Rev 3809: KnitVersionedFile.get_record_stream now retries *and* fails correctly. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sat Oct 25 02:58:54 BST 2008


revno: 3809
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: pack_retry_153786
timestamp: Fri 2008-10-24 20:58:45 -0500
  KnitVersionedFile.get_record_stream now retries *and* fails correctly.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2008-10-25 01:42:48 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2008-10-25 01:58:45 +0000
@@ -1113,19 +1113,23 @@
         :param allow_missing: If some records are missing, rather than 
             error, just return the data that could be generated.
-        # TODO: We want to build in retrying, because we only hold the
-        #       'records' for the duration of this function, outside of this
-        #       function we deal in 'keys'.
+        # This retries the whole request if anything fails. Potentially we
+        # could be a bit more selective. We could track the keys whose records
+        # we have successfully found, and then only request the new records
+        # from there. However, _get_components_positions grabs the whole build
+        # chain, which means we'll likely try to grab the same records again
+        # anyway. Also, can the build chains change as part of a pack
+        # operation? We wouldn't want to end up with a broken chain.
         while True:
                 position_map = self._get_components_positions(keys,
-                # key = component_id, r = record_details, i_m = index_memo, n = next
+                # key = component_id, r = record_details, i_m = index_memo,
+                # n = next
                 records = [(key, i_m) for key, (r, i_m, n)
-                                     in position_map.iteritems()]
+                                       in position_map.iteritems()]
                 record_map = {}
-                for key, record, digest in \
-                        self._read_records_iter(records):
+                for key, record, digest in self._read_records_iter(records):
                     (record_details, index_memo, next) = position_map[key]
                     record_map[key] = record, record_details, digest, next
                 return record_map
@@ -1182,8 +1186,7 @@
                     yield content_factory
             except errors.RetryWithNewPacks, e:
-                # reload_func
-                raise
+                self._access.reload_or_raise(e)
     def _get_remaining_record_stream(self, keys, ordering,

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2008-10-25 01:42:48 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2008-10-25 01:58:45 +0000
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
         return memos
-    def make_packs_for_retrying(self):
+    def make_vf_for_retrying(self):
         """Create 3 packs and a reload function.
         Originally, 2 pack files will have the data, but one will be missing.
@@ -400,8 +400,8 @@
             vf._access._indices[new_index] = access_tuple
             return True
-        # Delete the second original pack file, so that we are forced to reload
-        # when we go to access the data
+        # Delete one of the pack files so the data will need to be reloaded. We
+        # will delete the file with 'rev-1' in it
         trans, name = orig_packs[1].access_tuple()
         # We don't have the index trigger reloading because we want to test
@@ -584,10 +584,34 @@
         self.assertEqual([2], reload_called)
     def test__get_record_map_retries(self):
-        vf, reload_counter = self.make_packs_for_retrying()
+        vf, reload_counter = self.make_vf_for_retrying()
         keys = [('rev-1',), ('rev-2',)]
         records = vf._get_record_map(keys)
         self.assertEqual(keys, sorted(records.keys()))
+        self.assertEqual([1, 1, 0], reload_counter)
+        # Now delete the packs-in-use, which should trigger another reload, but
+        # this time we just raise an exception because we can't recover
+        for trans, name in vf._access._indices.itervalues():
+            trans.delete(name)
+        self.assertRaises(errors.NoSuchFile, vf._get_record_map, keys)
+        self.assertEqual([2, 1, 1], reload_counter)
+    def test_get_record_stream_retries(self):
+        vf, reload_counter = self.make_vf_for_retrying()
+        keys = [('rev-1',), ('rev-2',)]
+        record_stream = vf.get_record_stream(keys, 'topological', False)
+        record =
+        self.assertEqual(('rev-1',), record.key)
+        self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0], reload_counter)
+        record =
+        self.assertEqual(('rev-2',), record.key)
+        self.assertEqual([1, 1, 0], reload_counter)
+        # Now delete all pack files, and see that we raise the right error
+        for trans, name in vf._access._indices.itervalues():
+            trans.delete(name)
+        self.assertListRaises(errors.NoSuchFile,
+            vf.get_record_stream, keys, 'topological', False)
 class LowLevelKnitDataTests(TestCase):

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