Rev 4596: Remove duplicate warnings about hpss ratchets by centralising all the ratchets in bzrlib.tests. (Robert Collins) in

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Aug 10 03:33:27 BST 2009


revno: 4596
revision-id: robertc at
parent: pqm at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: hpss_ratches
timestamp: Mon 2009-08-10 12:33:10 +1000
  Remove duplicate warnings about hpss ratchets by centralising all the ratchets in bzrlib.tests. (Robert Collins)
=== modified file 'NEWS'
--- a/NEWS	2009-08-06 06:58:09 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	2009-08-10 02:33:10 +0000
@@ -199,6 +199,10 @@
+* HPSS ratchets are now centralised in the ``setup_smart_server_with_call_log``
+  helper method, removing the need to duplicate the warning about changing
+  them throughout the code base. (Robert Collins)
 * Merge directive cherrypick tests must use the same root id.
   (Martin Pool, #409684)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2009-08-04 11:40:59 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2009-08-10 02:33:10 +0000
@@ -2261,7 +2261,12 @@
     def setup_smart_server_with_call_log(self):
-        """Sets up a smart server as the transport server with a call log."""
+        """Sets up a smart server as the transport server with a call log.
+        This is typically used for hpss regression tests, and in addition to
+        setting up the smart server a collection of hpss ratchets are created
+        at self.hpss_ratchets.
+        """
         self.transport_server = server.SmartTCPServer_for_testing
         self.hpss_calls = []
         import traceback
@@ -2273,6 +2278,23 @@
                 CapturedCall(params, prefix_length))
             'call', capture_hpss_call, None)
+        # These figures represent the amount of work to perform each use case.
+        # It is entirely ok to reduce a figure if a test fails due to rpc_count
+        # being too low. If the rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips
+        # have become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust these
+        # figures upwards without agreement from bzr's network support
+        # maintainers.
+        self.hpss_ratchets = {
+            'push_smart_non_stacked_streaming': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 9),
+            'push_smart_stacked_streaming': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 14),
+            'push_smart_tags_streaming': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 11),
+            'init_on_format': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 2),
+            'branch_from_trivial_same_server': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 38),
+            'branch_from_trivial': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 10),
+            'branch_from_trivial_stacked': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 15),
+            'pull_smart_stacked': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 18),
+            'init_repo': Ratchet(self.assertLength, 16),
+            }
     def reset_smart_call_log(self):
         self.hpss_calls = []
@@ -3900,6 +3922,35 @@
     return None
+class Ratchet(object):
+    """A Ratchet separates an assertion from code that needs to check it.
+    This is useful to allow checking ratchet style assertions - such as that
+    no more than N round trips are made during an operation, without having
+    the expected values spread out over the code base where the can be changed
+    without reading documentation about them.
+    A typical use is to prepare a Ratchet in setUp, and then test it later.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, assertion, *args):
+        """Create a ratchet.
+        :param assertion: The assertion to invoke when the ratchet is checked.
+        :param *args: positional arguments to pass to the assertion.
+        """
+        self.assertion = assertion
+        self.args = args
+    def check(self, *args):
+        """Check the ratchet.
+        :param args: Additional arguments to pass to the ratchet. Typically the
+            expected value of the underlying assertion.
+        """
+        return self.assertion(*(self.args + args))
 class _HTTPSServerFeature(Feature):
     """Some tests want an https Server, check if one is available.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2009-08-03 04:19:03 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2009-08-10 02:33:10 +0000
@@ -300,12 +300,7 @@
         out, err = self.run_bzr(['branch', self.get_url('from'),
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertLength(38, self.hpss_calls)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['branch_from_trivial_same_server'].check(self.hpss_calls)
     def test_branch_from_trivial_branch_streaming_acceptance(self):
@@ -315,12 +310,7 @@
         out, err = self.run_bzr(['branch', self.get_url('from'),
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertLength(10, self.hpss_calls)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['branch_from_trivial'].check(self.hpss_calls)
     def test_branch_from_trivial_stacked_branch_streaming_acceptance(self):
@@ -333,12 +323,7 @@
         out, err = self.run_bzr(['branch', self.get_url('feature'),
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertLength(15, self.hpss_calls)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['branch_from_trivial_stacked'].check(self.hpss_calls)
 class TestRemoteBranch(TestCaseWithSFTPServer):

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2009-06-15 06:47:14 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2009-08-10 02:33:10 +0000
@@ -382,12 +382,7 @@
         self.run_bzr(['pull', '-r', '1', self.get_url('stacked')],
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertLength(18, self.hpss_calls)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['pull_smart_stacked'].check(self.hpss_calls)
         remote ='stacked')
         self.assertEndsWith(remote.get_stacked_on_url(), '/parent')

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2009-07-22 10:55:35 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2009-08-10 02:33:10 +0000
@@ -214,12 +214,8 @@
         t.commit(allow_pointless=True, message='first commit')
         self.run_bzr(['push', self.get_url('to-one')], working_dir='from')
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertLength(9, self.hpss_calls)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['push_smart_non_stacked_streaming'].check(
+            self.hpss_calls)
     def test_push_smart_stacked_streaming_acceptance(self):
@@ -230,12 +226,8 @@
         self.run_bzr(['push', '--stacked', '--stacked-on', '../parent',
             self.get_url('public')], working_dir='local')
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertLength(14, self.hpss_calls)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['push_smart_stacked_streaming'].check(
+            self.hpss_calls)
         remote ='public')
         self.assertEndsWith(remote.get_stacked_on_url(), '/parent')
@@ -246,12 +238,7 @@
         t.branch.tags.set_tag('new-tag', rev_id)
         self.run_bzr(['push', self.get_url('to-one')], working_dir='from')
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertLength(11, self.hpss_calls)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['push_smart_tags_streaming'].check(self.hpss_calls)
     def test_push_smart_with_default_stacking_url_path_segment(self):
         # If the default stacked-on location is a path element then branches

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2009-03-23 14:59:43 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2009-08-10 02:33:10 +0000
@@ -114,9 +114,4 @@
         # be fixed.
         self.run_bzr(['init-repo', self.get_url('repo')])
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertLength(16, self.hpss_calls)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['init_repo'].check(self.hpss_calls)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2009-07-10 07:14:02 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2009-08-10 02:33:10 +0000
@@ -906,13 +906,7 @@
         instance = new_format.initialize_on_transport(transport)
         self.assertIsInstance(instance, remote.RemoteBzrDir)
-        rpc_count = len(self.hpss_calls)
-        # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
-        # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
-        # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
-        # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
-        # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
-        self.assertEqual(2, rpc_count)
+        self.hpss_ratchets['init_on_format'].check(self.hpss_calls)
 class TestFormat5(TestCaseWithTransport):

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2009-08-04 02:09:19 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2009-08-10 02:33:10 +0000
@@ -2297,3 +2297,14 @@
         tests.run_suite(test, runner_class=MyRunner, stream=StringIO())
         self.assertEquals(1, self.calls)
+class TestRatchet(tests.TestCase):
+    def test_ok(self):
+        ratchet = tests.Ratchet(self.assertLength, 3)
+        ratchet.check([1, 2, 3])
+    def test_not_ok(self):
+        ratchet = tests.Ratchet(self.assertLength, 3)
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, ratchet.check, [1, 2])

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