Rev 4661: (andrew) Add some direct unit tests of _BatchingBlockFetcher. in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Fri Aug 28 08:42:05 BST 2009

At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

revno: 4661 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: andrew.bennetts at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Fri 2009-08-28 08:42:03 +0100
  (andrew) Add some direct unit tests of _BatchingBlockFetcher.
  bzrlib/tests/ test_groupcompress.p-20080705181503-ccbxd6xuy1bdnrpu-13
=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2009-06-29 14:51:13 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2009-08-28 02:37:00 +0000
@@ -702,6 +702,111 @@
                               " 0 8', \(\(\('a',\),\),\)\)")
+class StubGCVF(object):
+    def __init__(self, canned_get_blocks=None):
+        self._group_cache = {}
+        self._canned_get_blocks = canned_get_blocks or []
+    def _get_blocks(self, read_memos):
+        return iter(self._canned_get_blocks)
+class Test_BatchingBlockFetcher(TestCaseWithGroupCompressVersionedFiles):
+    """Simple whitebox unit tests for _BatchingBlockFetcher."""
+    def test_add_key_new_read_memo(self):
+        """Adding a key with an uncached read_memo new to this batch adds that
+        read_memo to the list of memos to fetch.
+        """
+        # locations are: index_memo, ignored, parents, ignored
+        # where index_memo is: (idx, offset, len, factory_start, factory_end)
+        # and (idx, offset, size) is known as the 'read_memo', identifying the
+        # raw bytes needed.
+        read_memo = ('fake index', 100, 50)
+        locations = {
+            ('key',): (read_memo + (None, None), None, None, None)}
+        batcher = groupcompress._BatchingBlockFetcher(StubGCVF(), locations)
+        total_size = batcher.add_key(('key',))
+        self.assertEqual(50, total_size)
+        self.assertEqual([('key',)], batcher.keys)
+        self.assertEqual([read_memo], batcher.memos_to_get)
+    def test_add_key_duplicate_read_memo(self):
+        """read_memos that occur multiple times in a batch will only be fetched
+        once.
+        """
+        read_memo = ('fake index', 100, 50)
+        # Two keys, both sharing the same read memo (but different overall
+        # index_memos).
+        locations = {
+            ('key1',): (read_memo + (0, 1), None, None, None),
+            ('key2',): (read_memo + (1, 2), None, None, None)}
+        batcher = groupcompress._BatchingBlockFetcher(StubGCVF(), locations)
+        total_size = batcher.add_key(('key1',))
+        total_size = batcher.add_key(('key2',))
+        self.assertEqual(50, total_size)
+        self.assertEqual([('key1',), ('key2',)], batcher.keys)
+        self.assertEqual([read_memo], batcher.memos_to_get)
+    def test_add_key_cached_read_memo(self):
+        """Adding a key with a cached read_memo will not cause that read_memo
+        to be added to the list to fetch.
+        """
+        read_memo = ('fake index', 100, 50)
+        gcvf = StubGCVF()
+        gcvf._group_cache[read_memo] = 'fake block'
+        locations = {
+            ('key',): (read_memo + (None, None), None, None, None)}
+        batcher = groupcompress._BatchingBlockFetcher(gcvf, locations)
+        total_size = batcher.add_key(('key',))
+        self.assertEqual(0, total_size)
+        self.assertEqual([('key',)], batcher.keys)
+        self.assertEqual([], batcher.memos_to_get)
+    def test_yield_factories_empty(self):
+        """An empty batch yields no factories."""
+        batcher = groupcompress._BatchingBlockFetcher(StubGCVF(), {})
+        self.assertEqual([], list(batcher.yield_factories()))
+    def test_yield_factories_calls_get_blocks(self):
+        """Uncached memos are retrieved via get_blocks."""
+        read_memo1 = ('fake index', 100, 50)
+        read_memo2 = ('fake index', 150, 40)
+        gcvf = StubGCVF(
+            canned_get_blocks=[
+                (read_memo1, groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock()),
+                (read_memo2, groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock())])
+        locations = {
+            ('key1',): (read_memo1 + (None, None), None, None, None),
+            ('key2',): (read_memo2 + (None, None), None, None, None)}
+        batcher = groupcompress._BatchingBlockFetcher(gcvf, locations)
+        batcher.add_key(('key1',))
+        batcher.add_key(('key2',))
+        factories = list(batcher.yield_factories(full_flush=True))
+        self.assertLength(2, factories)
+        keys = [f.key for f in factories]
+        kinds = [f.storage_kind for f in factories]
+        self.assertEqual([('key1',), ('key2',)], keys)
+        self.assertEqual(['groupcompress-block', 'groupcompress-block'], kinds)
+    def test_yield_factories_flushing(self):
+        """yield_factories holds back on yielding results from the final block
+        unless passed full_flush=True.
+        """
+        fake_block = groupcompress.GroupCompressBlock()
+        read_memo = ('fake index', 100, 50)
+        gcvf = StubGCVF()
+        gcvf._group_cache[read_memo] = fake_block
+        locations = {
+            ('key',): (read_memo + (None, None), None, None, None)}
+        batcher = groupcompress._BatchingBlockFetcher(gcvf, locations)
+        batcher.add_key(('key',))
+        self.assertEqual([], list(batcher.yield_factories()))
+        factories = list(batcher.yield_factories(full_flush=True))
+        self.assertLength(1, factories)
+        self.assertEqual(('key',), factories[0].key)
+        self.assertEqual('groupcompress-block', factories[0].storage_kind)
 class TestLazyGroupCompress(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
     _texts = {

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