Rev 4616: Approximate implementation in Pyrex. in
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Fri Aug 14 21:12:51 BST 2009
revno: 4616
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 1.19-known-graph-sorted
timestamp: Fri 2009-08-14 15:12:35 -0500
Approximate implementation in Pyrex.
Mostly just a carbon copy of the python version, having some weird
issues with the numbering of roots/ghosts. Which is why
the test existed in the first place :).
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx'
--- a/bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx 2009-08-13 22:16:53 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx 2009-08-14 20:12:35 +0000
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
return <_KnownGraphNode>temp_node
+cdef class _MergeSorter
cdef class KnownGraph:
"""This is a class which assumes we already know the full graph."""
@@ -389,21 +391,10 @@
def merge_sort(self, tip_key):
"""Compute the merge sorted graph output."""
- cdef _KnownGraphNode node, parent_node
- from bzrlib import tsort
- # TODO: merge_sort doesn't handle ghosts (yet), figure out what to do
- # when we want it to.
- as_parent_map = {}
- for node in self._nodes.itervalues():
- parent_keys = []
- for parent_node in node.parents:
- parent_keys.append(parent_node.key)
- as_parent_map[node.key] = parent_keys
- # We intentionally always generate revnos and never force the
- # mainline_revisions
- return tsort.merge_sort(as_parent_map, tip_key,
- mainline_revisions=None,
- generate_revno=True)
+ cdef _MergeSorter sorter
+ sorter = _MergeSorter(self, tip_key)
+ return sorter.topo_order()
cdef class _MergeSortNode:
@@ -412,16 +403,15 @@
cdef _KnownGraphNode node
cdef Py_ssize_t merge_depth
cdef int left_subtree_pushed # True/False
- cdef object pending_parents # list of _MergeSortNode objects
+ cdef object pending_parents # list of _KnownGraphNode
cdef object revno # tuple of dotted revnos
cdef int is_first_child # Is this the first child?
-cdef _MergeSortNode _make_merge_sort_node(_KnownGraphNode node,
- Py_ssize_t merge_depth,
- int left_subtree_pushed):
- cdef _MergeSortNode ms_node
- return ms_node
+ # cdef int seen_by_child # A child node has seen this parent
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '_MSN(%s depth:%s lp:%s rev:%s)' % (#self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.node.key, self.merge_depth, self.left_subtree_pushed,
+ self.revno)
cdef class _MergeSorter:
@@ -433,220 +423,170 @@
cdef KnownGraph graph
cdef object _stack # list
- cdef object _seen_parents # set of keys for which we have seen a child
+ cdef object _seen_parents # Set of keys
+ cdef object _ms_nodes # dict of key => _MergeSortNode
+ cdef object _revno_to_branch_count # {revno => num child branches}
+ cdef object _completed_node_names # Set of keys that have been completed
+ cdef object _scheduled_nodes # List of nodes ready to be yielded
def __init__(self, known_graph, tip_key):
self.graph = known_graph
+ self._ms_nodes = {}
+ self._revno_to_branch_count = {}
self._seen_parents = set()
+ self._stack = []
+ self._completed_node_names = set()
+ self._scheduled_nodes = []
if tip_key is not None and tip_key != NULL_REVISION:
node = self.graph._nodes[tip_key]
self._push_node(node, 0)
cdef _push_node(self, _KnownGraphNode node, Py_ssize_t merge_depth):
cdef _KnownGraphNode parent_node
+ cdef _MergeSortNode ms_node, ms_parent_node
ms_node = _MergeSortNode()
ms_node.node = node
ms_node.merge_depth = merge_depth
ms_node.left_subtree_pushed = 0
+ # TODO: turn this into a list of pending _MergeSortNode rather than
+ # keys
ms_node.pending_parents = list(node.parents)
ms_node.revno = None
ms_node.is_first_child = 1
+ # ms_node.seen_by_child = 0
if node.parents:
parent_node = _get_parent(node.parents, 0)
+ # TODO: could we use a '.seen' member instead of a set?
+ # alternatively, track self._ms_nodes = {}, etc.
+ # If we use _ms_nodes, then we have to be able to create a
+ # new parent node 'on demand' even when we don't know the
+ # rest of the info yet.
if parent_node.key in self._seen_parents:
- ms_node.is_first_child = True
+ ms_node.is_first_child = 0
-# def iter_topo_order(self):
-# """Yield the nodes of the graph in a topological order.
-# After finishing iteration the sorter is empty and you cannot continue
-# iteration.
-# """
-# # These are safe to offload to local variables, because they are used
-# # as a stack and modified in place, never assigned to.
-# node_name_stack = self._node_name_stack
-# node_merge_depth_stack = self._node_merge_depth_stack
-# pending_parents_stack = self._pending_parents_stack
-# left_subtree_pushed_stack = self._left_subtree_pushed_stack
-# completed_node_names = self._completed_node_names
-# scheduled_nodes = self._scheduled_nodes
-# graph_pop = self._graph.pop
-# def push_node(node_name, merge_depth, parents,
-# node_name_stack_append=node_name_stack.append,
-# node_merge_depth_stack_append=node_merge_depth_stack.append,
-# left_subtree_pushed_stack_append=left_subtree_pushed_stack.append,
-# pending_parents_stack_append=pending_parents_stack.append,
-# first_child_stack_append=self._first_child_stack.append,
-# revnos=self._revnos,
-# ):
-# """Add node_name to the pending node stack.
-# Names in this stack will get emitted into the output as they are popped
-# off the stack.
-# This inlines a lot of self._variable.append functions as local
-# variables.
-# """
-# node_name_stack_append(node_name)
-# node_merge_depth_stack_append(merge_depth)
-# left_subtree_pushed_stack_append(False)
-# pending_parents_stack_append(list(parents))
-# # as we push it, check if it is the first child
-# if parents:
-# # node has parents, assign from the left most parent.
-# parent_info = revnos[parents[0]]
-# first_child = parent_info[1]
-# parent_info[1] = False
-# else:
-# # We don't use the same algorithm here, but we need to keep the
-# # stack in line
-# first_child = None
-# first_child_stack_append(first_child)
-# def pop_node(node_name_stack_pop=node_name_stack.pop,
-# node_merge_depth_stack_pop=node_merge_depth_stack.pop,
-# first_child_stack_pop=self._first_child_stack.pop,
-# left_subtree_pushed_stack_pop=left_subtree_pushed_stack.pop,
-# pending_parents_stack_pop=pending_parents_stack.pop,
-# original_graph=self._original_graph,
-# revnos=self._revnos,
-# completed_node_names_add=self._completed_node_names.add,
-# scheduled_nodes_append=scheduled_nodes.append,
-# revno_to_branch_count=self._revno_to_branch_count,
-# ):
-# """Pop the top node off the stack
-# The node is appended to the sorted output.
-# """
-# # we are returning from the flattened call frame:
-# # pop off the local variables
-# node_name = node_name_stack_pop()
-# merge_depth = node_merge_depth_stack_pop()
-# first_child = first_child_stack_pop()
-# # remove this node from the pending lists:
-# left_subtree_pushed_stack_pop()
-# pending_parents_stack_pop()
-# parents = original_graph[node_name]
-# if parents:
-# # node has parents, assign from the left most parent.
-# parent_revno = revnos[parents[0]][0]
-# if not first_child:
-# # not the first child, make a new branch
-# base_revno = parent_revno[0]
-# branch_count = revno_to_branch_count.get(base_revno, 0)
-# branch_count += 1
-# revno_to_branch_count[base_revno] = branch_count
-# revno = (parent_revno[0], branch_count, 1)
-# # revno = (parent_revno[0], branch_count, parent_revno[-1]+1)
-# else:
-# # as the first child, we just increase the final revision
-# # number
-# revno = parent_revno[:-1] + (parent_revno[-1] + 1,)
-# else:
-# # no parents, use the root sequence
-# root_count = revno_to_branch_count.get(0, -1)
-# root_count += 1
-# if root_count:
-# revno = (0, root_count, 1)
-# else:
-# revno = (1,)
-# revno_to_branch_count[0] = root_count
-# # store the revno for this node for future reference
-# revnos[node_name][0] = revno
-# completed_node_names_add(node_name)
-# scheduled_nodes_append((node_name, merge_depth, revno))
-# return node_name
-# while node_name_stack:
-# # loop until this call completes.
-# parents_to_visit = pending_parents_stack[-1]
-# # if all parents are done, the revision is done
-# if not parents_to_visit:
-# # append the revision to the topo sorted scheduled list:
-# # all the nodes parents have been scheduled added, now
-# # we can add it to the output.
-# pop_node()
-# else:
-# while pending_parents_stack[-1]:
-# if not left_subtree_pushed_stack[-1]:
-# # recurse depth first into the primary parent
-# next_node_name = pending_parents_stack[-1].pop(0)
-# else:
-# # place any merges in right-to-left order for scheduling
-# # which gives us left-to-right order after we reverse
-# # the scheduled queue. XXX: This has the effect of
-# # allocating common-new revisions to the right-most
-# # subtree rather than the left most, which will
-# # display nicely (you get smaller trees at the top
-# # of the combined merge).
-# next_node_name = pending_parents_stack[-1].pop()
-# if next_node_name in completed_node_names:
-# # this parent was completed by a child on the
-# # call stack. skip it.
-# continue
-# # otherwise transfer it from the source graph into the
-# # top of the current depth first search stack.
-# try:
-# parents = graph_pop(next_node_name)
-# except KeyError:
-# # if the next node is not in the source graph it has
-# # already been popped from it and placed into the
-# # current search stack (but not completed or we would
-# # have hit the continue 4 lines up.
-# # this indicates a cycle.
-# raise errors.GraphCycleError(node_name_stack)
-# next_merge_depth = 0
-# if left_subtree_pushed_stack[-1]:
-# # a new child branch from name_stack[-1]
-# next_merge_depth = 1
-# else:
-# next_merge_depth = 0
-# left_subtree_pushed_stack[-1] = True
-# next_merge_depth = (
-# node_merge_depth_stack[-1] + next_merge_depth)
-# push_node(
-# next_node_name,
-# next_merge_depth,
-# parents)
-# # and do not continue processing parents until this 'call'
-# # has recursed.
-# break
-# # We have scheduled the graph. Now deliver the ordered output:
-# sequence_number = 0
-# stop_revision = self._stop_revision
-# generate_revno = self._generate_revno
-# original_graph = self._original_graph
-# while scheduled_nodes:
-# node_name, merge_depth, revno = scheduled_nodes.pop()
-# if node_name == stop_revision:
-# return
-# if not len(scheduled_nodes):
-# # last revision is the end of a merge
-# end_of_merge = True
-# elif scheduled_nodes[-1][1] < merge_depth:
-# # the next node is to our left
-# end_of_merge = True
-# elif (scheduled_nodes[-1][1] == merge_depth and
-# (scheduled_nodes[-1][0] not in
-# original_graph[node_name])):
-# # the next node was part of a multiple-merge.
-# end_of_merge = True
-# else:
-# end_of_merge = False
-# if generate_revno:
-# yield (sequence_number, node_name, merge_depth, revno, end_of_merge)
-# else:
-# yield (sequence_number, node_name, merge_depth, end_of_merge)
-# sequence_number += 1
+ self._ms_nodes[ms_node.node.key] = ms_node
+ cdef _pop_node(self):
+ cdef _MergeSortNode ms_node, ms_parent_node
+ cdef _KnownGraphNode parent_node
+ ms_node = self._stack.pop()
+ if ms_node.node.parents:
+ # Assign the revision number for *this* node, from its left-hand
+ # parent
+ parent_node = _get_parent(ms_node.node.parents, 0)
+ ms_parent_node = self._ms_nodes[parent_node.key]
+ if not ms_node.is_first_child:
+ base_revno = ms_parent_node.revno[0]
+ branch_count = self._revno_to_branch_count.get(base_revno, 0)
+ branch_count = branch_count + 1
+ self._revno_to_branch_count[base_revno] = branch_count
+ revno = (base_revno, branch_count, 1)
+ else:
+ # First child just increments the final digit
+ revno = ms_parent_node.revno[:-1] + (ms_parent_node.revno[-1] +
+ 1,)
+ else:
+ root_count = self._revno_to_branch_count.get(0, 0)
+ if root_count == 0:
+ revno = (1,)
+ else:
+ revno = (0, root_count, 1)
+ root_count = root_count + 1
+ self._revno_to_branch_count[0] = root_count
+ print ms_node, root_count
+ ms_node.revno = revno
+ self._completed_node_names.add(ms_node.node.key)
+ self._scheduled_nodes.append(ms_node)
+ cdef _schedule_stack(self):
+ cdef _MergeSortNode ms_node, ms_last_node
+ cdef _KnownGraphNode next_node
+ ordered = []
+ while self._stack:
+ # Peek at the last item on the stack
+ # print self._stack
+ # print ' ', self._scheduled_nodes
+ ms_last_node = self._stack[-1]
+ if not ms_last_node.pending_parents:
+ self._pop_node()
+ continue
+ while ms_last_node.pending_parents:
+ if not ms_last_node.left_subtree_pushed:
+ # recurse depth first into the primary parent
+ next_node = ms_last_node.pending_parents.pop(0)
+ else:
+ # place any merges in right-to-left order for scheduling
+ # which gives us left-to-right order after we reverse
+ # the scheduled queue. XXX: This has the effect of
+ # allocating common-new revisions to the right-most
+ # subtree rather than the left most, which will
+ # display nicely (you get smaller trees at the top
+ # of the combined merge).
+ next_node = ms_last_node.pending_parents.pop()
+ if next_node.key in self._completed_node_names:
+ # this parent was completed by a child on the
+ # call stack. skip it.
+ continue
+ # otherwise transfer it from the source graph into the
+ # top of the current depth first search stack.
+ # TODO: Check for GraphCycleError
+ ## try:
+ ## parents = graph_pop(next_node_name)
+ ## except KeyError:
+ ## # if the next node is not in the source graph it has
+ ## # already been popped from it and placed into the
+ ## # current search stack (but not completed or we would
+ ## # have hit the continue 4 lines up.
+ ## # this indicates a cycle.
+ ## raise errors.GraphCycleError(self._stack)
+ next_merge_depth = 0
+ if ms_last_node.left_subtree_pushed:
+ next_merge_depth = 1
+ else:
+ next_merge_depth = 0
+ ms_last_node.left_subtree_pushed = 1
+ next_merge_depth = next_merge_depth + ms_last_node.merge_depth
+ self._push_node(next_node, next_merge_depth)
+ # and do not continue processing parents until this 'call'
+ # has recursed.
+ break
+ cdef topo_order(self):
+ cdef _MergeSortNode ms_node, ms_last_node
+ cdef _KnownGraphNode next_node
+ # print
+ self._schedule_stack()
+ # print self._scheduled_nodes
+ # We've set up the basic schedule, now we can continue processing the
+ # output.
+ sequence_number = 0
+ ordered = []
+ while self._scheduled_nodes:
+ ms_node = self._scheduled_nodes.pop()
+ # TODO: stop_revision not supported
+ # if ms_node == stop_revision:
+ if len(self._scheduled_nodes) == 0:
+ end_of_merge = True
+ else:
+ ms_last_node = self._scheduled_nodes[-1]
+ if ms_last_node.merge_depth < ms_node.merge_depth:
+ # Next node is to our left, so this is the end of the right
+ # chain
+ end_of_merge = True
+ elif (ms_last_node.merge_depth == ms_node.merge_depth
+ and ms_last_node.node not in ms_node.node.parents):
+ # The next node is not a direct parent of this node
+ end_of_merge = True
+ else:
+ end_of_merge = False
+ ordered.append((sequence_number, ms_node.node.key,
+ ms_node.merge_depth, ms_node.revno, end_of_merge))
+ sequence_number = sequence_number + 1
+ return ordered
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