Rev 20: C parsing for the win. in

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Jul 3 07:11:19 BST 2008


revno: 20
revision-id: robertc at
parent: robertc at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2008-07-03 16:11:19 +1000
  C parsing for the win.
  _parse_btree_c.pyx             _parse_btree_c.pyx-20080703034413-3q25bklkenti3p8p-2                       
=== modified file '_parse_btree_c.pyx'
--- a/_parse_btree_c.pyx	2008-07-03 03:45:49 +0000
+++ b/_parse_btree_c.pyx	2008-07-03 06:11:19 +0000
@@ -16,28 +16,194 @@
 """Pyrex extensions to btree node parsing."""
-def _parse_leaf_lines(lines, key_length, ref_list_length):
-    nodes = []
-    for line in lines[1:]:
-        if line == '':
-            return nodes
-        elements = line.split('\0', key_length)
+import sys
+cdef extern from "stdlib.h":
+    ctypedef unsigned size_t
+    long int strtol(char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
+cdef extern from "Python.h":
+    int PyDict_CheckExact(object)
+    void *PyDict_GetItem_void "PyDict_GetItem" (object p, object key)
+    int PyDict_SetItem(object p, object key, object val) except -1
+    int PyList_Append(object lst, object item) except -1
+    object PyList_GET_ITEM(object lst, int index)
+    int PyList_CheckExact(object)
+    void *PyTuple_GetItem_void_void "PyTuple_GET_ITEM" (void* tpl, int index)
+    char *PyString_AsString(object p)
+    object PyString_FromStringAndSize(char *, int)
+    object PyString_FromString(char *)
+    int PyString_Size(object p)
+    void Py_INCREF(object)
+cdef extern from "string.h":
+    void *memchr(void *s, int c, size_t n)
+    void *memrchr(void *s, int c, size_t n)
+    int strncmp(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
+cdef class BTreeLeafParser:
+    cdef object bytes
+    cdef int key_length
+    cdef int ref_list_length
+    cdef object keys
+    cdef char * cur_str
+    cdef char * end_str
+    # The current start point for parsing
+    cdef char * start
+    cdef int header_found
+    def __init__(self, bytes, key_length, ref_list_length):
+        self.bytes = bytes
+        self.key_length = key_length
+        self.ref_list_length = ref_list_length
+        self.keys = []
+        self.cur_str = NULL
+        self.end_str = NULL
+        self.header_found = 0
+    cdef extract_key(self, char * last):
+        """Extract a key.
+        :param last: points at the byte after the last byte permitted for the key.
+        """
+        cdef char *temp_ptr
+        cdef int loop_counter
         # keys are tuples
-        key = tuple(elements[:key_length])
-        line = elements[-1]
-        references, value = line.rsplit('\0', 1)
-        if ref_list_length:
+        loop_counter = 0
+        key_segments = []
+        while loop_counter < self.key_length:
+            loop_counter = loop_counter + 1
+            # grab a key segment
+            temp_ptr = <char*>memchr(self.start, c'\0', last - self.start)
+            if temp_ptr == NULL:
+                if loop_counter == self.key_length:
+                    # capture to last
+                    temp_ptr = last
+                else:
+                    # Invalid line
+                    failure_string = ("invalid key, wanted segment from " +
+                        repr(PyString_FromStringAndSize(self.start, last-self.start)))
+                    raise AssertionError(failure_string)
+            # capture the key string
+            key_element = PyString_FromStringAndSize(self.start, temp_ptr - self.start)
+            # advance our pointer
+            self.start = temp_ptr + 1
+            PyList_Append(key_segments, key_element)
+        return tuple(key_segments)
+    cdef int process_line(self) except -1:
+        """Process a line in the bytes."""
+        cdef char *last
+        cdef char *temp_ptr
+        cdef char *ref_ptr
+        cdef char *next_start
+        cdef int loop_counter
+        self.start = self.cur_str
+        # Find the next newline
+        last = <char*>memchr(self.start, c'\n', self.end_str - self.start)
+        if last == NULL:
+            # Process until the end of the file
+            last = self.end_str
+            self.cur_str = self.end_str
+        else:
+            # And the next string is right after it
+            self.cur_str = last + 1
+            # The last character is right before the '\n'
+            last = last
+        if last == self.start:
+            # parsed it all.
+            return 0
+        if last < self.start:
+            # Unexpected error condition - fail
+            return -1
+        if 0 == self.header_found:
+            if strncmp("type=leaf", self.start, last-self.start) == 0:
+                self.header_found = 1
+                return 0
+            else:
+                print "failed strncmp", repr(PyString_FromStringAndSize(self.start, last-self.start))
+                return -1
+        key = self.extract_key(last)
+        # find the value area
+        temp_ptr = <char*>memrchr(self.start, c'\0', last - self.start)
+        if temp_ptr == NULL:
+            # Invalid line
+            return -1
+        else:
+            # capture the value string
+            value = PyString_FromStringAndSize(temp_ptr + 1, last - temp_ptr - 1)
+            # shrink the references end point
+            last = temp_ptr
+        if self.ref_list_length:
             ref_lists = []
-            for ref_string in references.split('\t'):
-                key_list = []
-                for ref in ref_string.split('\r'):
-                    if ref:
-                        key_list.append(tuple(ref.split('\0')))
-                ref_list = tuple(key_list)
-                ref_lists.append(ref_list)
+            loop_counter = 0
+            while loop_counter < self.ref_list_length:
+                ref_list = []
+                # extract a reference list
+                loop_counter = loop_counter + 1
+                if last < self.start:
+                    return -1
+                # find the next reference list end point:
+                temp_ptr = <char*>memchr(self.start, c'\t', last - self.start)
+                if temp_ptr == NULL:
+                    # Only valid for the last list
+                    if loop_counter != self.ref_list_length:
+                        # Invalid line
+                        return -1
+                        raise AssertionError("invalid key")
+                    else:
+                        # scan to the end of the ref list area
+                        ref_ptr = last
+                        next_start = last
+                else:
+                    # scan to the end of this ref list
+                    ref_ptr = temp_ptr
+                    next_start = temp_ptr + 1
+                # Now, there may be multiple keys in the ref list.
+                while self.start < ref_ptr:
+                    # loop finding keys and extracting them
+                    temp_ptr = <char*>memchr(self.start, c'\r', ref_ptr - self.start)
+                    if temp_ptr == NULL:
+                        # key runs to the end
+                        temp_ptr = ref_ptr
+                    PyList_Append(ref_list, self.extract_key(temp_ptr))
+                PyList_Append(ref_lists, tuple(ref_list))
+                # prepare for the next reference list
+                self.start = next_start
             ref_lists = tuple(ref_lists)
             node_value = (value, ref_lists)
+            if last != self.start:
+                # unexpected reference data present
+                return -1
             node_value = (value, ())
-        nodes.append((key, node_value))
-    return nodes
+        PyList_Append(self.keys, (key, node_value))
+        return 0
+    def parse(self):
+        cdef int byte_count
+        byte_count = PyString_Size(self.bytes)
+        self.cur_str = PyString_AsString(self.bytes)
+        # This points to the last character in the string
+        self.end_str = self.cur_str + byte_count
+        while self.cur_str < self.end_str:
+            self.process_line()
+        return self.keys
+def _parse_leaf_lines(bytes, key_length, ref_list_length):
+    parser = BTreeLeafParser(bytes, key_length, ref_list_length)
+    return parser.parse()

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-03 03:45:49 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-03 06:11:19 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 """B+Tree index parsing."""
-def _parse_leaf_lines(lines, key_length, ref_list_length):
+def _parse_leaf_lines(bytes, key_length, ref_list_length):
+    lines = bytes.split('\n')
     nodes = []
     for line in lines[1:]:
         if line == '':

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-03 03:45:49 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-03 06:11:19 +0000
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
     def __init__(self, bytes, key_length, ref_list_length):
         """Parse bytes to create a leaf node object."""
         # splitlines mangles the \r delimiters.. don't use it.
-        self.keys = dict(_parse_btree._parse_leaf_lines(bytes.split('\n'),
+        self.keys = dict(_parse_btree._parse_leaf_lines(bytes,
             key_length, ref_list_length))

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2008-07-03 03:45:49 +0000
+++ b/	2008-07-03 06:11:19 +0000
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 bzr_plugin_version = (1, 6, 0, 'dev', 0)
+from distutils import log
 from distutils.errors import CCompilerError, DistutilsPlatformError
 from distutils.extension import Extension
 ext_modules = []

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