Rev 3851: Add a test which ensures that insert_record_stream properly re-compresses in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Feb 6 21:42:35 GMT 2009


revno: 3851
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 300177_record_stream_compression_parent
timestamp: Fri 2009-02-06 15:42:26 -0600
  Add a test which ensures that insert_record_stream properly re-compresses
  entries which have a non-lhs compression parent.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2008-12-16 23:17:12 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-02-06 21:42:26 +0000
@@ -1888,9 +1888,6 @@
                     if parents is None:
                         # kndx indices cannot be parentless.
                         parents = ()
-                    # if c_parent is not None and c_parent != parents[0]:
-                    #     raise AssertionError('Kndx files do not support'
-                    #         ' non-left-hand compression parents.')
                     line = "\n%s %s %s %s %s :" % (
                         key[-1], ','.join(options), pos, size,
@@ -2330,7 +2327,9 @@
         if len(compression_parents) > 1 or len(parents) < 1:
             return False
         # XXX: restore this to allow pack compression parents to be
-        #       non-left-hand
+        #      non-left-hand. This probably requires a repository format bump,
+        #      so that we don't allow old clients that cannot support it, to
+        #      accidentally access repositories using this feature.
         # if compression_parents[0] in parents:
         if compression_parents[0] == parents[0]:
             return True

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/interrepository_implementations/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/interrepository_implementations/	2008-12-16 15:15:08 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/interrepository_implementations/	2009-02-06 21:42:26 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 from bzrlib.errors import (
+from bzrlib.repofmt import weaverepo
 from bzrlib.revision import (
@@ -192,17 +193,73 @@
         self.assertEqual(computed_inv_sha1, recorded_inv_sha1)
     def test_get_and_insert_record_stream(self):
-        builder = self.make_branch_builder('test',
+        # Blacklist Weave repositories, because we know they return fulltexts
+        # for get_record_stream()
+        if self.repository_format.__class__ in (weaverepo.RepositoryFormat5,
+                                                weaverepo.RepositoryFormat7):
+            raise TestNotApplicable("Weave repos don't transmit line-deltas.")
+        builder = self.make_branch_builder('from',
+        content_A = ('content A\nhas quite a bit\nof text\nso that we\n'
+                     'want to write deltas\n')
         builder.build_snapshot('A', None, [
             ('add', ('', 'TREE_ROOT', 'directory', None)),
-            ('add', ('file', 'f-id', 'file', 'content A\n'))])
+            ('add', ('file', 'f-id', 'file', content_A))])
         builder.build_snapshot('B', ['A'], [
-            ('modify', ('f-id', 'content-A\ncontent-B\n'))])
+            ('modify', ('f-id', 'content A\ncontent B\n'))])
         b = builder.get_branch()
         self.assertEqual(b.repository._format, self.repository_format)
+        # Fetch these two revisions into the target repository
+        new_repo = self.make_to_repository('to')
+        new_repo.lock_write()
+        self.addCleanup(new_repo.unlock)
+        new_repo.fetch(b.repository, 'A')
+        new_repo.fetch(b.repository, 'B')
+        # We add a text with 'B' as the first parent, so that the delta will
+        # be against 'B'
+        b.lock_write()
+        b.repository.start_write_group()
+        b.repository.texts.add_lines(('f-id', 'C'),
+            [('f-id', 'B'), ('f-id', 'A')],
+            ['content A\n', 'content C\n', 'content B\n'])
+        b.repository.commit_write_group()
+        b.unlock()
+        b.lock_read()
+        self.addCleanup(b.unlock)
+        # At this point we cheat (a lot) and fudge the record. We leave the
+        # delta against B, but we change the parents so that it looks like B is
+        # the right-hand parent
+        record = b.repository.texts.get_record_stream([('f-id', 'C')],
+                                                      'unordered', False).next()
+        # Start with this
+        self.assertEqual((('f-id', 'B'),), record.compression_parents)
+        self.assertEqual((('f-id', 'B'), ('f-id', 'A')), record.parents)
+        # Now munge the record
+        record.parents = (('f-id', 'A'), ('f-id', 'B'))
+        # Insert this in the target repository
+        new_repo.start_write_group()
+        new_repo.texts.insert_record_stream([record])
+        new_repo.commit_write_group()
+        # The insert_record_stream should notice the non-left-hand parent, and
+        # properly extract and then turn around and change the compression
+        # parent
+        # When we have a target repository format that can handle non-lhs
+        # parents as the compression parent, this test will need to be updated
+        record = new_repo.texts.get_record_stream([('f-id', 'C')], 'unordered',
+                                                  False).next()
+        self.assertEqual((('f-id', 'A'),), record.compression_parents)
+        self.assertEqual((('f-id', 'A'), ('f-id', 'B')), record.parents)
+        # And we should also be able to get the text compeletely
+        record = new_repo.texts.get_record_stream([('f-id', 'C')], 'unordered',
+                                                  True).next()
+        self.assertEqualDiff('content A\ncontent C\ncontent B\n',
+                             record.get_bytes_as('fulltext'))
 class TestFetchDependentData(TestCaseWithInterRepository):

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