Rev 53: Fix more failing tests. in

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Sun Jun 8 22:48:25 BST 2008


revno: 53
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: webdav
timestamp: Sun 2008-06-08 23:48:22 +0200
  Fix more failing tests.
  (DavStatHandler.endElement): Recognize directories via the
  collection property.
  (_extract_stat_info): Don't guess directories anymore (the guess
  was wrong for some cases anyway).
  (_extract_dir_content): Raise NotADirectory when needed.
  (HttpDavTransport.delete): Finally getting rid of the horrible
  (HttpDavTransport.rmdir): Detect non-empty directories.
  (TestingDAVRequestHandler.do_DELETE): Finally ! One FIXME less.
  TestDavSaxParser.test_list_dir_lighttpd_example): Update tests, we
  have more requirements now.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-06-08 21:06:05 +0000
+++ b/	2008-06-08 21:48:22 +0000
@@ -284,13 +284,6 @@
         except (IOError, OSError),e:
             if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, ):
                 self.send_error(404, "File not found")
-            elif e.errno in (errno.ENOTEMPTY, ):
-                # FIXME: Really gray area, we are not supposed to
-                # fail  here :-/ If  we act  as a  conforming DAV
-                # server we should  delete the directory content,
-                # but bzr may want to  test that we don't. So, as
-                # we want to conform to bzr, we don't.
-                self.send_error(999, "Directory not empty")
                 # Ok we fail for an unnkown reason :-/
@@ -612,12 +605,7 @@
                           self._extract_dir_content_from_str, example)
     def test_list_dir_incomplete_format_response(self):
-        # The minimal information is present but doesn't conform to RFC 2518
-        # (well, as I understand it since the reference servers disagree on
-        # more than details).
-        # The last href below is not enclosed in a response element and is
-        # therefore ignored.
+        # The information we need is not present
         example = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:ns0="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/">
@@ -628,12 +616,13 @@
-        self.assertEqual(['titi'], self._extract_dir_content_from_str(example))
+        self.assertRaises(errors.NotADirectory,
+                         self._extract_dir_content_from_str, example)
     def test_list_dir_apache2_example(self):
         example = _get_list_dir_apache2_depth_1_prop()
-        self.assertEqual(['a', 'b', 'c'],
-                         self._extract_dir_content_from_str(example))
+        self.assertRaises(errors.NotADirectory,
+                         self._extract_dir_content_from_str, example)
     def test_list_dir_lighttpd_example(self):
         example = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
@@ -648,8 +637,8 @@
-        self.assertEqual(['titi', 'toto'],
-                         self._extract_dir_content_from_str(example))
+        self.assertRaises(errors.NotADirectory,
+                         self._extract_dir_content_from_str, example)
     def test_stat_malformed_response(self):
         # Invalid xml, neither multistatus nor response are properly closed

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-06-08 21:06:05 +0000
+++ b/	2008-06-08 21:48:22 +0000
@@ -162,15 +162,21 @@
           - a prop element containing at least (other are ignored)
             - a getcontentlength element (for files only)
             - an executable element (for files only)
+            - a resourcetype element containing
+              - a collection element (for directories only)
     def __init__(self):
-        self.href = None
-        self.length = None
-        self.executable = None
         # Flags defining the context for the actions
         self._response_seen = False
+        self._init_response_attrs()
+    def _init_response_attrs(self):
+        self.href = None
+        self.length = None
+        self.executable = None
+        self.is_dir = False
     def _validate_handling(self):
         if self.href is not None:
@@ -191,6 +197,8 @@
             self.length = self.chars
         elif self._executable_end():
             self.executable = self.chars
+        elif self._collection_end():
+            self.is_dir = True
         if self._strip_ns(name) == 'response':
             self._response_seen = True
@@ -234,6 +242,16 @@
                 and stack[3] == 'prop'
                 and stack[4] == 'executable')
+    def _collection_end(self):
+        stack = self.elt_stack
+        return (len(stack) == 6
+                and stack[0] == 'multistatus'
+                and stack[1] == 'response'
+                and stack[2] == 'propstat'
+                and stack[3] == 'prop'
+                and stack[4] == 'resourcetype'
+                and stack[5] == 'collection')
 class _DAVStat(object):
     """The stat info as it can be acquired with DAV."""
@@ -270,16 +288,13 @@
     except xml.sax.SAXParseException, e:
         raise errors.InvalidHttpResponse(
             url, msg='Malformed xml response: %s' % e)
-    is_dir = (handler.href is not None
-              and handler.length is None
-              and handler.executable is None)
-    if is_dir:
+    if handler.is_dir:
         size = None # directory sizes are meaningless for bzr
         is_exec = True
         size = int(handler.length)
         is_exec = (handler.executable == 'T')
-    return _DAVStat(size, is_dir, is_exec)
+    return _DAVStat(size, handler.is_dir, is_exec)
 class DavListDirHandler(DavStatHandler):
@@ -293,7 +308,11 @@
             self.expected_content_handled = True
     def _make_response_tuple(self):
-        return (self.href, self.length, self.executable)
+        if self.executable == 'T':
+            is_exec = True
+        else:
+            is_exec = False
+        return (self.href, self.is_dir, self.length, is_exec)
     def _response_handled(self):
         """A response element inside a multistatus have been parsed."""
@@ -301,9 +320,7 @@
             self.dir_content = []
         # Resest the attributes for the next response if any
-        self.href = None
-        self.length = None
-        self.executable = None
+        self._init_response_attrs()
     def _additional_response_starting(self, name):
         """A additional response element inside a multistatus begins."""
@@ -328,11 +345,13 @@
             url, msg='Malformed xml response: %s' % e)
     # Reformat for bzr needs
     dir_content = handler.dir_content
-    dir = dir_content[0][0]
-    dir_len = len(dir)
+    (dir_name, is_dir) = dir_content[0][:2]
+    if not is_dir:
+        raise errors.NotADirectory(url)
+    dir_len = len(dir_name)
     elements = []
-    for (href, size, is_exec) in dir_content[1:]: # Ignore first element
-        if href.startswith(dir):
+    for (href, is_dir, size, is_exec) in dir_content[1:]: # Ignore first element
+        if href.startswith(dir_name):
             name = href[dir_len:]
             if name.endswith('/'):
                 # Get rid of final '/'
@@ -690,13 +709,6 @@
         code = response.code
         if code == 404:
             raise errors.NoSuchFile(abs_path)
-        # FIXME: This  is an  hoooooorible workaround to  pass the
-        # tests,  what  we really  should  do  is  test that  the
-        # directory  is not  empty *because  bzr do  not  want to
-        # remove non-empty dirs*.
-        # Which requires implementing list_dir, hi Robert ;)
-        if code == 999:
-            raise errors.DirectoryNotEmpty(abs_path)
         if code != 204:
             self._raise_curl_http_error(curl, 'unable to delete')
@@ -779,7 +791,10 @@
     def rmdir(self, relpath):
         """See Transport.rmdir."""
-        self.delete(relpath) # That was easy thanks DAV
+        content = self.list_dir(relpath)
+        if len(content) > 0:
+            raise errors.DirectoryNotEmpty(self._remote_path(relpath))
+        self.delete(relpath)
     def stat(self, relpath):
         """See Transport.stat.

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