Rev 3526: Start refactoring into helper functions in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sat Jul 12 19:06:41 BST 2008


revno: 3526
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: weave_merge
timestamp: Sat 2008-07-12 13:06:30 -0500
  Start refactoring into helper functions
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2008-07-11 21:41:24 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2008-07-12 18:06:30 +0000
@@ -1491,36 +1491,41 @@
                     self.graph.find_unique_ancestors(tip, [base_key]))
             parent_map = self.graph.get_parent_map(interesting)
             parent_map[base_key] = ()
-        culled_parent_map = {}
-        extra_base_ancestors = set()
+        culled_parent_map, child_map, tails = self._remove_external_references(
+            parent_map)
+        return culled_parent_map
+    @staticmethod
+    def _remove_external_references(parent_map):
+        """Remove references that go outside of the parent map.
+        :param parent_map: Something returned from Graph.get_parent_map(keys)
+        :return: (filtered_parent_map, child_map, tails)
+            filtered_parent_map is parent_map without external references
+            child_map is the {parent_key: [child_keys]} mapping
+            tails is a list of nodes that do not have any parents in the map
+        """
+        # TODO: The basic effect of this function seems more generic than
+        #       _PlanMerge. But the specific details of building a child_map,
+        #       and computing tails seems very specific to _PlanMerge.
+        #       Still, should this be in Graph land?
+        filtered_parent_map = {}
+        child_map = {}
+        tails = []
         for key, parent_keys in parent_map.iteritems():
-            culled_parent_keys = tuple([p for p in parent_keys
-                                           if p in parent_map])
-            if not culled_parent_keys and key is not base_key:
-                # We have another 'tail', make sure to bring it into the
-                # ancestry, so that we don't think all of its lines are unique.
-                lcas = self.graph.find_lca(key, base_key)
-                if lcas == set([NULL_REVISION]):
-                    lcas = ()
-                if len(lcas) == 0:
-                    # Nothing to do, no common ancestor
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    # Technically, this isn't 100% correct, but it is better
-                    # than nothing. If we have more than 1 LCA, we probably
-                    # should keep tracking the rabbit down the hole, so that we
-                    # get proper annotations for lines.  For now, though, we
-                    # just add the first lca, and live with it
-                    lca = list(lcas)[0]
-                    extra_base_ancestors.add(lca)
-                    culled_parent_keys = (lca,)
-                    if lca not in culled_parent_map:
-                        culled_parent_map[lca] = ()
-            culled_parent_map[key] = culled_parent_keys
-        if extra_base_ancestors:
-            culled_parent_map[base_key] = self.graph.find_merge_order(base_key,
-                                                            extra_base_ancestors)
-        return culled_parent_map
+            culled_parent_keys = [p for p in parent_keys if p in parent_map]
+            if not culled_parent_keys:
+                tails.append(key)
+            for parent_key in culled_parent_keys:
+                child_map.setdefault(parent_key, []).append(key)
+            # TODO: Do we want to do this, it adds overhead for every node,
+            #       just to say that the node has no children
+            child_map.setdefault(key, [])
+            filtered_parent_map[key] = culled_parent_keys
+        return filtered_parent_map, child_map, tails
+    def _prune_tails(self, parent_map, tails_to_remove, child_map):
+        """Remove tails from the parent map."""
     def _get_interesting_texts(self, parent_map):
         """Return a dict of texts we are interested in.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2008-07-11 21:41:24 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2008-07-12 18:06:30 +0000
@@ -773,6 +773,45 @@
                           ('unchanged', 'g\n')],
+    def assertRemoveExternalReferences(self, filtered_parent_map,
+                                       child_map, tails, parent_map):
+        """Assert results for _PlanMerge._remove_external_references."""
+        (act_filtered_parent_map, act_child_map,
+         act_tails) = _PlanMerge._remove_external_references(parent_map)
+        # The parent map *should* preserve ordering, but the ordering of
+        # children is not strictly defined
+        # child_map = dict((k, sorted(children))
+        #                  for k, children in child_map.iteritems())
+        # act_child_map = dict(k, sorted(children)
+        #                      for k, children in act_child_map.iteritems())
+        self.assertEqual(filtered_parent_map, act_filtered_parent_map)
+        self.assertEqual(child_map, act_child_map)
+        self.assertEqual(sorted(tails), sorted(act_tails))
+    def test__remove_external_references(self):
+        # First, nothing to remove
+        self.assertRemoveExternalReferences({3: [2], 2: [1], 1: []},
+            {1: [2], 2: [3], 3: []}, [1], {3: [2], 2: [1], 1: []})
+        # The reverse direction
+        self.assertRemoveExternalReferences({1: [2], 2: [3], 3: []},
+            {3: [2], 2: [1], 1: []}, [3], {1: [2], 2: [3], 3: []})
+        # Extra references
+        self.assertRemoveExternalReferences({3: [2], 2: [1], 1: []},
+            {1: [2], 2: [3], 3: []}, [1], {3: [2, 4], 2: [1, 5], 1: [6]})
+        # Multiple tails
+        self.assertRemoveExternalReferences(
+            {4: [2, 3], 3: [], 2: [1], 1: []},
+            {1: [2], 2: [4], 3: [4], 4: []},
+            [1, 3],
+            {4: [2, 3], 3: [5], 2: [1], 1: [6]})
+        # Multiple children
+        self.assertRemoveExternalReferences(
+            {1: [3], 2: [3, 4], 3: [], 4: []},
+            {1: [], 2: [], 3: [1, 2], 4: [2]},
+            [3, 4],
+            {1: [3], 2: [3, 4], 3: [5], 4: []})
     def test_subtract_plans(self):
         old_plan = [
         ('unchanged', 'a\n'),

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