Rev 3190: Create a SearchResult object which can be used as a replacement for sets. in

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Jan 16 01:25:44 GMT 2008


revno: 3190
revision-id:robertc at
parent: robertc at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: search-results
timestamp: Wed 2008-01-16 12:25:39 +1100
  Create a SearchResult object which can be used as a replacement for sets.
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2008-01-16 00:53:06 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2008-01-16 01:25:39 +0000
@@ -526,26 +526,12 @@
         return ('_BreadthFirstSearcher(iterations=%d, %s,'
                 ' seen=%r)' % (self._iterations, search, list(self.seen)))
-    def get_recipe(self):
-        """Return a recipe that can be used to replay this search.
+    def get_result(self):
+        """Get a SearchResult for the current state of this searcher.
-        The recipe allows reconstruction of the same results at a later date
-        without knowing all the found keys. The essential elements are a list
-        of keys to start and and to stop at. In order to give reproducible
-        results when ghosts are encountered by a search they are automatically
-        added to the exclude list (or else ghost filling may alter the
-        results).
-        :return: A tuple (start_keys_set, exclude_keys_set, revision_count). To
-            recreate the results of this search, create a breadth first
-            searcher on the same graph starting at start_keys. Then call next()
-            (or next_with_ghosts()) repeatedly, and on every result, call
-            stop_searching_any on any keys from the exclude_keys set. The
-            revision_count value acts as a trivial cross-check - the found
-            revisions of the new search should have as many elements as
-            revision_count. If it does not, then additional revisions have been
-            ghosted since the search was executed the first time and the second
-            time.
+        :return: A SearchResult for this search so far. The SearchResult is
+            static - the search can be advanced and the search result will not
+            be invalidated or altered.
         if self._returning == 'next':
             # We have to know the current nodes children to be able to list the
@@ -561,8 +547,9 @@
             next_query = self._next_query
         excludes = self._stopped_keys.union(next_query)
-        return (self._started_keys, excludes,
-            len(self.seen.difference(excludes)))
+        included_keys = self.seen.difference(excludes)
+        return SearchResult(self._started_keys, excludes, len(included_keys),
+            included_keys)
     def next(self):
         """Return the next ancestors of this revision.
@@ -724,3 +711,56 @@
             return revs, ghosts
+class SearchResult(object):
+    """The result of a breadth first search.
+    A SearchResult provides the ability to reconstruct the search or access a
+    set of the keys the search found.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, start_keys, exclude_keys, key_count, keys):
+        """Create a SearchResult.
+        :param start_keys: The keys the search started at.
+        :param exclude_keys: The keys the search excludes.
+        :param key_count: The total number of keys (from start to but not
+            including exclude).
+        :param keys: The keys the search found. Note that in future we may get
+            a SearchResult from a smart server, in which case the keys list is
+            not necessarily immediately available.
+        """
+        self._recipe = (start_keys, exclude_keys, key_count)
+        self._keys = frozenset(keys)
+    def get_recipe(self):
+        """Return a recipe that can be used to replay this search.
+        The recipe allows reconstruction of the same results at a later date
+        without knowing all the found keys. The essential elements are a list
+        of keys to start and and to stop at. In order to give reproducible
+        results when ghosts are encountered by a search they are automatically
+        added to the exclude list (or else ghost filling may alter the
+        results).
+        :return: A tuple (start_keys_set, exclude_keys_set, revision_count). To
+            recreate the results of this search, create a breadth first
+            searcher on the same graph starting at start_keys. Then call next()
+            (or next_with_ghosts()) repeatedly, and on every result, call
+            stop_searching_any on any keys from the exclude_keys set. The
+            revision_count value acts as a trivial cross-check - the found
+            revisions of the new search should have as many elements as
+            revision_count. If it does not, then additional revisions have been
+            ghosted since the search was executed the first time and the second
+            time.
+        """
+        return self._recipe
+    def get_keys(self):
+        """Return the keys found in this search.
+        :return: A set of keys.
+        """
+        return self._keys

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2008-01-16 00:53:06 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2008-01-16 01:25:39 +0000
@@ -728,26 +728,30 @@
-    def assertSeenAndRecipes(self, instructions, search, next):
-        """Check the results of .seen and get_recipe() for a seach.
+    def assertSeenAndResult(self, instructions, search, next):
+        """Check the results of .seen and get_result() for a seach.
-        :param instructions: A list of tuples (seen, get_recipe_result, starts,
-            stops). seen and get_recipe_result are results to check. starts and
-            stops are parameters to pass to start_searching and
-            stop_searching_any during each iteration, if they are not None.
+        :param instructions: A list of tuples:
+            (seen, recipe, included_keys, starts, stops).
+            seen, recipe and included_keys are results to check on the search
+            and the searches get_result(). starts and stops are parameters to
+            pass to start_searching and stop_searching_any during each
+            iteration, if they are not None.
         :param search: The search to use.
         :param next: A callable to advance the search.
-        for seen, recipe, starts, stops in instructions:
+        for seen, recipe, included_keys, starts, stops in instructions:
             if starts is not None:
             if stops is not None:
-            self.assertEqual(recipe, search.get_recipe())
+            result = search.get_result()
+            self.assertEqual(recipe, result.get_recipe())
+            self.assertEqual(set(included_keys), result.get_keys())
             self.assertEqual(seen, search.seen)
-    def test_breadth_first_get_recipe_excludes_current_pending(self):
+    def test_breadth_first_get_result_excludes_current_pending(self):
         graph = self.make_graph({
@@ -755,23 +759,26 @@
         search = graph._make_breadth_first_searcher(['head'])
         # At the start, nothing has been seen, to its all excluded:
+        result = search.get_result()
         self.assertEqual((set(['head']), set(['head']), 0),
-            search.get_recipe())
+            result.get_recipe())
+        self.assertEqual(set(), result.get_keys())
         self.assertEqual(set(), search.seen)
         # using next:
         expected = [
-            (set(['head']), (set(['head']), set(['child']), 1), None, None),
+            (set(['head']), (set(['head']), set(['child']), 1),
+             ['head'], None, None),
             (set(['head', 'child']), (set(['head']), set([NULL_REVISION]), 2),
-             None, None),
+             ['head', 'child'], None, None),
             (set(['head', 'child', NULL_REVISION]), (set(['head']), set(), 3),
-             None, None),
+             ['head', 'child', NULL_REVISION], None, None),
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search,
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search,
         # using next_with_ghosts:
         search = graph._make_breadth_first_searcher(['head'])
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
-    def test_breadth_first_get_recipe_starts_stops(self):
+    def test_breadth_first_get_result_starts_stops(self):
         graph = self.make_graph({
@@ -784,8 +791,10 @@
         # Starting with nothing and adding a search works:
         # head has been seen:
+        result = search.get_result()
         self.assertEqual((set(['head']), set(['child']), 1),
-            search.get_recipe())
+            result.get_recipe())
+        self.assertEqual(set(['head']), result.get_keys())
         self.assertEqual(set(['head']), search.seen)
         # using next:
         expected = [
@@ -794,22 +803,22 @@
             # called.
             (set(['head', 'child', 'otherhead']),
              (set(['head', 'otherhead']), set(['child', 'otherchild']), 2),
-             ['otherhead'], ['child']),
+             ['head', 'otherhead'], ['otherhead'], ['child']),
             (set(['head', 'child', 'otherhead', 'otherchild']),
              (set(['head', 'otherhead']), set(['child', 'excluded']), 3),
-             None, None),
+             ['head', 'otherhead', 'otherchild'], None, None),
             # stop searching excluded now
             (set(['head', 'child', 'otherhead', 'otherchild', 'excluded']),
              (set(['head', 'otherhead']), set(['child', 'excluded']), 3),
-             None, ['excluded']),
+             ['head', 'otherhead', 'otherchild'], None, ['excluded']),
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search,
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search,
         # using next_with_ghosts:
         search = graph._make_breadth_first_searcher([])
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
-    def test_breadth_first_get_recipe_ghosts_are_excluded(self):
+    def test_breadth_first_get_result_ghosts_are_excluded(self):
         graph = self.make_graph({
             'head':['child', 'ghost'],
@@ -820,17 +829,17 @@
         expected = [
              (set(['head']), set(['ghost', 'child']), 1),
-             None, None),
+             ['head'], None, None),
             (set(['head', 'child', 'ghost']),
              (set(['head']), set([NULL_REVISION, 'ghost']), 2),
-             None, None),
+             ['head', 'child'], None, None),
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search,
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search,
         # using next_with_ghosts:
         search = graph._make_breadth_first_searcher(['head'])
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
-    def test_breadth_first_get_recipe_starting_a_ghost_ghost_is_excluded(self):
+    def test_breadth_first_get_result_starting_a_ghost_ghost_is_excluded(self):
         graph = self.make_graph({
@@ -841,15 +850,15 @@
         expected = [
             (set(['head', 'ghost']),
              (set(['head', 'ghost']), set(['child', 'ghost']), 1),
-             ['ghost'], None),
+             ['head'], ['ghost'], None),
             (set(['head', 'child', 'ghost']),
              (set(['head', 'ghost']), set([NULL_REVISION, 'ghost']), 2),
-             None, None),
+             ['head', 'child'], None, None),
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search,
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search,
         # using next_with_ghosts:
         search = graph._make_breadth_first_searcher(['head'])
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
     def test_breadth_first_revision_count_includes_NULL_REVISION(self):
         graph = self.make_graph({
@@ -861,17 +870,17 @@
         expected = [
              (set(['head']), set([NULL_REVISION]), 1),
-             None, None),
+             ['head'], None, None),
             (set(['head', NULL_REVISION]),
              (set(['head']), set([]), 2),
-             None, None),
+             ['head', NULL_REVISION], None, None),
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search,
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search,
         # using next_with_ghosts:
         search = graph._make_breadth_first_searcher(['head'])
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
-    def test_breadth_first_search_get_recipe_after_StopIteration(self):
+    def test_breadth_first_search_get_result_after_StopIteration(self):
         # StopIteration should not invalid anything..
         graph = self.make_graph({
@@ -882,24 +891,27 @@
         expected = [
              (set(['head']), set([NULL_REVISION]), 1),
-             None, None),
+             ['head'], None, None),
             (set(['head', 'ghost', NULL_REVISION]),
              (set(['head', 'ghost']), set(['ghost']), 2),
-             ['ghost'], None),
+             ['head', NULL_REVISION], ['ghost'], None),
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search,
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search,
         self.assertEqual(set(['head', 'ghost', NULL_REVISION]), search.seen)
+        result = search.get_result()
         self.assertEqual((set(['ghost', 'head']), set(['ghost']), 2),
-            search.get_recipe())
+            result.get_recipe())
+        self.assertEqual(set(['head', NULL_REVISION]), result.get_keys())
         # using next_with_ghosts:
         search = graph._make_breadth_first_searcher(['head'])
-        self.assertSeenAndRecipes(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
+        self.assertSeenAndResult(expected, search, search.next_with_ghosts)
         self.assertEqual(set(['head', 'ghost', NULL_REVISION]), search.seen)
+        result = search.get_result()
         self.assertEqual((set(['ghost', 'head']), set(['ghost']), 2),
-            search.get_recipe())
+            result.get_recipe())
+        self.assertEqual(set(['head', NULL_REVISION]), result.get_keys())
 class TestCachingParentsProvider(tests.TestCase):

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