Rev 2321: Use unicode internally in file id determination code rather than converting back and forth, simplify. in

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sat Jan 17 02:43:00 GMT 2009


revno: 2321
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: 0.5
timestamp: Sat 2009-01-17 03:42:57 +0100
  Use unicode internally in file id determination code rather than converting back and forth, simplify.
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2009-01-16 22:37:58 +0000
+++ b/	2009-01-17 02:42:57 +0000
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 from import apply_txdelta_handler
 from bzrlib.plugins.svn.errors import InvalidFileName, FileIdMapIncomplete
+from bzrlib.plugins.svn.fileids import get_local_changes
 from bzrlib.plugins.svn.foreign import escape_commit_message
 from bzrlib.plugins.svn.mapping import SVN_PROP_BZR_PREFIX
 from bzrlib.plugins.svn.repository import SvnRepository, SvnRepositoryFormat
@@ -581,8 +582,12 @@
         if self._id_map is not None:
             return self._id_map
-        self._id_map = self.source.fileid_map.get_idmap_delta(self.revmeta, 
-            self.mapping)[0]
+        local_changes = get_local_changes(self.revmeta.get_paths(self.mapping), 
+                    self.revmeta.branch_path, self.mapping,
+                    self.source.get_layout(),
+                    self.source.generate_revision_id)
+        self._id_map = self.source.fileid_map.get_idmap_delta(local_changes, self.revmeta, 
+            self.mapping)
         return self._id_map
@@ -629,11 +634,13 @@
         return self.mapping.generate_file_id(self.revmeta.get_foreign_revid(), new_path)
     def _get_text_revid(self, path):
+        assert isinstance(path, unicode)
         if self._text_revids is None:
             self._text_revids = self.revmeta.get_text_revisions(self.mapping)
         return self._text_revids.get(path)
     def _get_text_parents(self, path):
+        assert isinstance(path, unicode)
         if self._text_parents is None:
             self._text_parents = self.revmeta.get_text_parents(self.mapping)
         return self._text_parents.get(path)

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2009-01-16 23:57:49 +0000
+++ b/	2009-01-17 02:42:57 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 from bzrlib.trace import mutter
 from bzrlib.versionedfile import ConstantMapper
+from collections import defaultdict
 import urllib
 from bzrlib.plugins.svn import (
@@ -32,34 +33,48 @@
-def apply_idmap_delta(map, revid, delta, changes):
+# idmap: dictionary mapping unicode paths to tuples with file id and revision id
+# idmap delta: dictionary mapping unicode paths to new file id assignments
+# text revision map: dictionary mapping unicode paths to text revisions (usually revision ids)
+def determine_text_revisions(changes, default_revid, specific_revids):
+    """Create a text revision map.
+    :param changes: Local changes dictionary
+    :param default_revid: Default revision id, if none is explicitly specified
+    :param specific_revids: Dictionary with explicit text revisions to use
+    :return: text revision map
+    """
+    ret = {}
+    ret.update(specific_revids)
+    for p, data in changes.iteritems():
+        assert isinstance(p, unicode)
+        if data[0] in ('A', 'R', 'M') and p not in ret:
+            ret[p] = default_revid
+    return ret
+def apply_idmap_delta(map, text_revisions, delta, changes, default_revid):
     """Update a file id map.
     :param map: Existing file id map that needs to be updated
-    :param revid: Revision id of the id map
+    :param text_revisions: Text revisions for the map
     :param delta: Id map delta.
     :param changes: Changes for the revision in question.
-    for p in changes:
-        inv_p = p.decode("utf-8")
-        if changes[p][0] == 'M' and not delta.has_key(p):
-            delta[inv_p] = map[inv_p][0]
-    for x in sorted(delta.keys(), reverse=True):
+    for p, data in changes.iteritems():
+        if data[0] in ('D', 'R') and not p in delta:
+            del map[p]
+            for xp in map.keys():
+                if xp.startswith(u"%s/" % p) and not xp in delta:
+                    del map[xp]
+    for x in sorted(text_revisions.keys() + delta.keys()):
         assert isinstance(x, unicode)
-        if delta[x] is None:
-            del map[x]
-            for p in map.keys():
-                if p.startswith(u"%s/" % x):
-                    del map[p]
-    for x in sorted(delta.keys()):
-        if (delta[x] is not None and 
-            # special case - we change metadata in svn at the branch root path
+        if (# special case - we change metadata in svn at the branch root path
             # but that's not reflected as a bzr metadata change in bzr
             (x != "" or not "" in map or map[x][1] == NULL_REVISION)):
-            map[x] = (str(delta[x]), revid)
+            map[x] = (delta.get(x) or map[x][0], text_revisions.get(x) or default_revid)
 def get_local_changes(paths, branch, mapping, layout, generate_revid, 
@@ -102,10 +117,10 @@
                 if get_children is not None:
                     for c in get_children(data[1], data[2]):
                         mutter('oops: %r child %r', data[1], c)
-                        new_paths[changes.rebase_path(c, data[1], new_p)] = (data[0], None, -1)
+                        new_paths[changes.rebase_path(c, data[1], new_p).decode("utf-8")] = (data[0], None, -1)
                 data = (data[0], None, -1)
-        new_paths[new_p] = data
+        new_paths[new_p.decode("utf-8")] = data
     return new_paths
@@ -115,29 +130,21 @@
     """Simple function that generates a dictionary with file id changes.
     Does not track renames. """
-    map = {}
+    delta = {}
     for p in sorted(changes.keys(), reverse=False):
         data = changes[p]
-        inv_p = p.decode("utf-8")
-        if data[0] in ('D', 'R'):
-            if not inv_p in map:
-                map[inv_p] = None
+        assert isinstance(p, unicode)
         if data[0] in ('A', 'R'):
-            assert isinstance(inv_p, unicode)
-            map[inv_p] = new_file_id(inv_p)
+            delta[p] = new_file_id(p)
             if data[1] is not None:
-                mutter('%r copied from %r:%s', inv_p, data[1], data[2])
+                mutter('%r copied from %r:%s', p, data[1], data[2])
                 if find_children is not None:
                     for c in find_children(data[1], data[2]):
-                        inv_c = c.decode("utf-8")
-                        path = inv_c.replace(data[1].decode("utf-8"), inv_p+"/", 1).replace(u"//", u"/")
+                        path = c.replace(data[1], p+"/", 1).replace(u"//", u"/")
                         assert isinstance(path, unicode)
-                        map[path] = new_file_id(path)
-                        mutter('added mapping %r -> %r', path, map[path])
-    return map
+                        delta[path] = new_file_id(path)
+                        mutter('added mapping %r -> %r', path, delta[path])
+    return delta 
 class FileIdMap(object):
@@ -151,21 +158,18 @@
         self.apply_changes_fn = apply_changes_fn
         self.repos = repos
-    def get_idmap_delta(self, revmeta, mapping, find_children=None):
+    def get_idmap_delta(self, changes, revmeta, mapping, find_children=None):
         """Change file id map to incorporate specified changes.
         :param revmeta: RevisionMetadata object for revision with changes
         :param renames: List of renames (known file ids for particular paths)
         :param mapping: Mapping
-        changes = get_local_changes(revmeta.get_paths(mapping), revmeta.branch_path, mapping,
-                    self.repos.get_layout(),
-                    self.repos.generate_revision_id, find_children)
         if find_children is not None:
             def get_children(path, revid):
                 (uuid, bp, revnum), mapping = self.repos.lookup_revision_id(revid)
-                for p in find_children(bp+"/"+path, revnum):
-                    yield p[len(bp):].strip("/")
+                for p in find_children(bp+"/"+path.encode("utf-8"), revnum):
+                    yield p[len(bp):].strip("/").decode("utf-8")
             get_children = None
@@ -175,15 +179,19 @@
         idmap = self.apply_changes_fn(new_file_id, changes, get_children)
-        return (idmap, changes)
+        return idmap
     def update_idmap(self, map, revmeta, mapping, find_children=None):
-        (idmap, changes) = self.get_idmap_delta(revmeta, 
+        local_changes = get_local_changes(revmeta.get_paths(mapping), 
+                    revmeta.branch_path, mapping,
+                    self.repos.get_layout(),
+                    self.repos.generate_revision_id, find_children)
+        idmap = self.get_idmap_delta(local_changes, revmeta, 
                 mapping, find_children)
-        apply_idmap_delta(map, revmeta.get_revision_id(mapping), idmap, changes)
-        for path, revid in revmeta.get_text_revisions(mapping).iteritems():
-            assert path in map
-            map[path] = (map[path][0], revid)
+        revid = revmeta.get_revision_id(mapping)
+        text_revisions = determine_text_revisions(local_changes, revid, 
+                revmeta.get_text_revisions(mapping))
+        apply_idmap_delta(map, text_revisions, idmap, local_changes, revid)
     def get_map(self, foreign_revid, mapping):
         """Make sure the map is up to date until revnum."""

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2009-01-16 22:22:09 +0000
+++ b/	2009-01-17 02:42:57 +0000
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
     for line in text.splitlines():
         parts = line.split("\t")
         entry = parts[0]
-        ret[urllib.unquote(entry)] = filter(lambda x: x != "", [osutils.safe_revision_id(parent_revid) for parent_revid in parts[1:]])
+        ret[urllib.unquote(entry).decode("utf-8")] = filter(lambda x: x != "", [osutils.safe_revision_id(parent_revid) for parent_revid in parts[1:]])
     return ret
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
     ret = {}
     for line in text.splitlines():
         (entry, revid) = line.split("\t", 1)
-        ret[urllib.unquote(entry)] = osutils.safe_revision_id(revid)
+        ret[urllib.unquote(entry).decode("utf-8")] = osutils.safe_revision_id(revid)
     return ret

=== modified file 'tests/'
--- a/tests/	2009-01-16 22:22:09 +0000
+++ b/tests/	2009-01-17 02:42:57 +0000
@@ -200,70 +200,70 @@
         return map
     def test_simple(self):
-        map = self.apply_mappings({(1, ""): {"foo": ('A', None, None)}})
-        self.assertEqual({ 'foo': ("1 at uuid::foo",
+        map = self.apply_mappings({(1, ""): {u"foo": ('A', None, None)}})
+        self.assertEqual({ u'foo': ("1 at uuid::foo",
                                        (1, ""))
                          }, map)
     def test_simple_add(self):
-        map = self.apply_mappings({(1, ""): {"": ('A', None, None), "foo": ('A', None, None)}})
+        map = self.apply_mappings({(1, ""): {u"": ('A', None, None), u"foo": ('A', None, None)}})
-            '': ('1 at uuid::', (1, "")),
-            'foo': ("1 at uuid::foo", (1, "")) 
+            u'': ('1 at uuid::', (1, "")),
+            u'foo': ("1 at uuid::foo", (1, "")) 
             }, map)
     def test_copy(self):
         def find_children(path, revid):
-            if path == "foo":
-                yield "foo/blie"
-                yield "foo/bla"
+            if path == u"foo":
+                yield u"foo/blie"
+                yield u"foo/bla"
         map = self.apply_mappings({
                 (1, ""): {
-                                   "foo": ('A', None, None), 
-                                   "foo/blie": ('A', None, None),
-                                   "foo/bla": ('A', None, None)},
+                                   u"foo": ('A', None, None), 
+                                   u"foo/blie": ('A', None, None),
+                                   u"foo/bla": ('A', None, None)},
                 (2, ""): {
-                                   "foob": ('A', 'foo', 1), 
-                                   "foob/bla": ('M', None, None)}
+                                   u"foob": ('A', 'foo', 1), 
+                                   u"foob/bla": ('M', None, None)}
                 }, find_children)
-        self.assertTrue(map.has_key("foob/bla"))
-        self.assertTrue(map.has_key("foob/blie"))
+        self.assertTrue(map.has_key(u"foob/bla"))
+        self.assertTrue(map.has_key(u"foob/blie"))
     def test_touchparent(self):
         map = self.apply_mappings(
                 {(1, ""): {
-                                   "foo": ('A', None, None), 
-                                   "foo/bla": ('A', None, None)},
+                                   u"foo": ('A', None, None), 
+                                   u"foo/bla": ('A', None, None)},
                  (2, ""): {
-                                   "foo/bla": ('M', None, None)}
+                                   u"foo/bla": ('M', None, None)}
         self.assertEqual((1, ""), 
-                         map["foo"][1])
+                         map[u"foo"][1])
         self.assertEqual((1, ""), 
-                         map["foo/bla"][1])
+                         map[u"foo/bla"][1])
     def test_usemap(self):
         map = self.apply_mappings(
                 {(1, ""): {
-                                   "foo": ('A', None, None), 
-                                   "foo/bla": ('A', None, None)},
+                                   u"foo": ('A', None, None), 
+                                   u"foo/bla": ('A', None, None)},
                  (2, ""): {
-                                   "foo/bla": ('M', None, None)}
+                                   u"foo/bla": ('M', None, None)}
-                renames={(1, ""): {"foo": "myid"}})
-        self.assertEqual("myid", map["foo"][0])
+                renames={(1, ""): {u"foo": "myid"}})
+        self.assertEqual("myid", map[u"foo"][0])
     def test_usemap_later(self):
         map = self.apply_mappings(
                 {(1, ""): {
-                                   "foo": ('A', None, None), 
-                                   "foo/bla": ('A', None, None)},
+                                   u"foo": ('A', None, None), 
+                                   u"foo/bla": ('A', None, None)},
                  (2, ""): {
-                                   "foo/bla": ('M', None, None)}
+                                   u"foo/bla": ('M', None, None)}
-                renames={(2, ""): {"foo": "myid"}})
-        self.assertEqual("1 at uuid::foo", map["foo"][0])
-        self.assertEqual((1, ""), map["foo"][1])
+                renames={(2, ""): {u"foo": "myid"}})
+        self.assertEqual("1 at uuid::foo", map[u"foo"][0])
+        self.assertEqual((1, ""), map[u"foo"][1])
 class GetMapTests(SubversionTestCase):

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