Rev 3709: Simple 'compiled with pyrex' ProcessEntry class. faster. in
Robert Collins
robertc at
Sun Sep 14 13:40:48 BST 2008
revno: 3709
revision-id: robertc at
parent: robertc at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: process-entry-optimised
timestamp: Sun 2008-09-14 22:40:43 +1000
Simple 'compiled with pyrex' ProcessEntry class. faster.
bzrlib/_dirstate_helpers_c.pyx dirstate_helpers.pyx-20070503201057-u425eni465q4idwn-3
bzrlib/tests/ test_dirstate_helper-20070504035751-jsbn00xodv0y1eve-2
=== modified file 'bzrlib/_dirstate_helpers_c.pyx'
--- a/bzrlib/_dirstate_helpers_c.pyx 2008-09-14 08:51:07 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_dirstate_helpers_c.pyx 2008-09-14 12:40:43 +0000
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
from bzrlib import errors, osutils
from bzrlib.dirstate import DirState, pack_stat
+from bzrlib.osutils import pathjoin
# Give Pyrex some function definitions for it to understand.
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@
int S_ISDIR(int mode)
int S_ISREG(int mode)
int S_ISLNK(int mode)
+ int S_IXUSR
# These functions allow us access to a bit of the 'bare metal' of python
# objects, rather than going through the object abstraction. (For example,
@@ -819,8 +821,6 @@
# size should also be in packed_stat
if saved_file_size == stat_value.st_size:
return saved_link_or_sha1
- else:
- print "gararar", packed_stat, saved_packed_stat
# If we have gotten this far, that means that we need to actually
# process this entry.
@@ -862,3 +862,282 @@
False, DirState.NULLSTAT)
self._dirblock_state = DirState.IN_MEMORY_MODIFIED
return link_or_sha1
+cdef class ProcessEntryC:
+ cdef object old_dirname_to_file_id # dict
+ cdef object new_dirname_to_file_id # dict
+ cdef readonly object uninteresting
+ cdef object last_source_parent
+ cdef object last_target_parent
+ cdef object include_unchanged
+ cdef object use_filesystem_for_exec
+ def __init__(self, include_unchanged, use_filesystem_for_exec):
+ self.old_dirname_to_file_id = {}
+ self.new_dirname_to_file_id = {}
+ # Just a sentry, so that _process_entry can say that this
+ # record is handled, but isn't interesting to process (unchanged)
+ self.uninteresting = object()
+ # Using a list so that we can access the values and change them in
+ # nested scope. Each one is [path, file_id, entry]
+ self.last_source_parent = [None, None]
+ self.last_target_parent = [None, None]
+ self.include_unchanged = include_unchanged
+ self.use_filesystem_for_exec = use_filesystem_for_exec
+ def _process_entry(self, entry, path_info, source_index, target_index, state):
+ """Compare an entry and real disk to generate delta information.
+ :param path_info: top_relpath, basename, kind, lstat, abspath for
+ the path of entry. If None, then the path is considered absent.
+ (Perhaps we should pass in a concrete entry for this ?)
+ Basename is returned as a utf8 string because we expect this
+ tuple will be ignored, and don't want to take the time to
+ decode.
+ :return: None if these don't match
+ A tuple of information about the change, or
+ the object 'uninteresting' if these match, but are
+ basically identical.
+ """
+ if source_index is None:
+ source_details = NULL_PARENT_DETAILS
+ else:
+ source_details = entry[1][source_index]
+ target_details = entry[1][target_index]
+ target_minikind = target_details[0]
+ if path_info is not None and target_minikind in 'fdlt':
+ if not (target_index == 0):
+ raise AssertionError()
+ link_or_sha1 = update_entry(state, entry,
+ abspath=path_info[4], stat_value=path_info[3])
+ # The entry may have been modified by update_entry
+ target_details = entry[1][target_index]
+ target_minikind = target_details[0]
+ else:
+ link_or_sha1 = None
+ file_id = entry[0][2]
+ source_minikind = source_details[0]
+ if source_minikind in 'fdltr' and target_minikind in 'fdlt':
+ # claimed content in both: diff
+ # r | fdlt | | add source to search, add id path move and perform
+ # | | | diff check on source-target
+ # r | fdlt | a | dangling file that was present in the basis.
+ # | | | ???
+ if source_minikind in 'r':
+ # add the source to the search path to find any children it
+ # has. TODO ? : only add if it is a container ?
+ if not osutils.is_inside_any(searched_specific_files,
+ source_details[1]):
+ search_specific_files.add(source_details[1])
+ # generate the old path; this is needed for stating later
+ # as well.
+ old_path = source_details[1]
+ old_dirname, old_basename = os.path.split(old_path)
+ path = pathjoin(entry[0][0], entry[0][1])
+ old_entry = state._get_entry(source_index,
+ path_utf8=old_path)
+ # update the source details variable to be the real
+ # location.
+ if old_entry == (None, None):
+ raise errors.CorruptDirstate(state._filename,
+ "entry '%s/%s' is considered renamed from %r"
+ " but source does not exist\n"
+ "entry: %s" % (entry[0][0], entry[0][1], old_path, entry))
+ source_details = old_entry[1][source_index]
+ source_minikind = source_details[0]
+ else:
+ old_dirname = entry[0][0]
+ old_basename = entry[0][1]
+ old_path = path = None
+ if path_info is None:
+ # the file is missing on disk, show as removed.
+ content_change = True
+ target_kind = None
+ target_exec = False
+ else:
+ # source and target are both versioned and disk file is present.
+ target_kind = path_info[2]
+ if target_kind == 'directory':
+ if path is None:
+ old_path = path = pathjoin(old_dirname, old_basename)
+ self.new_dirname_to_file_id[path] = file_id
+ if source_minikind != 'd':
+ content_change = True
+ else:
+ # directories have no fingerprint
+ content_change = False
+ target_exec = False
+ elif target_kind == 'file':
+ if source_minikind != 'f':
+ content_change = True
+ else:
+ # We could check the size, but we already have the
+ # sha1 hash.
+ content_change = (link_or_sha1 != source_details[1])
+ # Target details is updated at update_entry time
+ if self.use_filesystem_for_exec:
+ # We don't need S_ISREG here, because we are sure
+ # we are dealing with a file.
+ target_exec = bool(S_IXUSR & path_info[3].st_mode)
+ else:
+ target_exec = target_details[3]
+ elif target_kind == 'symlink':
+ if source_minikind != 'l':
+ content_change = True
+ else:
+ content_change = (link_or_sha1 != source_details[1])
+ target_exec = False
+ elif target_kind == 'tree-reference':
+ if source_minikind != 't':
+ content_change = True
+ else:
+ content_change = False
+ target_exec = False
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "unknown kind %s" % path_info[2]
+ if source_minikind == 'd':
+ if path is None:
+ old_path = path = pathjoin(old_dirname, old_basename)
+ self.old_dirname_to_file_id[old_path] = file_id
+ # parent id is the entry for the path in the target tree
+ if old_dirname == self.last_source_parent[0]:
+ source_parent_id = self.last_source_parent[1]
+ else:
+ try:
+ source_parent_id = self.old_dirname_to_file_id[old_dirname]
+ except KeyError:
+ source_parent_entry = state._get_entry(source_index,
+ path_utf8=old_dirname)
+ source_parent_id = source_parent_entry[0][2]
+ if source_parent_id == entry[0][2]:
+ # This is the root, so the parent is None
+ source_parent_id = None
+ else:
+ self.last_source_parent[0] = old_dirname
+ self.last_source_parent[1] = source_parent_id
+ new_dirname = entry[0][0]
+ if new_dirname == self.last_target_parent[0]:
+ target_parent_id = self.last_target_parent[1]
+ else:
+ try:
+ target_parent_id = self.new_dirname_to_file_id[new_dirname]
+ except KeyError:
+ # TODO: We don't always need to do the lookup, because the
+ # parent entry will be the same as the source entry.
+ target_parent_entry = state._get_entry(target_index,
+ path_utf8=new_dirname)
+ if target_parent_entry == (None, None):
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "Could not find target parent in wt: %s\nparent of: %s"
+ % (new_dirname, entry))
+ target_parent_id = target_parent_entry[0][2]
+ if target_parent_id == entry[0][2]:
+ # This is the root, so the parent is None
+ target_parent_id = None
+ else:
+ self.last_target_parent[0] = new_dirname
+ self.last_target_parent[1] = target_parent_id
+ source_exec = source_details[3]
+ if (self.include_unchanged
+ or content_change
+ or source_parent_id != target_parent_id
+ or old_basename != entry[0][1]
+ or source_exec != target_exec
+ ):
+ if old_path is None:
+ old_path = path = pathjoin(old_dirname, old_basename)
+ old_path_u = utf8_decode(old_path)[0]
+ path_u = old_path_u
+ else:
+ old_path_u = utf8_decode(old_path)[0]
+ if old_path == path:
+ path_u = old_path_u
+ else:
+ path_u = utf8_decode(path)[0]
+ source_kind = _minikind_to_kind[source_minikind]
+ return (entry[0][2],
+ (old_path_u, path_u),
+ content_change,
+ (True, True),
+ (source_parent_id, target_parent_id),
+ (utf8_decode(old_basename)[0], utf8_decode(entry[0][1])[0]),
+ (source_kind, target_kind),
+ (source_exec, target_exec))
+ else:
+ return self.uninteresting
+ elif source_minikind in 'a' and target_minikind in 'fdlt':
+ # looks like a new file
+ path = pathjoin(entry[0][0], entry[0][1])
+ # parent id is the entry for the path in the target tree
+ # TODO: these are the same for an entire directory: cache em.
+ parent_id = state._get_entry(target_index,
+ path_utf8=entry[0][0])[0][2]
+ if parent_id == entry[0][2]:
+ parent_id = None
+ if path_info is not None:
+ # Present on disk:
+ if self.use_filesystem_for_exec:
+ # We need S_ISREG here, because we aren't sure if this
+ # is a file or not.
+ target_exec = bool(
+ S_ISREG(path_info[3].st_mode)
+ and S_IXUSR & path_info[3].st_mode)
+ else:
+ target_exec = target_details[3]
+ return (entry[0][2],
+ (None, utf8_decode(path)[0]),
+ True,
+ (False, True),
+ (None, parent_id),
+ (None, utf8_decode(entry[0][1])[0]),
+ (None, path_info[2]),
+ (None, target_exec))
+ else:
+ # Its a missing file, report it as such.
+ return (entry[0][2],
+ (None, utf8_decode(path)[0]),
+ False,
+ (False, True),
+ (None, parent_id),
+ (None, utf8_decode(entry[0][1])[0]),
+ (None, None),
+ (None, False))
+ elif source_minikind in 'fdlt' and target_minikind in 'a':
+ # unversioned, possibly, or possibly not deleted: we dont care.
+ # if its still on disk, *and* theres no other entry at this
+ # path [we dont know this in this routine at the moment -
+ # perhaps we should change this - then it would be an unknown.
+ old_path = pathjoin(entry[0][0], entry[0][1])
+ # parent id is the entry for the path in the target tree
+ parent_id = state._get_entry(source_index, path_utf8=entry[0][0])[0][2]
+ if parent_id == entry[0][2]:
+ parent_id = None
+ return (entry[0][2],
+ (utf8_decode(old_path)[0], None),
+ True,
+ (True, False),
+ (parent_id, None),
+ (utf8_decode(entry[0][1])[0], None),
+ (_minikind_to_kind[source_minikind], None),
+ (source_details[3], None))
+ elif source_minikind in 'fdlt' and target_minikind in 'r':
+ # a rename; could be a true rename, or a rename inherited from
+ # a renamed parent. TODO: handle this efficiently. Its not
+ # common case to rename dirs though, so a correct but slow
+ # implementation will do.
+ if not osutils.is_inside_any(searched_specific_files, target_details[1]):
+ search_specific_files.add(target_details[1])
+ elif source_minikind in 'ra' and target_minikind in 'ra':
+ # neither of the selected trees contain this file,
+ # so skip over it. This is not currently directly tested, but
+ # is indirectly via test_too_much.TestCommands.test_conflicts.
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("don't know how to compare "
+ "source_minikind=%r, target_minikind=%r"
+ % (source_minikind, target_minikind))
+ ## import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
+ return None
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/ 2008-09-14 11:59:29 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/ 2008-09-14 12:40:43 +0000
@@ -3065,6 +3065,7 @@
_bisect_path_right_c as _bisect_path_right,
cmp_by_dirs_c as cmp_by_dirs,
update_entry as update_entry,
+ ProcessEntryC as _process_entry,
except ImportError:
from bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_py import (
=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/ 2008-09-13 07:59:05 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/ 2008-09-14 12:40:43 +0000
@@ -776,6 +776,14 @@
from bzrlib.dirstate import py_update_entry
self.assertIs(py_update_entry, dirstate.py_update_entry)
+ def test_process_entry(self):
+ if CompiledDirstateHelpersFeature.available():
+ from bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_c import ProcessEntryC
+ self.assertIs(ProcessEntryC, dirstate._process_entry)
+ else:
+ from bzrlib.dirstate import ProcessEntryPython
+ self.assertIs(ProcessEntryPython, dirstate._process_entry)
class TestUpdateEntry(test_dirstate.TestCaseWithDirState):
"""Test the DirState.update_entry functions"""
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