Rev 10: Apache2 succesfully plugged in the test suite. in file:///v/home/vila/.bazaar/plugins/local_test_server/

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu May 29 21:21:59 BST 2008

At file:///v/home/vila/.bazaar/plugins/local_test_server/

revno: 10
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: local_test_server
timestamp: Thu 2008-05-29 22:21:58 +0200
  Apache2 succesfully plugged in the test suite.
  * tests/
  (TestBaseConfig.test_expand_keywords): Add www_dir.
  (Apache2HTTPServer): New class interfacing the real server.
  (get_test_permutations): First server plugged for one transport.
  * configs/apache2.conf:
  Activate directory listing and declare the directory containing
  the files to be served.
  (DocumentRoot): Added.
  Register a transport to open the door for the test server injection.
  TODO                           todo-20080526134120-eibvvebw74t8j2xh-1                      
  configs/apache2.conf           apache2.conf-20080522095851-6eixwo2qv9brec67-1            
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'TODO'
--- a/TODO	2008-05-29 07:35:38 +0000
+++ b/TODO	2008-05-29 20:21:58 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+** protect against double start or double stop
+** write tests for setUp and tearDown
+** give better error messages for wrongly written config files
+   (in expand, apache itself gives meaningul lines numbers)
 * plug the server if the corresponding feature is available.
+* add support for
+** cherokee
+** lighttpd
+** webdav (for all supporting servers, preferably by using
+   dedicated servers)
+** https (for all supporting servers, preferably by using
+   dedicated servers)

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-05-26 19:42:08 +0000
+++ b/	2008-05-29 20:21:58 +0000
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 from bzrlib import (
-    osutils,
+    transport,
 from bzrlib.plugins.local_test_server import commands
@@ -84,3 +84,11 @@
             ["%s.%s" % (__name__, tmn) for tmn in testmod_names]))
     return basic_tests
+# Fake registering a transport so that we can define a get_test_pernutations
+# function (see
+                                  'bzrlib.plugins.local_test_server.server',
+                                  'HttpTransport_urllib')

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-05-28 19:10:59 +0000
+++ b/	2008-05-29 20:21:58 +0000
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
         # We need at least a place to put the generated configuration file and
         # the pidfile.
-        self.required_dirs = dict(etc_dir='etc', var_run_dir='var/run')
+        self.required_dirs = dict(etc_dir='etc', var_run_dir='var/run',
+                                  www_dir='www')
         if required_dirs is not None:

=== modified file 'configs/apache2.conf'
--- a/configs/apache2.conf	2008-05-28 19:10:59 +0000
+++ b/configs/apache2.conf	2008-05-29 20:21:58 +0000
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
 KeepAliveTimeout 5
 ErrorLog %(var_log_dir)s/error.log
+LogFormat "%%h %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
+CustomLog %(var_log_dir)s/access.log combined
+LogLevel debug
 ServerName %(host)s
 Listen %(port)s
@@ -55,3 +58,13 @@
 StartServers         1
 MaxClients           5
 ThreadsPerChild      5
+# Tests will create a symlink named %(www_dir)s pointing to the
+# appropriate location
+DocumentRoot %(www_dir)s
+LoadModule dir_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
+LoadModule autoindex_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
+# the following may help for debug
+ServerSignature On

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-05-29 07:35:38 +0000
+++ b/	2008-05-29 20:21:58 +0000
@@ -25,8 +25,15 @@
 from bzrlib import (
+    osutils,
+    transport,
+from bzrlib.tests import http_server
+from bzrlib.transport.http import (
+    _urllib,
+    _pycurl,
+   )
 from bzrlib.plugins.local_test_server import config
@@ -227,6 +234,61 @@
     return port
+class Apache2HTTPServer(transport.Server):
+    # used to form the url that connects to this server
+    _url_protocol = 'http'
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Apache2HTTPServer, self).__init__()
+        self._server = get_server('apache2')
+ = self._server.get_config_value('host')
+        self.port = self._server.get_config_value('port')
+        self._http_base_url = '%s://%s:%s/' % (self._url_protocol,
+                                    , self.port)
+        self._home_dir = None
+    def setUp(self, backing_transport_server=None):
+        # redirect to the right url
+        # Hard to believe, but the directory to be served is the current one at
+        # setUp time...
+        self._home_dir = os.getcwdu()
+        www_dir = self._server.get_config_value('www_dir')
+        # We create a symlink in the www_dir to point here. But before that we
+        # put aside the directory created to make apache2 happy (it insists for
+        # a real directory even if it is happy to server through a symlink).
+        osutils.rename(www_dir, www_dir + '.orig')
+        os.symlink(self._home_dir, www_dir)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """See bzrlib.transport.Server.tearDown."""
+        # Restore the original directory
+        www_dir = self._server.get_config_value('www_dir')
+        osutils.delete_any(www_dir)
+        osutils.rename(www_dir + '.orig', www_dir)
+    def get_url(self):
+        """See bzrlib.transport.Server.get_url."""
+        return self._http_base_url
+    def get_bogus_url(self):
+        """See bzrlib.transport.Server.get_bogus_url."""
+        # this is chosen to try to prevent trouble with proxies, weird dns,
+        # etc
+        return self._url_protocol + '://'
+class Apache2_urllib(Apache2HTTPServer):
+    """Subclass of HttpServer that gives http+urllib urls.
+    This is for use in testing: connections to this server will always go
+    through urllib where possible.
+    """
+    # urls returned by this server should require the urllib client impl
+    _url_protocol = 'http+urllib'
 # The test servers provided use a range of unassigned port numbers as described
 # in
@@ -235,4 +297,13 @@
 def get_server(name):
     return _servers.get(name, None)
+# We have registered a transport for the purpose of adding new servers in the
+# test permutations. Registering a transport makes our module appears in the
+# list which is queried for a get_test_permutations function.
+HttpTransport_urllib = _urllib. HttpTransport_urllib
+def get_test_permutations():
+    """Return the permutations to be used in testing."""
+    return [(HttpTransport_urllib, Apache2_urllib)]

=== modified file 'tests/'
--- a/tests/	2008-05-28 19:10:59 +0000
+++ b/tests/	2008-05-29 20:21:58 +0000
@@ -79,17 +79,21 @@
 my address is %(host)s:%(port)s
 my config is generated under %(etc_dir)s
 my pid is somewhere below %(var_run_dir)s
+I will serve document under %(www_dir)s
         inf = StringIO(content)
         outf = StringIO()
         conf.expand(inf, outf)
         expanded = outf.getvalue()
+        # FIXME: We can use more precise values now.
         self.assertContainsRe(expanded, 'my name is foo\n')
         self.assertContainsRe(expanded, 'my address is\n')
             expanded, 'my config is generated under .*/etc\n')
             expanded, 'my pid is somewhere below .*/var/run\n')
+        self.assertContainsRe(
+            expanded, 'I will serve document under .*/www\n')
 class TestConfigApache2(TestConfig):

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