Rev 738: Allow setting the title in a cygwin terminal. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Dec 17 21:15:06 GMT 2009


revno: 738
revision-id: john at
parent: aaron at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: bzrtools
timestamp: Thu 2009-12-17 15:14:46 -0600
  Allow setting the title in a cygwin terminal.
  Even if we are running native python, we can still call out to cygwin.
  And we know that is safe, because otherwise we wouldn't have TERM set.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2009-11-16 20:47:28 +0000
+++ b/	2009-12-17 21:14:46 +0000
@@ -137,14 +137,21 @@
         self.prompt = "bzr%s> " % prompt
     def set_title(self, command=None):
-        try:
-            b = Branch.open_containing('.')[0]
-            version = "%s:%d" % (b.nick, b.revno())
-        except:
+        if self.tree is not None:
+            version = "%s:%d" % (self.tree.branch.nick,
+                                 self.tree.branch.revno())
+        else:
             version = "[no version]"
         if command is None:
             command = ""
-        sys.stdout.write(terminal.term_title("bzr %s %s" % (command, version)))
+        if sys.platform == 'win32' and os.environ.get('TERM', '') == 'cygwin':
+            # if we are running Win32 python, but we are running under a cygwin
+            # shell, we can spawn 'sh.exe' and get it to set our title for us
+            # Just writing to stdout is not enough
+            os.system('sh -c "echo -ne \'\033]0;bzr shell %s %s\007\'"'
+                      % (command, version))
+        else:
+            sys.stdout.write(terminal.term_title("bzr %s %s" % (command, version)))
     def do_cd(self, line):
         if line == "":

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