Rev 3824: Change the code to use an LRUCache. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Feb 18 17:40:55 GMT 2009


revno: 3824
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: generic_fetch_ordering
timestamp: Wed 2009-02-18 11:40:43 -0600
  Change the code to use an LRUCache.
  Seems to work just fine for what we need, and saves some headaches
  with passing around the various dicts.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-02-18 17:13:43 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-02-18 17:40:43 +0000
@@ -3278,43 +3278,34 @@
             return False
         return True
-    def _get_delta_for_revision(self, basis_id, basis_tree, last_batch,
-                                new_batch, tree, parent_ids):
+    def _get_delta_for_revision(self, tree, parent_ids, basis_id, cache):
         """Get the best delta and base for this revision.
-        :return: (basis_id, basis_tree, delta)
+        :return: (basis_id, delta)
-        possible_trees = []
-        for parent_id in parent_ids:
-            if parent_id == basis_id:
-                possible_trees.append((basis_id, basis_tree))
-            elif parent_id in new_batch:
-                possible_trees.append((parent_id, new_batch[parent_id]))
-            elif parent_id in last_batch:
-                possible_trees.append((parent_id, last_batch[parent_id]))
+        possible_trees = [(parent_id, cache[parent_id])
+                          for parent_id in parent_ids
+                           if parent_id in cache]
         if len(possible_trees) == 0:
             # There either aren't any parents, or the parents aren't in the
-            # caches, so just use the last converted tree
-            possible_trees.append((basis_id, basis_tree))
+            # cache, so just use the last converted tree
+            possible_trees.append((basis_id, cache[basis_id]))
         deltas = []
         for basis_id, basis_tree in possible_trees:
             delta = tree.inventory._make_delta(basis_tree.inventory)
-            deltas.append((len(delta), basis_id, basis_tree, delta))
+            deltas.append((len(delta), basis_id, delta))
         return deltas[0][1:]
-    def _fetch_batch(self, revision_ids, basis_id, basis_tree, last_batch):
+    def _fetch_batch(self, revision_ids, basis_id, cache):
         """Fetch across a few revisions.
         :param revision_ids: The revisions to copy
-        :param basis_id: The revision_id of basis_tree
-        :param basis_tree: A tree that is not in revision_ids which should
-            already exist in the target.
-        :param last_batch: A dict of {revid: rev_tree}. Used as potential basis
-            trees for computing a new delta.
-        :return: (basis_id, basis_tree, new_batch) A new basis to use now that
-            these trees have been copied, new_batch is a dict that can be
-            passed back in via last_batch
+        :param basis_id: The revision_id of a tree that must be in cache, used
+            as a basis for delta when no other base is available
+        :param cache: A cache of RevisionTrees that we can use.
+        :return: The revision_id of the last converted tree. The RevisionTree
+            for it will be in cache
         # Walk though all revisions; get inventory deltas, copy referenced
         # texts that delta references, insert the delta, revision and
@@ -3322,14 +3313,12 @@
         text_keys = set()
         pending_deltas = []
         pending_revisions = []
-        new_batch = {}
         parent_map = self.source.get_parent_map(revision_ids)
         for tree in self.source.revision_trees(revision_ids):
             current_revision_id = tree.get_revision_id()
-            new_batch[current_revision_id] = tree
             parent_ids = parent_map.get(current_revision_id, ())
-            basis_id, basis_tree, delta = self._get_delta_for_revision(
-                basis_id, basis_tree, last_batch, new_batch, tree, parent_ids)
+            basis_id, delta = self._get_delta_for_revision(tree, parent_ids,
+                                                           basis_id, cache)
             # Find text entries that need to be copied
             for old_path, new_path, file_id, entry in delta:
                 if new_path is not None:
@@ -3345,8 +3334,8 @@
             pending_deltas.append((basis_id, delta,
                 current_revision_id, revision.parent_ids))
+            cache[current_revision_id] = tree
             basis_id = current_revision_id
-            basis_tree = tree
         # Copy file texts
         from_texts = self.source.texts
         to_texts =
@@ -3366,7 +3355,7 @@
             except errors.NoSuchRevision:
   , revision)
-        return basis_id, basis_tree, new_batch
+        return basis_id
     def _fetch_all_revisions(self, revision_ids, pb):
         """Fetch everything for the list of revisions.
@@ -3378,15 +3367,16 @@
         basis_id, basis_tree = self._get_basis(revision_ids[0])
         batch_size = 100
-        last_batch = {}
+        cache = lru_cache.LRUCache(100)
+        cache[basis_id] = basis_tree
+        del basis_tree # We don't want to hang on to it here
         for offset in range(0, len(revision_ids), batch_size):
                 pb.update('Transferring revisions', offset,
                 batch = revision_ids[offset:offset+batch_size]
-                basis_id, basis_tree, last_batch = self._fetch_batch(batch,
-                    basis_id, basis_tree, last_batch)
+                basis_id = self._fetch_batch(batch, basis_id, cache)

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