Rev 99: Merge speed improvements from lifeless. in file:///data/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Tue Jul 22 22:00:19 BST 2008

At file:///data/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk/

revno: 99
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
parent: robertc at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2008-07-22 23:00:18 +0200
  Merge speed improvements from lifeless.
  NEWS                           news-20070721005510-kbjm9yxqoeczq9fl-1                                  
    revno: 96.2.4
    revision-id: robertc at
    parent: robertc at
    committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
    branch nick: dev
    timestamp: Sat 2008-07-19 18:08:45 +1000
       * Fixed O(history) access during plan creation (Robert  Collins, lp:#249823).
      NEWS                           news-20070721005510-kbjm9yxqoeczq9fl-1                                  
=== modified file 'NEWS'
--- a/NEWS	2008-06-23 02:04:28 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	2008-07-19 08:08:45 +0000
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
   * Fixed overactive assertion. (#242245)
+  * Fixed O(history) access during plan creation (Robert  Collins, lp:#249823).
   * Set author property to preserve committer and original author of the 

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-18 11:43:56 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-19 08:08:45 +0000
@@ -58,20 +58,6 @@
-def find_last_common_revid(revhistory1, revhistory2):
-    """Find the last revision two revision histories have in common.
-    :param revhistory1: First revision history (list of revids)
-    :param revhistory2: First revision history (list of revids)
-    :return: The last common revision id
-    """
-    for revid in reversed(revhistory1):
-        if revid in revhistory2:
-            return revid
-    raise UnrelatedBranches()
 class cmd_rebase(Command):
     """Re-base a branch.
@@ -111,7 +97,7 @@
             help="Show what would be done, but don't actually do anything."),
             help="Don't skip revisions that merge already present revisions."),
-        Option('pending-merges', 
+        Option('pending-merges',
             help="Rebase pending merges onto local branch"),
         Option('onto', help='Different revision to replay onto.',
@@ -187,37 +173,31 @@
             wt.branch.repository.fetch(upstream_repository, onto)
-            if stop_revid is not None:
-                revhistory = list(
-                    wt.branch.repository.iter_reverse_revision_history(
-                        stop_revid))
-                revhistory.reverse()
-            else:
-                revhistory = wt.branch.revision_history()
+            if stop_revid is None:
+                stop_revid = wt.branch.last_revision()
+            elif not pending_merges:
+                stop_revid = wt.branch.repository.get_parent_map(
+                    [stop_revid])[stop_revid][0]
+            repo_graph = wt.branch.repository.get_graph()
+            our_new, onto_unique = repo_graph.find_difference(stop_revid, onto)
             if start_revid is None:
-                common_revid = find_last_common_revid(revhistory,
-                                                 upstream.revision_history())
-                if common_revid == upstream.last_revision():
+                if not onto_unique:
                     self.outf.write("No revisions to rebase.\n")
-                if common_revid == revhistory[-1]:
+                if not our_new:
                     self.outf.write("Base branch is descendant of current "
                         "branch. Use 'bzr pull'.\n")
-                try:
-                    start_revid = revhistory[revhistory.index(common_revid)+1]
-                except NoSuchRevision:
-                    raise BzrCommandError(
-                        "No common revision, please specify --revision")
+            # else: include extra revisions needed to make start_revid mean
+            # something.
             # Create plan
             replace_map = generate_simple_plan(
-                    revhistory, start_revid, stop_revid, onto,
-                    wt.branch.repository.get_ancestry(onto),
-                    wt.branch.repository.get_graph(),
-                    lambda revid: regenerate_default_revid(wt.branch.repository,
-                        revid),
+                our_new, start_revid, stop_revid,
+                    onto, repo_graph,
+                    lambda revid: regenerate_default_revid(
+                        wt.branch.repository, revid),
                     not always_rebase_merges
@@ -251,9 +231,7 @@
 class cmd_rebase_abort(Command):
-    """Abort an interrupted rebase
-    """
+    """Abort an interrupted rebase."""
     def run(self):
@@ -274,9 +252,7 @@
 class cmd_rebase_continue(Command):
-    """Continue an interrupted rebase after resolving conflicts
-    """
+    """Continue an interrupted rebase after resolving conflicts."""
     takes_options = ['merge-type']

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-18 17:18:13 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-19 08:08:45 +0000
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@
 from bzrlib.config import Config
-from bzrlib.errors import (BzrError, NoSuchFile, UnknownFormatError, 
+from bzrlib.errors import (BzrError, NoSuchFile, UnknownFormatError,
                            NoCommonAncestor, UnrelatedBranches)
 from bzrlib.generate_ids import gen_revision_id
+from bzrlib.graph import FrozenHeadsCache
 from bzrlib.merge import Merger
 from bzrlib import osutils
 from bzrlib.revision import NULL_REVISION
 from bzrlib.trace import mutter
+from bzrlib.tsort import topo_sort
 import bzrlib.ui as ui
 from maptree import MapTree, map_file_ids
@@ -125,17 +127,17 @@
     return gen_revision_id(rev.committer, rev.timestamp)
-def generate_simple_plan(history, start_revid, stop_revid, onto_revid, 
-                         onto_ancestry, graph, generate_revid,
-                         skip_full_merged=False):
+def generate_simple_plan(todo_set, start_revid, stop_revid, onto_revid, graph,
+    generate_revid, skip_full_merged=False):
     """Create a simple rebase plan that replays history based 
     on one revision being replayed on top of another.
-    :param history: Revision history
+    :param todo_set: A set of revisions to rebase. Only the revisions from
+        stop_revid back through the left hand ancestry are rebased; other
+        revisions are ignored (and references to them are preserved).
     :param start_revid: Id of revision at which to start replaying
     :param stop_revid: Id of revision until which to stop replaying
     :param onto_revid: Id of revision on top of which to replay
-    :param onto_ancestry: Ancestry of onto_revid
     :param graph: Graph object
     :param generate_revid: Function for generating new revision ids
     :param skip_full_merged: Skip revisions that merge already merged 
@@ -143,28 +145,45 @@
     :return: replace map
-    assert start_revid is None or start_revid in history, "invalid start revid"
-    assert stop_revid is None or stop_revid in history, "invalid stop_revid"
+    assert start_revid is None or start_revid in todo_set, \
+        "invalid start revid(%r), todo_set(%r)" % (start_revid, todo_set)
+    assert stop_revid is None or stop_revid in todo_set, "invalid stop_revid"
     replace_map = {}
-    if start_revid is not None:
-        start_revno = history.index(start_revid)
-    else:
-        start_revno = None
-    if stop_revid is not None:
-        stop_revno = history.index(stop_revid)+1
-    else:
-        stop_revno = None
+    parent_map = graph.get_parent_map(todo_set)
+    order = topo_sort(parent_map)
+    left_most_path = []
+    if stop_revid is None:
+        stop_revid = order[-1]
+    rev = stop_revid
+    while rev in parent_map:
+        left_most_path.append(rev)
+        if rev == start_revid:
+            # manual specified early-stop
+            break
+        rev = parent_map[rev][0]
+    left_most_path.reverse()
+    if start_revid is None:
+        # We need a common base.
+        lca = graph.find_lca(stop_revid, onto_revid)
+        if lca == set([NULL_REVISION]):
+            raise UnrelatedBranches()
     new_parent = onto_revid
-    todo = history[start_revno:stop_revno]
-    parent_map = graph.get_parent_map(todo)
-    for oldrevid in todo: 
+    todo = left_most_path
+    heads_cache = FrozenHeadsCache(graph)
+    # XXX: The output replacemap'd parents should get looked up in some manner
+    # by the heads cache? RBC 20080719
+    for oldrevid in todo:
         oldparents = parent_map[oldrevid]
         assert isinstance(oldparents, tuple), "not tuple: %r" % oldparents
-        assert oldparents == () or \
-                oldparents[0] == history[history.index(oldrevid)-1], \
-                "invalid old parents for %r" % oldrevid
         if len(oldparents) > 1:
-            parents = (new_parent,) + tuple(filter(lambda p: p not in onto_ancestry or p == onto_revid, oldparents[1:]))
+            additional_parents = heads_cache.heads(oldparents[1:])
+            parents = [new_parent]
+            for parent in parents:
+                if parent in additional_parents and parent not in parents:
+                    # Use as a parent
+                    parent = replace_map.get(parent, (parent,))[0]
+                    parents.append(parent)
+            parents = tuple(parents)
             if len(parents) == 1 and skip_full_merged:
@@ -301,10 +320,6 @@
-    #assert all(map(repository.has_revision, 
-    #           [replace_map[r][0] for r in replace_map]))
 def replay_snapshot(repository, oldrevid, newrevid, new_parents, 
                     revid_renames, fix_revid=None):

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-18 17:18:13 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-19 08:08:45 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 """Couple of blackbox tests for the rebase plugin."""
 from bzrlib.branch import Branch
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
 import os
 class TestRebaseSimple(ExternalBase):
     def make_file(self, name, contents):
         f = open(name, 'wb')
@@ -86,47 +88,70 @@
         self.check_output('3\n', 'revno')
     def test_range(self):
+        # commit mainline rev 2
         self.make_file('hello', '42')
         self.run_bzr('commit -m that')
+        # commit feature rev 2
         self.make_file('hoi', "my data")
         self.run_bzr('commit -m this')
+        # commit feature rev 3
         self.make_file('hooi', "your data")
         self.run_bzr('commit -m that')
+        # commit feature rev 4
         self.make_file('hoooi', "someone else's data")
         self.run_bzr('commit -m these')
+        # pick up just rev 2 and discard 3 & 4 from feature
         self.check_output('', 'rebase -r2..3 ../main')
-        self.check_output('4\n', 'revno')
+        # our rev 2 is now rev3:
+        self.check_output('3\n', 'revno')
+        # content added from our old revisions 3 and 4 should be gone.
+        self.failIfExists('hooi')
+        self.failIfExists('hoooi')
     def test_range_open_end(self):
+        # commit mainline rev 2
         self.make_file('hello', '42')
         self.run_bzr('commit -m that')
+        # commit feature rev 2
         self.make_file('hoi', "my data")
         self.run_bzr('commit -m this')
+        # commit feature rev 3
         self.make_file('hooi', "your data")
         self.run_bzr('commit -m that')
+        # commit feature rev 4
         self.make_file('hoooi', "someone else's data")
         self.run_bzr('commit -m these')
+        # rebase only rev 4 onto main
         self.check_output('', 'rebase -r4.. ../main')
+        # should only get rev 3 (our old 2 and 3 are gone)
         self.check_output('3\n', 'revno')
+        self.failIfExists('hoi')
+        self.failIfExists('hooi')
         branch =".")
-        self.assertEquals("these", 
+        self.assertEquals("these",
+        self.failUnlessExists('hoooi')
     def test_conflicting(self):
+        # commit mainline rev 2
         self.make_file('hello', '42')
         self.run_bzr('commit -m that')
+        # commit feature rev 2 changing hello differently
         self.make_file('hello', "other data")
         self.run_bzr('commit -m this')
-        self.run_bzr_error('Text conflict in hello\nbzr: ERROR: A conflict occurred replaying a commit. Resolve the conflict and run \'bzr rebase-continue\' or run \'bzr rebase-abort\'.\n', 'rebase ../main')
+        self.run_bzr_error([
+            'Text conflict in hello',
+            'bzr: ERROR: A conflict occurred replaying a commit. Resolve the conflict and run \'bzr rebase-continue\' or run \'bzr rebase-abort\'.',
+            ], 'rebase ../main')
     def test_conflicting_abort(self):
         self.make_file('hello', '42')

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-18 17:18:13 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-19 08:08:45 +0000
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 class PlanCreatorTests(TestCaseWithTransport):
     def test_simple_plan_creator(self):
         wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
         b = wt.branch
@@ -100,12 +101,11 @@
         wt.commit(message='change hello', rev_id="bla2")
-        self.assertEquals({'bla2': ('newbla2', ("bloe",))}, 
-                generate_simple_plan(b.revision_history(), "bla2", None, 
-                    "bloe", 
-                    ("bloe", "bla"),
-                    b.repository.get_graph(), 
-                    lambda y: "new"+y))
+        graph = b.repository.get_graph()
+        self.assertEquals({'bla2': ('newbla2', ("bloe",))},
+            generate_simple_plan(
+                graph.find_difference(b.last_revision(),"bla")[0],
+                "bla2", None, "bloe", graph, lambda y: "new"+y))
     def test_simple_plan_creator_extra_history(self):
@@ -124,13 +124,14 @@
         wt.commit(message='change hello again', rev_id="bla3")
-        self.assertEquals({'bla2': ('newbla2', ("bloe",)), 'bla3': ('newbla3', ('newbla2',))}, 
-                generate_simple_plan(b.revision_history(), "bla2", None, "bloe", 
-                    ("bloe", "bla"),
-                    b.repository.get_graph(),
-                    lambda y: "new"+y))
+        graph = b.repository.get_graph()
+        self.assertEquals(
+            {'bla2': ('newbla2', ("bloe",)), 'bla3': ('newbla3', ('newbla2',))},
+            generate_simple_plan(
+                graph.find_difference(b.last_revision(),"bloe")[0],
+                "bla2", None, "bloe",
+                graph, lambda y: "new"+y))
     def test_generate_transpose_plan(self):
         wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
@@ -203,10 +204,9 @@
                 "E": ("D", "B")
         graph = Graph(DictParentsProvider(parents_map))
-        self.assertEquals({"D": ("D'", ("C",)), "E": ("E'", ("D'",))}, 
-                generate_simple_plan(["A", "D", "E"], 
-                                     "D", None, "C", ["A", "B", "C"], 
-                    graph, lambda y: y+"'"))
+        self.assertEquals({"D": ("D'", ("C",)), "E": ("E'", ("D'",))},
+            generate_simple_plan(["D", "E"], "D", None, "C",
+                graph, lambda y: y+"'"))
     def test_plan_with_already_merged_skip_merges(self):
         """We need to use a merge base that makes sense. 
@@ -233,9 +233,8 @@
                 "E": ("D", "B")
         graph = Graph(DictParentsProvider(parents_map))
-        self.assertEquals({"D": ("D'", ("C",))}, 
-                generate_simple_plan(["A", "D", "E"], 
-                                     "D", None, "C", ["A", "B", "C"], 
+        self.assertEquals({"D": ("D'", ("C",))},
+                generate_simple_plan(["D", "E"], "D", None, "C",
                     graph, lambda y: y+"'", True))

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