Rev 3715: Significantly faster, but consuming more memory. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Sep 18 19:21:01 BST 2008


revno: 3715
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: lighter_log_file
timestamp: Thu 2008-09-18 13:21:00 -0500
  Significantly faster, but consuming more memory.
  We are back down to 42.6s, but we now consume 409MB.
  The current form keeps the value list separate from the
  revision pointers. That way we don't have to re-do the
  computation when we hit the same nodes repeatedly.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2008-09-18 16:44:36 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2008-09-18 18:21:00 +0000
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 import re
 import sys
+import time
 from warnings import (
@@ -556,6 +557,7 @@
     :return: A list of (revision_id, dotted_revno, merge_depth) tuples.
+    tstart = time.time()
     # find all the revisions that change the specific file
     # build the ancestry of each revision in the graph
     # - only listing the ancestors that change the specific file.
@@ -567,69 +569,119 @@
     # don't request it.
     parent_map = dict(((key, value) for key, value in
         graph.iter_ancestry(mainline_revisions[1:]) if value is not None))
-    sorted_rev_list = tsort.topo_sort(parent_map.items())
+    sorted_rev_list = tsort.topo_sort(parent_map)
+    tparent_map = time.time()
     text_keys = [(file_id, rev_id) for rev_id in sorted_rev_list]
-    modified_text_versions = branch.repository.texts.get_parent_map(text_keys)
-    # Ancestry will contain the set of all changes to the given file_id, for
-    # every revision in the whole tree.
-    ancestry = {}
+    # Do a direct lookup of all possible text keys, and figure out which ones
+    # are actually present, and then convert it back to revision_ids, since the
+    # file_id prefix is shared by everything.
+    text_parent_map = branch.repository.texts.get_parent_map(text_keys)
+    modified_text_revisions = set(key[1] for key in text_parent_map)
+    del text_parent_map
+    del text_keys
+    tmodified_text_revisions = time.time()
+    # ancestry_values contains a pointer from a revision_id to either a tuple,
+    # or a frozenset() of a given per-file ancestry.
+    ancestry_values = {_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION: frozenset()}
+    # ancestry_pointers maps from a whole-tree revision_id into the
+    # ancestry_values dictionary for the given revision. (So given a whole-tree
+    # revision_id, what is the per-file ancestry for that revision.)
+    ancestry_pointers = {}
     for rev in sorted_rev_list:
-        text_key = (file_id, rev)
         parents = parent_map[rev]
+        rev_pointer = None
         rev_ancestry = None
-        if text_key in modified_text_versions:
+        if rev in modified_text_revisions:
+            # We know this will be a new node
             rev_ancestry = [rev]
+            rev_pointer = rev
         for parent in parents:
-            if parent not in ancestry:
+            if parent not in ancestry_pointers:
                 # parent is a Ghost, which won't be present in
                 # sorted_rev_list, but we may access it later, so create an
                 # empty node for it
-                ancestry[parent] = ()
-            if rev_ancestry is None:
+                ancestry_pointers[parent] = _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION
+            if rev_pointer is None:
                 # We don't have anything worked out yet, so just copy this
-                # parent's ancestry
-                rev_ancestry = ancestry[parent]
+                # parent's ancestry_pointer
+                rev_pointer = ancestry_pointers[parent]
                 # Check to see if this other parent introduces any new
                 # revisions. If it doesn't then we don't need to create a new
                 # set.
-                parent_ancestry = frozenset(ancestry[parent])
+                parent_pointer = ancestry_pointers[parent]
+                if parent_pointer == rev_pointer:
+                    # They both point to the same ancestry value, so we know
+                    # there is nothing new
+                    continue
+                if rev_ancestry is None:
+                    rev_ancestry = ancestry_values[rev_pointer]
+                parent_ancestry = frozenset(ancestry_values[parent_pointer])
                 # We had to compute the frozenset, so just cache it
-                ancestry[parent] = parent_ancestry
+                ancestry_values[parent_pointer] = parent_ancestry
                 new_revisions = parent_ancestry.difference(rev_ancestry)
                 if new_revisions:
-                    # We need to create a non-frozen set so that we can
-                    # update it. If we already have a non-frozen set, then we
-                    # are free to modify it.
+                    # We need something that we can modify. We can use a simple
+                    # list, because we are only adding the 'new_revisions', so
+                    # we know that we won't have duplicates.
                     if not isinstance(rev_ancestry, list):
                         rev_ancestry = list(rev_ancestry)
-        if rev_ancestry is None:
-            ancestry[rev] = ()
-        else:
-            if isinstance(rev_ancestry, list):
-                ancestry[rev] = tuple(rev_ancestry)
-            else:
-                ancestry[rev] = rev_ancestry
+                    # We will be creating a new value
+                    rev_pointer = rev
+        if rev_pointer is None:
+            rev_pointer = _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION
+        elif rev_pointer == rev:
+            # We are creating a new node update the value cache.
+            assert rev_ancestry is not None
+            ancestry_values[rev] = tuple(rev_ancestry)
+        assert rev_pointer in ancestry_values
+        ancestry_pointers[rev] = rev_pointer
+    trev_ancestry = time.time()
+    _hits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
     def is_merging_rev(r):
+        _hits[0] = _hits[0] + 1
         parents = parent_map[r]
         if len(parents) > 1:
+            _hits[1] += 1
             leftparent = parents[0]
-            left_ancestry = ancestry[leftparent]
-            left_ancestry = frozenset(left_ancestry)
-            # It doesn't help to cache this left_ancestry set because we've
-            # won't be accessing it again.
+            left_pointer = ancestry_pointers[leftparent]
+            left_ancestry = None
             for rightparent in parents[1:]:
-                right_ancestry = ancestry[rightparent]
-                if not left_ancestry.issuperset(right_ancestry):
-                    return True
+                right_pointer = ancestry_pointers[rightparent]
+                if right_pointer != left_pointer:
+                    _hits[3] += 1
+                    if left_ancestry is None:
+                        left_ancestry = ancestry_values[left_pointer]
+                        left_ancestry = frozenset(left_ancestry)
+                    right_ancestry = ancestry_values[right_pointer]
+                    if not left_ancestry.issuperset(right_ancestry):
+                        _hits[4] += 1
+                        return True
+                else:
+                    _hits[2] += 1
         return False
+    trace.note('Found %s nodes, and %s unique values for %s view_revs'
+               ' modified_text_revisions: %s',
+               len(ancestry_pointers), len(ancestry_values),
+               len(view_revs_iter), len(modified_text_revisions))
     # filter from the view the revisions that did not change or merge 
     # the specific file
-    return [(r, n, d) for r, n, d in view_revs_iter
-            if (file_id, r) in modified_text_versions or is_merging_rev(r)]
+    result = [(r, n, d) for r, n, d in view_revs_iter
+              if r in modified_text_revisions or is_merging_rev(r)]
+    tresult = time.time()
+    trace.note('Hits: %s', _hits)
+    trace.note('Timing: parent_map: %.3fs mod text revs: %.3fs'
+               ' rev_ancestry: %.3fs result: %.3fs',
+               tparent_map - tstart,
+               tmodified_text_revisions - tparent_map,
+               trev_ancestry - tmodified_text_revisions,
+               tresult - trev_ancestry)
+    return result
 def get_view_revisions(mainline_revs, rev_nos, branch, direction,

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