Rev 2: some small updates. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Jul 9 18:16:12 BST 2008


revno: 2
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: per_file_graph
timestamp: Wed 2008-07-09 12:16:11 -0500
  some small updates.
  Unfortunately, the graph I'm interested in is far to complex to
  really get a handle on, even with a lot of filtering... :(
modified:                              test_per_file_graph.-20080709143328-zoammbywlmaa8zvt-1
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-09 14:49:08 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-09 17:16:11 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+    trace,
@@ -28,16 +29,61 @@
     takes_options = [option.Option('collapse',
                        help='Collapse linear regions of the graph'),
+                     option.Option('prune',
+                       help='Remove all ancestors of the unique lca'),
+                     option.Option('mark', help='Color lca nodes'),
+                     option.Option('remove-after-lca',
+                       help='Remove nodes that are after lca, but before'
+                            ' parents'),
     takes_args = ['filename', 'outfile?']
     encoding = 'exact'
-    def run(self, filename, outfile=None, collapse=False):
+    _lca_colors = ['red', 'green', 'cyan', 'gold', 'coral', 'darkorchid']
+    _unique_lca_color = 'chocolate'
+    def run(self, filename, outfile=None, collapse=False, prune=False,
+            mark=False, remove_after_lca=False):
         import dict_to_dot, per_file_graph
         d, tip = per_file_graph.get_per_file_graph(filename)
+        colors = {}
+        if prune or mark or remove_after_lca:
+            from bzrlib import graph
+            g = graph.Graph(graph.DictParentsProvider(d))
+            parents = d[tip]
+            if len(parents) < 2:
+                raise errors.BzrCommandError('pruning and marking only'
+                    ' make sense when there are multiple ancestors')
+            lca_color_idx = 0
+            lca = parents
+            first_lca = None
+            while len(lca) > 1:
+                for node in lca:
+                    colors[node] = self._lca_colors[lca_color_idx]
+                lca_color_idx = (lca_color_idx + 1) % len(self._lca_colors)
+                lca = g.find_lca(*lca)
+                if first_lca is None:
+                    first_lca = tuple(lca)
+            if len(lca) == 0:
+                trace.note('no global unique lca')
+            else:
+                # Now we have just one node
+                unique_lca = lca.pop()
+                colors[unique_lca] = self._unique_lca_color
+                if prune:
+                    d = per_file_graph.remove_ancestors_of(d, unique_lca)
+            if remove_after_lca:
+                d = per_file_graph.remove_between(d, parents, first_lca)
+                d[tip] = parents
+            if not mark:
+                colors = {}
         if collapse:
             d = per_file_graph.collapse_graph(d)
-        dot_lines = dict_to_dot.dict_to_dot(d, tip)
+        dot_lines = dict_to_dot.dict_to_dot(d, tip, colors)
         if outfile is None:

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-09 14:49:08 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-09 17:16:11 +0000
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
 import sys
-def dict_to_dot(d, tip):
+def dict_to_dot(d, tip, colors={}):
     """For the given dictionary, generate lines for 'dot' output.
     :param d: A dictionary mapping {child: (parents,)}
     :param tip: The tip revision (used to determine revnos)
+    :param colors: Color specific nodes
     :return: lines for a dot representation
     from bzrlib import tsort
@@ -17,23 +18,43 @@
     # Map from crazy revision ids => dotted revnos
     revnos = {}
     sorted_result = tsort.merge_sort(d, tip, generate_revno=True)
+    mainline = set()
     for seq_num, name, depth, dotted_revno, eom in sorted_result:
         revno = '.'.join(map(str, dotted_revno))
         revnos[name] = revno
+        if depth == 0:
+            mainline.add(name)
-    for child, parent_ids in d.iteritems():
+    def process(child):
+        parents = d[child]
+        processed.add(child)
         revno = revnos.get(child, child)
         first = True
-        for parent_id in parent_ids:
-            parent_revno = revnos.get(parent_id, parent_id)
+        for parent in parents:
+            parent_revno = revnos.get(parent, parent)
             if first:
                 first = False
-                weight = 'weight=10'
+                if child in mainline and parent in mainline:
+                    weight = 'weight=100'
+                else:
+                    weight = 'weight=10'
                 weight = ''
             lines.append('"%s" -> "%s"[%s];\n' % (parent_revno, revno, weight))
+    processed = set()
+    for seq_num, child, depth, dotted_revno, eom in reversed(sorted_result):
+        process(child)
+    remaining = set(d) - processed
+    for node in remaining:
+        process(node)
+    for node, color in colors.iteritems():
+        revno = revnos.get(node, node)
+        lines.append('"%s"[style=filled,fillcolor="%s"];\n' % (revno, color))
     return lines

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-09 14:49:08 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-09 17:16:11 +0000
@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@
 """Convert a python dictionary representation into a dot graph."""
 import sys
+from bzrlib import (
+    graph,
+    revision,
+    workingtree,
+    )
 def get_per_file_graph(filename):
-    from bzrlib import graph, workingtree
     overlay_dict = {}
     overlay_pp = graph.DictParentsProvider(overlay_dict)
     wt, relpath = workingtree.WorkingTree.open_containing(filename)
@@ -16,7 +19,7 @@
             file_id = wt.path2id(relpath)
-            tip = (file_id, 'this:')
+            tip = (file_id, revision.CURRENT_REVISION)
             last_mod_rev = basis_tree.inventory[file_id].revision
             file_parents = [last_mod_rev]
@@ -115,6 +118,61 @@
     return result
+def _find_ancestors(d, children):
+    """Find all ancestors of the given children."""
+    ancestors = set()
+    # Note that we don't remove ancestor_node itself, only the ancestors of
+    # ancestor_node
+    pending = list(children)
+    while pending:
+        next = pending.pop()
+        parents = d[next]
+        # Make sure we can stop if the nodes have already been marked
+        extra_parents = [p for p in parents if p not in ancestors]
+        pending.extend(extra_parents)
+        ancestors.update(extra_parents)
+    return ancestors
+def remove_ancestors_of(d, ancestor_node):
+    """Remove all ancestors of ancestor_node from the graph.
+    :param d: A graph of {node:[parents]}
+    :param ancestor_node: Remove ancestors of this node, but not this node
+        itself.
+    :return: A filtered graph of the same form as 'd', all references to
+        removed ancestors will be removed from the graph.
+    """
+    all_nodes = set(d)
+    ancestors = set()
+    # Note that we don't remove ancestor_node itself, only the ancestors of
+    # ancestor_node
+    ancestors = _find_ancestors(d, [ancestor_node])
+    remaining_nodes = all_nodes - ancestors
+    result = {}
+    for node, parents in d.iteritems():
+        if node in ancestors:
+            continue
+        simple_parents = tuple([p for p in parents if p not in ancestors])
+        result[node] = simple_parents
+    return result
+def remove_between(d, tips, ancestors):
+    """Remove the nodes between tips and ancestors.
+    This replaces the intermediate nodes with a quick jump.
+    """
+    result = {}
+    for ancestor in _find_ancestors(d, ancestors):
+        result[ancestor] = d[ancestor]
+    for ancestor in ancestors:
+        result[ancestor] = d[ancestor]
+    ancestors = tuple(ancestors)
+    for t in tips:
+        result[t] = ancestors
+    return result
 def main(args):
     import optparse
     p = optparse.OptionParser('%prog filename')

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-09 14:49:08 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-09 17:16:11 +0000
@@ -56,3 +56,16 @@
         # 3 and 2 cannot be removed because 1 has 2 parents
         d = {1:[2, 3], 2:[4], 4:[6], 3:[5], 5:[6], 6:[7], 7:[]}
         self.assertCollapsed(d, d)
+class TestRemoveAncestors(tests.TestCase):
+    def assertRemoved(self, expected, original, ancestor_node):
+        self.assertEqual(expected, per_file_graph.remove_ancestors_of(
+                                    original, ancestor_node))
+    def test_simple(self):
+        self.assertRemoved({1:(2,), 2:()}, {1:[2], 2:[3], 3:[]}, 2)
+    def test_extra_references(self):
+        self.assertRemoved({1:(2,), 2:()}, {1:[2, 4], 2:[3], 3:[4], 4:[]}, 2)

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