Rev 50: Setup an apache2 based https test server. in

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Feb 9 13:09:21 GMT 2009


revno: 50
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: local-test-server
timestamp: Mon 2009-02-09 14:09:17 +0100
  Setup an apache2 based https test server.
  * tests/
  (full_scenarios): The apache2 https variant.
  * tests/
  (TestConfigApache2HTTPS): Dedicated tests.
  (Apache2HTTPSFeature): Dedicated feature.
  (Apache2HTTPS, Apache2HTTPS_urllib): Dedicated test servers for
  pycurl and urllib.
  (get_test_permutations): Inject test permutations if an https
  server is available.
  (Apache2HTTPS): An apache2 based https server, we copy the
  certificate and its key just before the server starts, so it's
  still possible to define different servers with different
  certificates from there.
  * configs/apache2-https.conf: 
  A simple https apache2 server. Note that the certificate and its
  key are still definitions are still outside this
  configutation (i.e. that configuraton doesn't make assumptions
  about them).
  (Apache2HTTPS): Add https to an apache2 configuration.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-10-01 12:51:07 +0000
+++ b/	2009-02-09 13:09:17 +0000
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
             except ValueError, e:
                 # FIXME: This need tests (and a traceback is ugly)
                 raise SyntaxError('At line %d Error: %s' % (line_num + 1, e))
     def ensure_required_dirs_exist(self):
         for dir in self.required_dirs.keys():
@@ -129,6 +130,20 @@
             required_dirs=self._required_dirs, _base_dir=_base_dir,)
+class Apache2HTTPS(Apache2):
+    def __init__(self, _base_dir=None):
+        super(Apache2HTTPS, self).__init__(
+            'apache2-https',
+            required_dirs=self._required_dirs, _base_dir=_base_dir,)
+        crt = 'server.crt'
+        key = 'server_without_pass.key'
+        self.values['certificate_name'] = crt
+        self.values['certificate_key_name'] = key
+        self.values['certificate_path'] = self.abspath('etc/%s' % crt)
+        self.values['certificate_key_path'] = self.abspath('etc/%s' % key)
 class Apache2SVN(Apache2):
     def __init__(self, _base_dir=None):

=== added file 'configs/apache2-https.conf'
--- a/configs/apache2-https.conf	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/configs/apache2-https.conf	2009-02-09 13:09:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Based on /etc/apache2/apache2.conf in Ubuntu Gusty
+# This file will be interpolated by python see plugin source for
+# details.
+# Note that most of the directories below are usually owned by
+# root. We want directories writable by the user running the
+# tests.
+ServerRoot "%(base_dir)s"
+LockFile "%(var_lock_dir)s/accept.lock
+PidFile %(pid_file)s
+ErrorLog %(log_file)s
+LogFormat "%%h %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
+CustomLog %(var_log_dir)s/access.log combined
+LogLevel debug
+ServerName %(host)s
+Listen %(port)s
+# The following directives seems to activate the smallest apache2
+# server possible. If you know better, comments are very welcome.
+# More info at
+# http://localhost/doc/apache2-doc/manual/mod/worker.html
+StartServers         1
+MaxClients           5
+ThreadsPerChild      5
+# Tests will create symlinks in that directory to point to the
+# appropriate location
+DocumentRoot %(data_dir)s
+# required for
+LoadModule dir_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
+LoadModule autoindex_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
+# the following may help for debug
+ServerSignature On
+# SSL
+LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
+<VirtualHost *:%(port)s>
+        ServerName %(host)s
+        SSLEngine On
+        # The following are copied from bzrlib/tests/ssl_certs when available
+        # (the server is *not* available if these files aren't)
+        SSLCertificateFile    %(certificate_path)s
+        SSLCertificateKeyFile %(certificate_key_path)s

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-10-01 12:51:07 +0000
+++ b/	2009-02-09 13:09:17 +0000
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 from bzrlib import (
+    tests,
@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@
             self.extra = ''
 def locate_program(name, PATH=None):
     """Locates a program in PATH.
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@
             return full_path
     return None
 class Server(object):
     # The command used to start the server
@@ -428,6 +431,53 @@
         self.output_config_path = self.config.abspath('etc/apache2-dav.conf')
+class Apache2HTTPS(Apache2):
+    def __init__(self, port, _conf=None):
+        if _conf is None:
+            _conf = config.Apache2HTTPS()
+        super(Apache2HTTPS, self).__init__(port, _conf=_conf)
+        self.output_config_path = self.config.abspath('etc/apache2-https.conf')
+    def _start(self):
+        # We must provide the server certificate and key files before we can
+        # start, if we can't provide them, we can't start
+        try:
+            from bzrlib.tests import ssl_certs
+        except ImportError:
+            raise LTSCantStartError(
+                self, extra='Cannot import bzrlib.tests.ssl_certs,'
+                ' try a more recent bzr version')
+        crt_path = ssl_certs.build_path(
+            self.get_config_value('certificate_name'))
+        key_path = ssl_certs.build_path(
+            self.get_config_value('certificate_key_name'))
+        try:
+            crt = self._get_file_content(crt_path)
+        except NosuchFile:
+            raise LTSCantStartError(
+                self, extra='Cannot find server certificate: %s' % crt_path)
+        try:
+            key = self._get_file_content(key_path)
+        except NosuchFile:
+            raise LTSCantStartError(
+                self, extra='Cannot find server certificate key: %s' % key_path)
+        out = open(self.get_config_value('certificate_path'), 'wb')
+        try:
+            out.write(crt)
+        finally:
+            out.close()
+        out = open(self.get_config_value('certificate_key_path'), 'wb')
+        try:
+            out.write(key)
+        finally:
+            out.close()
+        # We can start now
+        super(Apache2HTTPS, self)._start()
 class Apache2SVN(Apache2):
     def __init__(self, port, _conf=None):
@@ -637,6 +687,7 @@
 _servers['apache2-svn'] = Apache2SVN(37005)
 #_servers['vsftpd'] = Vsftpd(37006)
 #_servers['proftpd'] = Proftpd(37007)
+_servers['apache2-https'] = Apache2HTTPS(37008)
 def get_server(name):

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-10-01 12:51:07 +0000
+++ b/	2009-02-09 13:09:17 +0000
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@
     _server_name = 'apache2-dav'
+class Apache2HTTPSFeature(LocalTestServerFeature):
+    _server_name = 'apache2-https'
 class Apache2SVNFeature(LocalTestServerFeature):
     _server_name = 'apache2-svn'
@@ -212,6 +217,21 @@
     _url_protocol = 'http+pycurl'
+class Apache2HTTPS(Apache2):
+    _server_name = 'apache2-https'
+class Apache2HTTPS_urllib(Apache2HTTPS):
+    _url_protocol = 'https+urllib'
+class Apache2HTTPS_pycurl(Apache2HTTPS):
+    _url_protocol = 'https+pycurl'
 class Apache2DAV(Apache2):
     _server_name = 'apache2-dav'
@@ -320,6 +340,18 @@
         permutations.append((HttpTransport_urllib, Apache2_urllib))
         if pycurl_present:
             permutations.append((PyCurlTransport, Apache2_pycurl))
+    if Apache2HTTPSFeature().available():
+        permutations.append((HttpTransport_urllib, Apache2HTTPS_urllib))
+        if pycurl_present:
+            from bzrlib.tests import ssl_certs
+            class HTTPS_pycurl_transport(PyCurlTransport):
+                def __init__(self, base, _from_transport=None):
+                    super(HTTPS_pycurl_transport, self).__init__(
+                        base, _from_transport)
+                    self.cabundle = str(ssl_certs.build_path('ca.crt'))
+            permutations.append((HTTPS_pycurl_transport, Apache2HTTPS_pycurl))
     if CherokeeFeature().available():
         permutations.append((HttpTransport_urllib, Cherokee_urllib))
         if pycurl_present:

=== modified file 'tests/'
--- a/tests/	2009-02-09 11:03:13 +0000
+++ b/tests/	2009-02-09 13:09:17 +0000
@@ -125,3 +125,17 @@
     def test_config_defines_keywords(self):
         conf = self._get_config()
         self._check_conf_path(conf, 'var_lock_dir', 'var/lock')
+class TestConfigApache2HTTPS(tests.TestCaseInTempDir, test_utils.TestConfig,
+                             TestConfigMixin):
+    _server_name = 'apache2-https'
+    _config_class = config.Apache2HTTPS
+    def test_config_defines_keywords(self):
+        conf = self._get_config()
+        self._check_conf_path(conf, 'certificate_path',
+                              'etc/%s' % conf.get_value('certificate_name'))
+        self._check_conf_path(conf, 'certificate_key_path',
+                              'etc/%s' % conf.get_value('certificate_key_name'))

=== modified file 'tests/'
--- a/tests/	2009-02-09 11:03:13 +0000
+++ b/tests/	2009-02-09 13:09:17 +0000
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@
+        ('apache2-https', dict(
+                _server_name='apache2-https',
+                _config_class=config.Apache2HTTPS,
+                _server_class=server.Apache2HTTPS,
+                _server_feature_class=test_server.Apache2HTTPSFeature,
+                _test_server_class=test_server.Apache2HTTPS,
+                )),
         ('apache2-svn', dict(

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