Rev 3423: Restore the previous code, but bring in a couple changes. Including an update to have lsprof show where the time is spent. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed May 7 23:09:44 BST 2008


revno: 3423
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: find_unique_ancestors
timestamp: Wed 2008-05-07 17:09:32 -0500
  Restore the previous code, but bring in a couple changes. Including an update to have lsprof show where the time is spent.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2008-05-06 22:07:18 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2008-05-07 22:09:32 +0000
@@ -272,87 +272,136 @@
         unique_tips = self._remove_simple_descendants(unique_nodes,
-        total_tips = 0
-        unique_searchers = []
-        for tip in unique_tips:
-            revs_to_search = unique_searcher.find_seen_ancestors([tip])
-            revs_to_search.update(
-                common_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(revs_to_search))
-            searcher = self._make_breadth_first_searcher(revs_to_search)
-            # We don't care about the starting nodes.
-            searcher._label = tip
-            unique_searchers.append(searcher)
-            total_tips += len(revs_to_search)
+        if len(unique_tips) == 1:
+            unique_searchers = []
+            ancestor_all_unique = unique_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(unique_tips)
+        else:
+            unique_searchers = []
+            for tip in unique_tips:
+                revs_to_search = unique_searcher.find_seen_ancestors([tip])
+                revs_to_search.update(
+                    common_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(revs_to_search))
+                searcher = self._make_breadth_first_searcher(revs_to_search)
+                # We don't care about the starting nodes.
+                searcher._label = tip
+                searcher.step()
+                unique_searchers.append(searcher)
+            ancestor_all_unique = None
+            for searcher in unique_searchers:
+                if ancestor_all_unique is None:
+                    ancestor_all_unique = set(searcher.seen)
+                else:
+                    ancestor_all_unique = ancestor_all_unique.intersection(
+                                                searcher.seen)
         # Collapse all the common nodes into a single searcher
-        _mutter('Created %s unique searchers, searching %s revisions'
-                ' (%s/%s common)',
-                len(unique_searchers), total_tips,
-                len(common_searcher._next_query),
-                len(common_searcher.seen))
+        all_unique_searcher = self._make_breadth_first_searcher(ancestor_all_unique)
+        if ancestor_all_unique:
+            all_unique_searcher.step()
+            # Stop any search tips that are already known as ancestors of the
+            # unique nodes
+            stopped_common = common_searcher.stop_searching_any(
+                common_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(ancestor_all_unique))
+            total_stopped = 0
+            for searcher in unique_searchers:
+                total_stopped += len(searcher.stop_searching_any(
+                    searcher.find_seen_ancestors(ancestor_all_unique)))
+            _mutter('For %s unique nodes, created %s + 1 unique searchers'
+                    ' (%s stopped search tips, %s common ancestors'
+                    ' (%s stopped common)',
+                    len(unique_nodes), len(unique_searchers), total_stopped,
+                    len(ancestor_all_unique), len(stopped_common))
+            del ancestor_all_unique, stopped_common
         # While we still have common nodes to search
         while common_searcher._next_query:
             newly_seen_common = set(common_searcher.step())
             newly_seen_unique = set()
-            for searcher in unique_searchers:
-                # newly_seen_unique.update(searcher.step())
-                next = set(searcher.step())
-                next.update(unique_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(next))
-                next.update(common_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(next))
-                for alt_searcher in unique_searchers:
-                    if alt_searcher is searcher:
-                        continue
-                    next.update(alt_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(next))
-                searcher.start_searching(next)
-                newly_seen_unique.update(next)
+            def step_searchers():
+                for searcher in unique_searchers:
+                    next = set(searcher.step())
+                    next.update(unique_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(next))
+                    next.update(common_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(next))
+                    for alt_searcher in unique_searchers:
+                        if alt_searcher is searcher:
+                            continue
+                        next.update(alt_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(next))
+                    searcher.start_searching(next)
+                    newly_seen_unique.update(next)
+            step_searchers()
             # These nodes are common ancestors of all unique nodes
             unique_are_common_nodes = newly_seen_unique.copy()
-            for searcher in unique_searchers:
-                unique_are_common_nodes = unique_are_common_nodes.intersection(
-                                            searcher.seen)
-            unique_are_common_nodes.update(
-                common_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(unique_are_common_nodes))
-            common_searcher.stop_searching_any(unique_are_common_nodes)
-            # For all searchers, see if there is overlap with another searcher
-            # If there is, stop searching that node, and create another
-            # searcher which is searching from the intersection.
-            unique_search_tips = {}
-            next_unique_searchers = unique_searchers[:]
-            i = 0
-            while i < len(next_unique_searchers):
-                searcher = next_unique_searchers[i]
-                next = set(searcher._next_query)
-                j = 0
-                while j < len(next_unique_searchers):
-                    if i == j:
-                        j += 1
-                        continue
-                    alt_searcher = next_unique_searchers[j]
-                    alt_next = set(alt_searcher._next_query)
-                    common_tips = alt_next.intersection(next)
-                    if common_tips == alt_next:
-                        # This searcher is a superset of alt_searcher, so stop
-                        # alt_searcher
-                        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-                        next_unique_searchers.remove(alt_searcher)
-                        ancestor_intersection = searcher.seen.intersection(alt_searcher.seen)
-                        searcher.seen = ancestor_intersection
-                        _mutter('Combining searchers into a single searcher'
+            def intersect_searchers():
+                for searcher in unique_searchers:
+                    unique_are_common_nodes.intersection_update(searcher.seen)
+                unique_are_common_nodes.intersection_update(
+                                            all_unique_searcher.seen)
+                # TODO: lsprof reports this as the most expensive portion of
+                #       this function. Taking 4.4s out of 6.2s spent in
+                #       find_unique_ancestors
+                unique_are_common_nodes.update(all_unique_searcher.step())
+            intersect_searchers()
+            if newly_seen_common:
+                # If a 'common' node is an ancestor of all unique searchers, we
+                # can stop searching it.
+                common_searcher.stop_searching_any(
+                    all_unique_searcher.seen.intersection(newly_seen_common))
+            if unique_are_common_nodes:
+                unique_are_common_nodes.update(
+                    common_searcher.find_seen_ancestors(unique_are_common_nodes))
+                # The all_unique searcher can start searching the common nodes
+                # but everyone else can stop.
+                all_unique_searcher.start_searching(unique_are_common_nodes)
+                common_searcher.stop_searching_any(unique_are_common_nodes)
+            def filter_searchers():
+                # Filter out searchers that don't actually search different
+                # nodes. We already have the ancestry intersection for them
+                unique_search_tips = {}
+                for searcher in unique_searchers:
+                    stopped = searcher.stop_searching_any(unique_are_common_nodes)
+                    will_search_set = frozenset(searcher._next_query)
+                    if not will_search_set:
+                        _mutter('Unique searcher %s was stopped.'
+                                ' (%s iterations) %d nodes stopped',
+                                searcher._label,
+                                searcher._iterations,
+                                len(stopped))
+                    elif will_search_set not in unique_search_tips:
+                        # This searcher is searching a unique set of nodes, let it
+                        unique_search_tips[will_search_set] = [searcher]
+                    else:
+                        unique_search_tips[will_search_set].append(searcher)
+                next_unique_searchers = []
+                for searchers in unique_search_tips.itervalues():
+                    if len(searchers) == 1:
+                        # Searching unique tips, go for it
+                        next_unique_searchers.append(searchers[0])
+                    else:
+                        # These searchers have started searching the same tips, we
+                        # don't need them to cover the same ground. The
+                        # intersection of their ancestry won't change, so create a
+                        # new searcher, combining their histories.
+                        next_searcher = searchers[0]
+                        ancestor_intersection = next_searcher.seen
+                        for searcher in searchers[1:]:
+                            ancestor_intersection = ancestor_intersection.intersection(searcher.seen)
+                        next_searcher.seen = ancestor_intersection
+                        _mutter('Combining %s searchers into a single searcher'
                                 ' searching %s nodes with %s ancestry',
-                                len(searcher._next_query),
-                                len(searcher.seen))
-                        if j < i:
-                            i -= 1
-                        j -= 1
-                    j += 1
-                i += 1
+                                len(searchers), len(next_searcher._next_query),
+                                len(next_searcher.seen))
+                        next_unique_searchers.append(next_searcher)
+                return next_unique_searchers
+            next_unique_searchers = filter_searchers()
             if len(unique_searchers) != len(next_unique_searchers):
-                _mutter('Collapsed %s unique searchers => %s',
-                        len(unique_searchers), len(next_unique_searchers))
+                _mutter('Collapsed %s unique searchers => %s'
+                        ' at %s iterations',
+                        len(unique_searchers), len(next_unique_searchers),
+                        all_unique_searcher._iterations)
             unique_searchers = next_unique_searchers
         return unique_nodes.difference(common_searcher.seen)

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