Rev 3790: Switch from using cdef readonly __int64 to using a property. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Oct 21 16:38:32 BST 2008


revno: 3790
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: msvc_python24
timestamp: Tue 2008-10-21 10:38:17 -0500
  Switch from using cdef readonly __int64 to using a property.
  It seems that python2.4 can't handle T_LONGLONG as an implicitly exported
  structure member. So instead, we just export it via property which seems
  to work just fine.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/_walkdirs_win32.pyx'
--- a/bzrlib/_walkdirs_win32.pyx	2008-09-26 05:14:51 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/_walkdirs_win32.pyx	2008-10-21 15:38:17 +0000
@@ -81,7 +81,14 @@
     cdef readonly double st_ctime
     cdef readonly double st_mtime
     cdef readonly double st_atime
-    cdef readonly __int64 st_size
+    # We can't just declare this as 'readonly' because python2.4 doesn't define
+    # T_LONGLONG as a structure member. So instead we just use a property that
+    # will convert it correctly anyway.
+    cdef __int64 _st_size
+    property st_size:
+        def __get__(self):
+            return self._st_size
     # os.stat always returns 0, so we hard code it here
     cdef readonly int st_dev

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