Rev 4639: (andrew) Fix 'Revision ... not present' errors when upgrading stacked in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Mon Aug 24 05:18:01 BST 2009

At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

revno: 4639 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: andrew.bennetts at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Mon 2009-08-24 05:18:00 +0100
  (andrew) Fix 'Revision ... not present' errors when upgrading stacked
  NEWS                           NEWS-20050323055033-4e00b5db738777ff
=== modified file 'NEWS'
--- a/NEWS	2009-08-21 03:17:13 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	2009-08-24 03:08:06 +0000
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
 * Fix IndexError printing CannotBindAddress errors.
   (Martin Pool, #286871)
+* Fix "Revision ... not present" errors when upgrading stacked branches,
+  or when doing fetches from a stacked source to a stacked target.
+  (Andrew Bennetts, #399140)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2009-08-19 18:04:49 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2009-08-21 00:04:55 +0000
@@ -3732,25 +3732,80 @@
             return False
         return True
-    def _get_delta_for_revision(self, tree, parent_ids, basis_id, cache):
+    def _get_trees(self, revision_ids, cache):
+        possible_trees = []
+        for rev_id in revision_ids:
+            if rev_id in cache:
+                possible_trees.append((rev_id, cache[rev_id]))
+            else:
+                # Not cached, but inventory might be present anyway.
+                try:
+                    tree = self.source.revision_tree(rev_id)
+                except errors.NoSuchRevision:
+                    # Nope, parent is ghost.
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    cache[rev_id] = tree
+                    possible_trees.append((rev_id, tree))
+        return possible_trees
+    def _get_delta_for_revision(self, tree, parent_ids, possible_trees):
         """Get the best delta and base for this revision.
         :return: (basis_id, delta)
-        possible_trees = [(parent_id, cache[parent_id])
-                          for parent_id in parent_ids
-                           if parent_id in cache]
-        if len(possible_trees) == 0:
-            # There either aren't any parents, or the parents aren't in the
-            # cache, so just use the last converted tree
-            possible_trees.append((basis_id, cache[basis_id]))
         deltas = []
+        # Generate deltas against each tree, to find the shortest.
+        texts_possibly_new_in_tree = set()
         for basis_id, basis_tree in possible_trees:
             delta = tree.inventory._make_delta(basis_tree.inventory)
+            for old_path, new_path, file_id, new_entry in delta:
+                if new_path is None:
+                    # This file_id isn't present in the new rev, so we don't
+                    # care about it.
+                    continue
+                if not new_path:
+                    # Rich roots are handled elsewhere...
+                    continue
+                kind = new_entry.kind
+                if kind != 'directory' and kind != 'file':
+                    # No text record associated with this inventory entry.
+                    continue
+                # This is a directory or file that has changed somehow.
+                texts_possibly_new_in_tree.add((file_id, new_entry.revision))
             deltas.append((len(delta), basis_id, delta))
         return deltas[0][1:]
+    def _fetch_parent_invs_for_stacking(self, parent_map, cache):
+        """Find all parent revisions that are absent, but for which the
+        inventory is present, and copy those inventories.
+        This is necessary to preserve correctness when the source is stacked
+        without fallbacks configured.  (Note that in cases like upgrade the
+        source may be not have _fallback_repositories even though it is
+        stacked.)
+        """
+        parent_revs = set()
+        for parents in parent_map.values():
+            parent_revs.update(parents)
+        present_parents = self.source.get_parent_map(parent_revs)
+        absent_parents = set(parent_revs).difference(present_parents)
+        parent_invs_keys_for_stacking = self.source.inventories.get_parent_map(
+            (rev_id,) for rev_id in absent_parents)
+        parent_inv_ids = [key[-1] for key in parent_invs_keys_for_stacking]
+        for parent_tree in self.source.revision_trees(parent_inv_ids):
+            current_revision_id = parent_tree.get_revision_id()
+            parents_parents_keys = parent_invs_keys_for_stacking[
+                (current_revision_id,)]
+            parents_parents = [key[-1] for key in parents_parents_keys]
+            basis_id = _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION
+            basis_tree = self.source.revision_tree(basis_id)
+            delta = parent_tree.inventory._make_delta(basis_tree.inventory)
+                basis_id, delta, current_revision_id, parents_parents)
+            cache[current_revision_id] = parent_tree
     def _fetch_batch(self, revision_ids, basis_id, cache):
         """Fetch across a few revisions.
@@ -3769,29 +3824,54 @@
         pending_deltas = []
         pending_revisions = []
         parent_map = self.source.get_parent_map(revision_ids)
+        self._fetch_parent_invs_for_stacking(parent_map, cache)
         for tree in self.source.revision_trees(revision_ids):
+            # Find a inventory delta for this revision.
+            # Find text entries that need to be copied, too.
             current_revision_id = tree.get_revision_id()
             parent_ids = parent_map.get(current_revision_id, ())
+            parent_trees = self._get_trees(parent_ids, cache)
+            possible_trees = list(parent_trees)
+            if len(possible_trees) == 0:
+                # There either aren't any parents, or the parents are ghosts,
+                # so just use the last converted tree.
+                possible_trees.append((basis_id, cache[basis_id]))
             basis_id, delta = self._get_delta_for_revision(tree, parent_ids,
-                                                           basis_id, cache)
+                                                           possible_trees)
             if self._converting_to_rich_root:
                 self._revision_id_to_root_id[current_revision_id] = \
-            # Find text entries that need to be copied
+            # Determine which texts are in present in this revision but not in
+            # any of the available parents.
+            texts_possibly_new_in_tree = set()
             for old_path, new_path, file_id, entry in delta:
-                if new_path is not None:
-                    if not new_path:
-                        # This is the root
-                        if not
-                            # The target doesn't support rich root, so we don't
-                            # copy
-                            continue
-                        if self._converting_to_rich_root:
-                            # This can't be copied normally, we have to insert
-                            # it specially
-                            root_keys_to_create.add((file_id, entry.revision))
-                            continue
-                    text_keys.add((file_id, entry.revision))
+                if new_path is None:
+                    # This file_id isn't present in the new rev
+                    continue
+                if not new_path:
+                    # This is the root
+                    if not
+                        # The target doesn't support rich root, so we don't
+                        # copy
+                        continue
+                    if self._converting_to_rich_root:
+                        # This can't be copied normally, we have to insert
+                        # it specially
+                        root_keys_to_create.add((file_id, entry.revision))
+                        continue
+                kind = entry.kind
+                texts_possibly_new_in_tree.add((file_id, entry.revision))
+            for basis_id, basis_tree in possible_trees:
+                basis_inv = basis_tree.inventory
+                for file_key in list(texts_possibly_new_in_tree):
+                    file_id, file_revision = file_key
+                    try:
+                        entry = basis_inv[file_id]
+                    except errors.NoSuchId:
+                        continue
+                    if entry.revision == file_revision:
+                        texts_possibly_new_in_tree.remove(file_key)
+            text_keys.update(texts_possibly_new_in_tree)
             revision = self.source.get_revision(current_revision_id)
             pending_deltas.append((basis_id, delta,
                 current_revision_id, revision.parent_ids))
@@ -3833,8 +3913,13 @@
             for parent_tree in self.source.revision_trees(parent_map):
                 current_revision_id = parent_tree.get_revision_id()
                 parents_parents = parent_map[current_revision_id]
+                possible_trees = self._get_trees(parents_parents, cache)
+                if len(possible_trees) == 0:
+                    # There either aren't any parents, or the parents are
+                    # ghosts, so just use the last converted tree.
+                    possible_trees.append((basis_id, cache[basis_id]))
                 basis_id, delta = self._get_delta_for_revision(parent_tree,
-                    parents_parents, basis_id, cache)
+                    parents_parents, possible_trees)
                     basis_id, delta, current_revision_id, parents_parents)
         # insert signatures and revisions

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_interrepository/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_interrepository/	2009-08-14 00:55:42 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_interrepository/	2009-08-20 06:54:03 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 import sys
-import bzrlib
 from bzrlib import (
@@ -266,6 +265,91 @@
         self.assertEqual(expected_texts, unstacked_repo.texts.keys())
         self.assertCanStreamRevision(unstacked_repo, 'third')
+    def test_fetch_from_stacked_to_stacked_copies_parent_inventories(self):
+        """Fetch from a stacked branch copies inventories for parents of
+        revisions at the stacking boundary.
+        Specifically, fetch will copy the parent inventories from the
+        source for which the corresponding revisions are not present.  This
+        will happen even when the source repository has no fallbacks configured
+        (as is the case during upgrade).
+        """
+        if not self.repository_format.supports_external_lookups:
+            raise TestNotApplicable("Need stacking support in the source.")
+        if not self.repository_format_to.supports_external_lookups:
+            raise TestNotApplicable("Need stacking support in the target.")
+        builder = self.make_branch_builder('branch')
+        builder.start_series()
+        builder.build_snapshot('base', None, [
+            ('add', ('', 'root-id', 'directory', '')),
+            ('add', ('file', 'file-id', 'file', 'content\n'))])
+        builder.build_snapshot('left', ['base'], [
+            ('modify', ('file-id', 'left content\n'))])
+        builder.build_snapshot('right', ['base'], [
+            ('modify', ('file-id', 'right content\n'))])
+        builder.build_snapshot('merge', ['left', 'right'], [
+            ('modify', ('file-id', 'left and right content\n'))])
+        builder.finish_series()
+        branch = builder.get_branch()
+        repo = self.make_repository('old-trunk')
+        # Make a pair of equivalent trunk repos in the from and to formats.
+        old_trunk = repo.bzrdir.create_branch()
+        old_trunk.repository.fetch(branch.repository, 'left')
+        old_trunk.repository.fetch(branch.repository, 'right')
+        repo = self.make_to_repository('new-trunk')
+        new_trunk = repo.bzrdir.create_branch()
+        new_trunk.repository.fetch(branch.repository, 'left')
+        new_trunk.repository.fetch(branch.repository, 'right')
+        # Make the source; a repo stacked on old_trunk contained just the data
+        # for 'merge'.
+        repo = self.make_repository('old-stacked')
+        old_stacked_branch = repo.bzrdir.create_branch()
+        old_stacked_branch.set_stacked_on_url(old_trunk.base)
+        old_stacked_branch.repository.fetch(branch.repository, 'merge')
+        # Make the target, a repo stacked on new_trunk.
+        repo = self.make_to_repository('new-stacked')
+        new_stacked_branch = repo.bzrdir.create_branch()
+        new_stacked_branch.set_stacked_on_url(new_trunk.base)
+        old_unstacked_repo = old_stacked_branch.bzrdir.open_repository()
+        new_unstacked_repo = new_stacked_branch.bzrdir.open_repository()
+        # Reopen the source and target repos without any fallbacks, and fetch
+        # 'merge'.
+        new_unstacked_repo.fetch(old_unstacked_repo, 'merge')
+        # Now check the results.  new_unstacked_repo should contain all the
+        # data necessary to stream 'merge' (i.e. the parent inventories).
+        new_unstacked_repo.lock_read()
+        self.addCleanup(new_unstacked_repo.unlock)
+        self.assertFalse(new_unstacked_repo.has_revision('left'))
+        self.assertFalse(new_unstacked_repo.has_revision('right'))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            set([('left',), ('right',), ('merge',)]),
+            new_unstacked_repo.inventories.keys())
+        # And the basis inventories have been copied correctly
+        new_trunk.lock_read()
+        self.addCleanup(new_trunk.unlock)
+        left_tree, right_tree = new_trunk.repository.revision_trees(
+            ['left', 'right'])
+        new_stacked_branch.lock_read()
+        self.addCleanup(new_stacked_branch.unlock)
+        (stacked_left_tree,
+         stacked_right_tree) = new_stacked_branch.repository.revision_trees(
+            ['left', 'right'])
+        self.assertEqual(left_tree.inventory, stacked_left_tree.inventory)
+        self.assertEqual(right_tree.inventory, stacked_right_tree.inventory)
+        # Finally, it's not enough to see that the basis inventories are
+        # present.  The texts introduced in merge (and only those) should be
+        # present, and also generating a stream should succeed without blowing
+        # up.
+        self.assertTrue(new_unstacked_repo.has_revision('merge'))
+        expected_texts = set([('file-id', 'merge')])
+        if new_stacked_branch.repository.texts.get_parent_map([('root-id',
+            'merge')]):
+            # If a (root-id,merge) text exists, it should be in the stacked
+            # repo.
+            expected_texts.add(('root-id', 'merge'))
+        self.assertEqual(expected_texts, new_unstacked_repo.texts.keys())
+        self.assertCanStreamRevision(new_unstacked_repo, 'merge')
     def test_fetch_missing_basis_text(self):
         """If fetching a delta, we should die if a basis is not present."""
         tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('tree')

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