Rev 639: Merge 0.4 documentation updates. in file:///data/jelmer/bzr-svn/noschemes/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sun Feb 3 14:55:28 GMT 2008

At file:///data/jelmer/bzr-svn/noschemes/

revno: 639
revision-id:jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: noschemes
timestamp: Sun 2008-02-03 15:55:27 +0100
  Merge 0.4 documentation updates.
  FAQ                            faq-20070910195147-p9u38s9wplds2d4o-1
  NEWS                           news-20061231030336-h9fhq245ie0de8bs-1
    revno: 579.1.320
    revision-id:jelmer at
    parent: jelmer at
    committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
    branch nick: 0.4
    timestamp: Sun 2008-02-03 15:16:49 +0100
      Update formatting of FAQ file.
      FAQ                            faq-20070910195147-p9u38s9wplds2d4o-1
    revno: 579.1.319
    revision-id:jelmer at
    parent: jelmer at
    committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
    branch nick: 0.4
    timestamp: Sun 2008-02-03 15:12:23 +0100
      Update NEWS.
      NEWS                           news-20061231030336-h9fhq245ie0de8bs-1
=== modified file 'FAQ'
--- a/FAQ	2008-01-29 12:19:43 +0000
+++ b/FAQ	2008-02-03 14:16:49 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-#FORMAT rst
+bzr-svn frequently asked questions
+.. contents::
 Bazaar is using a lot of memory accessing a Subversion repository
 bzr-svn can use a lot of memory cloning big branches when older 
 versions of the python-subversion bindings are used. This memory leak 
 has been fixed in the trunk of Subversion (r28544) and has been 
@@ -11,9 +13,8 @@
 One way to work around this problem is to Ctrl+C the branch operation 
 and restart it.
 I am unable to access a repository that requires user/password authentication.
 The Python bindings required for password prompting are only present in 
 version 1.5 of Subversion so password prompting is only possible if 
 you have that version installed.
@@ -23,9 +24,8 @@
 the password by accessing the repository using the Subversion command-line 
 client. For example, try running 'svn info <url>'.
 Trying to branch into repository gives an error about incompatibility.
 Creating a repository and then trying to clone a Subversion branch into 
 that repository may cause the following error:
@@ -41,18 +41,16 @@
  $ bzr upgrade --rich-root-pack
 Pushing a branch that didn't exist in Subversion yet with `bzr push` fails.
 At the moment, only `bzr svn-push` can be used to push new branches into 
+Subversion. Future releases will include this functionality in `bzr push`.
 More information can be found in the bug report at:
 Cloning a large Subversion branch is very slow
 There is no way around this at the moment, because Bazaar has to import all 
 the history from the Subversion branch as it doesn't support so-called 
 history horizons yet. 
@@ -60,9 +58,8 @@
 More information about history horizons can be found at:
 The Bazaar revno's differ from the Subversion revno's
 That's right. Bazaar revision numbers are per-branch, whereas Subversion revno's are per-repository. If you 
 would like to use Subversion revision numbers, use the "svn:" revision specifier. For example:
@@ -70,18 +67,16 @@
   $ bzr ls -rsvn:34 svn://
 Bazaar reports branches have diverged while pulling, when they haven't
 As of version 0.4, bzr-svn creates revisions with different revision ids than 
 previous versions. In other words, existing bzr-svn branches created with 
 0.3.x can not be used directly with 0.4.0 but will have to be upgraded to 
 work with 0.4.0 using the "bzr svn-upgrade" command. The bzr-rebase package 
 has to be installed for this command to work correctly.
 Is it possible to keep the author name when pushing changes into Subversion?
 Yes, but this requires the repository to allow revision property changes. 
 See hooks/pre-revprop-change in the Subversion repository for 
@@ -90,17 +85,15 @@
 You also need to enable support for this in bzr-svn by setting 
 override-svn-revprops to True in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf.
 I converted my Subversion repository using svn-import, but now all branches are empty!
 bzr-svn does not create working trees by default. If you need 
 the working trees, run "bzr checkout" in the branch or 
 specify --trees to svn-import.
 bzr-svn did a replace operation when I tried to push a merge commit to Subversion
 Yes, this is because bzr-svn has to preserve the left-hand side history of your 

=== modified file 'NEWS'
--- a/NEWS	2008-02-01 13:25:44 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	2008-02-03 14:55:27 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 bzr-svn 0.4.8	UNRELEASED
+   * Fix path to URL conversion for Windows NT.
+   * Allow multiple mappings to be available at the same time.
 bzr-svn 0.4.7	2008-02-01

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