionSpec.from_string(onto)
+                onto = rev_spec.as_revision_id(upstream)
+            wt.branch.repository.fetch(upstream_repository, onto)
+            if stop_revid is None:
+                stop_revid = wt.branch.last_revision()
+            elif not pending_merges:
+                stop_revid = wt.branch.repository.get_parent_map(
+                    [stop_revid])[stop_revid][0]
+            repo_graph = wt.branch.repository.get_graph()
+            our_new, onto_unique = repo_graph.find_difference(stop_revid, onto)
+            if start_revid is None:
+                if not onto_unique:
+                    self.outf.write("No revisions to rebase.\n")
+                    return
+                if not our_new:
+                    self.outf.write("Base branch is descendant of current "
+                        "branch. Pulling instead.\n")
+                    wt.pull(upstream, onto)
+                    return
+            # else: include extra revisions needed to make start_revid mean
+            # something.
+            # Create plan
+            replace_map = generate_simple_plan(
+                our_new, start_revid, stop_revid,
+                    onto, repo_graph,
+                    lambda revid: regenerate_default_revid(
+                        wt.branch.repository, revid),
+                    not always_rebase_merges
+                    )
+            if verbose:
+                todo = list(rebase_todo(wt.branch.repository, replace_map))
+                info('%d revisions will be rebased:' % len(todo))
+                for revid in todo:
+                    info("%s" % revid)
+            # Check for changes in the working tree.
+            if (not pending_merges and 
+                wt.basis_tree().changes_from(wt).has_changed()):
+                raise UncommittedChanges(wt)
+            if not dry_run:
+                # Write plan file
+                write_rebase_plan(wt, replace_map)
+                # Start executing plan
+                try:
+                    rebase(wt.branch.repository, replace_map,
+                           workingtree_replay(wt, merge_type=merge_type))
+                except ConflictsInTree:
+                    raise BzrCommandError("A conflict occurred replaying a "
+                        "commit. Resolve the conflict and run "
+                        "'bzr rebase-continue' or run 'bzr rebase-abort'.")
+                # Remove plan file
+                remove_rebase_plan(wt)
+        finally:
+            wt.unlock()
+class cmd_rebase_abort(Command):
+    """Abort an interrupted rebase."""
+    @display_command
+    def run(self):
+        from rebase import read_rebase_plan, remove_rebase_plan, complete_revert
+        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
+        wt = WorkingTree.open_containing('.')[0]
+        wt.lock_write()
+        try:
+            # Read plan file and set last revision
+            try:
+                last_rev_info = read_rebase_plan(wt)[0]
+            except NoSuchFile:
+                raise BzrCommandError("No rebase to abort")
+            complete_revert(wt, [last_rev_info[1]])
+            remove_rebase_plan(wt)
+        finally:
+            wt.unlock()
+class cmd_rebase_continue(Command):
+    """Continue an interrupted rebase after resolving conflicts."""
+    takes_options = ['merge-type']
+    @display_command
+    def run(self, merge_type=None):
+        from rebase import (commit_rebase, rebase, rebase_plan_exists,
+                            read_rebase_plan, read_active_rebase_revid,
+                            remove_rebase_plan, workingtree_replay)
+        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
+        wt = WorkingTree.open_containing('.')[0]
+        wt.lock_write()
+        try:
+            # Abort if there are any conflicts
+            if len(wt.conflicts()) != 0:
+                raise BzrCommandError("There are still conflicts present. "
+                                      "Resolve the conflicts and then run "
+                                      "'bzr resolve' and try again.")
+            # Read plan file
+            try:
+                replace_map = read_rebase_plan(wt)[1]
+            except NoSuchFile:
+                raise BzrCommandError("No rebase to continue")
+            oldrevid = read_active_rebase_revid(wt)
+            if oldrevid is not None:
+                oldrev = wt.branch.repository.get_revision(oldrevid)
+                commit_rebase(wt, oldrev, replace_map[oldrevid][0])
+            try:
+                # Start executing plan from current Branch.last_revision()
+                rebase(wt.branch.repository, replace_map,
+                        workingtree_replay(wt, merge_type=merge_type))
+            except ConflictsInTree:
+                raise BzrCommandError("A conflict occurred replaying a commit."
+                    " Resolve the conflict and run 'bzr rebase-continue' or "
+                    "run 'bzr rebase-abort'.")
+            # Remove plan file  
+            remove_rebase_plan(wt)
+        finally:
+            wt.unlock()
+class cmd_rebase_todo(Command):
+    """Print list of revisions that still need to be replayed as part of the 
+    current rebase operation.
+    """
+    def run(self):
+        from rebase import (rebase_todo, read_rebase_plan,
+                            read_active_rebase_revid)
+        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
+        wt = WorkingTree.open_containing('.')[0]
+        wt.lock_read()
+        try:
+            try:
+                replace_map = read_rebase_plan(wt)[1]
+            except NoSuchFile:
+                raise BzrCommandError("No rebase in progress")
+            currentrevid = read_active_rebase_revid(wt)
+            if currentrevid is not None:
+                info("Currently replaying: %s" % currentrevid)
+            for revid in rebase_todo(wt.branch.repository, replace_map):
+                info("%s -> %s" % (revid, replace_map[revid][0]))
+        finally:
+            wt.unlock()
+class cmd_replay(Command):
+    """Replay commits from another branch on top of this one.
+    """
+    takes_options = ['revision', 'merge-type']
+    takes_args = ['location']
+    hidden = True
+    def run(self, location, revision=None, merge_type=None):
+        from bzrlib.branch import Branch
+        from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
+        from bzrlib import ui
+        from rebase import regenerate_default_revid, replay_delta_workingtree
+        from_branch = Branch.open_containing(location)[0]
+        if revision is not None:
+            if len(revision) == 1:
+                if revision[0] is not None:
+                    todo = [revision[0].as_revision_id(from_branch)]
+            elif len(revision) == 2:
+                from_revno, from_revid = revision[0].in_history(from_branch)
+                to_revno, to_revid = revision[1].in_history(from_branch)
+                if to_revid is None:
+                    to_revno = from_branch.revno()
+                todo = []
+                for revno in range(from_revno, to_revno + 1):
+                    todo.append(from_branch.get_rev_id(revno))
+            else:
+                raise BzrCommandError(
+                    "--revision takes only one or two arguments")
+        else:
+            raise BzrCommandError("--revision is mandatory")
+        wt =".")
+        wt.lock_write()
+        pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+        try:
+            for revid in todo:
+                pb.update("replaying commits", todo.index(revid), len(todo))
+                wt.branch.repository.fetch(from_branch.repository, revid)
+                newrevid = regenerate_default_revid(wt.branch.repository, revid)
+                replay_delta_workingtree(wt, revid, newrevid,
+                                         [wt.last_revision()],
+                                         merge_type=merge_type)
+        finally:
+            pb.finished()
+            wt.unlock()

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