Rev 4615: start working on a pyrex implementation of MergeSorter in
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Thu Aug 13 23:17:01 BST 2009
revno: 4615
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: 1.19-known-graph-sorted
timestamp: Thu 2009-08-13 17:16:53 -0500
start working on a pyrex implementation of MergeSorter
This is based on the KnownGraph code. One of the key insights is
that hopefully we can use a single stack with smart objects, rather
than a bunch of stacks with various objects.
Also, if we find information from gdfo or children lists to be
helpful, we can make use of them.
For now, I'm just going to port the existing MergeSorter
code into pyrex using objects.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx'
--- a/bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx 2009-08-13 21:54:04 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_known_graph_pyx.pyx 2009-08-13 22:16:53 +0000
@@ -51,71 +51,6 @@
-def topo_sort(graph):
- cdef Py_ssize_t last_tip, pos
- cdef PyObject *temp_key, *temp_value
- graph = dict(graph)
- # this is the stack storing on which the sorted nodes are pushed.
- node_name_stack = []
- # count the number of children for every node in the graph
- num_children = dict.fromkeys(graph.iterkeys(), 0)
- pos = 0
- while PyDict_Next(graph, &pos, NULL, &temp_value):
- parents = <object>temp_value
- for parent in parents: # pretty sure this is a tuple
- temp_value = PyDict_GetItem(num_children, parent)
- if temp_value != NULL: # Ignore ghosts
- n = (<object>temp_value) + 1
- PyDict_SetItem(num_children, parent, n)
- # keep track of nodes without children in a separate list
- tips = []
- pos = 0
- while PyDict_Next(num_children, &pos, &temp_key, &temp_value):
- value = <object>temp_value
- if value == 0:
- node_name = <object>temp_key
- PyList_Append(tips, node_name)
- graph_pop = graph.pop
- last_tip = len(tips) - 1
- while last_tip >= 0:
- # pick a node without a child and add it to the stack.
- temp_key = PyList_GET_ITEM(tips, last_tip)
- node_name = <object>temp_key
- last_tip -= 1
- PyList_Append(node_name_stack, node_name)
- # the parents of the node lose it as a child; if it was the last
- # child, add the parent to the list of childless nodes.
- parents = graph_pop(node_name)
- for parent in parents:
- temp_value = PyDict_GetItem(num_children, parent)
- if temp_value == NULL:
- # Ghost parent, skip it
- continue
- n = (<object>temp_value) - 1
- PyDict_SetItem(num_children, parent, n)
- if n == 0:
- last_tip += 1
- if PyList_GET_SIZE(tips) > last_tip:
- Py_INCREF(parent)
- PyList_SetItem(tips, last_tip, parent)
- else:
- PyList_Append(tips, parent)
- # if there are still nodes left in the graph,
- # that means that there is a cycle
- if graph:
- raise errors.GraphCycleError(graph)
- # the nodes where pushed on the stack child first, so this list needs to be
- # reversed before returning it.
- node_name_stack.reverse()
- return node_name_stack
cdef class _KnownGraphNode:
"""Represents a single object in the known graph."""
@@ -180,10 +115,6 @@
return <_KnownGraphNode>temp_node
-# TODO: slab allocate all _KnownGraphNode objects.
-# We already know how many we are going to need, except for a couple of
-# ghosts that could be allocated on demand.
cdef class KnownGraph:
"""This is a class which assumes we already know the full graph."""
@@ -473,3 +404,249 @@
return tsort.merge_sort(as_parent_map, tip_key,
+cdef class _MergeSortNode:
+ """Tracks information about a node during the merge_sort operation."""
+ cdef _KnownGraphNode node
+ cdef Py_ssize_t merge_depth
+ cdef int left_subtree_pushed # True/False
+ cdef object pending_parents # list of _MergeSortNode objects
+ cdef object revno # tuple of dotted revnos
+ cdef int is_first_child # Is this the first child?
+cdef _MergeSortNode _make_merge_sort_node(_KnownGraphNode node,
+ Py_ssize_t merge_depth,
+ int left_subtree_pushed):
+ cdef _MergeSortNode ms_node
+ return ms_node
+cdef class _MergeSorter:
+ """This class does the work of computing the merge_sort ordering.
+ We have some small advantages, in that we get all the extra information
+ that KnownGraph knows, like knowing the child lists, etc.
+ """
+ cdef KnownGraph graph
+ cdef object _stack # list
+ cdef object _seen_parents # set of keys for which we have seen a child
+ def __init__(self, known_graph, tip_key):
+ self.graph = known_graph
+ self._seen_parents = set()
+ if tip_key is not None and tip_key != NULL_REVISION:
+ node = self.graph._nodes[tip_key]
+ self._push_node(node, 0)
+ cdef _push_node(self, _KnownGraphNode node, Py_ssize_t merge_depth):
+ cdef _KnownGraphNode parent_node
+ ms_node = _MergeSortNode()
+ ms_node.node = node
+ ms_node.merge_depth = merge_depth
+ ms_node.left_subtree_pushed = 0
+ ms_node.pending_parents = list(node.parents)
+ ms_node.revno = None
+ ms_node.is_first_child = 1
+ self._stack.append(ms_node)
+ if node.parents:
+ parent_node = _get_parent(node.parents, 0)
+ if parent_node.key in self._seen_parents:
+ ms_node.is_first_child = True
+ self._seen_parents.add(parent_node.key)
+# def iter_topo_order(self):
+# """Yield the nodes of the graph in a topological order.
+# After finishing iteration the sorter is empty and you cannot continue
+# iteration.
+# """
+# # These are safe to offload to local variables, because they are used
+# # as a stack and modified in place, never assigned to.
+# node_name_stack = self._node_name_stack
+# node_merge_depth_stack = self._node_merge_depth_stack
+# pending_parents_stack = self._pending_parents_stack
+# left_subtree_pushed_stack = self._left_subtree_pushed_stack
+# completed_node_names = self._completed_node_names
+# scheduled_nodes = self._scheduled_nodes
+# graph_pop = self._graph.pop
+# def push_node(node_name, merge_depth, parents,
+# node_name_stack_append=node_name_stack.append,
+# node_merge_depth_stack_append=node_merge_depth_stack.append,
+# left_subtree_pushed_stack_append=left_subtree_pushed_stack.append,
+# pending_parents_stack_append=pending_parents_stack.append,
+# first_child_stack_append=self._first_child_stack.append,
+# revnos=self._revnos,
+# ):
+# """Add node_name to the pending node stack.
+# Names in this stack will get emitted into the output as they are popped
+# off the stack.
+# This inlines a lot of self._variable.append functions as local
+# variables.
+# """
+# node_name_stack_append(node_name)
+# node_merge_depth_stack_append(merge_depth)
+# left_subtree_pushed_stack_append(False)
+# pending_parents_stack_append(list(parents))
+# # as we push it, check if it is the first child
+# if parents:
+# # node has parents, assign from the left most parent.
+# parent_info = revnos[parents[0]]
+# first_child = parent_info[1]
+# parent_info[1] = False
+# else:
+# # We don't use the same algorithm here, but we need to keep the
+# # stack in line
+# first_child = None
+# first_child_stack_append(first_child)
+# def pop_node(node_name_stack_pop=node_name_stack.pop,
+# node_merge_depth_stack_pop=node_merge_depth_stack.pop,
+# first_child_stack_pop=self._first_child_stack.pop,
+# left_subtree_pushed_stack_pop=left_subtree_pushed_stack.pop,
+# pending_parents_stack_pop=pending_parents_stack.pop,
+# original_graph=self._original_graph,
+# revnos=self._revnos,
+# completed_node_names_add=self._completed_node_names.add,
+# scheduled_nodes_append=scheduled_nodes.append,
+# revno_to_branch_count=self._revno_to_branch_count,
+# ):
+# """Pop the top node off the stack
+# The node is appended to the sorted output.
+# """
+# # we are returning from the flattened call frame:
+# # pop off the local variables
+# node_name = node_name_stack_pop()
+# merge_depth = node_merge_depth_stack_pop()
+# first_child = first_child_stack_pop()
+# # remove this node from the pending lists:
+# left_subtree_pushed_stack_pop()
+# pending_parents_stack_pop()
+# parents = original_graph[node_name]
+# if parents:
+# # node has parents, assign from the left most parent.
+# parent_revno = revnos[parents[0]][0]
+# if not first_child:
+# # not the first child, make a new branch
+# base_revno = parent_revno[0]
+# branch_count = revno_to_branch_count.get(base_revno, 0)
+# branch_count += 1
+# revno_to_branch_count[base_revno] = branch_count
+# revno = (parent_revno[0], branch_count, 1)
+# # revno = (parent_revno[0], branch_count, parent_revno[-1]+1)
+# else:
+# # as the first child, we just increase the final revision
+# # number
+# revno = parent_revno[:-1] + (parent_revno[-1] + 1,)
+# else:
+# # no parents, use the root sequence
+# root_count = revno_to_branch_count.get(0, -1)
+# root_count += 1
+# if root_count:
+# revno = (0, root_count, 1)
+# else:
+# revno = (1,)
+# revno_to_branch_count[0] = root_count
+# # store the revno for this node for future reference
+# revnos[node_name][0] = revno
+# completed_node_names_add(node_name)
+# scheduled_nodes_append((node_name, merge_depth, revno))
+# return node_name
+# while node_name_stack:
+# # loop until this call completes.
+# parents_to_visit = pending_parents_stack[-1]
+# # if all parents are done, the revision is done
+# if not parents_to_visit:
+# # append the revision to the topo sorted scheduled list:
+# # all the nodes parents have been scheduled added, now
+# # we can add it to the output.
+# pop_node()
+# else:
+# while pending_parents_stack[-1]:
+# if not left_subtree_pushed_stack[-1]:
+# # recurse depth first into the primary parent
+# next_node_name = pending_parents_stack[-1].pop(0)
+# else:
+# # place any merges in right-to-left order for scheduling
+# # which gives us left-to-right order after we reverse
+# # the scheduled queue. XXX: This has the effect of
+# # allocating common-new revisions to the right-most
+# # subtree rather than the left most, which will
+# # display nicely (you get smaller trees at the top
+# # of the combined merge).
+# next_node_name = pending_parents_stack[-1].pop()
+# if next_node_name in completed_node_names:
+# # this parent was completed by a child on the
+# # call stack. skip it.
+# continue
+# # otherwise transfer it from the source graph into the
+# # top of the current depth first search stack.
+# try:
+# parents = graph_pop(next_node_name)
+# except KeyError:
+# # if the next node is not in the source graph it has
+# # already been popped from it and placed into the
+# # current search stack (but not completed or we would
+# # have hit the continue 4 lines up.
+# # this indicates a cycle.
+# raise errors.GraphCycleError(node_name_stack)
+# next_merge_depth = 0
+# if left_subtree_pushed_stack[-1]:
+# # a new child branch from name_stack[-1]
+# next_merge_depth = 1
+# else:
+# next_merge_depth = 0
+# left_subtree_pushed_stack[-1] = True
+# next_merge_depth = (
+# node_merge_depth_stack[-1] + next_merge_depth)
+# push_node(
+# next_node_name,
+# next_merge_depth,
+# parents)
+# # and do not continue processing parents until this 'call'
+# # has recursed.
+# break
+# # We have scheduled the graph. Now deliver the ordered output:
+# sequence_number = 0
+# stop_revision = self._stop_revision
+# generate_revno = self._generate_revno
+# original_graph = self._original_graph
+# while scheduled_nodes:
+# node_name, merge_depth, revno = scheduled_nodes.pop()
+# if node_name == stop_revision:
+# return
+# if not len(scheduled_nodes):
+# # last revision is the end of a merge
+# end_of_merge = True
+# elif scheduled_nodes[-1][1] < merge_depth:
+# # the next node is to our left
+# end_of_merge = True
+# elif (scheduled_nodes[-1][1] == merge_depth and
+# (scheduled_nodes[-1][0] not in
+# original_graph[node_name])):
+# # the next node was part of a multiple-merge.
+# end_of_merge = True
+# else:
+# end_of_merge = False
+# if generate_revno:
+# yield (sequence_number, node_name, merge_depth, revno, end_of_merge)
+# else:
+# yield (sequence_number, node_name, merge_depth, end_of_merge)
+# sequence_number += 1
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