Rev 815: Update notes about memory leaks. in file:///data/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Fri Jan 18 04:05:33 GMT 2008

At file:///data/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4/

revno: 815
revision-id:jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: 0.4
timestamp: Wed 2007-12-19 11:28:41 +0100
  Update notes about memory leaks.
  FAQ                            faq-20070910195147-p9u38s9wplds2d4o-1
  README                         README-20051120210643-bd274a2fef9aed6a
=== modified file 'FAQ'
--- a/FAQ	2007-12-15 02:11:15 +0000
+++ b/FAQ	2007-12-19 10:28:41 +0000
@@ -3,19 +3,14 @@
 Bazaar is using a lot of memory accessing a Subversion repository
-bzr-svn can use a lot of memory cloning big branches. The problem appears to be 
-caused mainly by a memory leak in the python-subversion bindings for the svn_ra_get_log() 
-Newer versions of Subversion (1.5 especially) use significantly less memory 
-than older versions (though they still seem to leak).
-The easiest way to work around this problem is to Ctrl+C the branch operation 
+bzr-svn can use a lot of memory cloning big branches when older 
+versions of the python-subversion bindings are used. This memory leak 
+has been fixed in the trunk of Subversion (r28544) and has been 
+proposed for inclusion in Subversion 1.4.7.
+One way to work around this problem is to Ctrl+C the branch operation 
 and restart it.
-More information can be found in the bug report at 
 I am unable to access a repository that requires user/password authentication.
@@ -29,7 +24,7 @@
 client. For example, try running 'svn info <url>'.
-Trying to branch into repository gives prints an error about incompatibility.
+Trying to branch into repository gives an error about incompatibility.
 Creating a repository and then trying to clone a Subversion branch into 

=== modified file 'README'
--- a/README	2007-11-15 21:57:33 +0000
+++ b/README	2007-12-19 10:28:41 +0000
@@ -151,16 +151,3 @@
 Simply place this directory in ~/.bazaar/plugins and you should be able 
 to check out branches from Subversion using bzr. Make sure the directory 
 name is 'svn'.
-Memory Usage
-bzr-svn can use a lot of memory cloning big branches. The problem appears to be 
-caused both by a memory leak in the python-subversion bindings or Subversion
-(the svn_ra_get_log() function) and the memory overhead from Bazaar.
-The easiest way to work around this problem is to Ctrl+C the branch operation 
-and restart it.
-More information can be found in the bug report at 

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