Rev 50: Be ready to replace pqm regarding no locale selftests. in file:///home/vila/buildbot/bzr/

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Aug 13 09:14:37 BST 2009

At file:///home/vila/buildbot/bzr/

revno: 50
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: bzr
timestamp: Thu 2009-08-13 10:14:37 +0200
  Be ready to replace pqm regarding no locale selftests.
  * master/master.cfg:
  (tests_factory): Add a selftest no locale to mimick pqm.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'master/master.cfg'
--- a/master/master.cfg	2009-08-12 19:22:50 +0000
+++ b/master/master.cfg	2009-08-13 08:14:37 +0000
@@ -110,6 +110,18 @@
     name = 'Non-regression tests'
     haltOnFailure = 1
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        more_env = dict(COLUMNS='132', # To avoid truncating test names
+                        )
+        if 'env' in kwargs:
+            more_env.update(kwargs['env'])
+        kwargs['env'] = more_env
+        shell.ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+class BzrSelftest(BzrTests):
     description = ['running selftest']
     descriptionDone = ['selftest']
     command = ['python',  './bzr', 'selftest',
@@ -119,14 +131,6 @@
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        more_env = dict(COLUMNS='132', # To avoid truncating test names
-                        )
-        if 'env' in kwargs:
-            more_env.update(kwargs['env'])
-        kwargs['env'] = more_env
-        shell.ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
 bzr_base_URL = ""
@@ -137,7 +141,16 @@
                timeout=3600, # Keep room for initial checkout when needed
+# Until we better control what plugins are taken into account (which mean not
+# only defining a slave specific .bazaar/plugins directory but also being able
+# to ignore the plugins installed system-wide), the best we can do is to run
+# selftest --no-plugins :-/ -- vila 20090813
+        description=['running selftest no locale',],
+        descriptionDone=['selftest no locale'],
+        env=dict(LC_TYPE='', LANG='C', LC_ALL=''),
+        ))
 # Builders for running the non-regression tests
@@ -229,7 +242,6 @@
 # promised to never abuse the system by forcing random builds :)
-                                  password='tagada'
 # from buildbot.status import mail

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