Rev 3779: Start working on an iter_interesting_nodes, which can find nodes to transmit in
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Fri Nov 14 08:44:51 GMT 2008
revno: 3779
revision-id: john at
parent: robertc at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: fetch
timestamp: Fri 2008-11-14 02:44:45 -0600
Start working on an iter_interesting_nodes, which can find nodes to transmit
in 'parallel'. Having some small problems when looking at multiple dicts.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/ 2008-11-14 02:13:12 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/ 2008-11-14 08:44:45 +0000
@@ -767,3 +767,72 @@
return InternalNode.deserialise(bytes, key)
raise AssertionError("Unknown node type.")
+def iter_interesting_nodes(store, interesting_root_keys,
+ uninteresting_root_keys):
+ """Given root keys, find interesting nodes.
+ Evaluate nodes referenced by interesting_root_keys. Ones that are also
+ referenced from uninteresting_root_keys are not considered interesting.
+ :param interesting_root_keys: keys which should be part of the
+ "interesting" nodes (which will be yielded)
+ :param uninteresting_root_keys: keys which should be filtered out of the
+ result set.
+ :return: Yield
+ (interesting records, interesting chk's, interesting key:values)
+ """
+ uninteresting_keys = set(uninteresting_root_keys)
+ interesting_keys = set(interesting_root_keys)
+ # What about duplicates with uninteresting_root_keys?
+ interesting_chks = set(interesting_keys)
+ # TODO: consider that it may be more memory efficient to use the 20-byte
+ # sha1 string, rather than tuples of hexidecimal sha1 strings.
+ uninteresting_chks = set(uninteresting_keys)
+ uninteresting_key_values = set()
+ # XXX: First attempt, UGLY, UGLY, UGLY
+ # First, find the full set of uninteresting bits reachable by the
+ # uninteresting roots
+ chks_to_read = uninteresting_keys
+ while chks_to_read:
+ next_chks = set()
+ for record in store.get_record_stream(chks_to_read, 'unordered', True):
+ # TODO: Handle 'absent'
+ node = _deserialise(record.get_bytes_as('fulltext'), record.key)
+ if isinstance(node, InternalNode):
+ # uninteresting_prefix_chks.update(node._items.iteritems())
+ chks = node._items.values()
+ # TODO: We remove the entries that are already in
+ # uninteresting_chks ?
+ next_chks.update(chks)
+ uninteresting_chks.update(chks)
+ else:
+ uninteresting_key_values.update(node._items.iteritems())
+ chks_to_read = next_chks
+ # Is it possible that we would need to filter out the references we know to
+ # be uninteresting, eg: interesting_keys.difference(uninteresting_chks)
+ chks_to_read = interesting_keys
+ while chks_to_read:
+ next_chks = set()
+ records = {}
+ interesting_items = []
+ interesting_chks = set()
+ for record in store.get_record_stream(chks_to_read, 'unordered', True):
+ records[record.key] = record
+ # TODO: Handle 'absent'
+ node = _deserialise(record.get_bytes_as('fulltext'), record.key)
+ if isinstance(node, InternalNode):
+ chks = [chk for chk in node._items.itervalues()
+ if chk not in uninteresting_chks]
+ next_chks.update(chks)
+ # These are now uninteresting everywhere else
+ uninteresting_chks.update(chks)
+ else:
+ interesting_items = [item for item in node._items.iteritems()
+ if item not in uninteresting_key_values]
+ uninteresting_key_values.update(interesting_items)
+ yield records, chks_to_read, interesting_items
+ chks_to_read = next_chks
=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/ 2008-11-13 03:20:56 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/ 2008-11-14 08:44:45 +0000
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
"""Tests for maps built on a CHK versionedfiles facility."""
+from itertools import izip
+from bzrlib import chk_map
from bzrlib.chk_map import (
@@ -738,3 +741,115 @@
# BA
# AB - split, but we want to end up with AB, BA, in one node, with
# 1-4K get0
+class TestIterInterestingNodes(TestCaseWithStore):
+ def get_chk_bytes(self):
+ if getattr(self, '_chk_bytes', None) is None:
+ self._chk_bytes = super(TestIterInterestingNodes,
+ self).get_chk_bytes()
+ return self._chk_bytes
+ def get_map_key(self, a_dict):
+ c_map = self._get_map(a_dict, maximum_size=10,
+ chk_bytes=self.get_chk_bytes())
+ return c_map.key()
+ def assertIterInteresting(self, expected, interesting_keys,
+ uninteresting_keys):
+ """Check the result of iter_interesting_nodes.
+ :param expected: A list of (record_keys, interesting_chk_pages,
+ interesting key value pairs)
+ """
+ store = self.get_chk_bytes()
+ iter_nodes = chk_map.iter_interesting_nodes(store, interesting_keys,
+ uninteresting_keys)
+ for count, (exp, act) in enumerate(izip(expected, iter_nodes)):
+ exp_record_keys, exp_chks, exp_items = exp
+ records, chks, items = act
+ exp_tuple = (sorted(exp_record_keys), sorted(exp_chks), items)
+ act_tuple = (sorted(records.keys()), sorted(chks), items)
+ self.assertEqual(exp_tuple, act_tuple)
+ self.assertEqual(len(expected), count + 1)
+ def test_none_to_one_key(self):
+ basis = self.get_map_key({})
+ target = self.get_map_key({('a',): 'content'})
+ self.assertIterInteresting(
+ [([target], [target], [(('a',), 'content')])],
+ [target], [basis])
+ def test_one_to_none_key(self):
+ basis = self.get_map_key({('a',): 'content'})
+ target = self.get_map_key({})
+ self.assertIterInteresting(
+ [([target], [target], [])],
+ [target], [basis])
+ def test_common_pages(self):
+ basis = self.get_map_key({('a',): 'content',
+ ('b',): 'content',
+ ('c',): 'content',
+ })
+ target = self.get_map_key({('a',): 'content',
+ ('b',): 'other content',
+ ('c',): 'content',
+ })
+ # Is there a way to get this more directly?
+ b_key = ('sha1:1d7a45ded01ab77c069350c0e290ae34db5b549b',)
+ # This should return the root node, and the node for the 'b' key
+ self.assertIterInteresting(
+ [([target], [target], []),
+ ([b_key], [b_key], [(('b',), 'other content')])],
+ [target], [basis])
+ def test_common_sub_page(self):
+ basis = self.get_map_key({('aaa',): 'common',
+ ('c',): 'common',
+ })
+ target = self.get_map_key({('aaa',): 'common',
+ ('aab',): 'new',
+ ('c',): 'common',
+ })
+ # The key for the internal aa node
+ aa_key = ('sha1:2ce01860338a614b93883a5bbeb89920137ac7ef',)
+ # The key for the leaf aab node
+ aab_key = ('sha1:10567a3bfcc764fb8d8d9edaa28c0934ada366c5',)
+ self.assertIterInteresting(
+ [([target], [target], []),
+ ([aa_key], [aa_key], []),
+ ([aab_key], [aab_key], [(('aab',), 'new')])],
+ [target], [basis])
+ def test_multiple_maps(self):
+ basis1 = self.get_map_key({('aaa',): 'common',
+ ('aab',): 'basis1',
+ })
+ basis2 = self.get_map_key({('bbb',): 'common',
+ ('bbc',): 'basis2',
+ })
+ target1 = self.get_map_key({('aaa',): 'common',
+ ('aac',): 'target1',
+ ('bbb',): 'common',
+ })
+ target2 = self.get_map_key({('aaa',): 'common',
+ ('bba',): 'target2',
+ ('bbb',): 'common',
+ })
+ # The key for the target1 internal aa node
+ aa_key = ('sha1:4c6b1e3e6ecb68fe039d2b00c9091bc037ebf203',)
+ # The key for the leaf aac node
+ aac_key = ('sha1:8089f6b4f3bd2a058c41be199ef5af0c5b9a0c4f',)
+ # The key for the target2 internal bb node
+ bb_key = ('sha1:5ce6a69a21060222bb0a5b48fdbfcca586cc9183',)
+ # The key for the leaf bba node
+ bba_key = ()
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.assertIterInteresting(
+ [([target1, target2], [target1, target2], []),
+ ([aa_key, bb_key], [aa_key, bb_key], []),
+ ([aac_key, bba_key], [aac_key, bba_key],
+ [(('aac',), 'target1'), (('bba',), 'target2')]),
+ ], [target1, target2], [basis1, basis2])
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