Rev 4623: Use the same implementation of stack handling to avoid append/pop. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sun Aug 16 16:55:31 BST 2009


revno: 4623
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 1.19-known-graph-sorted
timestamp: Sun 2009-08-16 10:55:17 -0500
  Use the same implementation of stack handling to avoid append/pop.
  Instead we track what the 'current' entry is, and then grow the stack only
  when we need more space.
  This also turns into using direct list access, rather than python apis.
  Drops the time down:
  -    #  138ms graph.KnownGraph().merge_sort()
  -    #   89ms kg.merge_sort()
  +    #  127ms graph.KnownGraph().merge_sort()
  +    #   77ms kg.merge_sort()
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx'
--- a/bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx	2009-08-16 03:33:34 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx	2009-08-16 15:55:17 +0000
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
     void Py_INCREF(object)
+import gc
 from bzrlib import errors, revision
@@ -129,12 +130,20 @@
         :param parent_map: A dictionary mapping key => parent_keys
+        cdef int was_enabled
         # tests at pre-allocating the node dict actually slowed things down
         self._nodes = {}
         # Maps {sorted(revision_id, revision_id): heads}
         self._known_heads = {}
         self.do_cache = int(do_cache)
+        was_enabled = gc.isenabled()
+        if was_enabled:
+            gc.disable()
+        # This allocates a lot of nodes but nothing that can be gc'd
+        # disable gc while building
+        if was_enabled:
+            gc.enable()
     def __dealloc__(self):
@@ -444,6 +453,13 @@
         return 0
+cdef _MergeSortNode _get_ms_node(lst, Py_ssize_t pos):
+    cdef PyObject *temp_node
+    temp_node = PyList_GET_ITEM(lst, pos)
+    return <_MergeSortNode>temp_node
 cdef class _MergeSorter:
     """This class does the work of computing the merge_sort ordering.
@@ -453,12 +469,12 @@
     # Current performance numbers for merge_sort(bzr_dev_parent_map):
     #  310ms tsort.merge_sort()
-    #  138ms graph.KnownGraph().merge_sort()
-    #   89ms kg.merge_sort()
+    #  127ms graph.KnownGraph().merge_sort()
+    #   77ms kg.merge_sort()
     cdef KnownGraph graph
-    cdef object _stack  # list
-    cdef object _seen_parents # Set of keys
+    cdef object _depth_first_stack  # list
+    cdef Py_ssize_t _last_stack_item # offset to last item on stack
     cdef object _ms_nodes # dict of key => _MergeSortNode
     cdef object _revno_to_branch_count # {revno => num child branches}
     cdef object _scheduled_nodes # List of nodes ready to be yielded
@@ -469,7 +485,8 @@
         self.graph = known_graph
         self._ms_nodes = {}
         self._revno_to_branch_count = {}
-        self._stack = []
+        self._depth_first_stack = []
+        self._last_stack_item = -1
         self._scheduled_nodes = []
         if tip_key is not None and tip_key != NULL_REVISION:
             node = self.graph._nodes[tip_key]
@@ -508,18 +525,27 @@
         ms_node.revno = None
         ms_node.is_first_child = 1
-        self._stack.append(ms_node)
         if ms_node.left_ms_parent is not None:
             if ms_node.left_ms_parent.seen_by_child:
                 ms_node.is_first_child = 0
             ms_node.left_ms_parent.seen_by_child = 1
+        self._last_stack_item = self._last_stack_item + 1
+        if self._last_stack_item < PyList_GET_SIZE(self._depth_first_stack):
+            Py_INCREF(ms_node) # SetItem steals a ref
+            PyList_SetItem(self._depth_first_stack, self._last_stack_item,
+                           ms_node)
+        else:
+            PyList_Append(self._depth_first_stack, ms_node)
         # print 'pushed: %s' % (ms_node,)
     cdef _pop_node(self):
+        cdef PyObject *temp_node
         cdef _MergeSortNode ms_node
         cdef _KnownGraphNode parent_node
-        ms_node = self._stack.pop()
+        assert self._last_stack_item >= 0
+        ms_node = _get_ms_node(self._depth_first_stack, self._last_stack_item)
+        self._last_stack_item = self._last_stack_item - 1
         # print 'popping: %s' % (ms_node,)
         if ms_node.left_ms_parent is not None:
             # Assign the revision number for *this* node, from its left-hand
@@ -551,11 +577,12 @@
         cdef _MergeSortNode ms_node, ms_last_node, ms_next_node
         cdef Py_ssize_t next_merge_depth
         ordered = []
-        while self._stack:
+        while self._last_stack_item >= 0:
             # Peek at the last item on the stack
-            # print self._stack
+            # print self._depth_first_stack
             # print '  ', self._scheduled_nodes
-            ms_last_node = self._stack[-1]
+            ms_last_node = _get_ms_node(self._depth_first_stack,
+                                        self._last_stack_item)
             if not ms_last_node.has_pending_parents():
                 # Processed all parents, pop this node
@@ -589,7 +616,7 @@
                 ##     # current search stack (but not completed or we would
                 ##     # have hit the continue 4 lines up.
                 ##     # this indicates a cycle.
-                ##     raise errors.GraphCycleError(self._stack)
+                ##     raise errors.GraphCycleError(self._depth_first_stack)
                 assert ms_next_node is not None
                 next_merge_depth = 0

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